Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 482: Refining one’s body in the world of mortals

"A lotus in the eternal blue sky..." Xu Yu murmured, with an inexplicable look on his face. His heart was vaguely touched for some reason, like ripples on the calm water.


There was a flash of light and shadow, and a wisp of essence escaped from the Chaos Green Lotus, slowly transforming into the shape of a man.

Wearing Tsing Yi with a majestic appearance, he cupped his hands in front of Xu Yu to express his sincere gratitude.

If it weren't for the strong man in front of him, he could have turned into an ancient medicine in this age of Dharma End, and his true spirit would have dispersed, completely cutting off all opportunities.

Then, with a chirping sound, his energy dispersed and submerged into the chaotic green lotus again, and became silent. There was no ripple in the ancient well, as if he had lost all his vitality and just lay dormant.

"The Chaos Green Lotus is a divine creature. After the catastrophe, you will achieve great success. Perhaps this is also your chance to transform."

Xu Yu closed his head slightly, nodded, pointed a little, light burst out, and with a bang, the passage to the small chaotic world was closed, and he was isolated from the outside world.

The Chaos Realm he opened at will almost turned into a small fairyland, which was filled with rich immortal substances, enough to resist the changes of the world and the law, and became a pure land of its own. Finally, this green lotus was here to recuperate and recuperate.

If this Chaos Green Lotus were to appear again, it would be unknown how many years later it would be. If it appeared again, it might shock the world.

Ten thousand years have passed, the sea has changed, and the years have passed by in a hurry.

Xu Yu continued to walk for nine days and ten places, observing the world of Mo Dharma, capturing the path of the great road, and exploring the secrets of order.

"The peak then declines, the peak declines and then flourishes, this is also a reincarnation," he thought.

He received great benefits. He opened and closed his eyes to capture the principles of the end of the law and explore the origin. All things were rising and falling in his heart. He indeed had a rare understanding.

In the era of the emperor's fall, the reckoning had just ended, and the world was in a state of depression. The Immortal King avoided the world, and the true immortal could not emerge. He was afraid of falling into the world of mortals and being contaminated by the great cause and effect, but Xu Yu did the opposite. At this moment, he entered the world to practice,

It can be vaguely seen that six light groups are rotating and shining in his body, filled with aura of auspiciousness, filled with immortal aura, and full of vitality.

Between heaven and earth, the world of mortals, many forces of cause and effect gathered, rushing towards him, trying to lock his body.

"The tribulation energy of the mortal world can only be used by me," he whispered.

Not only did he not use his magic power to break and scatter many causes and effects, but instead, the six-path reincarnation whale sucked the cow's drink and swallowed everything, hoping to turn them into his own nourishment.

If other immortal kings saw it, they would definitely be trembling. They tried their best to avoid cause and effect and cut off karma in order not to fall into the mortal world and become immortal. Xu Yu's approach was undoubtedly the way to death for them. !

Gradually, tens of thousands of years passed, and Xu Yu's Taoism climbed steadily, reaching the peak of the supreme giant. His strength became more and more terrifying, and it seemed that he would reach the limit of the Immortal King at any time.

"It's almost time to explore all the causes and effects!" He whispered, his eyes shining brightly. There were too many mysteries about him, which had been bothering him, but today he felt that he was strong enough. Want to find out some truth about myself


He began to use his great magic power, set foot on the long river of time, sit and watch his ups and downs, go back in time, or look into history from afar. Today, he has amazing Taoism and has a deep control over the reincarnation of time. If it does not touch the cause and effect, You can walk leisurely on the long river of time, sit and watch the cycle of the world, the ups and downs of time.

He moved forward step by step, as if each step was an era, and the stars were passing by, and time was rushing.

The void was shattering, the chaos was dissipating, patches of light rain appeared, and the endless chaos collapsed.

The long river of time is vast, rushing, and flowing thousands of miles.

At this moment, he does not belong to the current world, nor does he belong to the past. He is stepping on the long river of time, bathing in the light rain of flying immortals, and surrounded by endless chaotic energy.

As he walked along the long river, boundless chaos descended behind him, and the scenery was dim. The sky was like a scroll, stained with mottled colors, as if everything in the past had solidified, and many things gradually became blurred and dim.

