Chapter 203 Yuan Star Domain
Ever since Xu Yu killed the Peerless Holy Spirit, Xu Yu's prestige and achievements have been sung all over the Starry Sky Ancient Road, saying that he is the No.

But Xu Yu didn't take it seriously, he knew that this era is a splendid world since ancient times.

Not to mention the arrogance among peers.There are also many supreme figures of the older generation gathered here, such as the Golden Crow Emperor who is still in nirvana among the demon clan, and the emperor of the gods. These people are only a step away from the emperor.

What's more, in this life, there will be the strongest Eucharist in history.

For a long time, the goal of Xu Yu's practice was not to prove the Tao. He always thought that becoming the Great Emperor was just the beginning, and there was still a long way to go.


The Primordial Star Realm is located on the fulcrum of the ancient golden road. It is said that there are too many powerful races living here.

It is said that there is also a quasi-emperor sitting on the ancient star of Yuanming, whose strength is extremely powerful.

Ever since Xu Yu and the others returned without success at the Demon Emperor's Tomb, Xu Yu took Lin Chuan to the Golden Branch Road to start the trial.

The Golden Road is worthy of being the place where all the talents in the universe compete.There are countless masters inside, and what's more, some star fields connected by the Golden Road are extremely powerful.

After six years of fighting, Xu Yu also reached the level of the king of heaven.Along the way, there are constant fierce battles, enlightenment, acting, and constant competition with the arrogance of various races.

In the constant struggle, Xu Yu and the others came to Yuanxing Realm, where too many mythical races lived, such as Qiongqi, Taotie and other fierce beasts.

There are also countless powerful orthodoxy standing here. Although the power of the extreme way is not as powerful as that of the Big Dipper Starfield, there are also two descendants of the ancient queens of the human race from the ancient times who live here.

Like the orthodoxy of the Ziwei Starfield, they don't have extreme emperor soldiers, but there are supreme masters in the clan.

"Cough", "cough".
"Brother, leave me alone, hurry up and go."

At this moment, in the Yuan Star Domain, there was a chase going on, Xu Yu was holding the Yuanshi Seal to confront an enemy shrouded in black mist, and there were other people interfering with Xu Yu.

Lin Chuan, who is weaker, is now dying. He was injured by the enemy in the black mist, leaving an indelible wound, and his whole body is now extremely weak.

"Banxian, hand over the artifact and let you go, otherwise...hehe"

I saw the people in the black mist speak the cruelest words in the calmest words.

But he does have this strength.He is one of the few quasi-emperor masters under the starry sky today, and his name is Yuan Ming.

It is the ninth grandson of an ancient emperor of Yuan and Ming Dynasties in ancient times. He returned to his ancestors with the blood of God, and his blood is extremely rich.

When Xu Yu and the others came to the ancient star of Yuan Ming for the trial, he had his eye on the seal of Yuan Shi in Xu Yu's hand.

After knowing that Xu Yu and the others were practitioners on the ancient Starry Sky Road, in the name of Emperor Zhun, he called on the practitioners on the ancient star of Yuanming Dynasty to "take good care" of Xu Yu and them.

Under the call of a quasi-emperor in the Yuan Star Region, Xu Yu and the others had a hard time in this star region, except for the few days when they just arrived, which were relatively quiet.

Then he was hunted down by countless monks in the entire Yuanming area.Every day, they were either killing or on the way to kill. In the process of chasing and being hunted all the way, Xu Yu was brave and invincible. address.

So far, Xu Yu has killed the two great saints in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, which forced the black hands behind the scenes to surface.

"A majestic quasi-emperor, the head of the Yuan Star Domain would actually do such a dirty trick, it's a shame to the ancient emperor of your clan!"

Xu Yu said to Yuan Ming in a cold voice.

"Since ancient times, kings have been kings and bandits have been defeated. If I kill you today, not only will I get an emperor soldier, but it will also strengthen my clan's heritage. Why not do it?"

"If you want to blame you, you have strange treasures, but you don't have the strength to keep this kind of medical insurance. Although you can activate this imperial weapon, your strength is far from mine. You can only fight as a trapped beast! "

Yuan Ming said as if the world was under his control.

"It's nice to say, if you weren't afraid of my emperor soldiers, then you would have made a move long ago. Why did you send the great saints of the entire ancient star to die?"

"However, I did not expect that, as a descendant of the ancient emperor, he would collude with other races and harm his compatriots."

When Xu Yue arrived on this ancient star, she discovered that the powerful human race on this ancient star was very powerful, while the weak human race could only be reduced to the blood of one family, showing a serious polarization.

"Sure enough, the person who treats his compatriots the hardest is not the enemy, but his own people. It is the same whether it is in the previous life Blue Star or in this practice world."

