Chapter 262
Xu Yu also used the remnants of the Immortal Tribulation Sword Jue he had obtained to fight against, wanting to verify the two supreme sword arts that have been passed down from the Immortal Ancient Era, and see who is stronger and who is weaker between the two.


The terrifying energy fluctuated mightily, crushing many nearby innate gods and demons into blood mist, and Xu Yu's figure was also shaken by this blow.

However, his eyes were blazing and invincible, bursting out with fierce fighting intent.

"Whether you are the ancient supreme, or the terrifying creatures of chaos, you can't stop my way, everything will be smashed!"

His qi and blood were boiling, he was walking like a dragon, his fighting spirit was raging, the five secret realms vibrated, and the fairy cocoon erupted with vast power, like a rainbow.

The blood and bones are also shaking, Taoism and law sound together, stepping into the forbidden realm of the gods, sublimating to the utmost, and the combat power has reached an unprecedented level.

He slapped the palm, the power was terrifying to the extreme, directly shaking the world opened up by this side, and then began to collapse and shatter, and was about to return to the chaotic state.

In the end, Xu Yusheng beat the Nine-leaf Sword Grass until its shape dissipated, and it turned into the Tao again.But this is still going on, in a black sea, there is a big fish jumping up, its length is unknown

Tens of thousands of miles away, the whole body is black, it is a giant kun.

But after it leaped out of the sea, it turned into a huge golden pengfei, crossing the sky and rushing towards Xu Yu with unparalleled speed.


Xu Yu looked at the creature that turned into a kun and a peng and immediately knew what it was. The legendary kunpeng was also one of the ten evils in the chaotic era. When it grew to the extreme, it could reach the realm of the supreme fairy king. .

Moreover, this kind of creature possesses the power of the yin and yang innately. For him who is a fellow practitioner of the Yin-Yang Immortal Scripture, it can be said to contain a great power of good fortune.

Xu Yu resolutely launched a fierce conquest, fighting against the Kunpeng that evolved during the catastrophe, and comprehended the Yin-Yang Dao contained in it.

Next, legendary creatures such as real dragons, fairy phoenixes, and unicorns all evolved, some of which were even unknown to Xu Yu, but they were powerful and invincible, not weaker than mythical creatures such as real dragons.

They are like living beings. Not only do they possess the most powerful avenue, but they also have unparalleled physical bodies. They perform all kinds of unrivaled magical arts, and they are extremely terrifying. They fought with Xu Yu to destroy this starry sky.


In the face of danger, Xu Yu has no fear, and uses the unrivaled ways and methods to melt all kinds of ways, dissolve all attacks, and carry out the most terrifying confrontation.

Although those marks of chaotic ancient beings are terrifying and invincible, and to a certain extent even more terrifying than the Great Emperor's brand, their realm will not be higher than Xu Yu's now.

In this way, he is not afraid of anything, not to mention the brand of the ten evils of the ancient era, even if the brand of Emperor Huangtian is manifested by Tianjie, he is still confident that he can fight.

He was full of fighting power, smashed and killed everything, as if he wanted to break through the barrier of this world, break the boundary between life and death, and become an immortal immortal!

Standing in the realm of the forbidden gods, and at the same time running the secret of the word "Jie" created by Emperor Zun, after breaking through the taboo barrier, the combat power will explode tenfold.

Xu Yu's secret skills were fully displayed, and he was invincible. He unleashed his unrivaled combat power and fought against various mythical creatures. It was so fierce that the catastrophe was shaking, and it began to collapse continuously.


I don't know how long it took, when Xu Yu had fought all kinds of terrifying creatures in the legends, a huge bell suddenly sounded in the catastrophe.

That kind of bell disturbed the time and space, making him feel as if he had experienced such a long time for ten thousand years, and his body froze all of a sudden.

At this moment, it seems that he has gone through a long time, his body is old, he is going to decline, and he is about to turn into dust and return to reincarnation.

"Kunlun Immortal Bell!"

Xu Yu's expression changed. Unexpectedly, the mysterious imprint of the fairy bell had manifested, displaying a terrifying power of time.

After a long time, he survived Xianzhong's attack with difficulty, his blood surged, and he recovered.

But then another terrible brand manifested, a colorful and resplendent ancient pagoda fell down, melting the hazy world, turning it into a whole, and suppressing it downwards.

Trapped Xu Yu below, locked in a specific area, and it was difficult to escape. He wanted to refine him and turn him into catastrophe ashes!

After the continuation of the Kunlun Immortal Bell, another immortal artifact—the brand of the Great Dao of the Barren Tower was also manifested by the Heavenly Tribulation.

Such a catastrophe is rare in ancient times!

Xu Yu yelled loudly, the sound of the Dao shook the world, and the whole person went berserk. He raised his combat power to the peak, and turned into a huge dharma statue standing upright, surrounded by galaxies, like an ancestor god of chaos standing upright in the universe.

His black hair hangs down like rivers of stars, and there are strands of lines spreading out from his body. He seems to be opening up the world with his hands and feet, and the chaos is raging.

