Chapter 247

It was as if a big explosion had occurred in the Big Dipper Star Field, and it exploded from a pole, causing many stars to fall.Turn it into powder!
The splendid light is shining, the dazzling light is flying, this universe is extremely terrifying, the breath of various saints is surging, and the roars and exclamations are one after another.

The Big Dipper Star Territory has undergone a shocking change. Outside the ancient forbidden area, the big crack burst open, and it suddenly expanded to tens of thousands of feet long, directly submerging into the forbidden area.

A terrifying light rushed up into the sky, and the unparalleled divine power came from here, extremely bright, the road to immortality was about to appear, and this place was crumbling.

"Immortal Road is about to appear, and I really want to manifest the world in this life!"

"The gate of heaven is wide open, the Immortal Realm is about to appear, and the ultimate ancient road that has been expected for millions of years will traverse the two worlds!"

This is like an ancient incantation, resounding through the heaven and earth, and it is also like a sacrificial sound, shaking the nine heavens and ten earths, the mighty fall, and the divine sound is deafening.

The star field is about to collapse!
The only consolation is that the life of Beidou is extremely strong, protected by the Great Emperor's circle, suppressed by many ancient supreme beings, and cannot be broken.

Otherwise, without the masters of these magic circles and the forbidden area, it will inevitably shatter like many stars outside the domain and turn into cosmic dust.

Although this place has rays of light breaking through Cangwan, it itself remains motionless and shows no signs of destruction.


The fairy road exploded, and a corpse fell down, which shocked people's hearts. It was either the ancient emperor or the ancient Tianzun. That kind of clothing was too ancient, but immediately he transformed into a Tao and became one of the rays of light rushing to the snow.

This is a catastrophe of heaven and earth. When a saint rushed to the Big Dipper Star Territory, he was accidentally swept away by the unparalleled divine power that exploded, and it turned into blood and mud on the spot, which could not be stopped at all.

"It won't be too long, it will explode, the fairy road will appear, and the ancient supreme will return to its place!

"Maybe in the next few days!"

People's predictions have been too long, because the next big crack occurred, all kinds of fairy lights flew, and the half-charred body fell, turned into pus and blood, and became fly ash.

The reappearance of the emperor's corpse also detonated the chaos, making the big crack extremely wide, and there were bursts of roaring sounds, as if there were creatures running and roaring.

"It's a real dragon, it's a real dragon, I seem to see a dragon passing by!"

"No, that's Xue Yueqing, the former Demon Emperor, who almost got in, but unfortunately he fell in the end, this is his remnant!

On this day, the Big Dipper Starfield was shaken, and many strong men made their final preparations.

People did not rush to the ancient forbidden land, but soared into the sky and fled to the outside of the city, because they knew that the ancient supreme might be dispatched, and they had to make way for them.

Some of the people who have reached the end of their lifespan stayed in Beidou, because they have not much life, they have reached the extreme, and they can't stand the toss.
Everyone else rushed to the nearby star field, avoiding as far as possible, waiting for that moment to come.


The immortal road is collapsing, the clouds and mists are churning, white as a veil, and extremely peaceful, just taking a breath will make people refreshed and quickly fall into the realm of enlightenment.

"True immortal energy can nourish people's primordial spirit and physical body, and most people who aim at the emperor's realm will have an effect!

People were shocked. Many old monks dragged their rotten bodies forward, and after absorbing their orders, they actually had a trace of energy, which was much better than the state not long ago.

This naturally caused a sensation, and some of the people who were fleeing rushed back. It was really unwilling. This is a world-defying immortal energy, and a single breath can make life a lot better.

The stars trembled, and the arctic fairy light danced in the sky, like a prosperous fireworks, and I don’t know how many people were nourished. This is a sign that the fairy gate is about to open.

In the sound of the click, a vague phantom appeared, standing in the darkness of the big crack, immortal in the chaos, towering and tall.

Is that a building in the fairy world? It is too grand. It is reflected through the world barrier, and a vague outline can be seen.

Om long shocked, the big crack collapsed!