"Only the elites of their own country are the most experienced in oppressing and exploiting their fellow countrymen"

"However, in the world of practice, although the politicians of Blue Star have no money in their methods, they are also the most direct and ruthless. They are the most direct and ruthless. They will kill you and will not give you a chance, because they are very clear about their own weaknesses. Which."

Xu Yu recalled the things he experienced in his previous life in his mind, and couldn't help but feel:
"Sure enough, only when one's own strength is strong can one ignore any threats."

The time it took for Xu Yi to recall the memories of his previous life seemed to be very long, but in fact it only passed for a moment.After all, he is still confronting a quasi-emperor now.

"Although you are the quasi-emperor, as long as I have the emperor's army in hand, you will never be able to do anything to me?"

Xu Yu knew that the other party was an unrivaled powerhouse like Zhundi, and it was impossible to resist it with ordinary combat power, so he could only rely on Yuanshi Yin to maintain his own survival.

He knows very clearly that if he listens to the threat from the other side, he will put down the trump card in his hand just like in the previous life.Isn't it just stupid to put all your wealth and life in the hands of another party?And still very ignorant.

Throughout the ages.Whether it is past life or present life.There is a minimum bottom line for being a human being, that is, don't expose your hole cards to the eyes of others, let alone hand over your last hole cards to others.In that case, everything about you will be controlled by others, and life would be worse than death.


"I don't believe that you can revive the emperor's soldiers anytime and anywhere!"

After listening to Xu Yu's words, Yuan Ming naturally knew that although the other party's level was lower than his, but he possessed such a powerful weapon as the extreme emperor soldier, and he could revive the emperor soldier?
If he seized it by force, he would definitely be backlashed by the emperor's soldiers.Because after all, Emperor Bing and Xu Yu are bound together.

If you act rashly, you will be attacked by the emperor's army, and the loss outweighs the gain.


Although they seem to be negotiating.But once they get the chance, they will go all out to each other.It was as if Xu Yu found such a chance at this moment, urging Yuan Shiyin to attack Yuan Ming with all his strength.

For a moment, two groups of scorching rays of light filled the sky above the ancient star of Yuanming, and they collided continuously. The ripples emitted by the collision between the two swayed into the depths of the universe like waves. Wherever the ripples passed, in the starry sky, Nothing is immortal.

Xu Yu naturally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity.Use ground soldiers to kill him, otherwise, it would be a terrible thing for anyone to be targeted by a quasi-emperor.

After all, there is only a thousand days to be a thief, and there is no reason to prevent a thief for a thousand days.

Whenever Xu Yu activates the original seal.When it was like Yuan Ming, the opponent would quickly distance himself, unwilling to collide with the ground soldiers.On the contrary, when Xu Yu's divine power is slightly insufficient, the opponent will also frantically kill Xu Yu.

But fortunately, the opponent had some scruples and did not dare to confront the extreme emperor soldiers, so Xu Yu was able to survive the collision of the extreme emperor soldiers.

At the same time, it is also because the opponent has just entered the quasi-emperor realm, and the time has not been very long, and the combat power and law and order are far behind.

That's why Xu Yu was able to survive until now, and he still had time to rescue Lin Chuan.


With Xue Yu urging Yuan Shiyin's continuous attack, Yuan Ming was repelled again.

It wasn't because he was repelled head-on, but because the other party was afraid of the power of the extreme god, and he was afraid that Xu Yu would suddenly use the extreme emperor's soldiers to attack him.

So he chose the kite-hanging tactic to use his more powerful divine power to consume him to death.

Xu Yue naturally saw the distance.But now he has no other choice but to mobilize and go there to help himself and Lin Chuan at all times, because Emperor Zhun is not only superb in medical skills, but also very powerful.

Piece after piece of star field visions shrouded Xu Yu's body, making him look like a real fairy.

On the opposite side, Yuan Ming's whole body was shrouded in black mist, leaving only two gods blooming in his eyes, and the two gods' lights shot directly at Xu Yu.

During the constant collisions, Xu Yu's divine power gradually spread, bringing him to the most dangerous moment.

After all, the realm of difference between the two is too huge.At this moment, Xu Yu knew very clearly that it is now impossible to completely kill the opponent through Yuan Shiyin.

Now Local Area wants to get rid of the farmer on the opposite side, there are only two ways, either to kill him completely, or to leave fundamentally.

Originally, Xu Yu's idea was to encircle Wei and save Zhao, and use Yuanshi Yin to directly destroy the ancient star of Yuanming, which is a method to save oneself when attacking the enemy.

But Xu Yu was hesitant to do it. One is that Emperor Zhun is indeed very terrifying, and the other is that the opponent is obviously not a serious person. He is a person who can cruelly treat his brothers and sisters. I don't care about the life and death of people in my hometown.

So now Xu Yu can only rely on the ever-recovering Yuan Shi Yin in his hand to kill him.

Even if he can't kill him head-on, he just needs to find a way to aggravate his injuries so that he can't come out to disturb Xu Yu's plan in a short period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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