Chapter 233 The situation is critical

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the four complete pieces of Jidao Emperor's Armament against Zhu Xian can see that the defeat of God's Domain will happen sooner or later.

Even the elders of God's Domain knew that if this continues, they will perish sooner or later, but they have no choice, God's Domain is their root, especially the patriarchs of those big clans, if they retreat now, their clansmen will die There is no place to bury them, so they can only support them hard.

Just when several god elders couldn't hold on anymore and the Zhuxian sword formation became dim.

Suddenly another wave of extreme divine power appeared, and it was Zixia who appeared. At the critical moment of the life and death of the God Realm, Zixia finally woke up from the retreat.

See the environment in which God's will is now.The first thing to do after leaving the customs is to urge Xu Yu to put the Yuan Shi Yin on him to help the Jade Immortal Sword Formation fight against the extreme emperor soldiers outside the territory.

"You great saints, please follow me to mobilize the emperor's soldiers and protect my divine domain!"

Zixia's cold words spread throughout the God Realm.

Over the years, with the in-depth communication between Xu Yu and Zixia, the two have already formed a Taoist couple,

In addition, the current God's Domain is Xu Yu's foundation, so Zixia will not just watch those unexpected great saints come to destroy Xu Yu's foundation.

Just when Zixia took out the seal of the beginning of the earth, all the people in the entire God Realm who felt the extreme power looked up at Zixia.

"is her!"

In the Forbidden Land of Gods and Demons, Ye Fan also saw Zixia holding the Yuanshi Seal and confronting the great sage outside the territory through the divine eyes of Yuantian.

"The current situation has changed. Two extreme emperor soldiers confront five extreme emperor soldiers. God's Domain is still at a disadvantage!"

Beside Ye Fan, Ji Haoyue said seriously.

"However, if this is the case, there will be variables. I believe that the character of the Zifu Shengzi will not leave his hole card in God's Domain!"

Hearing Ji Haoyue's words, Ji Ziyue also seemed to think of something.Close your eyes, use her primordial spirit body, and feel the changes in the entire God Realm.

Seeing Ji Ziyue's appearance, Ye Fan was also very surprised. You must know that Ji Ziyue has always been such a lively, cute, carefree character, and will not show a dignified expression to anyone.

"Brother-in-law of the Ji family, what kind of person is the payment you mentioned? Why did Little Moon become serious after hearing his name!"

Suddenly, a red horse face approached Ji Haoyue's face and asked him.

"The Son of Zifu is a very scary person, just like the Son of Yaoguang, he is a very mysterious person. You also know that he has become the quasi-emperor now, and the younger generation will not be his opponent for a long time in the future. Before you have completed the Eucharist, you still need to be careful if you meet him.!"

Ji Haoyue said to Ye Fan very seriously.

"Besides, the Son of the Purple Mansion is also very extraordinary. In the future, he is very likely to ascend to the throne of the Great Emperor, and he will be brilliant for a lifetime!"

"This is not my opinion alone. It is the words of my family's background. According to my ancestors, the physique of the Zifu Shengzi is an extremely powerful and supreme divine body in the world today, comparable to the legendary The chaotic body!"

Ji Haoyue told Ye Fan what his ancestors said to him word by word.

"Comparable to a chaotic body!"

"how is this possible!"

"That physique that is number one in all time!"

"No way, it actually has a mysterious physique comparable to a chaotic body!"

"Could it be the Innate Dao Embryo Eucharist?!"

All of a sudden, upon hearing Ji Haoyue's words, why did Ye Fan's followers lose their composure?

After all, the power of the Chaos Body and the Innate Dao Embryo Saint Body is really too great.

"Don't get excited, these are just the speculations and judgments of some old seniors."

Seeing Ye Fan's followers so excited, Ji Haoyue had to say that she only speculated that Xu Yu was a chaotic body.

"Just a guess?"

Hearing what Ji Haoyue said, Ye Fan expressed doubts, because he felt that there was something wrong with Ji Haoyue today, as if reminding him to stay away from the Son of Zifu.

"Actually, the Zifu Shengzi has always been a mystery on the Big Dipper. No one knows how powerful he is? But since his debut, he has hardly any defeats, and even few people can draw with him!"

"Many years ago, when the ruins of the Xuanhuang Holy Land were opened, we at that time did not go to the Xuanhuang Holy Land because of our lack of realm!"

Ji Haoyue didn't rush to answer the boring questions, but instead talked about a past event many years ago.

"At that time, my Ji family, an uncle of mine went to the Xuanhuang Holy Land on behalf of the Ji family to compete for opportunities!"

"At the beginning, the descendants of the Great Sacred Land were looking for various opportunities in the ruins of the Xuanhuang Holy Land, but in the end, everyone found a teleportation circle in the ruins of the Xuanhuang Holy Land. Where is the other end of the array connected!"

