Chapter 336 Return to the Human World

A sudden change occurred in the western world. Among the gods, Galidla, the god of thunder, and his thunder god domain were mysteriously destroyed. Even the countless angels and servants in the god domain were not spared.

This matter spread extremely quickly throughout the entire Western Heaven, causing an uproar in the vast Western Heaven, and even the Eastern Heaven was undercurrent.

What a terrible thing it is for a main god and the divine domain under his command to be destroyed out of thin air.

Not only the ordinary immortals in the heaven, but also the many main gods and immortals in the East and West are aware of the huge crisis.

It was as if there was a terrible force approaching them, making them feel like a thorn in their backs.

However, just when all the gods in the heaven were in danger, Xu Yu and Zijin Shenlong, who caused all this turmoil, had already left the heaven.

The reason is very simple, because the mastermind of the murder of Xiao Bailong, the beloved of Zijin Dragon, the Western God is no longer in the heaven.

Speaking of the fall of Xiao Bailong, the main reason lies in Fairy Yuxin.

At the beginning, Fairy Yuxin was like a comet, lighting up the entire Western Continent in the human world.

Slay the seven-headed dragon, destroy the eight-winged fallen angel, and kill the ancient monster, leaving immortal legends in the Western Continent.

But she also provoked many enemies, including the Western Lord God.

The process of the enmity between the two parties was very simple, because when Fairy Yuxin entered the Western Continent, she attracted the covetousness of many people because of her peerless beauty.

During the conflict, Fairy Yuxin killed many people, including a descendant of the Western Lord in the human world.

The Western Lord was very scarce in terms of heirs, so he hated Fairy Yuxin with all his heart.

But before he could take action against Fairy Yuxin, Fairy Yuxin had mysteriously disappeared into the human world for some reason.

With lingering resentment lingering, he attacked Fairy Yuxin's followers.

There were many people who followed Fairy Yuxin at the beginning, and they were all masters of at least the level of God of Fighting and God of Dharma.

Although the cultivation of these followers is not weak, it is difficult to resist a main god in the realm of god king.

Therefore, many of Fairy Yuxin's followers fell into the hands of the Western God, including Xiao Bailong.

In order to avenge the little white dragon, the Purple Gold Dragon once made a big fuss in the Western Continent and killed many angels.

There were also several high-level angels among them, and they finally provoked the main god to send down his clones to chase them.

He always thought that the main god was in the heaven, but what he didn't expect was.

Just when he was sealed, just over 500 years ago, the Western Lord had secretly descended to the lower world.

The reason why the main god left the heaven and went to the human world was actually closely related to Fairy Yuxin.

Although Fairy Yuxin mysteriously disappeared into the human world, she did not die.

It's because she is hiding in the heaven and practicing an extremely terrifying skill, which is known as the number one magic skill in the heaven.

The terrifying thing about this kind of magic power is that it not only can rapidly improve the practitioner's strength, but also can break out of the cocoon and be reborn after reaching a certain level.

The so-called rebirth from the cocoon is not a simple transformation, but a ruthless master who slowly kills his original self, so as to achieve a state of forgetfulness.

After Fairy Yuxin practiced Taishang Wangqinglu, her new 'self' gradually took over and killed the original 'self' to death.

This new 'Yuxin', who called herself ruthless, defeated all the powerful enemies who took the initiative to attack her in the turbulent era, and also severely damaged the Western God.

In order to avoid the ruthless Yuxin's pursuit, the Western Lord disappeared from the heaven.

Even because Wu Qing Yuxin's power in the heaven was growing day by day, more than 500 years ago, the Western Lord secretly opened a void passage and quietly left the heaven.

"Damn it! This guy is no longer in heaven."

The purple-gold divine dragon snaked feebly around Xu Yu's wrist, whispering through gritted teeth: "No matter where he escaped, Uncle Long, I will spend my whole life to find him and cut him into pieces!"

"Since you want revenge so much, then I will take you back to the human world!"

Seeing the solemn and resentful look on Zijin Shenlong's face, Xu Yu couldn't help but comfort him, saying that he didn't want to stay in the heaven anyway.

Compared with the human world, this heavenly world receives far more attention from Heaven than the human world.

Therefore, most of the great powers of ancient times arranged their chess games in the human world.

For example, for a tyrannical being like Xu Yu, there is no big difference between the spiritual energy in the heavenly world and the human world.

Nowadays, because Chen Nan, the son of destiny, is in the human world, for Xu Yu, who is temporarily unwilling to receive too much attention from heaven, the human world is the best place to go.

As the saying goes, it is easy to go to heaven but difficult to go down to earth.For many practitioners, breaking the void and flying to heaven is actually not a difficult task.

Generally speaking, when a practitioner reaches the seventh level of cultivation, he can break the void and fly to heaven.

Although it is necessary to go through the test of the Thunder Tribulation during this period, it is not difficult to survive.

But it is not an easy task to return to the human world from the lower world of heaven.

The lower realm of immortals and gods also needs to pass the test of thunder and heavenly tribulation, and the power of the heavenly tribulation in the lower realm is ten times or even hundreds of times that of ascension.The more powerful the immortal god is, the more powerful the disaster he will face when he reaches the lower realm. This process can be described as a narrow escape from death.