"What's going on... why is this happening!" Xu Yu was slightly shocked. Originally, he was just here to explore the long river of time and observe his own trajectory through the ages, but he seemed to have accidentally lost it and disappeared into the ancient history of Emperor Luo.

"Could it be like the origin era?"

He was thinking silently, looking at the current flow of time. Not long after, a person attracted his attention.

He walked like a dragon and a tiger, stepping on the long river of time, pushing the stars in the sky with his hands, traveling through all the realms, majestic as a prison, like an unparalleled monarch, with overwhelming power.

A giant immortal king!

This is a king-like figure, overlooking the world, and extremely majestic. At this moment, he did not notice Xu Yu's arrival.

And that person was also gazing at the downstream area where he was, his eyes were brilliant, and he was emitting an astonishing beam of light. He was a handsome young man with a tall and straight figure, and his eyes were shining brightly. He was walking on the long river of time, gradually going upstream. superior.

"That is……"

Xu Yu's pupils shrank, and he was horrified, causing huge waves. That boy looked exactly like him!

At this moment, his mind was filled with chaos. Many memory fragments were reorganizing and merging, and their power became a complete body.

"A variable has appeared..." The king-like man sighed leisurely. His cold eyes were like a sharp sword and like a shimmering blade, indestructible. He stared at the young man with murderous intent, as if he wanted to take action.


At this moment, Xu Yu's eyes suddenly exploded with light. The beam split the world, the sky collapsed and the earth was shattered.

At this moment, all the stars around him fell, turned into fireworks-like light, and finally turned into ashes.

This kind of power is unparalleled. The sky and the earth are split open, the dark cracks spread, black holes are connected one after another, whales suck cows and drink, and the stars in the sky are dim.

A terrifying breath swept away against the long river of time, causing huge waves to fall from the sky. Stars fell one after another from the sky. It stirred up from the upper reaches, triggering a chain reaction and transforming countless people from all eras who looked at the long river of time. Got the color!

Downstream of the long river of time, the man who was as majestic as a king was horrified, a chill ran down his spine unconsciously, and he felt an awe-inspiring murderous intention.

"Big cause and effect..." The man was extremely shocked and his mind was shaken. At this moment, he did not dare to stay in the river of time and left in a hurry. Otherwise, there might be a life and death crisis.

The moment that person left, Xu Yu's eyes suddenly became clear, and boundless memories came flooding in, completely integrating the meeting.

"I am back!"

At this moment, he woke up and looked at the young man coming against the current. Wisdom suddenly filled his mind, and all his memories emerged.

"The ancient artifact of origin collided with the Seal of the Human Emperor, and the power generated was inexplicable, causing me to reverse the course of eternity."

His eyes were piercing and piercing. In the era of origin and the era of emperor's fall, all kinds of things were like a dream, which actually made him feel a little unreal.

"It turns out that the one who saved me was myself!"

Xu Yu suddenly realized, looked at the young man, and disappeared into the long river of time, silent and speechless.

Before, that man was the Red King. He wanted to take action when he was young, but he was frightened away by himself in the long river of time and did not take action.

There he was overlooking his young self, and he was overlooking him from upstream. It could be said that the mantis stalked the cicada and the oriole followed. All of this was like a circle, a grand reincarnation.


The long river of history rolls away, and one wave after another rises. It is one ancient world after another that is disillusioned, ups and downs.

He looked back and saw that the originally bright sky and earth gradually turned gray, like an immortal picture that had solidified.

Time flies, and the years go by, and he realizes that he can no longer return to the era of Emperor Luo. Now, it seems that he can only move forward, and there is only a one-way road.

"Origin, Diluo, Renhuang, Diyuan, Yuhong..." Each incident, each unforgettable memory, was imprinted in his mind and could not be erased.

His relatives and friends from the chaotic ancient times also made him miss him. At this moment, he urgently wanted to return. It was time to wake up from his eternal dream.

"How to return?" Xu Yu's eyes opened and closed, divine light surging, silently deducing, looking for a way to crack it. Since the system can't be counted on, what else can be done?

