Chapter 285 The Emperor Attacks
"Bathed in the blood of the emperors, reborn from Nirvana, how terrifying this vein is..." Everyone felt chills down their backs, and thought a lot.

In that distant ancient times, how many bloody cases happened, if it is reported, it must be shocking, and many people feel a little chills.

The deaths of some great emperors in history seemed so extraordinary, could it be related to this?
I still remember the sensation when the dismembered body of the Emperor Taihuang was found in the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion World in the Big Dipper Starfield. The body of a supreme being who had an astonishing attack power and walked on the road to immortality turned out to be broken and died, and the blood that disappeared is still burning.

Moreover, someone also heard the terrifying roar of the ancient emperor-level existence in that area, loudly scolding the undead emperor, thinking of this, it makes people feel cold all over.

That must be a person of such a long time. Could it be said that the long history of cultivation is not enough?He... is still there all this time, which is unbelievable and frightening.

A long howl came out, and the heavens needed to be moved, but the Phoenix Nest was still hazy, surrounded by blood mist, and only the Divine Nest Lunnan made up of blood phoenix trees could be vaguely seen.

At this time, a tall figure stood above, looked down, and said coldly: "The emperor is a fairy god, and the world is unpredictable."

The sun, the moon, and the stars fell together and revolved around him. He was like the center of the universe, where there were thousands of stars and rivers, and the scene was amazing.

This is a beautiful man, like pants, with long silver hair hanging down to the back half of his waist, shining with a crystal luster, without any sign of aging.

He looks very young, heroic and gentle, like a young god who came from ancient times, lived to this life, and is respected by the world.

It was the God General of the Sun and Moon. This was not his virtual body when he dealt with Ye Fan and the demons, but his real body. He walked out of the grave, full of blood.

"Well, each of the eight legendary generals has been glorious for eternity, and their strength is so strong that it defies the sky. I can't think of more than one person surviving. Unfortunately, it is no longer a grand occasion. In the past, some of you almost became enlightened. Became a phoenix with a skirt."

The old man with yellow teeth muttered, and then led his grandson to water the fairy tree again without raising his head; "It's windy up there, be careful not to be blown off, this is not the past, don't stand if you are not at the peak!" On the top of a mountain, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, and a man does not stand above a bird's nest."


The blood show is surging, the huge god's nest is pressing forward, covering the sky, the ruins of the heavenly court are in turmoil, and the immortal queen and the two gods are approaching.

"Since Tianhou wants to fight to the death, I will accompany you!" On the Yinyang Dao platform, the old Taoist stood up, facing Gao Tian, ​​his eyes were bright.

In the rear, Zhou Yi and Lin Jia were shocked. It had been a long time since they had seen the old woodcutter like this. At this moment, he was no longer old, and he was cutting towards the sky like a magic knife out of its sheath.


The sharp light shot out from the old woodcutter's eyes drew two big cracks in the void, fighting like knives and swords!

"Can you still fight? The battle in the past was uncomfortable for us. It is no good for anyone to continue the confrontation now. There are other fellow Taoists here. If you and I fight, it is inevitable that others will take advantage of it." ?”

The Phoenix Nest was approaching, and Tianhou's crisp voice came from inside.

Hearing the voice of the Immortal Queen, the old woodcutter didn't express anything, as if everything in the world couldn't be moved, but the old man with yellow teeth and the bearded man looked at Xu Yu.

Apparently they were afraid of Xu Yu, who had just risen to enlightenment, fearing that he would take advantage of him.

After all, they had never met before. They had only heard of Xu Yu's name, and they didn't have a special understanding of Xu Yu's actions.

"Hahaha, I'm worrying too much. You are not worth my shot. If you are the number one general of the Immortal Dynasty, I can meet for a while. As for you and these two generals with decaying blood, I will do it together." There is no desire at all!"

Hearing what the Immortal Empress meant, Xu Yu laughed heartily and said it indifferently.

No matter what, as the face of the arrogance of the whole universe, Xu Yu will not do things that add insult to injury. As a hero, mind and courage are very important.

"As for this Heavenly Palace, although it is very extraordinary, it is someone else's property after all, and I don't want to do something like that!"

