Wan Gu turned his head to nothing, and the human world had been smoked for several times. The potential followers left in this world by the two ancient supreme beings in the past finally appeared on this day.

As soon as the horn blew and the drum sounded, all the forces under the starry sky were compared.

No other orthodoxy can be like them, even after millions of years have passed, the war department is still overwhelming, and the strong are like clouds.

This decisive battle between the Underworld, the Phoenix Nest, the Heavenly Court, the God Organization, and the Taoist Palace will definitely affect the whole world, and the battle can only end with the destruction of one side.


In the starry sky, roaring roared like mountains and seas, making the stars and seas in the sky tremble, and in the endless star field, all living beings and spirits trembled all over.

Countless powerhouses shouted loudly, and their voices combined to explode like thunder, earth-shattering, and the entire universe was roaring!

At this moment, the Immortal Empress on the Scarlet Phoenix Nest began to beat drums and gather generals herself.

Her face was peerless, her figure was like a perfect masterpiece of the gods, her pair of lotus root arms were white, and she beat the emperor's drum heavily there, stirring up a special charm.

The sound of the drums was dull, like a billowing ocean tearing apart the sky, sweeping up and spreading to the universe.

That frightening rhythm made the strong men on the Phoenix Nest and the Underworld's side run wild with enthusiasm, their souls glowed, their fighting spirit surged, and their strength was greatly improved.

This is the secret weapon left by the Immortal Emperor, with mysterious power.

On the other side, the war horn in the hands of the old god is a treasure made by Emperor Zun himself. It is said that it is made of real dragon horns. It also has supreme power. It can suppress the magic power of the opponent's strong man and enhance the power of the strong man on his own side. .


Shouting like a tsunami sounded, shaking the starry sky, and the decisive battle between the two forces began. Countless strong men collided fiercely like two huge waves.

In an instant, bloody broken bones flew in this universe
Splashing, every moment, the strong fall, and the body and spirit are destroyed.

Among them, there are many strong men in the realm of the Great Saint, who are also constantly dying, leaving their lives in this battlefield forever.

Even quasi-emperor-level powerhouses were blown up from time to time, and their flesh and blood, which contained boundless power, shattered pieces of the starry sky.


Xu Yu stepped forward in one step, and came to the strong emperor of the underworld, and directly exploded his body with a single palm. The black blood splashed, carrying terrifying and corrosive power. If a person in the realm of the great sage was infected, he would definitely die. .

"Slaves raised from corpses!"

Seeing the black blood and the mutilated corpse filled with yin, Xu Yu immediately knew that this was a war slave cultivated by the underworld with the corpse of the ancient quasi-emperor.

They are Zhundi's corpses that formed the reincarnation seal, and gave birth to consciousness again, and they are no longer the Zhundi.

Of course, because of their powerful bodies in their previous lives, they can still exert quasi-emperor-level combat power, and can easily kill the peak sage. They are not unpowerful.

But such terrifying quasi-emperor war slaves are nothing in front of Xu Yu, and they can be crushed in a flash.

At this moment, not only are countless soldiers fighting in the vast battlefield, but even the most powerful quasi-emperors such as Ye Fan, the old god, and the old woodcutter are also fighting against others.

Youmo God, Kuntian God General, and Sun Moon God General on the Phoenix Nest's side, although they have been sealed for countless years, their strength is no longer at the peak.

But the Immortal Queen took out some peerless fetishes, which restored most of the strength of these three generals, making them look extremely terrifying.

After dealing with several high-end combat powers of the Phoenix Nest and the Underworld, Xu Yu lost interest in beheading such characters, and directly stared at the Immortal Queen who came to the Scarlet Phoenix Nest to beat the drum.


He stepped out in a few steps, the sun and the moon rotated, the galaxy retreated, and rushed straight to the Phoenix Nest.

"Immortal Empress, your era has already ended in the ancient times, why bother to stir up troubles in this world, and let yourself die so shamefully in the end!"

Xu Yu's words resounded in the galaxy, he knew that the woman in front of him was very ambitious, she once abandoned her childhood sweetheart Ning Fei, married the Immortal Emperor who was invincible for nine days and ten earths, and became the emperor's wife.

