Chapter 230 Mysterious Emperor Armament
After seeing Zhuxuan and the others enter the Shenmo Ridge with good expectations for the Shenmo Liquid, Xu Yu, who was far away in the temple, also looked away.

Then, Xu Yu looked at the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, where a group of great saints were entrenched.They are all major leaders from various races under the stars.At the same time, they also came here to compete for the witness of Zhu Xian and the ancient tree of life in God's Domain.

Over the years, although they have failed several times, they still have not given up and still have plans.

"It seems that I am too kind. As a result, those wastes dare to plan my God's Domain again!"

In the temple, Xu Yu said to himself in a cold voice.

Those great sages who tried to pass the level several times, they are all the overlords of their own domain.

Especially those who have the inheritance of the extreme emperor soldiers.His arrogant attitude is even more outrageous.

This is also related to the reason why the Emperor Zhun seldom took action. They are used to being superior. No one has ever given them an iron-blooded blow. That's why they dared to be so presumptuous. They ignored Xu Yu who had successfully entered the Emperor Zhun. Provocations repeated several times.

"God, you are naturally the greatest person in this world. Those evil spirits outside the territory know nothing about the heights of the heavens and the earth, and constantly challenge your majesty. You should kill them and let them know that there is only absolute strength in this world. You can have everything. Otherwise, no matter how many plans you make, you will just lose your life in vain!"

The maid who was closer to Xu Yu also felt deeply after hearing his words.Those who thought it was an accident were too much. They clearly knew that Xu Yu was the quasi-emperor, but they still came to harass God's Domain many times.

"It seems that there is indeed a need to teach those people some lessons, otherwise they will be beaten to the door!"

Hearing the people around him admonish him like this, Xu Yu also understood that he should show his strength to the outside world, otherwise, it would be impossible to deter those ambitious people with ulterior motives.


As soon as Xu Yu waved his hand, the Absolute Immortal Sword appeared in his hand. The killing intent condensed on the sword made people shudder. Even the maids outside the temple suddenly felt as if they were being watched by wild beasts, as if the next moment It will be like a catastrophe.

Just when Xu Yu was thinking about how to teach those great saints a lesson, he didn't know that those great saints were also discussing how to enter the realm of the gods.

"Everyone, we are all the overlords of a new domain, and we came to God's Domain for the same goal, but now we have spent more than ten years here, but we have not even entered the gate of God's Domain, what should we do next? what to do?"

Outside of God's Domain, the great sage of the ancient clan is discussing with several other allies how to deal with God's Domain.

"In my opinion, God's Domain is a hard bone, and it's really not easy to mess with. Not only does it have the ultimate emperor soldiers, but there is also a quasi-emperor. We have spent so much manpower and material resources over the years, but we have suffered heavy casualties. , The loss is quite big!"

"Even so, we didn't enter the gate of the province last year. If it wasn't for me, I'm afraid I would have been defeated by those old bastards of God's Domain long ago."

A holy spirit in the realm of a great sage spoke.

Hearing the words of the great sage of the holy spirit family, the other great sages all showed heavy expressions.Over the years, they have often clashed with the elders in God's Domain, but this did not bring much benefit.

After all, they are all in the realm of the Great Sage, and they are also people who rely on time to climb to this realm. Everyone's strength is equal, and it is difficult to tell the winner in a short time.

Even if they have two pieces of extreme imperial weapons, they are still no match for the opponent's Immortal Execution Sword Formation.

"Everyone, it's not that we didn't work hard enough, but that there is a certain gap in strength between us and God's Domain."

"Let's not talk about it, the Banished Immortal has already ruled the God Realm, and has become the quasi-emperor, with unfathomable strength!"

"Even the old gods under him are very troublesome people. The old miscellaneous hairs basically belong to the monks at the peak of the Great Sage. Although there are reasons for relying on the power of faith, it has to be said that their combat The power is still relatively strong. Even if any one of us is alone against any one of the few elders, most of them will die."

"Besides that, we only have two pieces and the fallen soldiers, while the opponent has the Immortal Execution Sword Formation handed down by Lingbao Tianzun!"

The alien great saint Luomo said helplessly.They have followed behind the Guangming Clan these years, and have challenged God's Domain several times, but the rewards they get are not proportional to their efforts.

"The power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation, I think everyone has experienced it personally over the years? Although it is only an extreme emperor weapon, it is the reason for having the formation map, which makes it even more terrifying, far surpassing other sword formations. The extreme soldiers."

"Besides that, the mysterious knights in God's Domain and the monks of the Temple of Law Enforcement are very difficult to provoke. Over the years, we don't know how many spies have been sent into God's Domain, but they never returned."

Speaking of which, these people are also sad enough.Although he has two extreme emperor soldiers.But every time they faced the Zhuxian Sword Formation left by Lingbao Tianzun, Xu Shendi, the extreme emperor soldier in their hands, was too late to resurrect, so they couldn't resist the attack of the Zhuxian Sword Formation that would awaken at any time.

