Xu Yu was slightly surprised. Just now he was looking at the young Duan De, Cao Yusheng, but he didn't expect that an old man suddenly appeared in front of him.

When he took a closer look, he saw that it was a snow-white old turtle that had transformed into an old man. It seemed a little extraordinary.

"Cao Yusheng's master!" Soon, Xu Yu understood and recognized the old man.

When he was in Xiangu, although he had never dealt with the other party, he had heard of his name.

This old guy seems to have an extraordinary background. He spends most of his time sleeping in a state of oblivion and ignoring worldly affairs. But now he is a little excited to see him.

"Senior, take a step to speak!" This old turtle was a little excited. He was the oldest person in the Three Thousand Provinces, but he called him senior. Many people were surprised and looked at him sideways.

Xu Yu closed his head slightly, his divine eyes glowed, a curtain of light appeared, and the two disappeared from the ground, making it difficult for outsiders to detect their traces.

"I've met Immortal King Zhenyan!"

This snow-white old turtle actually bowed directly to pay homage, which made him a little excited.

His body was very weak, as if a gust of wind could blow him down, but he was very energetic at the moment.

"Do you know me?" Xu Yufa was stunned. This old turtle was Cao Yusheng's master. Why did he immediately recognize him as Immortal King Zhenyan?

Although he spent a lot of time in the Ancient Immortal Era and even met many Immortal Kings and True Immortals, this person did not exist in his memory.

However, Xu Yu did know a thing or two about him, but that was learned from the original work.

The origin of this person is not simple. He comes from the Xuanwu clan. He has been a quasi-immortal king since ancient times. Now his body is old and his soul is decayed. He can barely exert his supreme combat power, but it is enough to defy the heavens.

Many people in Sanqianzhou, including his apprentice Fatty Cao Yusheng, probably don't know his true origin.

"Of course, in the ancient battle, I have also seen the senior's invincible style, fighting for the immortal king." Old Turtle looked at Xu Yu, and he was a little disappointed and sad.

Naturally, he could tell that the person in front of him was not his true form. It could be said that it was a mark that would eventually dissipate no matter how long it existed.

Xu Yu was speechless. The old turtle looked at him with a look that seemed a little apologetic.

"Senior, please forgive me. The secret of heaven is chaotic and must not be leaked, otherwise my rotten body will immediately turn into ashes." The old turtle smiled bitterly, feeling helpless.

Nowadays, he is almost rotten and has no charm like a quasi-immortal king. His fall to this stage has a lot to do with his constant leaking of secrets.

Of course, it is also closely related to the battle that year. The body was crippled, and now it is in such a confused state.

Xu Yu nodded, indicating that he understood.

Later, Xu Yu learned that the era when this old turtle lived was too long ago. He was actually born in the middle period of the Immortal Ancient Period. He had experienced the era when the pacifiers killed the immortal king of the alien race.

And this old turtle is a master of the Xuanwu tribe, and he was also the famous Xuanwu quasi-immortal king in the past. Even the exotic fairy tortoise shell is his tortoise shell, which fell off from his body.

That Immortal Tortoise Shell is amazing. In the last years of the Immortal Ancient Period, the Immortal King and the Immortal King dueled each other, and they relied on this tortoise shell to choose their opponent. This was a major event recorded in the annals of history.

"My physical body is dead and entangled with many enemy rules. I have no fighting power. Only my spiritual thoughts are strong enough. Now I have been guarding a passage."

The old turtle was very candid, talked about many things, and chattered endlessly, as if he had not spoken for an era.

"Now that you are back, senior, the darkness of the future may not be so despairing." Old Turtle, the Quasi-Immortal King Xuanwu, said this, as if he suddenly had hope for the future.

"Perhaps, in a few years or ten years, at that time, darkness will approach the earth again..." Xuanwu Quasi-Immortal King's eyes were cloudy, but he hesitated to speak.

Xu Yu nodded. This old turtle was really extraordinary. He was almost psychic. He might be able to see a corner of the future, but it wouldn't take many years for the world to change.

Later, Lao Gui told Xu Yuqi's current coordinates. If you want to find him, you can go find him.

Finally, the light curtain cracked, and Xu Yu and the snow-white old turtle reappeared, attracting everyone's attention.

"Master, what did you say to that senior?" Cao Yusheng came over and looked at the old turtle.

"Don't pry about adults' matters, children. Let's go!" Old Turtle knocked his little head and scolded.

The little fat man waved vigorously, and Xu Yu looked at the chubby little fat man who seemed to be a little childish, somewhat similar to the unscrupulous fat Taoist priest in later generations.

At this moment, Shi Hao was surrounded by a group of people, all of whom were good friends, chattering non-stop.