After a pause, Xu Yu continued to speak:
"Besides, this place didn't belong to you in the first place, so why bother to humiliate yourself? Not everyone will regard you as a treasure like the number one God General."

"Don't be so divisive. You and I are different from these young people. They belong to this era. As for you and me, everything we have is in that ancient era."

As a peerless master who has been handed down from ancient times to the present, the old woodcutter has already seen through the matter of enlightenment. Because he has a knot in his heart, he has not been able to prove the Tao. It has already been proved that it has become an emperor.

"If that's the case, fellow Daoist, let's fight to decide the ownership of Tiangong!"

At this moment, the Immortal Queen let go of her scruples and decided to fight the old man who chopped firewood.

Silently, God General Kun also appeared, standing side by side with General Sun Moon, on the nest of the Scarlet Blood Phoenix, each of them was ready for a decisive battle.

But at this time, the burly man with a dangerous beard stepped forward and came to his master.At the same time, the yellow-toothed old man dropped the wooden barrel in his hand, let go of his grandson, and came up close, confronting the two great generals in the sky.

"Let's see how powerful the general was back then, and how much of his skills are left." The bearded man smiled boldly.

The old man with yellow teeth shook his head and said: "I hate fighting the most. Fighting and killing are boring. I like to study various flowers and plants and various bloodlines. I think the bloodline of Tianhou must be very special. I am really looking forward to it."

"You're going to die!" Kun Tianshen's expression turned cold.Taking a step forward, he flew down in an instant, killing the old man Xiang Zao.

Although the eight great ancient gods and generals have a detached status and are so humble that they don't even respect the Immortal Queen, they will not tolerate outsiders insulting the Immortal Queen.

The bad old man didn't give in at all, he blew up a whirlwind of yellow hair, soaring up to the sky, a withered yellow palm and the weapon of the general struck hard.

There was a shocking explosion sound, and the sun, moon, and stars shattered. Everyone was shocked. This sleazy old man was so strong that he raised his hand and saw the old god general. This paragraph of madness.

Runes filled the sky, where a piece of galaxy was shattered, Kuntian God General's supernatural powers were in charge of the world, and he was used for his own use of the origin of the universe, and a piece of universe starry sky he captured was blown up by the old man.

The black Tian Ge in Kun Tianshen's hand was also buzzing and trembling, as if he had been hit hard, he shook his whole body three times, almost seriously injured.

No one is not shocked by this result!
The eight great generals of the past have left too many legends, and there are actually people who can rival them.

"Sure enough, the secret hair of the phoenix is ​​not as good as that of a chicken. How much power do you have left, and can you return to the peak? If you have the strength of the past, I will fly away immediately, old man."

The yellow-toothed old man chuckled, looking even more wretched.

Kun Tian was silent, it was a miracle to survive, if he hadn't swallowed part of the elixir, he might not be able to wake up.

"Unexpectedly, you who cut firewood find such a peerless master to help you again. It's not as good as the god general back then, but it's not far away." The voice of the Immortal Queen in the Phoenix Nest was clear and moving, like a young girl in anger.

"Tian Hou, give me two hundred catties of phoenix blood, and I will sell myself to you and be loyal to you. "The bad old man said very unscrupulously.

"Grandpa!" Under the fairy tree, the child was unhappy and felt that his grandpa was too shameful.

"Who am I for, not for you? Ask for some phoenix blood and use it on your body so that you can deal with that stone egg in the future." The old man muttered, then looked eagerly at the sky, and said to Li Chao :

"How about Tianhou, why don't I give you a [-]% discount, a hundred catties of phoenix blood will be fine."

Everyone was surprised, looked at the child, and then at the bad old man, what is the origin of it, the egg to be dealt with, is it the one under the sword of immortality? It's amazing!
God General Kun swooped down to attack and kill the leader of the spirit, while General Sun Moon, also with long silver-white hair fluttering, rushed towards the bearded man, and a fierce battle broke out.

After a while, a voice came from the Phoenix Nest, telling Kuntian and the Sun Moon God General to back off, fearing that something might happen to them, because they were no longer as perfect as they used to be.

"Are you afraid, admitting that you are not as good as me?" The old man Jing looked excited, like a victorious rooster, and walked away in high spirits.

