Chapter 201 Demon Emperor Tomb
"That's the Banished Immortal, he's here too!"

"For the Emperor's Tomb, I'm afraid even Di Tian, ​​the Great Demon God and others will come back from the depths of the ancient road!"

Trialists who set foot on the ancient road cannot go back according to the rules unless they give up the trial.But there are always exceptions to everything. If some amazing and talented people have made great contributions to the ancient road, they will be rewarded with a mobile array called the Shenguang Terrace, which can shuttle around the ancient road.

Of course, this is unfair to the latecomers, so the guardians of the human race stipulated that they should not take action against the latecomers.

"The young supreme beings from the ancient road of the human race gathered together, do you think there will be a peerless war?"


As soon as Xu Yu appeared, he quickly attracted the attention of many people. Seeing him enter the Xingyun Building, they all changed the original topic, as if discussing in a low voice.

"Look, Fairy Qingshi is here too. I'm afraid the young supreme beings of the human race will really meet in this Star Market!"

"She formed an alliance with Ditian, and the two of them paid a lot of attention. Maybe Ditian will come soon."

Fairy Qingshi is famous for moving the ancient road. Over the years, she has visited Ruins City more than once for the Emperor's Tomb. Now that she reappears here, she is naturally recognized by many people. With her peerless appearance, she can't help but attract people's attention.

She is known as the exiled fairy, and she is a focal point no matter where she goes. Whether it is her own morality or appearance, it is rare on the ancient road.

She didn't say anything, a little detached, she found a seat at random and sat down, her eyes rolled, and she inadvertently took a deep look at Xu Yu.

Seeing this, Xu Yu smiled calmly, and raised his wine glass as a signal, without any disturbance in his heart. This fairy who moved the ancient road was just like that in his eyes.

Suddenly, the entire Xingyun Building trembled, and a somewhat thin figure entered the place, exuding a shocking aura, which made many monks frightened.

He was full of blood, as if he had slaughtered hundreds of millions of creatures. Even a saint could not help being terrified when he saw him, like a demon king descending.

"The Great Demon God Gu Huang has also returned!" Someone exclaimed.

Then, many people stood up and gave up a lot of seats, because the Great Demon God was a bloodthirsty person, and many people were extremely afraid.

He went straight to a table next to Xu Yu and sat down without saying a word, the surrounding tables were completely empty, no one dared to be next to each other.

"Will... the Great Demon God start a fight with the Banished Immortal?" Seeing this, the people in the Xingyun Tower speculated in low voices.

In Guhuang, in a certain battle a few years ago, one person destroyed an ancient life star, and no one could escape, and all the living beings on that ancient life star became dead bones.

Killing the heavens, and the sea of ​​blood piercing the body, this is his way, and it is also the origin of the title of Great Demon God.

But the current him made Xu Yu not interested at all. After all, the current combat power of the two is very different, so Xu Yu naturally has no interest in him.

After a brief silence, the Xingyun Building resumed its bustle. The tables around the Great Demon God and Xu Yu were empty, and almost everyone stayed away from them.

Of course, although people keep their distance from them, they will not scare them away. There are guardians guarding here, and no one will be allowed to mess around.

However, there will definitely be a war in the Star Market.Whether it is the strongest of the older generation or the Tianjiao of the younger generation, they have all followed here one after another, and the situation is very complicated.

There may be various duels, vendettas.


Suddenly, a roar of a tiger resounded, shaking the whole city. A stone tiger pulled a green gold chariot and appeared outside the city of Xu.

holy spirit!

People changed color, this is the most powerful and terrifying Holy Spirit family, descended on the ancient city of the human race, causing panic.

Although they are very rare in number, and it is difficult to see a few of them in a star field, their strength is indisputably powerful, and they are known as invincible at the same level.

"A fellow Taoist from the lineage of the Holy Spirit came to the holy city of the human race. I don't know what this means?" The guardian of the Taoist city in the ruins sent a sound transmission, which made the magnificent giant city tremble.