For example, Chang Gong Yan, Tai Yin Jade Rabbit and others all congratulated Shi Hao and were happy for him. The crisis was resolved, and. And with such a big boss as his backer, who would dare to mess with him without being wise?

"Senior, is this your true body?" Kun Pengzi said in a message, a little uneasy. After all, he entered the Primordial Gate and has never heard of anyone coming back.

"No, this is a brand." Xu Yu responded lightly.

At the same time, he also sent messages that echoed in the ears of Shi Hao, Qin Changsheng, Wuxingshan and others.

Everyone was stunned and extremely regretful. Is this really not the real person?

It's just an incarnation, but it has such unparalleled combat power!

"My true body is fine and I am in retreat. You don't have to worry." Xu Yu added, which made everyone feel relieved.

Then, many sect leaders came forward, such as the masters of Butian Sect, Jietian Sect, Western Sect, and even the Celestial Clan, etc., all came to salute.

Xu Yu single-handedly destroyed many immortals and destroyed many Taoist traditions. Everyone was in awe of him and knew not to offend him, but to make good friends with him.

Nowadays, many sect leaders are paying attention to Shi Hao. With Xu Yu's protection, he will definitely be able to grow smoothly, and in the future he will definitely be able to shock the Three Thousand States and sweep across the heavens.

They also expressed concern for Shi Hao, even the guardians of the Celestial Race, and Shi Hao responded with a smile.

Xu Yu was a little surprised. Sure enough, the trajectory was different. There seemed to be no hatred between the Celestials and Shi Hao.

However, what he didn't know was that the protector of the Celestial Race felt like he was surviving a disaster.

At first, Shi Hao escorted Yun Xi to the Celestial Race, but he coveted the Saint Mecha. The Celestial Man stopped him at the critical moment, so that he did not offend this young man.

But today it seems that God is too wise, otherwise the Celestial Race would not be able to escape destruction.

Everyone has different thoughts, but no one knows what is going on in the hearts of the human race protectors. They are all paying attention to this young man Shi Hao.

In addition to the protection of Xu Yu, this human race boy also has amazing potential. He came out on top in the Three Thousand States Immortal Ancient War, which is amazing. At a young age, he is already a terrifying powerhouse at the level of a god, comparable to the leaders of some small sects. .

Now, at the edge of no man's land, the current turmoil has temporarily stopped.

However, the impact of this war is absolutely huge, and it can be expected that the pattern of Sanqianzhou will undergo huge changes in the near future.

"I've met senior..."

In the distance, a girl in purple came, slim and beautiful.

She is Yun Xi, who has also returned from the ancient experience. He did not expect to meet Xu Yu here.

When I saw him, I took the initiative to salute him generously.

Afterwards, Yun Xi also went and walked beside Shi Hao. It was obvious that the relationship was somewhat unusual, "Hehehehe, your boy is very lucky. Not only does he have the protection of a big shot, but he also has a beautiful woman by his side." The witch came and asked Shi Hao. Hao smiled.

"By the way, Yue Chan from the lower realm won't really let you go back to the village to have a baby, right? She hasn't appeared for so long." The witch continued with a smile.

Shi Hao's scalp was numb, and he felt Yun Xi's strange eyes, while Xu Yu also had a strange look on his face, faintly aware that the relationship between Shi Hao and Yun Xi was a little unusual.

On the other hand, Yuechan's true self was itching with hatred. Her second body went to the lower world and never came back, and it seemed that the connection with her was cut off.

Now that the witch said this, it really made him panic. He might not really have a baby. With the methods of this mysterious and powerful man, he might really be able to cut off the connection between her and the second body!

At this moment, Yue Chan herself couldn't help but turn pale when she thought of this terrible possibility.

Many people looked at the Butian Sect with strange expressions.

Shi Hao was also speechless and looked at everyone innocently.

"Senior, please move to the Everlasting Mountain and let me show my friendship as a landlord." Qin Changsheng smiled and looked at Xu Yu. This proposal broke the slightly awkward atmosphere.

"That's fine..." Xu Yu nodded. His brand would not dissipate even for a moment.

At this moment, Xu Yu waved his hand gently, and a group of them disappeared here, including Qi Daolin, Kun Pengzi, Five Elements Mountain Spirit and others.

In an instant, several people arrived in the Five Elements State, which surprised several people. This method was unparalleled.

Wuxing Prefecture is located in the middle of Sanqian Prefecture, with beautiful bells and clouds, and a vast territory.

Here, there is the Taoism of Bulao Mountain, and there is also Alcatraz Island, which is the paradise of the Demon Lord. The reason why this state is named Five Elements is related to the Qin family.

The Qin tribe has a majestic terrain, with numerous palaces, towering peaks, and hanging silver waterfalls.