But after returning, he turned into a bitter gourd color, shook his hands vigorously, called again and again, and said:
"It hurts me to death, damn it, hasn't the phoenix shed its hair, why is it still so powerful.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Just now, this bad old man fought against the opponent's weapon with his bare hands. He smashed the sun, the moon and the stars with one finger. Why is he screaming for pain now? Is the sensory perception seriously lagging behind?

The child under the fairy tree covered his face, feeling embarrassed, blushing for his father's immoral behavior.

"If you and I fight one more time, our lives will surely be in danger, so let's decide the outcome with three strikes." The Queen's voice came from the Phoenix Nest.

"Okay, in order to live a few more years, let's fight less." The old Taoist raised his head, and then rushed towards the sky.

In an instant, it was like a raging sea broke its embankment, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness. The huge divine sound and fluctuations knocked many people to death. Fortunately, the Tianting Ruins had the Supreme Restriction, otherwise everyone would be bloody. Pretty much the same.

The woodcutter and Huang Chao were submerged, and they couldn't see their confrontation, but people could sense the huge fluctuation.

They directly rushed into the universe, breaking apart star rivers, as if the laws of the emperor's way burst out, where is the agreement of three strokes, and thirty big collisions have passed in a short time.

That kind of collision makes people feel terrified, and each time it becomes stronger and stronger, it makes people suffocate.

In the universe, that piece of galaxy was shattered and completely destroyed. People carefully counted and discovered in horror that the battle had escalated. As time went by, three hundred moves had passed.

"This is a fight to the death." Pangbo sighed.

Ye Fan, Monkey, Human Devil, Black Emperor, etc. all showed dignified expressions. This series of battles had a great impact on them. Everyone was watching from a distance, hoping to see it thoroughly.

In fact, the other ancient princes did the same, opening their celestial eyes and watching the battle in the starry sky.

As time passed, the battle ended after three thousand moves. The Phoenix Nest of the Immortal Queen moved slowly, and then left this galaxy.

Before leaving, her cold voice spread throughout the place, saying: "The blood of the ancient emperor comes with me, and there will be a real fairy world waiting for you to step in in the future."

Today, one thing is more surprising than the other. The Immortal Queen publicly recruited the ancient prince, and directly said such news, which made people change color.


The old woodcutter didn't have anything to hide, he coughed up several mouthfuls of blood, his body was almost shattered, even a blood hole appeared between his eyebrows, and landed on the broken platform.

Everyone turned pale. What kind of battle did this experience?
Zhou Yi and Lin Jia hurried forward, took out a green skin gourd, poured out a golden pill, and asked the old Taoist to take it.

He was injured like this, but the Immortal Queen did not chase down. It can be seen that the peerless woman in the Phoenix Nest must have suffered heavy injuries, and she will not be much better than the old man who chopped firewood.

call out!
A ray of red light swooped in, and no one expected the Immortal Queen to leave. Just after calming down, a red dragon suddenly appeared, beheaded, and went straight to the old man who was chopping firewood.

This kind of fluctuation is too violent and too terrifying, making all the patterns in the Tianting ruins light up and emit power.

"The emperor is here!"

"He wants to enter here too!"

Ye Fan, Pang Bo and others changed their colors.

The old woodcutter scolded lightly for a lifetime, spit out a ray of fairy light, and slashed at the red dragon.

"Bold!" On the other side, the yellow-toothed old man also yelled, and another red light rushed towards him, trying to take away the withered fairy tree.

In fact, this ray of light is real. Although the Chilong who killed the old man who chopped firewood had powerful combat power, he was an incarnation.


The bad old man was shocked and backed away, unable to stop the emperor.

"It's him, the master of the divine court, a person who will become enlightened, and he will never be weaker than the Immortal Queen and the old woodcutter. He is a peerless master at the same level." Many people exclaimed.


The fairy tree rose from the ground and was about to leave the ground. The emperor came and made a strong attack, making everyone tremble, as if no one could stop it.

Even Ye Fan and Pang Bo found it incredible.

"You came here for this celestial root, but even if it was given to you, it wouldn't be able to achieve Taoism." said the old woodcutter.

He pushed back the incarnation, and came to the fairy tree in one step, stopped it, and confronted the strongest man in the red dragon armor with red light shining all over his body.

