Chapter 212
In the dark universe, a piece of island reef floating, vague, long-standing, inaccessible, is this the other side of the ancient mythology?

The only stars shimmering, can not illuminate the whole of it, the phantom on the island reef is hazy, almost nothing, who is he and why is he here?

Facing him, everyone was in awe, as if facing an immortal ancient god, their bones trembled, and they wanted to kneel down.

On the islands and reefs, the blurred figure resonates with all the Taos around it, and the sound of the sky is loud, like a Taoist ancestor talking about heaven and earth, explaining the secret of the immortality of the long monk.

The level of this person is immeasurable, and it makes people's soul throbbing. Even if they are as strong as Xu Yu, they don't say a word, just watching quietly from a distance.

The other young supreme beings who survived by chance were also silent, standing on one side, calmly paying attention, who is this person?It's too mysterious!
The fragrance of the medicine was strong, the sky was crystal clear, and ancient medicines would fall from time to time. Xu Yu spread out his palm, and a purple cloud vine with a medicine age of 2 years was secretly captured by him with the word Bing, steaming purple mist, and appeared in his palm.

"This is a bit unbelievable, it's too weird, where did this herb come from, how could it keep falling from the sky, where is the source?" Ning Yi searched with a strong spiritual sense, but to no avail.

The most brilliant medicinal herb is naturally the leaves of the ancient tree of life, which are translucent and full of energy, gradually brightening up the dark universe.

They turned into a rain of light and fell into the void, causing a great commotion. The overlords, commanders, and kings among the ancient beasts all fought for each other, fighting for their lives and splashing blood.

Not to mention them, even many young supreme beings joined in. There are dozens of leaves of the ancient tree of life, each of which is a treasure, and the brilliance it draws is shocking.

Even Guxuan and the others beside Xu Yu were ready to move, wanting to strengthen the fairy leaves that fell from these ancient trees of life.

But they were all stopped by Xu Yu.In Xu Yi's view, the leaves of the fruit tree of life are certainly infinitely wonderful.But the pressure of the competition is too great after all, many young supreme beings and fierce beasts in the sea are all vying for it, and it is not a real elixir.Just a leaf.

Because Xu Yu knew that in the Divine Realm opposite the other bank, there was a real ancient tree of life.

It was something that Di Yidao wanted to take back with all his efforts, but now Xu Yu came earlier than them, so naturally he would not let a real immortal tree go.

Because of this, Xu Yu cared more about the various holy medicines that flew over with the leaves.

Under Xu Yu's secret instruction.The few people around him also rushed to the places where the precious and rare holy medicines were, and participated in the competition.

One thing I have to say is that the young Supreme who has come to the other side of the myth at this moment still has certain problems in his quality.

Apart from Xu Yu and the others, there is only one Holy Spirit who can see through the strength, able to fight in and out among many ancient beasts to compete for the leaves of the ancient tree of life.

The others were fighting bloody battles with all their strength, surrounded by endless beasts, and kept bleeding.

It is far less powerful than those young supreme beings who accompanied Xu Yu when he came to the other side of the myth in the original book.

In Xu Yu's memory, it will take decades before the Mythical Other Shore is opened before they can cross the sea of ​​suffering of Lingbao Tianzun and reach the other shore.

However, everything is not so unique.After Xu Yu's investigation in the past few days, not long ago, a brother and sister followed a coffin through the sea of ​​suffering.

In other words, the current sea of ​​suffering cannot be overcome, not because the timing has not yet arrived, but because the strength is not strong enough.

But even so, even Xu Yuxian's cultivation in the Great God Realm.I am afraid that it is also difficult to overcome the sea of ​​suffering.

Only by relying on the power of Yuanshiyin can we reach the other shore.

With the passage of time, the battle near the bitter sea on the other side came to an end.Undoubtedly, the one who gained the most was the Holy Spirit, when Xu Yu and the others had no intention of competing for some leaves from the Ancient Tree of Life.

With his extraordinary and holy strength, the Holy Spirit killed him forcefully.After several young supreme beings who wanted to fight for the fairy leaves from him.No one dares to fight.

With Xu Yu and the others, they also obtained a lot of holy medicines, and even some little medicine kings and medicine kings.


Suddenly, there was a terrifying wave in the sea of ​​bitterness, and a peerless battle broke out in front of it. The purple energy was overwhelming, and the divine power was overwhelming, as if an ancient god was awakening.

The young supreme beings who were about to engage in a bloody battle were all shocked at this moment, stopped and looked into the distance.