"The power holders of the major forces quickly sent outstanding children in their orthodoxy to the other end of the teleportation circle to explore the way. As a result, there were heavy casualties. Even those who entered the teleportation circle behind did not come out alive."

"However, my uncle was one of the few people who escaped from the inside, but he was also physically injured. After returning to Ji's house, his sanity fell into chaos!"

"Later he regained consciousness after treatment, and the first thing he said when he woke up was to let us be careful of those who escaped from the secret realm!"

Speaking of this, Ji Haoyue was also dignified for a year, as if she was about to say something terrible.

"The other end of the teleportation array belongs to a small world left over from the age of mythology. In that small world, there is a dangerous place like a prison. There are all kinds of strange creatures in it, but they don't have their own shapes. Where are the remaining soul lights drifting!"

"According to my great-uncle, those red lights are the obsessions of strong men who have fallen since ancient times. They were unwilling to fall like this, so their obsessions persisted, just like what we encountered in the world of Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion before. It's like a god's residence!"

"But those obsessions are really weird. He has his own consciousness, and he doesn't just focus on killing like Shendi Nian!"

"Originally, those weird divine thoughts were locked there by the supreme powerhouses of the past, but with the emergence of the heaven-defying treasure in that secret realm, many orthodox successors competed for such a treasure, As a result, a gap was opened in the cage that sealed those divine thoughts!"

"Those obsessions, over time, turned into Yin Gods, monsters who only knew bloodthirsty and killing."

It was a land of calamity, and those obsessions that escaped from it could actually take away other people's bodies.

At that time, there was a certain amount of bloodshed in the Big Dipper Star Field.However, fortunately, those Yin gods were not so powerful and were wiped out by All Saints.

But no one can guarantee that there will be no fish that slipped through the net. After all, there were not a few people who entered that small world at that time, and some of them were the arrogance of the major holy places.

"So some people suspect that the Zifu was even taken away in that small world. Of course, this is just an absurd statement. I am afraid that only the Son of the Zifu knows the real situation!"

Following Ji Haoyue's explanation, Ye Fan and the others recalled that when they were in Beidou in the past, there was indeed a secret realm of the Xuanhuang Holy Land in the Central Territory, which was opened and entered for trials.

But he didn't expect that after countless years, there are still people in the Big Dipper Starfield who can't forget what happened in the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

After all, the facts inside at that time were too bizarre. What kind of cage was left behind by the supreme powerhouse?What is known only as the Yin God of bloodthirsty and killing.

These things, one by one, are indeed worthy of exploration and search.

The battle of God's Domain has begun. This is an earth-shattering showdown. Even outside the domain, you can see the horror there!
Together, the three imperial soldiers fought towards the forbidden zone of the gods, the refining pot, the dragon bell, the fighting stick, and the golden battle armor.

The extreme divine brilliance soared into the sky and broke into the vast star field, which shocked Ye Fan and others. This is the extreme imperial prestige, and the three weapons have fully recovered.

And in God's Domain, a formation map appeared across the sky, and four killing swords emerged, shaking the heavens and the earth, revealing the power of the gods, and the sword energy swept towards the four directions one after another, fighting against the three emperor soldiers.

The four-handed killing swords are vague and unreal, but this pattern is too special. Its existence is equivalent to some of the emperor's primordial spirits leading here.

This is the highest manifestation of the magic circle. It contains the secret word "group". It combines the world's most extreme soldiers, and arranges them in everything, forming a supreme divine power and smashing all things in the world.

It can be said that the power that can only be displayed when the emperor is alive can only be displayed in part in this way!
Then, an ancient seal reappeared in the realm of the gods, rapidly enlarged in the void, and became the size of an ancient sacred mountain. Facing the golden battle armor and the fairy iron rod, the three extreme emperor soldiers who had refined the god pot directly Suppress it.

The other three extreme emperor soldiers were also very angry when they saw Yuan Shiyin's performance like this. They are also extreme emperor soldiers. Are you special and dare to provoke us?One after another, they revealed immeasurable divine light and slashed towards Yuan Shiyin.

But everything is in vain, the quality of Yuanshiyin is different from theirs, Yuanshiyin is only half a step away from being a weapon that can become a fairy weapon, and under the full drive, it can naturally suppress the three extreme emperor soldiers .

But they are also extreme emperor soldiers.Seeing Yuan Shiyin, the other three extreme emperor soldiers actually wanted to suppress them at the same time with their own strength. The god's mansion among the emperor soldiers was naturally furious.

As a result, those emperor soldiers broke away from those in control one after another, recovered spontaneously, and confronted Yuan Shiyin.

But although they are all weapons sacrificed and refined by people in the same field, there are also differences in strength between the ancient emperors and the great emperors. In the long years, some ancient emperors and great emperors did not rely on their own strength to achieve the status of the earth. of.