Therefore, even strong men at the level of God King and God Emperor are not willing to go down to the realm easily.

However, there are exceptions to everything, and Xu Yu's power is definitely not comparable to that of a monk in the realm of God King and God Emperor.

For a being with such terrifying strength like him, it is not difficult to cross the world barrier, let alone the upper world and lower world.

However, with a single stroke of his finger, Xu Yu opened a space-time tunnel in the void directly leading to the human world without much effort.

Stepping straight into the tunnel, I saw countless dazzling thunder and punishment tribulations flickering on and off.

However, compared to the terrifying thunder and punishment tribulation experienced when leaving the third world, the thunder and punishment and heavenly tribulation in these tunnels are a bit unsatisfactory.

No matter how those thunder punishment tribulations were carried out, they could not hurt Xu Yu at all, and they did not even leave any traces.


Seeing such a situation in his eyes, Zijin Shenlong was stunned and could not help but swallow a mouthful of saliva subconsciously.

You must know that it was a thunder and punishment disaster that even a monk in the realm of the God King could not bear. It was unable to break through the defense of Xu Yu's physical body.

For a moment, the proud look on the Purple Gold Shenlong's face because he had just defeated the Thunder God Galidela disappeared without a trace.

After passing the test of the Thunder Punishment Tribulation and traveling through the time and space tunnel, Xu Yu and the Purple Gold Dragon quickly returned to the human world.

Although Xu Yu and Zijin Shenlong only left the human world and went to the heaven for a while, the human world had already changed drastically at this time.

Since the appearance of the Death Jedi, various major events in the world of cultivation have occurred one after another, which is truly shocking.

Although it only lasted a few months, in the midst of the turmoil, huge and earth-shaking events took place.

The Corpse King appears in the world, and the great demon in the underground world of the Chu Kingdom's imperial capital is reborn. However, the most dazzling among them is Chen Nan under the light of the birth of various secret families.

In the West, he killed the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and other fifth-level masters of the Du family, known as the Eight Heroes of the Eastern Tu royal family, one after another. Not long ago, he defeated the younger generation of the Du family's eight heroes, No. 1 Du Haoda
Failure is as bright as a rising star.

Along with the rise of Chen Nan, those peerless masters and powerful men who had only existed in legends in the past also emerged one by one.

The child of destiny drives the wheel of destiny and is destined to set off immeasurable huge waves.

Countless descendants of ancient holy places and evil ways have been born one after another, and have gained great fame in the world of cultivation.

At the same time, many hidden sects emerged that could not be hidden.

Not only that, these talents from various sects in the Eastern Territory are preparing to hold the Eastern Territory Youth Strong Emperor Competition outside the Jin capital in three days.

In the golden age, this will definitely be a highly anticipated event, attracting the attention of countless legendary seniors and celebrities.

Xu Yu did not expect that he and Zijin Shenlong would catch up with such a grand event just after returning to the human world.

Coincidentally, the place where he and the Purple-Gold Divine Dragon descended were not far from the Jin Emperor, so he took the Purple-Gold Divine Dragon directly to the Jin Imperial Capital.

Because of the Emperor Tournament, practitioners from all over the world have gathered here to watch the Eastern Earth Emperor Season.

The Kingdom of Jin, which was originally the holy land of cultivation in the East, has welcomed thousands of cultivators in the past two days.

Huge high platforms have already been built outside the capital. The restaurants and inns in the capital are almost full, and [-]% of them are people from the cultivation world.

It can make the inns and restaurants in the imperial capital of a country completely full. It is not difficult to imagine the number of people from the cultivation world gathered here.

He walked among these cultivators with the purple-gold dragon that had transformed into a human form, even though he had already restrained his aura.

However, they still naturally exuded an unimaginably huge intimidating force, repelling all those who came close to them, but they did not feel the slightest difference.

While walking, there was no need to be too deliberate, as countless pieces of information reached the ears of Xu Yu and Zijin Shenlong.

Among them, the most concerning news is that the Du family of the Eastern Tu royal family was born brilliantly half a month ago. As an ancient family that has been hidden for a long time, the Du family
As soon as he was born, he swept the entire Eastern cultivation world, and the top ten families in the Eastern cultivation world were naturally the first to bear the brunt.

Wherever the children of the Du family have gone, countless seniors and celebrities have been defeated by their young masters with extremely strong cultivation levels, causing the entire Eastern cultivation world to be shaken.

Speaking of which, Zijin Shenlong also has a lot of entanglements with the Du family.

Fairy Yuxin, the owner of Little White Dragon, went to the West in the first place because she was forced into marriage by the Du family.

After Fairy Yuxin killed the Du Family Martial God, she was also seriously injured, so she had to go to the West to seek help from the Goddess of Life.

As the protector dragon of Fairy Yuxin, Xiao Bailong has naturally fought against the Du family, and even the Purple Gold Dragon has fought against the Du family.

Although Zijin Shenlong usually seems to have a quick temper, he is actually a very vengeful guy.

So when he heard the news, his eyes instantly revealed a murderous intent.

"After three days, you can take action directly!" Seeing the purple golden dragon in his eyes, Xu Yu patted his shoulder and said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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