"We have no other intentions. We just came here for the emperor's tomb." Two stone figures walked out of the green-gold chariot. A feeling of lethargy.

This is an invincible Holy Spirit in his later years.

Beside it, there is also a gray stone man, exuding an extremely vigorous aura. It is a young holy spirit, but its strength is still very terrifying.

There was a sharp light in their eyes, and everyone in the oppressive city trembled. Fortunately, they didn't let out their breath deliberately, otherwise few people could bear it.

It's really a gathering of the most powerful people from all races, but if I don't take action, I'm afraid you will have to wait for some years to open the tomb of the Demon Emperor. "

Xu Yu in the Xingyun Tower looked at the Holy Spirit who entered the Ruins City from a distance, and said to himself.

If he, the "prophet", didn't act, according to the original timeline, it would take at least ten or twenty years for Zhuxiong to enter the Demon Emperor's Tomb.

Suddenly, there was a sudden silence in the Xingyun Building, and everyone looked at the entrance, where a stone man walked in, it was the young Holy Spirit who had just entered the market.

The aura that it exudes, if it exists, is even more depressing than the murderous aura of the Great Demon God.

This is a stone man in the late stage of the Saint King realm. It is extremely terrifying. The Great Saint can't be seen, and there is almost no one in the world who can match it.


As the stone man entered the Xingyun Building, a golden divine ring suddenly appeared behind Xu Yu, making him look like a god.

"That's a golden curse, the Banished Immortal killed the Holy Spirit!
When many people saw this scene, they all exclaimed in low voices.

At the burial place of gods and ghosts in level No.30, Xu Yu beheaded a stone man, and when the holy spirit was about to die, he cast a final curse on him.

Although it couldn't hurt him at all, this curse of the Holy Spirit was very strange and difficult to remove. As long as the Holy Spirit approached Xu Yu, a golden divine ring would appear behind him.


Suddenly, the stone man who had just entered had a fierce look in his eyes, and his incomparably powerful aura erupted overwhelmingly, causing the entire Xingyun Tower to shake, as if it was about to collapse.

As for the people sitting on all sides, most of them also had ugly faces, and their bodies were almost imprisoned and suppressed, making it difficult to move.

The name of this stone man was Cang Zhe. It stared at Xu Yu, looked at the golden ring behind him, and said coldly, "Have you ever killed a member of my clan?"

The holy spirits are all raised by nature. Logically speaking, they have nothing to do with each other, but the family seems to be extremely united. If anyone kills their tribe, as long as they are found, they will be hunted down by the holy spirit family .

"Killed!" Xu Yu's indifferent words resounded, not paying attention to Cang Zhe's monstrous murderous intent at all.

"Then you have to die today!" Cang Zhe's face was cold, and he stepped forward step by step, and actually wanted to do something in this Xingyun building.

"Within the holy city, no violence is allowed!"

When the war was about to break out, a loud voice sounded, containing a powerful aura, which made Cang Zhe change color. It was a warning from the guardian of the human race, a great sage and strong man.

"Fellow Daoist, why don't you let them learn a lesson or two?"

As soon as the words of the guardian of the human race fell, the voice of the peerless holy spirit who entered the city not long ago and wanted to discuss the emperor's tomb together also came out.

"Human race, dare to fight?" Cang Zhe shouted with murderous intent in his eyes. He was not only challenging Xu Yu, but also the human race.

"Humph, it's just the Holy Spirit, so I'll blow up another one today!" Xu Yu's eyes showed a cold look, and he stepped forward, turning into a stream of light, and instantly left the Xingyun Tower, and then left the Holy City, standing up. In the vast starry sky.


The people of the entire star land were boiling, and countless strong men left the holy city one after another, and went to the outside world to fight. The young supreme of the human race fought against the strong men of the Holy Spirit family. This is a rare showdown in the world.


Cang Zhe also came to the starry sky, shouted loudly, his stone body was almost transparent, his blood was surging to the sky, bursting out with brilliant light, and there was a kind of immortal energy flowing.