People reminded of a legend that the fairy tree in the heavenly court contained the Dharma and Tao of Emperor Zun. He sang and chanted in front of the tree every day, and even watered it with his life spring divine liquid. This tree should be a priceless treasure.

The emperor came here obviously for the way in the dead tree, wanted to seize the fragments of the way of the emperor, and wanted to find the secret of the last step of enlightenment. He had waited for too long.

The emperor appeared and killed at this critical moment. There is no doubt about his strength. He is absolutely comparable to the immortal queen and the old woodcutter.

The old woodcutter was covered in blood, and there was a hole between his eyebrows that was bubbling blood. He was in very bad health, but besides taking a bath, he was the only one who could fight against the emperor.

But looking at Xu Yu's expression, it seemed that he had no intention of making a move.

In fact, Xu Yu really wanted to kill the emperor, but at the moment when he was about to do it, he heard the sound transmission of the old woodcutter.Tell him not to make a move.

Today is the first day that the woodcutter is going to set up and work. Naturally, he has to suppress and kill the emperor with strong means, so that others can understand that the majesty of a supreme master cannot be challenged, even if he is also a fellow who will become enlightened.

What's more, now that the old woodcutter has moved into the Tiangong and has become the real power in the Tiangong, if the emperor is allowed to provoke, how can he quell the turmoil.

"You are Xu Yu, the exiled fairy, the founder of the Heavenly Court of Gods!"

The emperor saw that many people were looking at Xu Yu, so he asked.

"It's this seat!"

"Why, Emperor, do you want to do two tricks with me?"

Xu Yu said to the emperor coldly.

"I'll settle the score with you after I get rid of that old guy first."

The emperor also knew that Xu Yu's realm was similar to his now, but Xu Yu's combat power was immeasurable.So in order to complete the plan in his mind, he did not choose to conflict with Xu Yu.

His primary target is still the old woodcutter, and it can even be said to be the humanoid elixir left by Emperor Zun.

Before the humanoid elixir was obtained, he was unwilling to collide with someone at the peak like Xu Yu.

Under such circumstances, the old man chopping firewood has become a better choice.

First of all, in the previous battle between the old man who chopped wood and the queen of immortality, both sides suffered losses. Although the queen of immortality retreated in the end, the old man who chopped wood was not completely unharmed.

So after putting down a harsh word, the emperor confronted the old woodcutter, and wanted to restore his reputation by defeating the old man, rebuilding his invincible strength in front of all the arrogance in the universe.

The place immediately fell silent, and everyone held their breath, paying attention nervously.

The nine rounds of the sun set in the west, and under the setting sun, the entire heavenly palace complex was dyed with a layer of holy brilliance, making this place even more solemn.

"Bring it!" the emperor opened his mouth and stretched out a hand. His whole body was covered by the red dragon armor. His body was slender and strong, and his fingers were strong. When he stretched out casually, pieces of runes of the emperor's way appeared in the void. .

"It's useless if you want it." The old woodcutter shook his head, his eyes were deep, with a kind of brilliance of wisdom, and said: "You have spent your time in remorse and lost your Dao heart. Even if you give me a real fairy scripture, you are doomed." Can't make it."

"Give it to me!" The emperor's words were indifferent, and his aura suddenly became stronger several times. The words of the woodcutter touched his back scales, and his hand was burning with red blood.

The fairy tree had been uprooted, and it was fixed in the void in front of the Heavenly Palace. Between the two, the whole body was dim, the old skin was cracked, and there was no luster.

Is this the undead tree that Emperor Zun chanted and watered the divine liquid of the fountain of life?Many people's eyes widened, and they were even more sad than before. Letting those who will become enlightened fight like this is enough to explain the problem.

The old woodcutter shook his head, not retreating half a step.

In fact, a field has long been formed between the two, and the fairy plants are shaking between the two. It is hard to say how terrifying that level of divine power is. Once it is out of balance, it may turn the elixir into ashes.

So neither of them dared to use force, and treated them with caution.

"Then let's fight and make a decision based on it!" said the emperor, with hair flying all over his body, leaping into the sky like a dragon.


With a loud roar, a huge red dragon appeared in the universe, the whole body was blood red, and the scales were dense, like a phoenix blood and red gold. In addition, there was a vermilion bird standing on the dragon's head, looking down.