The phoenix howled in the sky, and there was a huge lightning phoenix flying across the sky, its wings were like clouds hanging from the sky, it drowned the whole world, and it soared ninety thousand miles.

It was a terrifying sight, this phoenix bird was extremely powerful, ranked in the Great Sacred Realm, and it was the Beast Master.

But now he was in great trouble. In the towering purple mist, a pair of icy eyes stared at him, and a figure like an ancient corpse emerged out of the bone-chilling cold.

The phoenix roared loudly, and its huge wings cracked the sky, causing the vast sea to heave, and the tsunami touched the sky, and it was as if the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed.

However, the mist and drinking sky wiped out all the golden light, and that vague figure rushed to the front of Huangniao, fighting with it, which was incomparably tragic.

In just a short while, there was a golden drop of blood and wine, like a torrential rain pouring on the black sea of ​​bitterness, triggering various visions.

"Who is that person, who wounded a supreme sage with just ten strokes, it is very likely that he will be killed, what is the origin of this!?
The young Supremes were shocked for a while, even though they had endless potential, terrible inheritance, and rare secret treasures from ancient times, they were still heartbroken.

That is the Lightning Phoenix Bird, a very powerful Great Sage, but at this time, he is in an absolutely passive position, and it is very likely that he will perish.

I saw a faint purple glow in the eyes of the person who fought against the Lightning Phoenix Bird.

That Zixia is blooming in his eyes, and Ziwu is the blood energy in his body, the most rigid and powerful, is a god of heaven, extremely terrifying.

This is the ancient great sage with the blood of the heavens flowing in his body. His power is overwhelming and terrifying. The phoenix is ​​originally the most powerful person in the same rank, and the blood of the race determines their unique strength!
But at this moment, it was not enough to look at at all. It looked like an ordinary big bird that was chasing and killing people. It was covered in blood, and a red wing was almost torn off.

This is a rare Xeon frost body that has been gone for tens of thousands of years, and it has been revived for unknown reasons. Although there are no moves or ancient techniques, this Xeon body makes the gods and demons tremble.The faint wail of the lightning phoenix bird was not an opponent at all.

"Is this the successful overlord body?" Xu Yu said to himself, his eyes flickering, once this kind of blood grows up, it can really command gods and demons and become invincible.

The lightning phoenix flew straight up to the blue clouds, wanting to sink into the universe.Escape from this sea of ​​bitterness.

However, he did not have this opportunity.The most powerful man of the heaven's domineering blood is astonishing in the past and the present, and it is rare to meet an opponent in the world, otherwise he would not be called the enemy of the Eucharist.

This is the corpse of a great sage. At this moment, the blood of Changtian Tiantian surged like thunder, releasing the power of immortality. He soared into the sky and grabbed Daju.

With a puff, blood splashed like a torrential rain, and the ancient corpse tore off one of the golden wings of Tianpeng, which was extremely bloody and brutal.

The lightning phoenix screamed, full of despair, the ancient corpse grabbed him and could no longer break free, like a most terrifying god and demon trying to kill his body.

The domineering eyes are cold.The purple light flashed, and with a strong pull, the phoenix bird was split, and its primordial spirit was caught and shattered as soon as it rushed out, turning into fly ash.

In the sea of ​​bitterness, the lone bird was silent, only the golden road blood was spilling, and the two halves of the corpses fell into the black ocean with a bang, stirring up monstrous waves.

"He is a corpse, but he has revived, and gradually possessed the unrivaled combat power of his life. What's going on?" A young Supreme said to himself, with a serious look on his face.

The dozen or so young masters were all terrified. Not long ago, they had a glimpse of the past.Seeing an ancient corpse floating in the sea, I never thought that I would wake up at this time.

"He is drifting in the sea of ​​bitterness, soaked by the sea, like a law enforcer, when he is needed! He will recover and have the combat power of his life." Holy Spirit Lingheng said.

I don't know how long it took, but the pair of cold and terrible purple eyes disappeared, the mist dissipated, and the mighty Celestial Hegemony body sank into the sea of ​​bitterness, and disappeared there.

After this catastrophe, more than a dozen young Supremes were silent, and no one took any action, but went on the road silently, heading forward.

"It's weird..." Lin Chuan, standing beside Xu Yu, said to himself.

"This sea of ​​bitterness is too mysterious, and it's too magnificent. You can see stars falling from time to time in the distance. It's vaster than a star field!" Ning Yi said
I have never seen such a vast sea, comparable to a vast star city, which can swallow all the stars in the sky, like an ancient peaceful universe evolving.