There was actually rubble flying out, wrapped in immortal energy, with immortal power, vaguely people heard the cry of the immortal phoenix, and saw the vast immortal world with abundant vegetation through a gap.

However, the cloud turned and covered everything again, and everything was blocked on the other side.

"Appeared, this is the day!"

In the forbidden area of ​​life, the ancient supreme roared, the stars outside the shocking domain shook, and some small stars fell directly, which was too terrifying and peerless.


The sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the big crack in the fairyland released dazzling light, and the rocks, dead wood, rubble, etc. splashed together, and then turned into fly ash, right there in the depths.The chaotic air was dispersed, revealing a huge pass.

It is not made of stones, it is completely condensed by laws, many great sages and one patriarch stand in front of the crack, they will all be embarrassed, and they can't stand at all.

Except for the old monk who couldn't move, everyone else fled, and the road to immortality appeared. The right time and the right place were waited by people!

"Waiting for eternity, it finally appeared!"

This is the vicissitudes of the ancient supreme voice. It contains so much bitterness and helplessness. After waiting for a long time and paying an irreparable price, I finally saw this life.

"Tender roar..."

There was a roar of creatures on the immortal road, shaking the East Wasteland. At the same time, a red bird flew out from Naxiongguan, hovering there, blazing to the sky.

"It's Suzaku, that's a creature belonging to the Immortal Realm!"

The old monk who couldn't walk yelled, with tears in his eyes, seeing the fairy, he felt that even if he died, he would have no regrets!
"Roar..." There was another roar, and a snow-white giant tiger appeared, like a white jade carving, exuding a monstrous coercion, which shocked the land of the Eastern Wasteland.

"Another fairy, another creature in the fairy world is in the lower realm!"

There was an old monk who couldn't wait for that moment. With tears in his eyes, he turned into a rain of light and flew towards the big crack.

"Even if I die immediately, I won't be left hungry. I have witnessed the opening of the fairy road!"

The appearance of the two fairy spirits made many of these elderly people with few lives turn into light and rain, and became part of the laws of heaven and earth, and belonged to the natural avenue.

"This is not a fairy!" Suddenly someone shouted.

"This is just the law of the fairyland. The fairy gate is closed and hasn't been opened yet. This is the law that is intertwined. Guard this giant gate and prevent people from approaching."

It's a pity that those cultivators just now thought that they saw the creatures in the fairyland until their death, but that's okay, and they were relieved in a satisfied state of mind.

When a big bell rang slowly, the heaven and the earth were at the same level. It turned out to be transmitted from the depths of the universe, and a celestial being tore from it, piercing through the big crack in the celestial road.

At the same time, an ancient pagoda flew out from the Great Desolate East, suppressed it, and let it crumble, and it quickly disappeared again.

"At this moment, the right time, the right place, has appeared, the immortal road will open wide, kill it!"

An ancient supreme roared, causing the stars and rivers in the sky to tremble, and many big stars shattered. At this moment, all the forbidden areas of life were all radiant, and the ancient emperor and the great emperor were filled with aura and exploded!
The earth-shattering change has begun, and the prosperity of this world has appeared here!
Amidst the rumbling sound, the laws flew, the heavens and the earth trembled, and the sounds of immortals in the forbidden areas were heard endlessly. Avenue!

The ancient supreme appeared, they were repairing Daoguo, restoring their combat power to the peak, and they were going to fight the final battle and enter the fairyland.

Restoring to the most glorious peak of the past will cost a heavy price. It will die at every turn, and the number of times is limited, and once this state is turned on, it will be difficult to self-proclaim!

This also means that if they succeed in breaking into the Immortal Realm in this life, it will be fine. If they fail unfortunately, then they will almost die, and they will no longer be able to resist the power of time!
The Supreme in the Immortal Tomb was the first to move out, and an ancient chariot drove out. This time, he sat cross-legged on the ancient chariot and walked with it.

Chaos, drowning the place, you can vaguely see that he is a humanoid creature, and it is unclear what race he is.He wears a purple-gold crown and a Taoist robe. He can't see his true face. His gray-brown hair is scattered around his chest and behind. In his eyes, there is a scene of destruction of the sun, moon, and stars.

