Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 442 The kings fight and the ancient world disintegrates

In the primitive ancient world, the Immortal King's Law that destroyed the heaven and earth continued to wreak havoc on the entire world, making the already shaky primitive ancient world even more broken.

If this situation continues, the primitive ancient world will disintegrate.


Xu Yu used the holy method of fighting to create a sword that kills immortals, and activated the Immortal Tribulation Sword to attack Wushang.

"I said that all heavenly methods and all kinds of magical powers are ineffective against me!"

Seeing Xu Yu actually attacking him with his sword skills, Wu Shang said proudly.

"Not necessarily!"

Of course Xu Yu knew that Wu Shang could be immune to all magical powers, but that was not absolute. Otherwise, how could the lineage of ancient monks create a secret technique that could affect his immune powers!

The Immortal Tribulation Sword Technique is one of the three most powerful sword techniques in history, and it naturally has its own uniqueness.

What's more, Wushang's magic immunity is also based on the opponent's strength.

If his strength is much higher than Wushang's, his magic immunity will lose its effect.

However, the sword light produced by the Immortal Tribulation Sword Art is composed of Taoism. It is one of the external forms of the Taoism and far exceeds the ordinary magical power.

"Break it for me!"

Wu Shang waved the bronze halberd in his hand, and the cold light met the sword light.

At this moment, the Immortal Golden Cauldron slammed into Wushang.

Xu Yu also used Xing Zi Mi to arrive in front of Wu Shang in an instant and started a close-quarters fight with him.

At this time, Wushang also saw Xu Yu's plan and threw the bronze halberd in his hand.

After the bronze halberd destroyed the sword light, it immediately struck at the Immortal Golden Cauldron, preventing further attacks from the Immortal Golden Cauldron.

At the same time, Wu Shang also used his ancestral skills to meet Xu Yu, who was full of firepower.

"I didn't expect you to have such a physique!"

As soon as Shi Shi collided with Xu Yu, Wu Shang realized that Xu Yu's physique was far superior to that of ordinary giants.

"Is this the Immortal Sutra of your world? It is indeed extraordinary!"

Seeing the golden runes appearing on Xu Yu's body, Wushang quickly recognized the technique Xu Yu performed.

Foreign lands and primitive ancient worlds have been at war for many epochs, and the Skyhorned Ants who practice the Immortal Sutra have naturally fought against many immortals from foreign lands.


The remaining immortal beings from the original ancient world, as well as the masters of the forbidden area, saw Xu Yu resisting Wu Shang and immediately began to counterattack.


The real dragon roared and Jiuyou Ao went crazy. Unexpectedly, when all living beings in the primitive ancient world were about to despair, two of the ten evil spirits actually appeared on the battlefield.

"It's Lord True Dragon!"

"And Lord Jiuyou Ao!"

Seeing the real dragon appear, the monks from Jiutian shouted in joy.

At this point in the war, many of the Immortal King-level powerhouses in the primitive ancient world had almost fallen completely, and even they had given up hope.

But they didn't expect that the long-lost Zhenlong and Jiuyou Ao were still alive, which gave them great encouragement.


"True dragon, Jiuyou Ao, I didn't expect you two to be so lucky that you actually got rid of the king of our world!"

An immortal king from a foreign land also followed the traces of Jiuyou Ao and rushed to the vicinity of the World Tree.

"If you weren't so shameless, our world would be so defeated!"

With a phoenix cry, the real phoenix, one of the ten evil spirits, also came to the real dragon.

After the war began, the ten evil spirits of the primitive ancient world were targeted by the kings of foreign lands. Almost everyone had to face two to three immortal kings.

This is a sure kill for those ten evil spirits who have not fully set foot in the realm of the Immortal King. It is impossible for the Nine-leaf Sword Grass and the Thunder Emperor to appear on the battlefield again.

Now the remaining ten evil spirits, that is, the top few, have all set foot in the realm of the Immortal King, otherwise they would not be alive until now.

"It's useless to talk anymore, just kill him!"

"Behead them, and this world will be destroyed!"

At this time, with the arrival of the real dragon and others, other immortal kings from foreign lands also moved towards this side.

An Lan, Yu Tuo and others were among them.

In the blink of an eye, more than thirty kings gathered near the World Tree.

The remaining Immortal King-level masters from the original ancient world, plus the master of the restricted area, and the two Immortal Kings of the Immortal Domain, a total of eleven people, all have Immortal King-level combat power.

In the foreign land, there are more than twenty immortal kings. Although they are injured, their Tao and fruits are basically perfect.

The space opened, and a figure with bright golden light appeared. Then, the fallen blood phoenix and the dark true dragon also came near the world tree.


Seeing the arrival of these three people, many people in the primitive ancient world were so excited that they recognized these three people.

The three of them are the Clan Ancestor, one of the Ten Evils, the Fallen Blood Phoenix and the Dark True Dragon. They are all powerful clans in the primitive ancient world.

Especially Zhu Zu, his strength is unfathomable. In the battle of Da Chitian, it was he who gave the final blow to the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Xu Yu really couldn't understand the three powerful men at the Immortal King level. There was such a big gap in the top combat power between the original ancient world and the foreign world.

