Chapter 334 Thor
After stepping into the Thunder Temple, the Purple Gold Divine Dragon immediately hit the ground with a stick, causing the entire Thunder Temple to tremble instantly.

"Where is your main god? Uncle Long is here to cause trouble!"

He looked around at the stunned angel guards in the hall and declared with great arrogance.

Hearing the voice of the Purple Gold Dragon, the stunned angel guards came to their senses.

"Who are you? How dare you come to the Thunder Temple to act wild? No matter which god you are a close disciple or descendant of, daring to offend the Thunder Temple is an unforgivable crime!"

The angels in the temple were heard shouting loudly, but no angel dared to take the lead.

After a short brain short-circuit, all the angels thought that this must be the illegitimate child of a certain main god and a certain banshee, and they came here to act wild.

Otherwise, who in the heaven would be so bold, dare to break into the main temple without permission, and threaten to challenge the God of Thunder.

"The crime cannot be forgiven?! Forgive you, you big-headed devil!"

Those temple angels did not dare to take action, but the Purple Gold Dragon had no fear.

I saw him shouting loudly, and then he directly picked up the big stick and smashed it.


Appearing in the Thunder Temple with a muffled sound, the Zero Angel closest to the Purple-Gold Dragon was immediately knocked unconscious.

The angel dwarfed and fell straight to the ground.

"Damn it, you are so bold!"

Several extremely angry angels rushed towards the Purple Gold Dragon, but of course there were also a few clever angels who were retreating.

They believe that even if the illegitimate son of the Lord God makes a mistake, he will not be severely punished in the end.

But if the angels from the Thunder Temple injure a few divine descendants, then the angels from the Thunder Temple will definitely be the unlucky ones in the end.

So, a very funny scene happened.

The purple-gold dragon who forced his way into the Thunder Temple acted confidently, but the angels in the Thunder Temple were timid.

The Purple Gold Divine Dragon, which has been replenished by Xu Yu's world energy, has already advanced and returned to the realm of the God King.

Its strength is far beyond the comparison of several seraphs.


Due to the huge gap in strength, the several angels who rushed forward were knocked unconscious by the purple-gold dragon.

After knocking out all the angels that besieged him, the Purple-Gold Dragon arrived in the center of the hall, where a throne of Thunder God's main god was displayed.

The joy in his eyes flashed away, and Zijin Shenlong sat down without saying a word.

"Is this the Thor's throne? There doesn't seem to be any special feeling when you sit on it?"

The Purple Gold Divine Dragon poked here and patted there, and kept talking about the Thunder God's Throne he was sitting on: "It's so hard to sit on, it's not comfortable at all!"

Seeing such a scene, Xu Yu, who had been waiting quietly by the side, couldn't help but feel speechless.

The remaining angel guards in the hall looked at each other in shock.

But the next moment, those stunned angel guards were completely awakened by the Purple Gold Dragon.

"Thunder God, you are such a shy little turtle. Even though Uncle Long is knocking on your door, you are still shrinking back and refusing to come forward. Be careful, Uncle Long, I will demolish your Thunder Temple!"

Not only did the Purple Gold Dragon sit on the Thunder God's Throne, but after he stood up, he even kicked the throne over with a kick, and even shouted in dissatisfaction.

Their main god was insulted, which caused a look of madness to appear on the faces of the angel guards, and they realized something was wrong.

If it was the illegitimate son of another main god, even the illegitimate son of the God of Thunder himself would never dare to be so unrestrained in the Thunder God Temple.

"You, you...!!"

They finally understood that the person coming was probably Thor's enemy, but it was a pity that they understood it too late.

And facing the extremely powerful Xu Yu and Zijin Shenlong, they had no power to resist at all.

"Give it to Uncle Long and let me lie down!"

But when a loud shout was heard from the mouth of the Purple-Gold Divine Dragon, the purple-gold wooden stick in his hand swept across, knocking all the angels unconscious to the ground.


Suddenly, a loud shout was heard, suddenly coming from the back hall of Thunder Temple.

Then, dazzling thunder suddenly burst out and swept out.

In the boundless thunder sea, a tall figure emerged from it and rushed straight to the front hall with great momentum. It was none other than the God of Thunder, one of the main gods of the Western Heaven.

At this moment, Thor's heart was filled with anger, and the long purple-green hair on his head had already stood up.

In order to break through the realm of cultivation, the God of Thunder has been practicing hard in seclusion in the back hall of the Thunder Temple.But who would have thought that while he was in seclusion, someone would dare to break into the Thunder Temple and sweep away the angels under his command. How could he not be angry about this?

"Who are you? How dare you offend the power of this god. Today, I, Galidela, swear in the name of the God of Thunder that I will definitely send you to hell and sink into it forever!"

A roar came out, but when the God of Thunder raised his hand, a dazzling thunder suddenly appeared.