Similarly, they have also sent many young masters into the abyss over the years.It's the young masters under their hands. After all, they are not the young masters like Ye Fan, they are basically descendants of their respective bloodlines.

Since ancient times, fighting father and son soldiers, fighting brothers, at critical moments, these great sages still believe in their own people, but they have overlooked one point, if it is their own children.I am used to being arrogant and domineering on weekdays.With some dark and bright moon, it is not so much to see.So relatively simple.

But innocence does not mean stupidity, so when their descendants heard that they were asked to enter the God's Domain, basically everyone rejected it, because they knew that their ancestors had already hit the wall in the God's Domain several times in a row. .

He has never even entered the gate of the God's Domain, so one can imagine how terrifying it is inside the God's Domain.

After they entered God's Domain, it was like throwing themselves into a trap.

"We want to enter the realm of the gods. Although there is a fruit tree of life that is not a magic medicine, we want to get the fruit tree of life. That is, you need your own life to be alive to have a chance."

Of course, not everyone has an obsession with the ancient tree of life in God's Domain like the Great Sage of the Guangming Clan and the Great Sage of your clan.

It is precisely because of this that many of the cultivators who had participated in the knockout of God's Domain retreated. They believed that the true power of God's Domain had not yet appeared.

They are all exhausted now, and it is impossible for them to take the Four Swords of Jade Immortal from God's Domain openly.

What's more, they are not as big as the Guangming clan and the Holy Spirit clan. If they all fall here, then their respective orthodox status will also plummet.

"Old Monster Wang, do you want to go back on your word?"

Hearing the words of the great sage surnamed Wang, Luomo of the foreign race was not happy, and there are not many great sages they have united with now.If there is one less person, they will be very passive when facing the old gods in the domain of God.

"It's not that I regret it, but you have also seen the changes in God's Domain over the years. Let's not talk about the supreme artifact in Shen Yun? Have you forgotten that God's Domain also has a quasi-emperor?"

"I think, I don't need to say too much about the power and fear of Zhundi. Although we are all overlords in our respective ethics, when facing Zhundi, we are just small ants That's all!"

The great sage surnamed Wang also expressed his concerns from his actual situation.

For a long time, when they confronted God's Domain, those old gods acted as their opponents, which made them temporarily forget that there was a quasi-emperor in God's Domain.

In the past few days, although God's Domain did not attack them accurately, no one can guarantee whether he will attack us in the future?You must know that what they have done these years is basically trying to seize all kinds of good fortune in God's Domain.

Again, good fortune is tempting, but the prerequisite is that you have to live alive to be eligible to enjoy the supreme good fortune.

"What's more, I believe that no one in God's Domain will let us go. Over the years, we have made a lot of plans for God's Domain. If you are the master of God's Domain, you will watch these plans happen. ?"

Wang's surname is Dasheng.It's because he is not so concerned about the public's fight against God's Domain.Because you and the others are absolutely unable to break through the testimony of Zhu Xian in the realm of the gods with your existing power.

"It seems that we have to contact other fellow Taoists and ask them to help us."

At this time, the Great Sage of the Guangming Clan is no longer silent.

"Oh, what other friends are you looking for? Can you count me in?"

Suddenly, when they were still discussing which Taoist friends to contact, they were so scared that they looked back again and again.

"how come!"

"How did you find this place all of a sudden?"


After seeing Xu Yu for the first time, the Great Sage of the Guangming Clan immediately used his extreme emperor soldiers to suppress Xu Yu.

At the same time, the other great sages also made a move, frantically using their divine arts to attack Xu Yu.

In an instant, the sea of ​​bitterness they were in was churning.Xu Yu looked at the hunting fox that was running towards him, without a trace of fear in his eyes, but directly raised his fist.


A huge roar, like a god striking iron, completely shook those great saints who were about to attack him.

Spread throughout the sea of ​​bitterness, your own invincible boxing is the first time to forcibly challenge the complete emperor of the extreme way.

After a loud roar, the refining pot flew upside down.And Xu Yu stepped back dozens of steps.Successfully blocked several emperor soldiers.

"How is it possible, you have just completed the correct ground, and you can be a tough guy and the emperor's soldiers."

After repeated confirmations, they recognized that the person in front of them was Xu Yu, the exiled immortal who once shined brilliantly on the road of missing the starry sky.

"Each of you is the overlord of your own mind, but now you have come to challenge my God's Domain several times, and now I want to see which Taoist friends you contact are qualified and have the courage to attack my God's Domain!"

"Okay, I don't want to talk more nonsense with you. Everyone has to pay the price for their actions."

"Next, I will talk to you about the losses caused by you over the years of our birth. Calculate it carefully."

After Xu Yu said these words, those ancient tribes were still immersed in the scene just now, unable to extricate themselves for a long time.