Why do the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal King and the Endless Immortal King send these three Immortal King-level combat forces to undercover in foreign lands?

You must know that the overall strength of the primitive ancient world is not weak, but the top combat power is widely distributed and cannot be gathered together.

If all the top combat forces in the primitive ancient world were brought together, maybe the battle situation would not be as tragic as it is now.

"The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit! There is a huge difference between Jiutian and our world. If the Immortal Realm hadn't sent troops, you would have been destroyed at the beginning of this era!"

"A few fellow Taoists just switched to our world because they knew that the general trend was irreversible!"

An Lan said quietly.

"Yes, this world is about to be destroyed. If you surrender to our world, you can also enjoy the treatment of kings in our world and be supported by the creatures of our world!"

Then Yu Tuo also said that they knew that the top combat power of the primitive ancient world now, except for a few creatures who said that the primitive ancient world, most of them came from other ancient worlds.

For example, Xu Yu and several masters of the forbidden area hope to persuade a few people to surrender. In this way, the next battle of annihilation will be much easier for them.

Otherwise, there is no telling how many of them, the Immortal Kings, might be dragged along on the road.

But they ignored some facts, that is, although the lords of the restricted areas did not come from the primitive ancient world, it was absolutely impossible for them to get along with foreign lands.

Most of the lords of the restricted area came to support the primitive ancient world in fighting foreign lands and dark creatures in the early years, or in the previous era, and their stance makes it impossible to coexist peacefully with foreign lands.

It would be nice not to participate in the war between the primitive ancient world and the foreign land. How could it be possible to join the foreign land.

"Why are you talking so much? Let's fight to understand the grudges!"

Jiuyou Ao, one of the ten evil spirits, had a very hot temper. He sneered at the words of An Lan and Yu Tuo, and immediately pounced on the Immortal King who was closer to him.

Jiuyou Ao's action was equivalent to a signal. After it took action, the melee between the kings immediately started.


Almost at the same time, other immortal kings and immortal kings immediately rose into the sky, and the most terrifying battle broke out, which was countless times more intense than before.

Because the combined number of Immortal Kings on both sides exceeds thirty, even close to forty.

The endless laws fluctuate in the primitive ancient world, and the long river of time is concretely revealed in the world under the interference of the kings.

The violent fluctuations of Immortal King and Immortality caused the realm of the original ancient world to begin to fall apart. Finally, with the roar of the kings, the self-destruction of the Immortal King, and the fall of the Immortal King, the primitive ancient world was completely disintegrated.

Except for the area where the World Tree is located, the rest of the world turned into eighteen giant fragments and drifted toward the endless starry sky.


Boundary Sea, an isolated island floating in the vast ocean composed of countless ancient worlds.

Storms composed of pitch-black runes swept across one after another, and they would automatically avoid this island after encountering it.

This is a supreme treasure in the world sea. If it is discovered by the kings, it will definitely become the object of competition for everyone.

At this moment, on this small island, a man with a broken body was sitting cross-legged.

There were countless horrific wounds all over his body. It looked like it was made up of pieces of flesh that would fall apart if moved even slightly.

It was impossible to see his exact appearance because his face was also covered with numerous wounds.

It was Xu Yu who was sitting on the island.

His battle with Wu Shang led to the collapse of the original ancient world. In the end, in the melee, he and the six immortal kings from the foreign land fought to the boundary sea.

Wu Shang was also under his desperate attack, and his royal body was broken. Finally, he was exiled to other ancient worlds by several other masters of the restricted area.

After arriving at the boundary sea, Xu Yu's fighting power exploded and killed six kings.

But after the first battle, he himself fell into a desperate situation, because he had already suffered unimaginable damage during the battle with Wu Shang.

Now, sitting cross-legged on the island, he could only try his best to lock in the blood essence that was flowing away from him to prevent him from dying too quickly.


A ray of blue clouds rushed quickly from the depths of the boundary sea. It was an earth-shaking powerful aura. It was unprecedentedly powerful. It was the strongest person Xu Yu had ever seen.

He opened his eyes and looked. It was a hazy figure wearing white clothes, and he could faintly see a towering willow tree floating above his head.

"Liu Shen?"

Xu Yu recognized the identity of this figure almost instantly. He was the rumored number one master in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.


The void trembled, and Liu Shen suddenly stopped after arriving near the isolated island. In an instant, he arrived on the isolated island and came to Xu Yu.

"Are you the Immortal King of my world?" Liu Shen asked in surprise as she stood in front of Xu Yu. This was a stranger. She had never seen this person before when she was still in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

The reason why Xu Yu is determined to be the Immortal King of Nine Heavens is because Xu Yu has been there for tens of thousands of years and carries a strong aura of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

And his look as if he had just experienced a war made Liu Shen understand everything quickly!

Among the fragments of time that escaped from Xu Yu's side, Liu Shen immediately captured what had happened before.

"Is the war over?" There was a slight tremor in her ethereal voice.