However, he kept moving forward, trying to get out of the long river of time, but he seemed to be running in circles, like a ghost hitting a wall, unable to get out, as if he was trapped here.

"The years of chaos!" He shouted suddenly, his eyes were shining brightly, the runes were surging, and the blazing light surged, covering the world. This was a shocking secret method, and he wanted to collide with it.

Of course, it's not about breaking through the passage. With the Immortal King's methods, he can't do that step yet. Instead, he has to touch a certain node, tear out the cracks, and take this opportunity to escape.

At the same time, the six paths in his body emitted blazing brilliance, and vaguely, six portals opened up, from which the breath of reincarnation filled the air, wrapping his body.

Otherwise, if there is a big explosion here, the power of countless rules and order will penetrate his body and cause heavy damage!

In the passage of time, the need to use strength is terrifying. If he is not careful, he will easily encounter a huge disaster, so he must be fully prepared.


Finally, the long river changed. It seemed that it had hit a certain node and mutated. It aroused huge waves, turned into whirlpools, and was filled with chaos.

In a daze, Xu Yu felt that her body was cracking, her soul was disintegrating, and her whole body was divided into many parts.


A black hole appeared, swirled, and swallowed him up. He was absorbed into it, and finally escaped from the river and flew out from the mouth of the whirlpool.

He felt that he had turned into a rain of light and become a patch of light particles.

I couldn't realize how far away time was. It seemed like a fleeting moment, and it seemed like several epochs had passed. When he appeared again, it was a strange world again.

Between the heaven and the earth, there is a glow of immortal energy, and there are thousands of divine rainbows covering the sky.

This is a vast world, vast and vast, giving people an extremely majestic feeling.

Mountains and rivers are like dragons, towering into the sky, endless rivers pouring from the sky, vast mist falling, and many fairy lands, spiritual energy rising into the sky.

The mountains and rivers are magnificent and touching.

In the sky, there are monks walking with swords, and there are also people in groups, riding on auspicious clouds, talking about sutras and Taoism. Those people are all extraordinary, and many of them are true immortals.

Their temperament is pure and immortal, and they don't seem to have the hostility of ordinary monks. They are aloof from the world.

Soon, he knew where this place was.

Emperor Luo has passed away, now is the Immortal Era!

The past history has been eradicated, but the earth has also regained its vitality. After a reincarnation, everything has changed, and a world full of vitality and vitality has emerged. Buzz!

At the same time, a wisp of mist floated, fell from the sky, covered Xu Yu, and seemed to swallow Xu Yu up.


However, Xu Yu's reaction was not unpleasant. He punched with his right hand, and the endless Tao emerged, punching through the sky and the earth at once, hitting the black mist, and making an astonishing roar!


The black mist overflowed, exploded, and then reorganized, turning into a human-shaped black shadow. He missed a single hit, and actually chose Yuan Shi directly. The speed was unbelievable, far exceeding many giants of the Immortal King!


Xu Yu walked quickly, feeling an inexplicable feeling in his heart. If he didn't get rid of it, something bad would happen.

Not long after, he passed by a magical ancient land with beautiful mountain peaks, flying spiritual birds, red cliffs and strange rocks, and waterfalls. On the cliffs and under the cliffs, there were Ganoderma lucidum growing around the clouds, like a cloud. At the Immortal King’s Dojo!

This place is not very vast, and there don't seem to be many people practicing there, but it is very extraordinary and can be called a magical land.

In the pavilion in the distance, there is a young man in white sitting, with a calm demeanor and a handsome face, drinking tea.

"Fellow Taoist, it seems a bit rude to come here uninvited!" The young man in white smiled lightly, holding a jade cup in his hand, and looked at Xu Yu on the sky. At this moment, Xu Yu slowed down slightly and looked at the man. man.

The lord of the restricted area, Daoyin!

Sure enough, it was the early years of the Immortal Era. He didn't expect to encounter such an encounter, which shocked him.

"I'm sorry, fellow Taoist, it's too late to explain." Xu Yu said, skipping the dojo, moving forward, and continuing to chase the unknown shadow.