With a loud roar, he directly shattered some meteorites nearby, turning them all into pieces of dust.

Among the crowd watching the battle, some relied on their advanced cultivation and got too close, and suffered a devastating blow. More than a dozen people on the scene collapsed and turned into bloody bones.

Some of the saints among them were severely injured, their bodies were torn apart by the roar, and after struggling to reorganize their bodies, they retreated into the distance with lingering fear.

Xu Yu yelled softly, containing the power of the mantra "Ba" Tianyin, completely dispelling his roar.

Then, he waved his fist like divine gold.Blooming immortal and boundless brilliance, just like a god descending to the world.

The blood in the body boiled, and there was a thunderous and tsunami-like sound, shaking the entire starry sky violently.

Xu Yu's supernatural power stands in the infinite light, and his fist seal carries the general trend of the world, waving the world's mighty power to hit the front!


Hundreds of millions of rays of light erupted from the body of the stone man Cang Zhe, so bright that people couldn't look directly at it.

As God's darling, there is the most primitive law of heaven and earth in his body, which is now activated to kill the enemy.

This is the source of the invincibility of the Holy Spirit lineage!

There was a sound of heaven and earth breaking, and the two fists collided, the vast energy fluctuations dispersed, and the chaotic haze surged, as if this void was about to be beaten back to the beginning of chaos.

This was an earth-shattering duel. Both of them fought with all their strength to decide the outcome and life or death. It was extremely terrifying.


Blood was splattering, countless lights were surging, and accompanied by bursts of bloody smell, the first fight had a result.

In the boundless light, one figure remained motionless, while another figure flew upside down out of the area shrouded in brilliance.

Everyone was extremely nervous, their hearts were raised in their throats, and their hearts were anxious. They were paying close attention to this battle, which was equivalent to a battle between the human race and the holy spirit race.

"The one who flew upside down was the Banished Immortal, did he lose?"

Many people's hearts turned cold on the spot, and a haze rose in their hearts. Could it be that the Holy Spirit is really invincible!
"The outstanding people from Zundi Star... can't compete with the Holy Spirit!" Many people watching the battle clenched their fists, their eyes full of unwillingness.

The peerless old Holy Spirit in a certain area had a cold and cruel smile on the corner of his mouth as he stared at the battlefield.

"The Banished Immortal was not injured, what dripped from his fist was the blood of the Holy Spirit!" Suddenly, someone shouted.

One word stirred up thousands of layers of waves, and everyone looked at the terrifying fist. There was no scar, and it was stained with the blood of the opponent.

All of a sudden, there was a din of people, like a flood erupting, and the Star Market was full of noise.

Xu Yu was not knocked into the air, but smashed half of Cang Zhe's stone body and charged towards him.

"Since ancient times, Zundixing has always been a peerless powerhouse, how could it be easily defeated..." At this moment, some people watching the battle shouted loudly, expressing their opinions.

"The holy spirit is invincible, today this myth will be broken in the hands of our human race!" Many people shouted.

The impact of this battle was immediate. Many people's confidence swelled, and the haze in their hearts was swept away, as if they were filled with a huge wave of faith.

The human race and the holy spirit fought against each other at the same level, and they were all destroyed. Everyone present felt blood boiled, and felt that there was a prehistoric power in their bodies.

"It's not over yet!" The glaring light dissipated, revealing Cang Zhe's figure. Half of his stone body was broken, dripping with blood, and he looked extremely miserable.

With a cold expression, he swept over everyone like a demon god, and then stared at Xu Yu opposite.

"This battle has not yet been decided!"

He roared up to the sky, his stone hair stood on end, emitting a dazzling brilliance, containing powerful divine power.

The whole body of the stone body was glowing, and one after another ancient runes emerged, revolving around him, which were the original imprints of heaven and earth conceiving him.

"I am the son of God, born to be invincible!"

Half of his stone body creaked, and it was repaired in a blink of an eye, and then he waved countless ancient imprints, and the whole sky seemed to fall down, filled with unrivaled power to kill Xu Yu.