Even for a supreme figure like her, who rarely had emotional fluctuations on weekdays, she couldn't calm down at this moment.

At that time, Liu Shen was determined to quell the black disaster on the other side of the boundary sea, so he resolutely walked into the boundary sea, and this journey lasted for hundreds of thousands of years.

But after all, she is not a quasi-immortal emperor. Even if she walks for hundreds of thousands of years, she cannot reach the depths of the boundary sea.

Tens of thousands of years ago, she calculated that there might be a war with a foreign land in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, so she immediately returned.

Not long ago, she even sensed the outbreak of this war, so she immediately rushed back desperately.

But she didn't expect that she still didn't catch up. When she saw the scarred Xu Yu on the ground, she understood everything.

"It's over. The Immortal Realm has also sent troops. Jiutian has saved them, but many people have died!" Xu Yu said in a tired tone.

Liu Shen stood there in silence for a long time, and finally she said: "I have to do something!"

"Do you want to enter a foreign land?" Xu Yu guessed her intention. Historically, she did this, killing nine people in and nine out of the foreign land, and eventually died because of it.

"Yes, but before that, I have one more thing to do!"

"what's up?"

"Help you!" Liu Shen said decisively.

She may be feeling guilty because she couldn't participate in the last battle, so she wants to go to the foreign land to make the kings of the foreign land pay for her life.

At the same time, she also wanted to help Xu Yu, the warrior who shed blood for Jiutian, to make up for the guilt in her heart. With her eyes, it was not difficult to see how serious Xu Yu's injuries were. I am afraid that except for the only big medicine, nothing else in the world can save Xu Yu.

"You can't help me!" Xu Yu's tone was still tired. Now, he was physically and mentally exhausted to a critical point.

He wanted to fall down and fall asleep, but he didn't dare, because he might not wake up if he fell asleep.

"There is an elixir. If it can be refined, it will definitely save your life. Unfortunately, I don't have the third elixir!" Liu Shen said after a moment of silence.

A few drops of green liquid flowed down from the willow tree above her head and dripped into Xu Yu's body. It was the purest essence of life.

This helped Xu Yu's injury to a certain extent, but it did not touch the root cause and could not change the root cause of Xu Yu's death.

"What else can I help you with?" Finally, Liu Shen asked with a sigh.

"Take me to the Immortal Realm. I am no longer able to go to the Immortal Realm alone. You send me to the place where the ancients and the present are connected!"

"Does it connect the ancient and modern places?"

When Liu Shen heard the name of this place, a look of contemplation appeared on his face shrouded in hazy mist.

Of course she had heard of this place. It was a place that even the Immortal King could not see through. Many strange things related to time, space and reincarnation had happened.

Did Xu Yu go to this place to take the opportunity to reincarnate? Liu Shen had some questions in her heart, but she didn't ask. She placed Xu Yu in the light above her head, under the willow tree.

That was her true body, containing boundless life essence. With the help of this life essence, Liu Shen preserved Xu Yu's condition.

Then, she strode towards the fairyland. Even if she encountered a storm, she did not avoid it at all. The storm composed of the boundary sea could not hurt her.

"It's really thanks to God's destiny that we are only one step away from breaking through to the king's realm!" Xu Yu sighed inwardly as he looked at Liu Shen.

He knew that after Liu Shen sent her to the fairyland, she would definitely go to a foreign land to fight, and what awaited her would be death and nirvana again and again.

Xu Yu didn't try to persuade Liu Shen. First of all, he had nothing to do with Liu Shen now, so what he said might not have much influence on Liu Shen.

Secondly, each person has his own path to walk. If Liu Shen had not experienced nirvana again and again, he would not be called Liu Shen.

Xu Yu can't influence the path that Liu Shen is destined to take. Since Liu Shen will survive in the end and will not die because of it, there is no need to change anything.

If it were to be changed, Xu Yu would have prevented Liu Shen from entering the primitive gate as early as the ancient chaos in the previous life.

In fact, if he really advised Liu Shen, he might be blocking his path.

Liu Shen hurried through the boundary sea very fast. It didn't take long before she came to the end of the boundary sea and stood on the embankment.

Looking at the string of footprints on the embankment, she sighed. Since ancient times, countless creatures have stepped into the boundary sea without hesitation because of this string of footprints.

Liu Shen was very familiar with the location of the Immortal Realm. She took Xu Yu into the Immortal Realm easily and came to the place that connects the past and the present.

After placing Xu Yu in this realm, she was about to leave.

"If you really want to go to a foreign land to fight, remember not to take action against that old man. He is a spy sent by Wu Ending and the others!"

Xu Yu's voice sounded, making Liu Shen surprised. Did Wu Zhong and the others actually make such a plan?

"I see!"

Liu Shen left and started a legend belonging to her.

And Xu Yu fell silent in the place connecting the past and the present. While nourishing himself with the boundless immortal energy, he nurtured the divine fetus in his body.

I don't know how many years passed, but one day, his body disintegrated and turned into streams of essence that poured into a new body born from his old body.

(End of this chapter)

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