More than a dozen people split up and walked towards the ground of the Lightning Phoenix Bird carefully without fighting, wanting to see what happened from a distance.

"That's..." Everyone was shocked.

In the center of the vast sea, there is the spirit of the most powerful, holy and god. If the celestial brilliance is transpiring, it will flow in the sea, and the pores of the whole body will relax from a long distance.

In the center of the sea, there is a huge spring, which is a spring compared to the vast sea of ​​bitterness, but it is bigger than the real lake and sea for everyone.

It surged up from the depths of the sea, holy and peaceful, full of white brilliance, it was simply the real immortal power, giving people a feeling of feathering and soaring.

It's too gorgeous, unusually peaceful, divine and holy, like the morning dew liquid of the fairyland is surging, the incomparable Banmo is full of vitality.

"This is a fairy spring that can life and death human flesh and bones!

They finally knew why Jin Duan Dateng appeared here, he must have been attracted by this fairy spring, he wanted to enter the eye of the spring, but he caused a murder.

Not only Lin Chuan and Ning Yi were moved, but Yuan Yang and Jin Yang were also shocked.

"There is a divine record in the lifeless sea of ​​suffering, this is really...strange and mysterious!" Lin Chuan said to himself.

"What did you say?!" Zhu Xuanwen was taken aback when he heard this, there was a kind of sudden realization, and also a kind of shock, almost frightening.

"I'm talking about the divine spring in the sea of ​​bitterness..." Lin Chuan was in a daze for a while when he said this, and then showed shock.

"Sea of ​​bitterness... Shenquan... Could this be a sea of ​​wheels for one person?!" The two of them looked at each other, and at the same time, they had such an association.

It's so similar, even the name of this place is the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, maybe it's not a joke, but a fact!
Apparently, Yuan Yang and others also felt something, showing the look of a shock report, and carefully sizing up the huge holy spring.

"Is this... is it formed by the wheel sea in the body of a Tianyuan in the age of myth?"

Their voices trembled. This is like a fairy tale. Such a huge sea of ​​human suffering is vaster than one of the most vast star cities, like a piece of universe!
Tianzun is the supreme existence of the ancient emperor level, but at that time there was no such thing as a great emperor and an ancient emperor, and they were revered as "heaven", or

"Tao", later generations call them Tianzun and Daozun.


This guess shocked the hearts of a dozen young Supreme Beings, and their bodies couldn't help shaking. What kind of big hand is this?Challenge the limit of people's imagination!

The sea of ​​suffering is as huge as the universe, and the stars are like dust.Falling from time to time.If this is true, it is enough to shock the ancient and modern.

"There are probably ancient soldiers of the Heavenly Venerable level here, who are warmed up in the Shenquan News of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness!" Jin Yang whispered.

The sea of ​​bitterness is vaster than an ancient star field, like a magnificent universe, the stars twinkle and fall into the black ocean, and the waves reach hundreds of thousands of miles.

People were cautious, and the stars fell one after another from time to time, like flying sand and rocks, causing the sea of ​​bitterness to soar into the sky. This scene made people suspicious and frightening.

"These are stars, but compared to the sea of ​​bitterness, waiting here is like dust!"

The sea of ​​bitterness is vast and boundless.The stars and rivers of the heavens will not be full, but this is just the wheel sea of ​​a celestial being, like a myth, even worse than the Arabian Nights.

Xu Yu opened his celestial eyes, but it was difficult to see through the bubbling fountain of life. There was a great coercion. Even though endless years had passed, this place was still a mysterious forbidden place.

Others are exploring too.Each eye is different.There are Martial Dao Celestial Eyes, Purple Extreme Divine Eyes, and Supreme God Celestial Eyes, etc., and their effects are not the same.

Half an hour later, Xu Yu was sweating profusely.I tried my best and tried my best to explore and finally saw through some fog and looked into the bottom of the sea.

In the depths of the crystal clear liquid.There are no weapons, only chaotic mist and bursts of lightning dancing, as if opening up the world.

"There is no Tianzun ancient soldier..." Xu Yu whispered, which is very disappointing.

Lin Chuan said: "Let's go on the road. Although the fairy liquid is good, but it is protected by the heaven's hegemony body, if it is not handled properly, it may perish. Without the emperor's soldiers, it is not worth the risk."

Xu Yu and the others were not the first group to leave.The Holy Spirit Lingheng is very decisive, and has already gone ahead, so if you can't do it, don't do it.

