As soon as Shi Hao and his group walked out of the portal transformed from immortal petals, violent fluctuations were heard from all directions, and a group of cult leaders descended.

At this moment, the immortal flowers are bright, with three thousand petals flowing with auspicious clouds. Each leaf is a door, connected to the ancient immortality.

Many powerful spiritual thoughts swept through, exploring the world, trying to find Shi Hao.

Of course, there are also many people who are concerned about the treasures of some geniuses, such as the World Tree of the Ten-Crown King, the Ant Horn of the Banished Immortal, and the creations of some geniuses. It can be said that they have different thoughts.

Shi Hao drove the golden ancient chariot, used the Saint Mecha, and kept moving. At the same time, he used the Boundary Breaking Talisman to leave this place.

However, he escaped far away with the help of the boundary-breaking talisman, but he was still shaken, swept by an invisible force, and fell from the void.

In fact, there are many large formations displayed in this area, all set up by the leader to prevent some geniuses from escaping.

Because they all know that this may be the last time that the Immortal Ancient is opened, and endless geniuses are used to set up formations to block everyone and some geniuses.

"Hahaha, it's really a waste, we are so lucky!" Someone laughed.

"Leave the situation to us, brothers, don't get entangled!" Someone said coldly, expressing their attitude.

In fact, many people were staring at Shi Hao with burning eyes,

The Ancient Chariot, the Heavenly Emperor Sword, and the True Immortal Hand Bones were all things they dreamed of, especially this desert, and Shi Hao also had some valuable treasures and magic techniques that made them salivate.

"Where are the double pupils?" There are also people who are probing Shi Yi, Ten-Crown King, Banished Immortal and others.

"Well, Huang is a god now. It's better not to mess with other small sects!" Someone said secretly.

"He killed my descendant of Sword Valley and beheaded the Six-Crown Champion. We should handle it!"

Everyone from Sword Valley, Demonic Dragon Gate, and Fire Cloud Cave stood up, and many voices immediately became muted.

These three families always wear the same pants, and few forces dare to offend them lightly.

I have reserved this Tianzong Divine Corpse! "In the void, on a mountain of bones, the Underworld Lord Leng Youyou said.

"You are so brave, you dare to kill the ancient saint son!" The scolding came, and a middle-aged man came, with great majesty, like the Lord of the Gods, looking down at him, he was the Lord of the temple.

"It's hard for a clown to become a great person!" Shi Hao sneered, standing on the ancient chariot, his blazing hair flying, and his words were rude.

"Please Tianzun take action," Qin Hao's figure appeared not far away and looked at the immortal Tianzun.


At this moment, several big hands reached out, Wu was very fast, and wanted to press Shi Hao down.


A big hand flew across the sky, and the energy of the Five Elements flowed out. The Immortal Lord took action, blocking everyone's attacks.

"Qin Changsheng, don't make a mistake!" the Lord of the Underworld shouted.

"This child has the blood of my Eternal Mountain, you can pass it!" Qin Changsheng said expressionlessly,

"He has killed so many descendants of the forces, can you keep him alive?" Someone sneered,

"What can I do if my skills are not as good as others?" Qin Changsheng said calmly, with a cold tone.

"You are alone. No matter what, I will definitely kill this person!" The master of the temple also sneered, and his voice shook the world.

"Who dares to touch my disciple!" A blond old man, with fair hair and a childish face, and good looks descended from the sky.

"Haha, I didn't expect that you two actually joined forces, just two people!" Someone sneered.

"Add me!"

With golden wings like clouds hanging from the sky, a creature ten thousand feet tall appeared, accompanied by endless chaotic energy, standing tall against the sky and the earth.

Immortal creatures!

"You are so brave. Do you know the origin of this young man!? You dare to offend the person who was valued by the strong man who destroyed the Immortal Palace?"

Kunpengzi was more than ten thousand feet tall, with the clouds below his shoulders. His eyes were extremely cold as he looked down at the many cult leaders.

He towers into the clouds, steps on mountains and rivers, carries golden roc feathers on his back, and looks like a giant in the sky. His voice shakes all directions.


Many people's expressions suddenly changed. When a Supreme Being destroyed the Immortal Palace, was that person related to Huang?

Moreover, if you think about it carefully, that person seems to have a close relationship with Burao Mountain.

For a moment, many people calmed down, hesitated slightly, and did not take action immediately.

This uninhabited land was very vast, surrounded by three thousand avenue petals, and there were quite a few monks. They were all moved at this moment, and it suddenly became noisy.

I didn't find it. The origin of this wilderness is so big. There is a Supreme Being behind it who can destroy the Immortal Palace!

"Hahaha, you don't need to worry, even if the Supreme One appears, it won't change the world!"

A man came from a distance, holding a magic sword in his right hand. One man and one sword, standing proudly in the world, as if he was going to cut down all the nine heavens.

"Lord of the Sword Valley!" Some people were surprised. This man was a giant and was known as undefeated in swordsmanship. He actually came.