This seems to be a Taoist, making people suspect that he may be the ancient Tianzun of the age of mythology!
He sat cross-legged on the ancient chariot, with a fairy sword across his knees, and a peerless aura shocked Jiuchongtian. Almost instantly, the chariot arrived in front of the immortal road.

Maybe you don't need a chariot, but this is the majesty of a great emperor-level master. Maybe they will fail, maybe they will die in battle, and they will end in glory.

On the other side, there was a bullfight in the undead mountain, and a supreme being covered in black armor appeared, covered in mist, and terrifying.

He rode on a huge divine tiger. This tiger was covered in scales and armor, not fur.

In the hands of the Supreme Being of the Undead Mountain, he holds a halberd, which is black and dark. It can fract the heavens and smash hundreds of millions of stars. This is a halberd made of dragon-patterned black gold. This is definitely an imperial weapon!

This Supreme also came out, holding a halberd, riding on a huge divine tiger, and the fairy light exploded, directly in front of the ancient forbidden area of ​​​​the Southern Region.

Just at this moment, two ancient supreme beings appeared, which was too shocking. Even if they were outside the territory, watching with the help of various ancient formations, many great sages and patriarchs were still cold from head to toe, too powerful Well, if compared with those two emperors, they are not even as good as ants!

"It's the real Great Emperor and Ancient Emperor!" People trembled.


In the Northern Territory, in the ancient mines of the ancient times, the fairy lights were flying, and the galaxies were falling, and the vastness was boundless.

A unicorn was born, extremely huge, it is tens of thousands of miles long, and it smashes all things in the world!It is full of scales and armor, like immortal gold cast, flashing blue-purple light.

It was directly stepped out from the ancient mine in the early days. In the universe of King's Landing, it is coercive for nine days and ten places, as if it can make the three thousand worlds collapse in an instant!

This is a supreme creature, no different from the unicorn in the fairyland. The beam of light on the skull is soaring into the sky, which is his fruit status, which proves that it was once a supreme emperor.

Huge unicorns tens of thousands of miles long rushed out of the ancient mines in the early days and swept across the sky in the Northern Territory, shocking people!

It has an ancestral dragon head, and its body is covered with blue-purple scales, shining with a cold metallic luster.A talisman appeared on its skull, the beam of light reaching the sky, tearing the universe apart, and after millions of years, the Supreme Emperor of the Emperor Dao came to this world again.

"Come on stick!"

Drinking these two words from his mouth shocked people's hearts, and the entire land of the Eastern Wilderness trembled three times. He overwhelmed the three realms and six realms, and was so angry that he was the only one in the world!
With a bang, a bright blue light from outside the domain flew over, across the dark universe, through the boundless icy star field, and directly descended on the Big Dipper star field.

"what is that?!"

Everyone was shocked, and with a soft drink, they summoned an extremely powerful weapon, which was fully revived at this moment, displaying the supreme majesty of the ancient emperor.

Its dazzling blue and crystal brilliance emit eternal brilliance, illuminating the entire land of the Eastern Wilderness, and quickly descending towards the Northern Territory, its divine power is turbulent for hundreds of millions of miles.

This is the emperor-level weapon that is truly resurrected. Every ray of coercion makes the great sage tremble.

Strands of blue light burst out, dimming the sun, the moon, and all the stars in the sky. It can't be compared with this device at all, and there is no brilliance in front of it.

"Yes... Qilin stick!" Someone uttered these words in shock, and his body was shaking.

"That's the ancient imperial weapon from Huolin Cave, I didn't expect it to fly back!" Everyone showed incredulous expressions.

The Qilin Staff is the supreme artifact of a great royal family in ancient times. It is well known throughout the world. It once disappeared for a period of time. When attacking the Eternal Star Field, it was suppressed by Dao Yan's lineage using the Immortal Clothes and the Ancient Emperor Formation. It will be revived in the future.