Now, eons have passed, and the Immortal Emperor has passed away on the bright side, but she still wants to come out to disturb the peace of the universe, trying to establish an immortal dynasty, rule the universe as a woman, and rule the world.

Although in history, there are not without such stunningly talented women, such as the Queen Mother of the West who was congenitally proclaimed the Dao, and the ruthless emperor who created the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art, they really have the strength to look down on the boundless world.

But the Immortal Queen is obviously not that kind of woman. She has countless precious resources left to her by the Immortal Emperor. Instead of thinking about how to take the crucial step and look up to the throne, she instead wants to fight for the dominance of the universe with the forces left by the Immortal Emperor. This approach has actually been lost. The heart of enlightenment.

"Back when I came to the nine heavens and ten places with the emperor, your ancestors didn't know where they were. Now you, a junior, dare to talk to me like this!"

The Immortal Queen shouted coldly.

Although she is afraid of Xu Yu's strength, she is not afraid of it. After all, in the beginning of the ancient times, she has ruled the universe with the emperor. Even the ancient supreme in the restricted area will respect her.

Now a junior of the human race who has practiced for hundreds of years speaks of her in such a tone, it really makes him angry.

"It's useless to talk too much. Today I'll weigh it up, how much pride the former Emperor's wife has."

Xu Yu's face was calm, and he directly slapped forward with his palm. The palm, which was crystal clear like fairy gold, exuded hundreds of millions of divine brilliance.

"Junior..." The Immortal Queen's face changed slightly, feeling the tremendous pressure. That young human race was too powerful.

"Kill!" She shouted tenderly, the blood-colored phoenix nest at her feet emitted endless light, and the sound of the phoenix's song moved the nine heavens, as if there was a real fairy sleeping in it.

The huge blood-colored phoenix nest is a powerful treasure, and there is also the original dao pattern carved by the immortal emperor, which can be described as extremely powerful.

At this time, under the impetus of the Immortal Queen, a huge divine phoenix flew out of the phoenix nest, spread its wings and raged, counterattacked the sky, and collided fiercely with Xu Yu's big hand,

Infinite light burst out, lighting up the universe, and the terrifying power could be felt from an infinite distance away.


The Immortal Queen's eyes were full of horror, she held her chest with her hands, coughed uncontrollably, and blood spilled from her mouth.

With just one blow, she was injured in Xu Yu's hands.

The entire star sea is boiling, and countless powerful people are fighting, all of them are people from the big and powerful clans in the universe, and they were swept in by this big storm.

The muffled drums kept beating, like a great emperor roaring, deafening, spreading across the starry sky, making people's blood boil.

On the Phoenix Nest, the Immortal Empress stood proudly, with a slender figure and a peerless appearance, but her originally indifferent and calm expression was no longer there, and the proud human being in front of her made her feel faint fear in her heart.

"The former emperor's wife, with only this little strength, vainly tried to dominate the world in this golden world. Your strength cannot bear your ambition!"

Xu Yuzai's words resounded in the vast sea of ​​stars, faintly containing a kind of supreme power.

Stepping into the void, he pushed towards the Phoenix Nest step by step, and a strong sense of oppression surged, making the magic weapon engraved with the runes of the emperor's way tremble uncontrollably, and it was difficult to bear his supreme pressure. Divine power.

The Immortal Queen wiped off the blood from the corner of her mouth, regained her composure in her eyes, stared at Xu Yu indifferently, and said, "Although you, a junior of the human race, are amazingly gifted, the power and glory of the Emperor are something that can be shaken by you people." of!"

Looking at this huge decisive battle, Huangchao and Jifu are gradually at a disadvantage. Ye Fan, the old god, the woodcutter old man and other supreme quasi-emperors are gradually beheading their high-end combat power.

Judging from the current situation, the destruction of the Phoenix Nest may be at present, but the eyes of the Immortal Queen do not have that kind of despair, because she still has the ultimate hole card, and will not be afraid of any power in the world, including the supreme sleeping life restricted area.