Qin Changsheng, Qi Daolin, and Kun Pengzi had cold expressions on their faces. Faced with many supreme beings, their expressions darkened. They did not expect that the people of Sword Valley would still feel calm after mentioning that person. Suddenly, many giants, with blazing eyes, showed murderous intent towards the three of them. The people in Sword Valley would not be blind, and they must be prepared. Moreover, even if the Supreme Being was still there, he would probably not rush over like this.

The masters of Heaven, Netherland, Demon Sunflower Garden, and Demon Dragon Dao Sect all sneered and started to take action, fighting several of them.

However, there were still some people who did not choose to take action and watched the battle from the sidelines, such as the leader of the Western Sect, the leader of the Jietian Sect, and others.

Qi Daolin's big sleeves were fluttering. Although he looked like an immortal, his attacks were very sharp and his combat power was unparalleled, which was very impressive.


The immortal creature roared loudly, and the golden feathers all over its body exploded. On the divine wings, a hundred thousand golden geniuses flew out, slashing in all directions, making a clanging sound, which was extremely terrifying.


The sword energy shocked the sky, the flames surged into the sky, the earth air boiled, the water was like a vast ocean, and huge trees lay across the ground. In just one moment, five young people appeared and attacked at the same time. The five elements rotated and the world was created!

This is the Five Elements method of the Immortal Lord Qin Changsheng. It is terrifying to the extreme, and he also uses powerful methods.

Some people's faces were ashen, and the Immortal Lord was also very strange. In addition to being very powerful, with this five-element body, he was almost immortal and invincible in heaven and earth.

These three people are terrifying, and they are suppressing a certain kind of leader. Shi Hao also became the master of the Saint Mecha, sweeping away all the characters in the Void Realm.


Ghosts and gods are crying, the sky is shattered, and blood is pouring down. This is a vision of heaven and earth. The strong are fighting. At this moment, they are almost destroyed. The battle is getting more intense.

"You are forcing me to go on a killing spree!" Kun Pengzi shouted coldly, showing off his real fire.

With surging golden light all over his body, he spread his wings, and a leader exploded in front of him, turning into a ball of blood mist, which immediately shocked many people.

"So what if we fight in a group! They are all a bunch of bastards!"

Kun Pengzi laughed, shaking the mountains and rivers, and making many people's ears ring and buzz.

"No, this guy is stronger than before, almost reaching the supreme level!" A giant exclaimed.

"Haha, it's useless. Even if he is truly the Supreme, he can't escape defeat!" The Sword Valley giant sneered, taking a break.

He was still moved, very calm, and seemed to have great support.

"Hehehe, Kunpengzi, this remnant should be eradicated."

An indifferent voice came, from far away to near. In the distant sky, white mist surged. A person came, filled with the aura of immortality, and his body was enveloped by endless sword energy.

And behind him, there was a brilliant sword light rising up, illuminating the nine heavens and ten earths, reaching far and wide.

Everyone in the battle kept retreating in unison, staggering, and shocked.

Everyone was shocked,

"Please, True Immortal Ancestor, suppress the Sinful Blood and the Great Evil Queen!" The Sword Valley Ancestor cupped his hands and smiled.

"He is... the Sword Immortal!"

"Oh my god, there is such a person behind Sword Valley, no wonder he is so confident!"

Many people exclaimed that even immortals appeared. Kun Pengzi, Qin Changsheng, and Qi Daolin suddenly lost their expressions. They were in trouble now. No matter how strong they were, they could not be opponents of creatures at this level.

"Human ants, commit suicide." The Sword Immortal's true appearance was not visible, only the white mist was flowing, and his eyes were like swords, and he said calmly.

Several people were filled with anger and blood. What did they think of them? They didn't even bother to take action and wanted them to commit suicide.

"Senior, please take action!" Qin Changsheng, the Immortal Heavenly Lord, looked solemn and secretly transmitted the message to Five Elements Mountain, but the world over there could not hear it.

"Unfortunately, he can't appear." The Sword Immortal sneered, intercepted Qin Changsheng's voice transmission, and then stretched out his finger, the light mist filled the air, and a picture appeared in the void.

In Burao Mountain, there are two figures confronting each other.

The shadow of the Five Elements Mountain appeared on one's head, and an ancient ax appeared on the other's head.

Many people have seen it, and the Burao Mountain is really amazing. Unfortunately, there is a true immortal there, holding him back, making him unable to rescue him.

"Do you have any last words?" Sword Immortal sneered.

"Shameless rats, if that senior comes back, he will definitely come to settle matters with you!" Kun Pengzi's eyes stood up and he scolded angrily.

"Hahaha, it's useless for anyone who comes today, they will all die!" The sword fairy laughed, holding the sword in his hand, extremely cold.


A person whispered, and above the sky, the ancient chariot roared, and the brilliance swept across the sky and the earth.

A finger of chaos suddenly appeared, huge and boundless, covering the space, rumbling down, like a pillar supporting the sky falling down,

The sword fairy changed color, let out a loud roar, and tried his best to fight, but was still defeated. He coughed up blood and flew away. (End of chapter)

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