Some ancient emperors and great emperors achieved the status of great emperors because of their own heaven-defying chances.

For example, in the age of mythology, there was a lucky man who stood next to the Hedao flower at the moment when it bloomed, making him the Supreme in an instant.

It is precisely because of this that there are also differences in the strength of the same extreme supreme, so the strength of the extreme emperor soldiers forged by them is also different.


The three extreme emperor soldiers met Yuan Shiyin, and in just a split second, the sky above the entire Divine Realm.They were all evaporated by the extreme divine power emanating from the bottom of the extreme.

Countless extraterrestrial stars smashed to the ground like dumplings.These stars all fell because of the sky-reaching sword light emitted from the lock of the Jidao Emperor Soldiers.

The results proved that it was Nihuo VII who became the mortal immortal Yuanshi Tianzun whose strength was even stronger. The extreme emperor soldiers he sacrificed could really rely on his own strength to compete with the other three extreme emperors. The soldiers stood in a stalemate, and no one could do anything to anyone.

After the original seal suppressed the Wanlongling, the refining pot and another mysterious ancient soldier.

The golden battle armor left by Emperor Daoyan confronted the Zhuxian Sword Formation left by Lingbao Tianzun alone.

Facing the witness of Zhu Xian.The golden battle armor left by Emperor Daoyuan was obviously invincible.And those unexpected major events naturally showed that the golden armor was at a disadvantage.At this time, they urgently need another extreme emperor soldier to change the predicament they are currently facing.

So they turned their eyes to the holy prince who was holding the immortal iron rod. After all, the immortal body rod in the monkey's hand was not a fire stick, but a genuine extreme emperor weapon.

The Holy Prince is also a smart person, and he discovered the conspiracy of the great saints immediately.But there is nothing he can do now, after all, he is also tied to the battlefield of the Great Saint Alliance outside the territory, and it is impossible to be alone, unless he desperately wants to leave here.

So after seeing the gazes cast by those great sages outside the domain, he also knew that he would not be able to fish in troubled waters anymore. After all, if he continued to do so, then he might become a prisoner in the God's Domain.

The war broke out!

After Fighting and Defeating the Ape joined, the confrontation between God's Domain and the great saints outside the domain has reached a fever pitch.

The strengths of the two sides are basically in the middle, and the extreme emperors are mutually restraining, so the ones who can really decide the winner can only rely on their own strength.

Even if it is fighting in the sky above God's Domain, this place will be destroyed, and the invisible circles and ancient circles can no longer protect the mountains and rivers.

At a critical moment, the most ancient sacred mountain in the God's Domain appeared blazingly bright, and the power of belief of all beings accumulated over the endless years emerged.

The mountains and rivers are stable, the sun and the moon are fixed, these pure forces are turbulent like the ocean, stabilize the earth, fire and feng shui, stabilize all things, and protect this ancient region.

Incomparable power, not weaker than the emperor's soldiers, as long as it is too large, it is unknown how much sacred power has been accumulated since ancient times, and it is fully recovered today.Otherwise, let alone this place, the entire ancient star might be torn apart and turned into dust.

God's Domain has reached a moment of life and death. It has never been so dangerous as it is today. The three emperor soldiers knocked at the gate, even if the god is alive, they can't stop it.


The sword energy was vertical and horizontal, tens of thousands of waves rose together, and a wave of horizontal slashing passed by. The three emperor soldiers all screamed and suffered a huge attack.

The big crack in the void spread to the distance, directly entering the outside of the domain, terrifying and boundless, swallowing some small meteorites.

Ye Fan and the others stood on the sky, and their colors changed when they saw this scene. If this continues, the other side of the gods will undoubtedly be destroyed. Even with the power of faith in the most ancient mountain of gods, it will not work, and they will not be able to hold on!
"Brother Monkey does not work hard." Pangbo grinned.

Looking at Gu Xing, the light emitted by the emperor's soldiers is the brightest, and the fighting stick is relatively dim. Every time the momentum is huge, but when attacking, they stay behind.

Apparently, the monkey was very unhappy, being forcibly pulled into the battle, he was upset, but he couldn't deal with the two emperor soldiers, so he wasted his time.

If it goes on for a long time, he might turn his back on the battlefield. The lineage of Dou Zhan Sheng Yuan is the most staunch and will not obey discipline and restraint.

"The nine-fold coffin from the age of mythology has been carried into the realm of the gods!"

A sarcophagus is extremely huge, and the great sage is offering sacrifices with his heart and blood, opening layer after layer of sarcophagus to release a terrifying emperor's evil spirit.

"Shenyu has lost!" Ji Haoyue knew that if there were no accidents, the ending could not be changed.

The three emperor soldiers restrained Lingbao Tianzun's supreme killing formation. At this time, no one could suppress the emperor's coffin. The evil spirit of the emperor could ignite the power of faith and completely destroy this place.

(End of this chapter)

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