Xu Yu looked at the expression on the Immortal Queen's face and knew what she relied on, that was the Immortal Emperor.

Because, back then, when Emperor Wushi entered Beidou Zishan and suppressed the Immortal Queen and the Babu God Generals, the Immortal Emperor once blocked it.

This made the Immortal Queen understand that the supreme god of all races who created the ancient era, who can be compared to the Emperor's Immortal Emperor, has not really passed away, and is still living in a certain corner of the world.

Knowing that the Emperor is not dead, the Immortal Empress naturally has a trump card against everything, and this is also the main backing to support her ambition.

If it really comes to the last moment, she will call the emperor to appear, sweep the nine heavens and ten places, kill all the disrespectful people in the universe, and look down on the world.

"The Immortal Empress, you are doomed to lose this round, I'll send you on your way!" Xu Yu shook his head slightly, not worried that the Immortal Emperor would appear, but he was a little afraid of another outstanding person.


An astonishing force of energy and blood rushed straight from the top of his head to the depths of the universe, exuding the aura of the supreme emperor, permeating the heavens and the earth, and the four poles of the universe could feel that terrible power.

Xu Yu is going to attack with all his strength. He has stepped into the realm of forbidden gods, sublimated to the utmost, and raised his combat power to the peak, as if a real emperor appeared in the world. Those who will become enlightened in the Nine Heavens all feel great pressure.

Although he has not yet proved the way and cannot stay in the forbidden realm like the emperor, he is not far behind.It doesn't take much time to stand in this taboo state that breaks all obstacles.


The universe shook violently, and Xu Yu struck out the Immortal Battle Seal. His palm was surrounded by chaotic energy and became extremely huge, covering a vast sea of ​​stars, like the palm of a fairy king sticking out, destroying Heaven and Earth.

One after another, the stars continued to bloom like fireworks, emitting bright rays of light, bursting completely, and turning into cosmic dust.

"Puff puff……"

There are many guards of the Queen of Heaven standing on the Phoenix Nest, each of them is a real strong man. Before the giant hand filled with chaotic energy fell, they were blown away by the terrifying pressure and turned into pieces of blood fog.

The Immortal Queen's face turned pale, and she felt the threat of death. She beat the drum vigorously. The material of the Emperor's Drum was unknown, and its whole body turned red gold. Every time she beat it, dazzling light flew out, causing ripples in the void. , became a taboo in the vast sea.

Not only that, the huge phoenix nest also resounded with a phoenix cry, shaking the ten directions, and in the red light that filled the sky, countless blood-colored true phoenixes rushed out.

Although the power of Tianhuanggu and Huangchao is strong, they still can't stop Xu Yu. Standing in the forbidden area of ​​the gods, his combat power has reached an unimaginable level. He has surpassed the level of Zhundi Jiuzhongtian and touched another area.

With a wave of his arm, the Immortal Immortal Imprint surrounded by chaotic energy moved down, annihilating countless blood phoenixes and taboo vast seas, and slapped it on the huge phoenix nest.


This magic weapon engraved with the undead emperor's way pattern was instantly torn apart and smashed to pieces.


The Immortal Empress let out a scream, her body was directly exploded, blood and bones splashed everywhere.

But she is different from the ninth-level Tianzhun Emperor who was sealed to the current world. After she came out of the source of God, she fused the immortal blood left to her by the Immortal Emperor, and she has recovered to the peak state, and she can even live for thousands of years.

Unlike God General Kun, God General Sun Moon and others, they have long since lost their heyday in the ancient times, and have fallen to their previous realm.

A high-pitched phoenix cry sounded, blood and bones splashed everywhere, burning with raging blood flames, gathered together in an instant, turning into a complete blood phoenix,
Spreading its wings and rushing into the sky, the speed is extremely fast.It's a pity that Xu Yu has one of the nine secrets in his cultivation.

The word "Xing" is secret, with the world's fastest speed. In this field, there is almost no one who surpasses it at the same level.


Mysterious dao patterns flickered under his feet, and with two steps, he crossed the vast sea of ​​stars and caught up with the undead queen in front of him.