He chased after him and headed directly towards the black shadow, and the black shadow turned out to be heading towards the boundary sea.

Before he could say a few words to Dao Yin, he galloped away. What puzzled him was that Dao Yin didn't seem to notice the strange black shadow.

This should be impossible. The strength of the strange black shadow is much weaker than that of Xu Yu. How could Dao Yin not notice it.

You know, the current Dao Yin is also a peerless Immortal King. Although he is not as good as the giant Immortal King, he is still almost the same.

"Jie Hai!" Dao Yin was stunned and looked at the place in the distance where the human race left.

This strong human race man who felt reckless actually entered the boundary sea.

"There is no life for ten deaths." Dao Yin sighed, watching the young man enter the sea, and just shook his head to express regret.

And Xu Yu walked quickly, a clear light path appeared under his feet, and he followed it all the way to the boundary sea.

When they reached the boundary sea, the black shadow seemed to be like a fish in the water. It suddenly became faster and disappeared. Xu Yu also stopped chasing the strange black shadow. If it went deeper, it would be difficult to turn around.


He could only turn back, but soon he was horrified. At this moment, his body turned dim and gradually became unreal...

"This is..." Xu Yu frowned slightly, why was it like this? His body seemed to be gradually dissolving, like light rain, no longer so solid.

But he did not have this situation at all during the Origin and Emperor Fall eras.

When he was thinking about it and turning back from the boundary sea, he suddenly heard a shocking shout.

"A peerless Taoist seed is about to be born!"

"Innate harmony gives birth to the vitality of the Dao! For us, it is the supreme healing holy object!"

In front of you, there are figures and huge Dharma figures that are shocking to the sky. They stand tall and tall, and they are actually a group of Immortal Kings. However, these Immortal Kings are in some wrong condition. Many of them are injured. There are bloodstains and blood dripping from their uniforms. disorder.

"Is that... the aura of the Boundary Sea?" Xu Yu's eyes were sharp and he could see at once that these people were all contaminated with the aura of the Boundary Sea. They were definitely the kings who had fought in the Boundary Sea.

And this place is not that far away from the Boundary Sea.

At this moment, they were standing in a mountain range, with blazing eyes, staring at the mountains below them, with fiery expressions flashing from time to time.

Those are ninety-nine peaks, wrapped in endless rays of light, with ethereal fairy aura, and in the center, it is even more extraordinary and auspicious, as if a world-shattering immortal treasure has been born.

It is conceivable that a place that can make a group of kings flock to it and wait patiently is so extraordinary. Even Xu Yu also became a little interested.

The ninety-nine peaks are all shaped like dragon heads, each one is lifelike, and the dragon is intimidating. They are all created by nature. They are so miraculous that they cannot help but impress people with the magic of creation.

Moreover, there are precious medicines on each Dragon Head Peak, as if carved from coral and pearls, dazzling and dazzling.

These ninety-nine peaks are all treasures. The mountains can be used as sacred materials for refining weapons, not to mention the medicines grown. However, at this moment, they did not attract the attention of many immortal kings at all. They just stared at the center. land.

"As expected of the ancient Immortal Era, there are too many opportunities and fortunes. What kind of divine object is that in the center?"

Xu Yu sighed, only with such a perfect world, with sacred objects everywhere, and complete laws of the great road, can more powerful heroes be born. This is simply unimaginable for future generations.

Xu Yu carefully observed that this terrain pattern was so extraordinary that it had no natural reason. Even when he inspected it with his divine eyes, he could not find any trace of human intervention. It was completely natural.


Not long after, the ninety-nine Dragon Head Peaks began to move, rumbling and shaking the world, and gradually evolved into a huge central fairy valley.

"Here we come!" Many Immortal Kings looked solemn. In the center of the Immortal Valley, there is a vast expanse of auspicious air, hundreds of millions of rays of various kinds of rays of light, and the fairy light shoots out one after another, brilliantly.

At this moment, Xu Yu's mind moved, and he felt a familiar energy. The divine objects in the Central Immortal Valley seemed to make him feel naturally familiar and close.

Ninety-nine fairy lights falling down like waterfalls were so thick that they turned into liquid and gathered towards the center of the valley, creating a hazy atmosphere.