The red dragon coiled, Xeon's physique shone with light, strangled, and the galaxy shattered.

The old Taoist climbed up to the sky, and pushed out a palm in a flat manner. It seemed that there was no firework, and even the divine light did not burst, but something terrible happened. The stars in front of him dimmed, and the entire starry sky suddenly disappeared. The sky became dark, and the blood dragon shook even more, singing for nine days.

This palm was too terrifying, it was silent, it destroyed a galaxy, and it made people tremble.

The sound of clang clang clang was endless, and nine ancient characters appeared one after another beside the emperor, and they brightened up, like nine suns shining in the sky, covering him below.

Those are the nine ancient characters in the Taoist scriptures, which can suppress one's own body, practice eternity, possess a kind of immortal power, and now show a strong defensive power.boom!

The old woodcutter's ten fingers are like drills, he pokes forward, the attack power is tyrannical, ten immortal lights are shot out, if Dayi shoots the sun, ten arrows will move the sky!
The nine ancient characters trembled, and a terrifying aura erupted like a sun that was about to be destroyed, sweeping the sky and turning into a cosmic storm.

Ye Fan was moved. He was very familiar with the nine ancient characters in the Taoist scriptures. He had used them many times.

That is a kind of imperial art, of course the most important thing is the woodcutter himself, he has the power to turn decay into magic, ten fairy lights split the sky, clanging and deafening.

The red dragon soared into the sky, roared loudly, and spit out a piece of flames from his mouth. The overwhelming heat wave burned some stars into liquid and then into dust.

Passive is not the choice of the emperor, he began to take action, the nine ancient characters that had dimmed reappeared and shone brighter, and he himself rushed forward.

The old woodcutter swiped his hand, and a yin fish appeared, carrying the power of the sun to suppress it forward, and collided with the fiery waves, annihilating this place.


Suddenly, on the head of the red dragon, the small-looking vermilion bird standing above it fluttered its wings, danced for nine days, and turned into a blood-colored lightning that struck down.

The emperor has Suzaku's bloodline, and the reason why he appears as a red dragon is all because of the armor, and the most fundamental power of the bloodline is Suzaku.

This blow shocked the ancients and the present, far beyond the understanding of the world. Although the fiery red bird was not big, it was extremely powerful. One of its wings was about to hit the old woodcutter's body immediately.

With a clang sound, a snow-white sword glow shot up into the sky, and the hatchet behind the old Taoist's back was unsheathed, and the knife was full of aura, and rushed forward like a vast ocean.

Suzaku screamed, piercing the universe.

And the light flooded this place even more, and in the ruins of Tianting, everyone couldn't see clearly.

When everything was over, the old woodcutter shook his body, and there were more bloodstains all over his body, especially a terrible crack appeared on the left half of his body, and his body was almost split in two.

That's the might of Suzaku's wings splitting the sky just now!
On the other side, bloodstains also appeared on the emperor's body, which was swept by the knife light. It was a terrible aura, and a blood hole was pierced through his shoulder.

Suddenly, the emperor's figure flickered, and he used Suzaku's technique of crossing three thousand realms to stop time, and traveled backwards to snatch the fairy tree.

The old Taoist stopped him and chased them down. The two collided continuously in the void. This time, there was a real fire, and thousands of flowers of the Great Dao bloomed.

Pieces of runes emerged, which was a kind of extremely powerful law fluctuation.

Suddenly, the fairy tree in the ruins of Tianting made a soft sound, its roots shattered, turned into a piece of ashes, and the tree body fell to the ground.

The emperor let out a roar, swooped down, and the old woodcutter blocked him. The two collided several times, and finally landed in front of the Tianting ruins.

"The roots are fake, they can be faked, the real emperor immortal tree is long gone, and the roots have been removed!
The yellow-toothed old man angrily threw the wooden barrel on the ground. The golden thunder element in the barrel flowed, and all the strong men ran away in shock. Those things can definitely hurt the Great Sage.

"In vain, the fairy plant has been removed." The emperor was lost, and then his eyes suddenly turned cold, looking at Ye Fan, Hei Huang, etc. in the distance, showing his murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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