"You..." Undead Queen's eyes revealed
With a little fear in his eyes, Peerless Qingcheng's face turned pale, completely losing all color.

That human Tianjiao is too terrifying, he is comparable to the emperor of the same realm, and she is not at all able to match.

"Tian Hou, I will send you back to Taikoo!"

Xu Yu pointed out that the supreme divine power was entangled, and then the two extreme opposing original forces merged into a chaotic finger, piercing the world and stabbing the undead queen.

But at this moment, a white horse with a sick leg, carrying a white-haired old man, appeared in the distant galaxy, crossed the endless distance in an instant, and blocked the undead queen.

Holding a silver long spear in his hand, he stabbed it out, the extremely bright silver light bloomed, and a wave filled with imperial prestige radiated, shattering the giant fingers of chaos.

"The number one general under the Immortal Emperor!"

Xu Yu looked at the old man who suddenly appeared, and whispered solemnly.

White horse, silver spear, the number one general among the eight great generals——Ning Fei, this unrivaled hero who has an extraordinary past with the Immortal Queen appeared.

"Ning Fei!" Immortal Queen's body trembled, and Huo De turned around. When she saw the heroic genius in the past, who still had white hair and shawls, she couldn't help but have a sore nose.

Back then, that young man on a white horse was invincible all over the world with a single strike, how high-spirited he was.Now, at a critical moment, he appeared again.

Hearing the voice of the Immortal Queen, Ning Fei paused, his vicissitudes of eyes revealed all kinds of emotions, but finally turned into speechless.

"Young man, you are very good!" He looked at Xu Yu and sighed, as if seeing himself in his youth, so high-spirited.

Ning Fei, the former hero of the world, and the immortal queen were originally a pair of childhood sweethearts.

It's a pity, good luck tricks people!

In the end, the Immortal Empress married a high-ranking emperor, and Ning Fei became the number one general under the Immortal Emperor in order to protect the Immortal Empress, a man who was extremely infatuated.

Now, endless years have passed, and this outstanding man is already old. The once handsome young man with a silver gun on a white horse has become an old man with a sick horse.

But even so, Ning Fei still appeared at critical moments, protecting the Immortal Queen in the later years of his life.

Xu Yu looked at Ning Fei who was riding a tumor horse, knowing the past of this outstanding man, he still admired him a lot.

But now that they are in two opposing camps, a war may be inevitable.


The fairy golden cauldron on Xu Yu's head vibrated, emitting hundreds of millions of celestial brilliance, like the sinking of the chaotic world, permeated with the power to suppress the eternal years, making the stars and seas tremble.

He stepped forward slowly, activated Emperor Zun's "Jie" character secret, and his combat power in the forbidden realm of the gods increased tenfold again, climbing to an incredible state. Cross-border time returns.

"Is this...someone has achieved enlightenment and become an emperor?"

"Or is the forbidden zone Supreme born?"

The incomparable emperor's aura spread to the vast universe, horrified countless powerful people, and the underworld.

Everyone in the circle nest, the heavenly court, the god organization, and the Taoist palace, who were fighting fiercely with the five major forces, paused for a while, looking at the deep starry sky in the distance.

Not only that, even the several life-forbidden areas of Beidou also have a terrifying aura that goes straight into the sky, and there are faintly terrifying eyes looking through the universe and looking at the Xinghai battlefield.

"The quasi-emperor Jiuchongtian..."

"I didn't expect him to have reached this level. If I had known that he was crossing the tribulation that day, I should have shot!"

"The momentary softness at that time has become a great disaster now!"

The ancient mines in the early days, the undead mountain, the sea of ​​reincarnation and other restricted areas of life, all have dormant ancient supreme whispers, who have fully noticed Xu Yu and will not allow him to grow to the point where he threatens himself.

"I seem to see my own shadow back then!" Ning Fei, who was riding on a lame horse, looked at the peerless Xu Yu, and whispered to himself.

At the same time, his originally calm expression also became dignified. Although this young man of later generations has only lived for a few hundred years, his strength is unparalleled, and his invincible capital is fully displayed.