At the same time, a special kind of fragrance hit the nostrils, which was different and otherworldly. It suddenly made many immortal kings breathe quickly.

Xu Yu's eyes opened, and a ray of fairy light shot out. He looked over, and saw hundreds of millions of rays of divine light in the center, brilliant and dazzling. It was a seed, entangled by chaos, and filled with rich vitality.

"Innate Taoist seed, you will get it if you are destined!" Someone shouted, with an extremely fiery look on his face.

Innate Tao seed!

Xu Yu's expression condensed slightly, this is a good thing, this Taoist seed can cure the Immortal King's Taoist injuries! It can even allow the Immortal King to understand the true meaning of the great road within it, and go one step further.

The Immortal King's Dao injury is not easy to treat. It may take a long time and may not be successfully treated. However, if you take this medicine, you can recover in an instant and reach the top. For the Immortal King, it can be said that it is an extra life. How precious!

What's even more incredible is that if you don't take this Tao seed, it can be planted and give birth to an innate life. If it grows up, it will be extremely terrifying!

Many Immortal Kings in the Realm Sea are crazy, and they are determined to win this kind of thing.


Shouting to kill Zhentian, many masters rushed in from all directions and fought together. It was extremely fierce and the blazing light almost shook the stars in the sky.

All kinds of magic weapons were raised together, all kinds of magical weapons and sharp blades were shot out, golden tripods, stone bells, copper towers, silver furnaces, etc. flew out together, and they were densely packed in the sky and fell together.


Xu Yu also took action, and with a blazing fairy light tearing apart, he swooped away, his big hands encompassing the sun and moon, the chaotic energy intertwined, and his five fingers were like pillars of heaven, slashing down horizontally, and all the worlds were under his palms The cycle of birth and death continues!

"How brave, how dare you cut him off halfway!

"Are you blessed enough to enjoy our creation?"

Angry shouts came one after another, fierce and monstrous, infinite light spinning, furious, and breathtaking. It was the wrath of the kings. Unexpectedly, there was suddenly an additional variable.

The golden cauldron, the Taoist bell, the copper tower, the silver furnace, and many other magical instruments were clanging, roaring, and sparks flying, but they were all knocked back by his palm.

Everyone around was horrified, looking at Xu Yu with looks ranging from fear to extreme disbelief.

"What's going on!" The kings were shocked. They were surprised to find that someone was clearly attacking them at this moment, and when they saw this person, they felt that the person in front of them was very blurry and disappeared from their memory at any time.


Xu Yu's eyes were as bright as the sea, and his divine eyes shot out in all directions, like a heavenly sword slashing down. He sacrificed things from several immortal kings and chopped them all down.

Although there are many kings in the world sea, none of them can stop him.


His black hair was flying, his eyes were sparkling, he took his hand, reached down, and grabbed the seed.

On the other side, Xu Yu's figure was disillusioned and became more fierce. His divine eyes opened, his eyes shimmering, evolving the mystery of the universe and the starry sky. Every ray of light was like a sword of chaos.

On the other side, several Immortal Kings took action and grabbed forward to fight for the seeds. Various Immortal King-level weapons came out, but they were all shaken away and turned into little streams of light.

"Invincible!" All the Immortal Kings were shocked. This person was too strong and unmatched. At the very least, he was a giant among the Immortal Kings.

Xu Yushi Shiran, completely done, brushed off his clothes, hid his merit and fame, disappeared in an instant, and no longer wanted to fight.

And the moment he left, the kings from the world sea looked at each other in confusion, as if an important memory had disappeared.

At this moment, Xu Yu stood quietly on a cliff, staring at the kings with an incomprehensible expression.

"Is it the power of reincarnation? I am not from this era, and the memory about me will be erased invisibly." He whispered.


The sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and the sun and moon turned upside down.

Originally, he still had a body, which was blurry and dim, but now his figure was blurred, as if he had turned into light particles, completely isolated from the world.

No one could sense his existence. He seemed to be floating in this world. He turned back and came to Daoyin's secret realm, only to find that the other party was completely unaware of his existence... (End of Chapter)

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