At this moment, his body does not know how huge it is, reaching up to the nine heavens and stepping down to the nine secluded worlds. The sun, moon and stars are only surrounded by his hair, making him look so small.

At this moment, the gigantic Xu Yu raised his hands high, surrounded by chaos, and resisted the suppression of the barren tower.


He shouted angrily, the five great secret realms resonated, the cocoon vibrated, and billions of feet of divine brilliance erupted, and the unrivaled power surged out, forcibly blowing away all the immortal artifacts and barren pagodas.

"There is no power of the same level in this world that can suppress me, not the ancient supreme, not the creatures in mythology, nor the fairy weapon!"

Xu Yu roared up to the sky, went up against the sky, and bombarded that huge catastrophe, no matter what it manifested, he would smash it to pieces, and on the road to immortality, nothing could stop his footsteps.

For nine whole days, he fought bloody battles in the sky during the catastrophe, conquering all terrifying existences, and finally survived this rare catastrophe of destruction in ancient and modern times, and stood in the realm of the eighth heaven of the quasi-emperor.

In fact, what Xu Yu didn't know was that he had already been targeted by the ancient supreme beings in the forbidden area of ​​life as early as the time of the great catastrophe.

After all, such a huge catastrophe is already comparable to the ultimate catastrophe of some quasi-emperor nine-level monks.

Even if he used two extreme ground soldiers to cover up the secrets of the sky, he still couldn't cover up such a terrifying catastrophe.

Even some ancient supreme beings with few lives have already come to his side, hiding in the void.

Secretly waiting for his weakest moment to arrive, preparing to give him the most terrifying lore blow.

Now is the time when he has just survived the catastrophe and has not had time to swallow the spiritual energy of the world and recover his body. He is the weakest time.


The person hiding in the dark made a move without any reservations. The killing blow was too fatal for Xu Yu now.

In just a split second, a hideous crack appeared in Xu Yu's originally solid and immortal dharma body, and his whole body flew backwards, crashing into countless stars.

The timing of the ancient supreme master's attack was too good, because at this time Xu Yu had just put an end to the wonder of this realm, and did not have time to take precautions, so he received this terrifying blow.


After the first Ancient Sovereign made a move, several big black hands appeared and slapped Xu Yu who had just stopped.


Just as a few big hands were clapping towards Xu Yu, a big seal exuding endless celestial brilliance appeared in front of him, and greeted those big black hands proactively.


The unleashed Yuan Shiyin is indeed extremely powerful, and can withstand the attacks of several ancient supreme beings at the same time.

But that's not all. After the big hands of those ancient supreme beings were blocked by Yuan Shiyin, the ancient supreme who made the move earlier offered his real body and launched an attack on Xu Yu.


A mouthful of extremely dark gourd appeared from the body of the ancient supreme, and rushed straight to the Yuanshi seal on the top of Xu Yu's head, wanting to help the big hands of those ancient supreme to break Xu Yu's defense.

But how could Xu Yu let them get what they wanted.


Four blood-red sword qi soared into the sky, and with the aura of killing immortals and gods, they took the lead in slashing at the big hands of those ancient supreme beings.

I want to annihilate the attacks of those supreme beings who are unwilling to be born before fighting with that ancient supreme.

After all, the ancient supreme being carrying the black gourd is his main opponent at this moment, and the other ancient supreme beings who are unwilling to be born can only use limited attacks.

But the king of Hades is easy to talk, and the little ghost is difficult to deal with. Xu Yu is confident that he can fight against the ancient supreme who is wearing a black gourd.

But those ancient supreme beings who interfered with him from time to time in the dark were the most annoying.

They didn't dare to really fight with him, they only dared to consume Xu Yu's blood energy secretly so that he couldn't recover his vitality.

When Xu Yu was exhausted, they would strike with a thunderbolt.

That's why Xu Yu wanted to cut off these big black hands first.

However, he underestimated the shamelessness of the owners of those big black hands. When Xu Yu attacked them, they quickly withdrew their arms. After Xu Yu's attack failed, their arms would appear again. Continue to disturb Xu Yu.

When Xu Yu saw this scene, he turned around and fled decisively. He knew very well that he couldn't go on stalemate with these ancient supreme beings here.

Because now he has not had time to breathe out his spiritual energy and restore his own divine power, in the long run he will inevitably become the blood food of these ancient supreme beings.

Now he needs to find a place to recover, and needs endless energy to strengthen his body and reach the corresponding Dzogchen realm.

However, did the Supreme give him this time, just to kill him at this time, so that his body and spirit would be wiped out.

This was a great escape. Xu Yu rushed to the edge of the universe, walked in a dead place without life, and kept changing places, but he couldn't get rid of it, and the blood flowed more and more.


In the direction of Beidou, in the restricted area of ​​life, I don't know who it is, a few big hands are flying together, it's even more terrifying than before!

At the same time, in the direction of the Overlord Body Ancestral Star, the two big hands did the same. They came out in reality, and they attacked together. If Xu Yu was hit again, he would definitely die.

No one can bear the simultaneous bombing and killing of several supreme beings!

"This is the moment!"