Several ancient ships set off on the road one after another. People thought that they had no intersection with the Spring of Fate, but they were shocked after traveling hundreds of thousands of miles. The smoke billowed in front of them, rising straight up to nine days.

That is the endless spirit gushing out.Some stars were shaken down!

This bandit's thoughts are another spring of life, like an enlarged version of Baotu Spring, surging with endless vitality.It was very astonishing, and it wreaked havoc.

"No. Why did another spring appear?!" People were puzzled.

Obviously, there was a great battle here, and there was a remnant wave of the Great Sage, who seemed to have escaped. This kind of aura is very similar to the two guardians of the human race.

"No way, what a powerful character this is, wanting to kill both great saints?" Lin Chuan was terrified.

In the depths of the sea of ​​bitterness, a dead body floated across, with ancient clothes and thick blood-colored hair, covering the face, as if it had existed forever.

Everyone gasped, another ancient corpse, what's going on?Why are there always such powerful corpses in the sea of ​​bitterness? Are they guarding this fountain of life? Whose orders are they following?

The ancient corpse floated by, and it seemed that as long as he didn't move the fountain of life, he would not be in trouble. The terrifying body and ancient costumes looked like the ancient gods and demons tens of millions of years ago.

"I have an ominous premonition that this ancient Tianzun is still alive, and the spring of life is still gushing, which is unbelievable! Are these ancient corpses protecting Tianzun?


The Heavenly Venerate in the age of mythology is too far away from the present. He has already died for an infinite number of years, which is so long that it cannot be traced back. No one can live for such a long time.

For several days in a row, Xu Yu and the others saw four springs of life, all of which were full of blazing energy, which made the nearby sea area sacred and peaceful.

All the great saints are making up their minds. For them, the ancient Great Emperor's Fate Spring is definitely worth fighting for. This kind of divine liquid can be used to prolong life.

"Why is there more than one fountain of life? Could it be that several Heavenly Venerates were buried together, wouldn't it be a super sea tomb?" the nine-tailed crocodile dragon murmured.

In the Age of Myth, there are nine Heavenly Venerates and Daoist Venerables, all of whom are extremely mysterious, and their final whereabouts are unknown.

Xu Yu straightened his eyebrows, shook his head, and said: "This sea of ​​suffering is so vast and boundless, it is comparable to an ancient star field, and although the fountain of life is big, it is still too small in comparison."

Xu Yu speculated that the truly boundless Great Spring of Fate is about to dry up, and these Springs of Fate are just overflowing "several wisps of immortal essence", which would be countless times vaster if they were connected together in their heyday.


Two days later, Xu Yu and the others saw the seventh spring of life, where a fierce battle was taking place, and Lingheng and other young supreme beings were watching the battle in secret.

"It's the white descendant of the great sage of the demon clan, he is about to lose!
The opponent is a powerful figure, wearing a battle suit with the totems of the gods on it, glowing all over his body, with a kind of supreme power that is the only one.

He was a corpse, but when he opened his eyes, the light in them was so blazing that it made one's forehead tremble, pressing down on the white man and beating him, his power was unrivaled.

Afterwards, his body continued to recover, his blood was astonishing, and the Dao Lun kept talking. The whole person looked like a real ancient god, and even his hair began to shine, like a golden sun.


He is a true god race ancient corpse!Yuanyang's Taoist companion Xinyan was excited, and tremblingly said: "This is the real king of gods, only one person can be born from the endless blood of the gods in dozens of generations."

Everyone was horrified. The god king who can only appear in dozens of generations of the gods is really a big deal, not the false god king of other races.

The real king of gods can almost be said to be invincible in the world!

The white descendant of the demon clan is the most powerful existence among the great saints, but he couldn't resist, coughing up blood from the beating.Hand-held ancestors are useless.

In the end, he was defeated. His black mountain-like body smashed into the void, and a huge horn was chopped off by the god king with his bare hands.


With a loud roar, the white man shattered the world, and the ancestral weapon in his hand made a black hole.He jumped in.Escape every day.

Even if the real god king turned into a corpse, he still beat the most powerful saint of the monster race and fled, which can be seen from his fighting power during his lifetime.People were speechless.

The blood of the gods, the strongest race in the universe, deserves its reputation.

The blood of the sky, the king of gods... which one is not the blood of Xeon.His corpse has become the guardian of several fountains of life, which makes people surprised and horrified. What is the cause and effect?
One day later, someone discovered the eighth spring of life, the divine liquid was brilliant, the immortal energy was transpiring, and it was full of powerful vitality.

 Brothers and sisters, please donate

(End of this chapter)

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