Xu Yu's performance just now was too unnatural, and he even received ground soldiers with his bare hands.Although to a large extent, it was also because the sleeping god's mansion inside the Jidao Emperor's Army hadn't fully recovered at that time.

But that wasn't an attack that Zhundi could easily withstand.

They looked at Xu Yu with dull eyes, their faces were full of disbelief,

They never dared to imagine that Xu Yu, who was the mascot in God's Domain, possessed such tyrannical strength.

It is rarely found in the ancient history of the past.That is to say, such arrogance will only appear when the supreme being is not revealed, the emperor's way is out, and the emperor's way is empty.

It was only when Emperor Wushi was young that he used his supreme physique to fight against the extreme emperor soldiers.

But at that time, the Great Emperor Wu Shi had already become a cultivator at the pinnacle of quasi-emperor in this life, so he hard-wired himself to accept the ultimate emperor's soldiers.

But how old is Xu Yu now?He had successfully landed in the Zhundi realm when he was less than [-] years old, and also successfully blocked the supreme power of the Jidao soldiers with the strength of the Zhundi's initial stage.

"This... is impossible!"

"I'm not dazzled, what did I just see?"

"To be able to take over the Jidao Emperor's soldiers with bare hands! It's like a myth!"

After those great saints turned around.The whole person is not in good spirits, and his speech is a bit intermittent.

However, Xu Yu didn't give them a chance to react, but continued to attack.

Xu Yu looked at the great sage of the holy spirit family and pointed it out. Like a comet hitting the earth, he pointed the great sage of the holy spirit family directly at a nearby star, causing the already dead star to completely disintegrate, and the disintegration of the star broke out The flames that came out ignited the body of the Great Saint of the Holy Spirit Clan.

A generation of great saints died.

When Xu Yu pointed at the Great Sage of the Holy Spirit Clan, he also looked at Luomo of the alien race. His gaze was like the two pillars of the sky, and Luomo was instantly ignited.

Seeing that something was wrong, the Great Sage of the Guangming Clan tried to push Xu Yu back with all his might.

But unexpectedly, a red sword appeared in Xu Yu's hand.

When the other great sages saw the sword, their faces changed instantly, because they had dealt with this sword more than once, and they knew how terrible this sword was.

That's right, the sword in Xu Yu's hand is the Absolute Immortal Sword among the Four Swords of Zhu Xian.

The next moment, the blade of the sword in Xuzhou Xuyu's hand slid, and the endless killing energy seemed to freeze the entire starry sky.It made the primordial spirits of the several great sages present beating and trembling crazily.

After forcing the refining pot back with a single sword, Xu Yu's sword continued to slash towards others.

Suddenly, another extreme divine power appeared here, and a mysterious man held an extreme imperial soldier shrouded in chaos, and immediately attacked Xu Yu.

The two extreme divine powers collided briefly, and the resulting storm blew away the chaotic energy on the mysterious man's extreme imperial soldier.

Only then did Xu Yu confirm that the weapon held by the local government was an ancient seal, but Xu Yu did not recognize what kind of weapon that ancient seal was.

But now is not the time to worry about this, Xu Yi failed in one blow.Then he swung the Absolute Immortal Sword again.

This time he was attacking in a wide range, trying to wipe out all of them. In just a blink of an eye, the great sage of the light clan and the mysterious man were forced to retreat, and followed them to stay The sage kings or sages all acted as Xu Yu's captives.

Seeing this scene, the great sage of the Guangming tribe and another mysterious person who held the refining pot, they all fled this place quickly.

Xu Yu wanted to swing the Absolute Immortal Sword again, and wanted to keep them out, but unexpectedly, both of them exuded a supernatural power, which blocked the blow of the Absolute Immortal Sword for them.

It was within Xu Yu's expectation that the great sage of the Guangming clan could escape from this place. After all, he possessed the god-refining pot of the extreme imperial weapon.

But that mysterious person was able to leave you safely under the Juexian Sword, which also shows that his identity is not simple.

After all, there are only a few Jidao Emperor Soldiers under this starry sky.

But he had never heard of the Jidao Emperor Weapon used by the mysterious man just now.

"Is it the same as my Yuanshi seal? Is it the extreme emperor soldier left over from the age of mythology?"

Then Xu Yu looked at the place where the two of them fled.

On the other side, the Great Sage of the Bright Clan and the mysterious man constantly used the extreme emperor soldiers to smash the void and shuttle through the endless starry sky.

Until it was confirmed that Xu Yu did not pursue the two of them.They just stopped.

"It's so dangerous. I didn't expect that the Zhundi holding a Jidao mecha would be so terrifying."

The mysterious man narrowly escaped the catastrophe, and couldn't help feeling the power of Emperor Zhun.

Since then, some of the culprits who had planned to invade God's Domain have now been killed by Xu Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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