The sky and the earth trembled, and many gods of the Dao appeared, and joined with them, adding infinite power to the body, and the stone man was protected by the blessings of the gods, and his whole body was full of brilliance.

At this time, he seems to have become the spokesperson of heaven and earth, exuding an invincible aura.

But at this moment, Xu Yu suddenly withdrew the blood of the sky, and the immeasurable light on his body also dissipated, as if everything had returned to ordinary.

Many secret techniques and supernatural powers flashed in his mind one by one, but he didn't use them at the moment, as if he had fallen into some kind of mysterious enlightenment.

Facing the peerless attack of the Holy Spirit, he just casually raised his palm and pressed it out, appearing very calm.

The result was very unexpected, the stone man Cang Zhe was directly smashed to pieces by a palm, the bright red blood spattered and stained the starry sky.

"How is this possible, it even easily shattered Xeon's stone body!"

At this moment, the guardian of the human race, the peerless old holy spirit, and several great saints of different races who came here to explore the tomb of the Xingxu Emperor all showed their expressions of emotion.

They could see through their current cultivation levels. Cang Zhe, a stone man of the Holy Spirit Clan, had gone farther than Xu Yu in the realm of the Saint King, but his whole body was shattered by a wave of his hand. This is unbelievable.

"All supernatural powers and secret techniques are just forms, and the one who is truly powerful is his own body." Xu Yu silently comprehended that at this moment he had stepped into the forbidden realm of the gods and stood in the forbidden realm.

Cang Zhe, a stone man of the Holy Spirit family, is in the late stage of the Saint King realm. With the peerless combat power of this family, he can be said to be an invincible existence under the Great Saint.

But at this moment, it was shattered by Xu Yufeng's palm, which is completely beyond common sense.

The heroes who watched the battle seemed to be cursed, motionless, all silent, as if their bodies were frozen, deadly silent.

Even the great sages of the clans who came for the emperor's mausoleum were moved, their brows were wrinkled, and they stared at the proud figure with complicated eyes.

Under the starry sky, Xu Yu was independent, with flying black hair, emptiness in his heart, no murderous look in his eyes, calm but peaceful face, watching the sun and moon turning, and the stars shining brightly.

He entered the forbidden realm of the gods, and was in a mysterious and mysterious state. Both his physical body and his soul had been sublimated to the peak of his life, reaching the strongest state of a person.


Although the stone man Cang Zhe was beaten to pieces, he did not die completely. At this moment, he was roaring angrily, full of humiliation. He is the son of God, the name of invincibility, and he was completely suppressed by a human race today!
This is something that has never happened before. Since his debut, he has been sweeping his opponents all the way, and no one can stop his footsteps.

Today, he wanted to avenge his own clan, but in the end, he lost to the other party, became a loser, and suffered a heavy injury that he couldn't want, which was a great blow to Cang Zhe.

Countless original imprints emerged in the starry sky, bursting with immortal light, Cang Zhe was covered in blood, his gray hair was loose, and once again repaired his stone body with divine blood.

He was unwilling, full of anger, and he didn't want to sink, but wanted to wash away the shame by defeating the human race's pride on the opposite side.

"God bless you, in heaven and earth, I am the only one!"

Cang Zhe roared, this is his fighting spirit, his unyielding will, the indestructible divine power swept across, the whole body was dazzling, the injured body was repaired, and reached the best condition.


A terrifying aura that overwhelmed the Nine Heavens emanated, as if the will of the Dao of Heaven had blessed Cang Zhe's body, permeating the wave of divine energy that overwhelmed the world.

"The holy spirit is invincible..." Cang Zhe shouted, raising his combat power to the extreme. The terrifying fluctuations made many people feel depressed. He roared and killed Xu Yu, trying to crush the human race opposite him.

Everyone was stunned, including the guardians of the human race, who couldn't help but gasp. With this kind of domineering posture, who can compete with it, the Holy Spirit is invincible at the same level, it is not as simple as it is said.

(End of this chapter)

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