What's more, the other party is young and prosperous, with blood like a dragon, like a rising sun, with billions of rays, and is about to rule the world.

But he is already in his twilight years, very old, the fire of life is extremely weak and will soon be extinguished.

But Ning Fei used to be an outstanding person in an era, and he was not afraid of any challenges. Even if an ancient supreme was in front of him, he would use the silver gun in his hand to protect the beloved behind him.


The sea of ​​stars trembled, the universe trembled, the nine heavens and ten earths trembled, the great battle between Xu Yu and Ning Fei broke out, the terrifying laws of the emperor's way stirred, and countless stars were shattered by them, turned into dust, and completely wiped out.

The terrifying supernatural power completely stopped the fighting between the five major forces including the Phoenix Nest and the Heavenly Court.

"The number one god general in the ancient times, confronting the peerless hero in this world—Xu Yu, this is rare in ancient and modern times!"

"Although they haven't really proved the way yet, they almost already have the power of the emperor level, and we can only look up to them for the rest of our lives!"

Countless strong men from all races in the universe showed awe-inspiring expressions on their faces. Even the quasi-emperor Jiuchongtian, such as the old firewood-cutters and the old gods, who would become Taoists, had curtains and sighs deep in their eyes.

Only the top talents such as Ye Fan, Sheng Prince, Yin Tiande, Dao Yi, etc., although their expressions are solemn, their eyes are still high in fighting spirit, and their heart to prove the Tao has not wavered.


The Immortal Golden Tripod, made of a mixture of a variety of extreme materials, became vast and boundless, reaching up to the nine heavens and down to the nine secluded places. Under Xu Yu's control, it exuded a divine power to suppress the boundless heaven and earth, and pressed down on the real body of the number one ancient god general.

Although Ning Fei is old, his combat power is still terrifying. With a movement of his figure, his true body transformed into an ancient god as big as a deer, towering in the sea of ​​​​stars in the universe, and even countless stars could only revolve around his hair.


The silver spear in his hand also turned into a pillar of the sky, shining brightly, piercing through the starry sky for hundreds of millions of miles, as if trying to overturn the entire universe, and collide fiercely with the fairy golden cauldron.


Two weapons that were infinitely close to the Emperor's Armament of the Extreme Dao fought, and the sound of the collision was so powerful that it spread across countless star fields, and the laws of all Taoism wailed.

And in the center of the battle, the starry sky was broken, the universe was shaken, and large cracks in the void stretched to the endless distance, and the violent chaotic energy surged out, directly returning this world to the original state of the world.


Standing in the universe, Ning Fei couldn't stop shaking his body, coughing up traces of blood from the corner of his mouth, he was injured in the constant fighting.As the number one divine general in the ancient times, his talent is unrivaled and amazing in an era. If the Immortal Emperor hadn't proved the Tao 9000 years earlier, he would definitely be able to climb to the top of the Nine Heavens and set foot on the supreme throne.

Unfortunately, he was born at the wrong time!
Even so, Ning Fei still lived up to his reputation as a world-leading person. He took another half step to the realm of the quasi-emperor Jiuchongtian, and half of his body penetrated into the realm of the great emperor, reaching the most extreme peak of life, which can be regarded as an alternative proof up!

This kind of strength is already equivalent to the Great Accomplishment of the Holy Body, which can challenge the real emperor, and is comparable to the highest realm in the world.

With such combat strength, Xu Yu, who was in the same realm as him, would not be able to defeat it so easily.

However, Ning Fei is already old, and it is impossible for him to be as young and prosperous as Xu Yu, with blood as vast as the sea, and waving wine at any time to show his supreme combat power.

"Ning Fei..." The Immortal Empress in the distance saw that Ruo Ning Fei was injured, and flew over quickly, with tears shining in her eyes, and the depths of her eyes were full of distressed expressions.

Her body trembled slightly, and she couldn't help but feel a sore nose when she saw that the heroic genius in the past was now old.

That boy on the white horse was so high-spirited that he defeated all the invincible opponents in the world with one stroke! (End of chapter)

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