This also led to the fall of the great sage Yanqi of Huolin Cave, and the ancient prince Huoqizi went away to the edge of the universe, and his whereabouts are still unknown.

But as early as many years ago, the Qilin Staff returned, and no one dared to suppress it for a long time, not even the Daoyan Immortal Clothes of the same rank!
Because, once the unicorn staff, the supreme artifact, recovers by itself, there will be the most terrifying imperial weapon battle, and one of them will inevitably shatter, which is an unbearable consequence.

Many years ago, it had already returned to Huolin Cave, but the road to immortality was about to open. It was taken away by the tribe and went to the outside world, but at this time it was summoned back by the power of the ancient mine in the early days.

So far, the matter has become clear, the ancient supreme in the tens of thousands of miles of blue-violet light group is the ancient unicorn emperor!

Everyone was shocked, and they couldn't believe this fact, which surpassed the cognition of the world.

"How is it possible that the Qilin Ancient Emperor is still alive? Millions have passed, and even if he becomes a master of the imperial way, he can't live until now!"

"How did he do it? Didn't the ancient emperors all sit down? He actually lived for millions of years, breaking common sense!"

Shocked the world!

I don't know how many people were paying attention, they opened their mouths wide, and then there was a burst of exclamation, it was too unreal, and many people's scalps were numb.

Of course, this is limited to ordinary monks. Great Saints, the ancestors of Megatron, etc. are all psychologically prepared. Today, there are various signs that there must be people of this level or even such people in the restricted area of ​​life!

The ancient emperor Qilin was born, and he is still alive!This news shook the Big Dipper, spread throughout the world, and then quickly spread to the depths of the universe. This result made all the heavens and all regions tremble!

The previous generation of supreme, coercing nine heavens and ten earths, controlling the universe and the eight wildernesses, and submitting to all spirits wherever it passes, it has returned against the sky after a long time.

His appearance is different from the meaning of the birth of the two ancient supreme beings. It is the first and most authentic proof to the world that the ancient emperors have not died. Cognition!
With a bang, blue-purple light burst out, covering the sky and covering the earth, flooding the northern region. At this moment, the huge unicorn turned into a middle-aged man, with thick long blue hair hanging down, and purple pupils as sharp as heavenly knives, looking down upon the world boundary!

He was majestic and immortal, standing in the air, and when he waved his hand, the unicorn staff made of eternal blue gold flew forward.


A trembling, weeping, sad, joyful and bitter voice came, and she firmly grasped the unicorn staff, and followed her here from outside the territory.

This is a peerless beauty with long water-blue hair, a slender jade body, and a pretty face with tears stained on her face. She wept with joy and was extremely excited. She rushed like crazy, which did not match her magnificent and peerless temperament. It was Huo Lin'er.

She didn't expect that there would be a day of reunion, and a day of meeting each other. She was trembling all over. Back then, his father was in his old age and sealed the two brothers and sisters.

Because they know that that farewell is a farewell, they will fall into a deep sleep, and their father will die soon, even if their brother and sister wake up after millions of years, they will never see each other again.

It was a kind of pain, looking back up to now, it is still heart-piercing, never thought... millions of years have passed, and they will meet again, there is such a scene.

Huo Lin'er couldn't bear it anymore, howled loudly, rushed over, rushed into the arms of the majestic man, and cried all over, completely different from usual.

When a middle-aged man was young, he must have been extremely handsome, but now his temperament is even more outstanding, his martial arts are astonishing, and he possesses an unrivaled posture!

In a moment of deepness, waves appeared, and warm colors appeared on his face. He patted Huo Lin'er's shoulder lightly, and said: "Don't cry, wait for my father to kill an immortal universe, and take you to become a fairy together."

He spoke very softly, but there was an unrivaled domineering arrogance. All the worlds were mourning, and under its oppression, they all surrendered and trembled.This is the ancient emperor, every word and deed is the law, there is no match in the world, there is no contender!
"Father... I'm afraid, I don't want to be separated from you!" Huo Lin'er, who has always been strong, as a generation of royal celestial daughter, rarely showed such a look of fear.

(End of this chapter)

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