Xu Yu let out a loud roar, and swiped his hands, the Yuanshi Technique burst into astonishing brilliance. Above his head, the Yuanshi Seal glowed, and a monstrous light burst from inside.

It was like a vast ocean rolled over, submerging several big hands.

And at this moment, a loud noise shook the universe, and this place was ignited.

That was the imprint of law that Yuanshi Tianzun left in the Yuanshi Seal, and it was the chain of order in the Yuanshi Seal. At this time, it exploded, like a catastrophe.Destroying the frontiers of the universe, chaos engulfed eternity.

Blood was splattering, the marks of heaven and earth were shattered, and several big hands were filled with bones, then melted, and finally exploded, and the avatars of several people were severely injured.

Yuan Shiyin broke out suddenly, causing the unprepared Supreme to suffer a heavy loss.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Xu Yu pinched the seal with both hands, carved a "Zhou" character with his left hand, and a "Yu" character with his right hand, splitting the world and opening a space-time passage.

He rushed in like this, fled to the distance, the chaotic energy spread, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the fragments of the law of the fairy bell annihilated the void, obliterating the traces he left behind.

Under the cold night sky, everything was quiet, Xu Yu sat there cross-legged, breathing slowly, he did not swallow the essence of heaven and earth on a large scale, otherwise this star field would be dim, and he would be discovered.

He is slowly refining and transforming his energy to strengthen his body, starting from the most basic, this time his injury is too serious, almost destroying his body and spirit, even if he has a word secret, he can't bear it.

After surviving the catastrophe, he was killed again. He was almost crippled, and came over with difficulty.

The stars in the sky, the endless galaxy, every star shoots a light into his pores, although he is suppressing, but after all, he is an eternal fairy body, no matter what he has to swallow a huge amount of energy, just a little absorption has caused this Wait for the scene.

Every cell in Xu Yu is a bottomless pit, wishing to suck up the entire Milky Way.

But he was very restrained, and finally left this place and went to the next one, so as not to make too much noise and provoke the enemy.

He sat cross-legged again, slowly settled down, nourished his primordial spirit, and healed the cracks on it.I don't know how long it took, but suddenly there was a violent sound, Xu Yu's head was split open, and his soul was almost scattered.

Just ahead, a supreme being transformed into a Taoist body, and even the strongest god attacked, trying to kill his primordial spirit.

Finally found it again!
The moment the primordial spirit became unstable, his physical body was also pierced, blood and flesh flew together, and the wine went far away, and then went away again after reorganizing.

Xu Yu swore that he would bulldoze certain restricted areas of life and destroy the ancestral caves of Dacheng's hegemony lineage. Today he has been robbed continuously, and these people have played tricks one after another.


Xu Yu let out a loud roar, and the Qing Emperor's soldiers flew over, he had already hidden them in this star field, exhausted his last strength, revived them, and swept them backwards.

This was an escape battle. Not long after, the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar was also revived by Xu Yu to fight against the people behind.

The great escape began, and Xu Yu went all out. As long as he is given time, he can grow himself, and soon he will rule the world. Now he just needs to survive.

However, it was very difficult. He survived two catastrophes in a row, surpassing the anticipation of the ancient supreme, and missed the best time to kill him, and now it may be the only chance, how can he give up?

Give him more time, and no one in this world can check and balance him.

Half a day later, Xu Yu was found again, and he was crushed by the overlord while sitting cross-legged. His heart boiled with anger, and he crossed to the depths of the cosmic sea, enduring the anger and resentment, and temporarily avoided the front.

What makes him regretful is that the shot tube for the ancient supreme controlled the primordial nature for a short time, making it no longer able to block the attacks of other ancient supreme for Xu Yu.

Therefore, his situation was very bad, and he fled passively.

It wasn't until two days later that the situation finally improved. He entered the land where Lingbao Tianzun fell, plunged into his sea of ​​suffering, and rushed into the divine liquid of his life spring.

This is a kind of crazy supplement. Although these things are tasteless to Supreme Being and cannot prolong life, they are priceless treasures to Xu Yu.

His fleshy body full of blood and cracks was nourished, and his injuries healed a lot. This brought him an opportunity and gave him a buffer time!
And time is life to him. In the following day, he crossed the cosmic sea and escaped continuously. Although he paid the price in blood, he also swallowed endless starlight and chaotic energy, and strengthened himself.

Some supreme people had a premonition that the general situation was over, and it would be difficult to kill Xu Yu without going out of the fairyland or being born.

On the fourth day, Xu Yu disappeared directly from the supreme sight, got rid of the pursuit, and manifested everywhere from time to time, crazily absorbing all kinds of energy, the endless universe, and the large galaxy is dimming.

In the end, he directly submerged into the sea of ​​chaos to breathe out.

The overall situation has been decided. After four days of recovery, he has the power to protect himself, and he is not afraid of a battle. Of course, he should try to avoid it as much as possible. He has to wait until he fully recovers.

The people in the forbidden zone sighed, they knew they couldn't stop it, at least Xu Yu could escape and survive.

No one expected that Xu Yu spent a whole month repairing his injured body and refining the broken cauldron. His body and weapon were finally as splendid as possible, reaching the peak of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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