It turned into a purple-green supreme divine sword, rolled up a lot of electric light, and headed towards Xu Yu and the Purple Gold Dragon.

"Are you the God of Thunder? I'll give you a stick to eat the dragon!"

After seeing the appearance of the God of Thunder, the Purple-Gold Shenlong didn't waste any time. He immediately picked up the purple-gold nunchucks that were transformed from his own dragon horns and smashed them over.

Since the recovery of the Purple Gold Divine Dragon, he has faced taboo beings with extremely terrifying power such as Xu Yu, nameless gods and demons, and even demon lords.

Now that he finally met an evenly matched opponent, Zijin Shenlong was naturally very excited, and he took action without hesitation.


Although the Thunder God's Thunder God Sword is unparalleled in power, it is obvious that the Purple Gold Divine Dragon's dragon horns are also extraordinary, but a harsh sound of gold and iron clashing was heard as it exploded in and out.

Purple Gold Dragon and Thundergod Galidela each held their own magic weapons and kept falling and retreating.

In this first encounter, the two were equally matched, and no one took advantage.

Seeing this situation, Thundergod Galidela's expression immediately became serious.

Then I saw the surging divine power all over his body, and the Thunder God Sword in his hand briefly burst out with dazzling sword light, preparing to slash at the Purple Gold Divine Dragon again.

"Ouch! Wait, who is that? The God of Thunder, right?"

Seeing that the God of Thunder Galidla was about to take action again, the Purple Gold Dragon immediately howled: "Wait a moment, let's go out and fight again, don't destroy Uncle Long's Dragon Temple!"

"Dragon Temple?"

Although Thunder God Galidela was puzzled, he was not afraid at all, and immediately followed the Purple Gold Dragon to the outside of the Thunder Temple.

"It's an honor for you, boy. Uncle Long has taken a liking to your Thunder Temple and decided to use it for his own use. It will be Uncle Long's Dragon Temple!"

After arriving outside the Thunder Temple, I saw the Purple Gold Divine Dragon saying proudly: "How is it? Be happy!"

"I'm glad you're tall!"

Upon hearing these words, Thunder God Galidela's expression immediately changed.

The long purple-green hair that stood up on his head seemed to be ignited, and there were sparks of thunder and lightning.

I saw the anger all around him, and the fierce thunder soared into the sky, causing the sky above the God's Domain to change colors.

"It's useless to be unhappy. Facing this Dragon God has already doomed you to failure!"

The Purple Gold Dragon waved the nunchucks in his hands and howled out.

"Fuck, damn four-legged snake, after I catch you, I will definitely cram your tendons, scrape your ground, smash your bones, and dust your ashes!"

The God of Thunder Galidela was so angry that he shouted loudly, and the raised Thunder God Sword suddenly burst into light, transforming into countless purple and gold thunderbolts.

As his sword slashed towards the direction, a torrent of thunder and lightning formed in mid-air, whizzing through the air and rushing towards the Purple Gold Divine Dragon.

"Wow, you bird god is so vicious and angry.
Damn you, Uncle Long! "

The purple-gold divine dragon stood upright in the air, waving its nunchucks and slashing horizontally and vertically. It continuously clashed with the Thunder God Sword, knocking away countless purple-green electric rays that came in anger.

However, he saw the purple golden stick flying up and down, bursting out bursts of purple light. The dragon power contained in it was really powerful, and it immediately broke through the torrent of thunder, allowing him to turn his defense into an attack.

"Ouch! I'm beating, beating, beating..." Zijin Shenlong danced his purple and gold nunchucks and sang triumphantly: "I can play with all kinds of swords, guns and sticks, no matter what weapon I like best." The nunchaku is both soft and strong.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, those who practice martial arts must remember, the benevolent are invincible, hey..."

Hearing the strange cry of the Purple Gold Dragon, the God of Thunder Galidela was even more furious.

At this moment, he already regarded the Purple Gold Dragon as his life and death enemy, and he would kill this four-legged snake no matter what the cost.

"Thunder Fury!"

The uncontrollable anger broke out in an instant, and a loud shout was blurted out angrily. The God of Thunder Galidella immediately raised the Thunder God Sword in his hand and struck it down on the head.

In an instant, countless flying purple and green electric lights gathered together and merged into the Thunder God Sword.It condensed into a sky-high giant sword that was thousands of feet long, roared through the air, and slashed down towards the face of the Purple Gold Divine Dragon.

At this moment, Zijin Shenlong, who knew that this attack was not trivial, did not dare to continue causing trouble.

At that moment, he put his hands together and connected the purple gold nunchucks to form a purple gold stick.

With the infusion of his dragon power, the dazzling purple-gold light flourished, and the purple-gold stick turned into a giant pillar and swept out at the moment he waved it.

 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day!
(End of this chapter)

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