When Xu Yu and others appeared, Shi Hao's parents were very excited. Both of their heirs had returned safely from Immortal Ancient. When they saw Xu Yu, they were also overjoyed and hurriedly came to give gifts.

The ancestral land of the Qin family is surrounded by majestic mountains, beautiful suspended islands, and spring pools exuding a dense purple aura. This is a rare treasure.

Two days later, an uninvited guest came, and he turned out to be an old man from the Celestial Clan.

He also brought two people with him, one was Yunxi, the pearl of the Celestial Clan, and the other was his grandfather!


"Yun Xi, the pearl of my family, and Shi Hao are very close friends and have come here to propose marriage!"

This is a taboo. From man to heaven, the royal family of the upper world was created and the glory of antiquity was created.

However, today's Qin clan can definitely treat them with indifference. After all, even powerful immortals have appeared. An old man is nothing!

But the request he made was surprising: he wanted Yun Xi and Shi Hao to get married.

At this time, Shi Hao's parents could no longer sit still, especially Qin Yining. He had always been worried about the eldest son's lifelong affairs.

However, his son has never let him worry about it. He is addicted to Taoism and has no plans to get married soon. Xu Yu, Qi Daolin, and Kun Pengzi were also alarmed. They were all very interested. It was rare to find a rival in the same situation. Xiao Shi is about to encounter a major event in his life.

The three people from the Celestial Race came to the Burao Mountain Hall.

It was Lao Tianren, Yun Xi, and his grandfather Yun Canghai.

As soon as Yun Xi appeared, many people's eyes lit up and they were filled with admiration.

This girl, Yun Xi, has long purple hair hanging down, white and crystal clear skin, big eyes, and a slim figure. She has the posture of a fish sinking and a bird falling, and the appearance of the moon shying away the flowers.

It has to be said that this is an extremely beautiful woman. Even in Sanqianzhou, she is really rare. For Shi Hao, she can be considered a good match.

Yun Xi's face turned red and she felt very embarrassed. He felt very embarrassed to come to the Qin clan like this, but he couldn't bear to go against his ancient ancestor's words.

After all, God was too senior to be sexually rebellious, and his grandfather also put pressure on her personally.

When Shi Hao appeared, he was a little embarrassed. There were so many elders in the public, so he seemed to be very thick-skinned, but he still treated Lao Tianren, Yun Canghai and others seriously.

Qin Hao also came, very interested, and found it interesting to see his somewhat embarrassed brother.

Now, he has gradually accepted Shi Hao and no longer rejects him.

"I like this child very much. If the two of them fall in love and create a good story, it may not be impossible." Qin Yining said with a smile and looked at Yun Xi. He had also seen this girl in Shicun.

"I am devoted to cultivating Taoism, and I have no plans for that aspect yet." Shi Hao hesitated and said.

Yun Xi was stunned and pursed her lips, not expecting that he would say that without saying a word.

"Oh, my child, there is no conflict between practicing and getting married. Have you forgotten that you got her pendant? You two often practiced together in the Immortal Ancient Relics. This is fate. It is the greatest arrangement of God." Yun Canghai persuaded.

"This..." Shi Hao hesitated and looked at Xu Yu, as if asking him for help. Everyone also looked at Xu Yu eagerly, wondering what he would say.

"Come here..."

Xu Yu glanced at Shi Hao and Yun Xi, called them over alone, set up a barrier, and talked to them alone.

"Big brother..." Shi Hao started, but hesitated.

"Since we are in love with each other, it is not necessarily impossible to get married." Xu Yu smiled faintly, her eyes were deep and decisive, and she spoke like this,

Shi Hao and Yun Xi's faces turned red, and they didn't know what to say.

Xu Yu's eyes were so vicious, and there were many clues from the immortal ancient ruins. The relationship between the two was quite ambiguous, and they definitely liked each other, but the window paper was not broken.

"I know that you have great ambitions, but the future is unpredictable. If you like each other, don't worry too much. The most important thing in life is not to leave any regrets."

Xu Yu sighed, looked into the distance and said this.

"But I..." Shi Hao sent a message to Xu Yu and expressed his concerns again, saying that there was Huo Ling'er, making it difficult for him.

Xu Yu's face was suddenly stunned, and he glanced at Shi Hao strangely.

"It doesn't matter, just get married." Xu Yu responded secretly with a smile.

Shi Hao was worried about Huo Ling'er and still hesitated.

But Yun Xi's expression gradually became firmer, and finally she agreed, seemingly touched by Xu Yu's words.

"Nothing lasts forever, we can only grasp the moment..." Yun Xi sighed softly.

"Forget it, let's get married!" Shi Hao said resolutely with veins on his forehead... (End of Chapter)

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