Covering the Sky: Starting from the Holy Land of Purple Mansion

Chapter 505 Another chapter on Mount Sumeru

Chapter 505 Return to Mount Sumeru

The boundary sea is magnificent and vast. Xu Yu walks on the fairy light, hunting in white, looking ahead. In the distance, it is gray and mist rolling, and there is no end in sight.

This place is too mysterious, a wave is like a broken world, and pictures are reflected in his eyes.

Deeper in the boundary sea, there are strong men fighting fiercely!
There was a pale golden war spear, thick and boundless, and countless thousands of miles long. It pierced through the world, bursting out with immeasurable killing light, and the evil energy was overwhelming!

It was a creature in the sea. He looked like a black magic mountain, towering and unattainable. It was he who was striking fiercely, and the direction of his spear was terrifying.

The stars fell together, and the big stars surrounded the spear body, swaying with divine light, and swept towards another living being with a thunderous gesture!
This is a peerless battle. There are creatures watching quietly, watching indifferently, and there are also creatures fighting with others in the distance.

In the process, they took action without even saying a word, because they were old enemies and had known each other for many eras.

"Today's Jiehai is quite lively!" Xu Yu sighed slightly and looked to another place.


In the sea, a golden seal flew out, covering the sky and the earth. The sun, moon and stars were all dim in front of this seal. He directly smashed a creature that looked like a demon god until it spit out immortal blood. He was covered in armor and weapons. All broken.

In the end, the creature couldn't bear it anymore and exploded, turning into a blood mist and submerging into the sea of ​​​​the world. A wave rose and fell, and the mysterious aura circulated, erasing all traces of him!

In the boundary sea, waves hit the sky and were about to sweep across all heavens and all realms.

There were great battles everywhere, and some of the strongest men throughout the ages were torn to pieces, and it was very tragic.

Although they haven't landed yet, they are fighting everywhere, bleeding and drifting, and too many immortal kings and true immortals have died.

What's more important is that the real giant in Boundary Sea has not returned yet.

Moreover, these people in front of them are only a small part who have returned from the Boundary Sea. You must know that in the endless era, there are not a few immortal kings in the world who have entered the Boundary Sea.

Many scenes came into Xu Yu's eyes. He remained unmoved and continued to walk into the distance.

Xu Yu's whole body glowed with blazing brilliance, extremely gorgeous. In the sea of ​​​​boundaries, she could only speak with her strength.

The weak cannot survive here at all.

Ordinary people will not enter the Boundary Sea!

The law of the jungle is evident in the world sea!
As he continued to move forward, many eyes looked at him. He was approaching the battle site of some kings. His face was very calm and he did not shy away from it!

Naturally, all this comes from confidence in one's own strength.

Of course, if there are strong people who do not have long-sightedness who dare to take action, he would not mind erasing them directly in advance to end the disaster!

Now, the turmoil has begun. Anyone who enters the boundary sea will immediately arouse everyone's alert, and they will probably be targeted and killed. However, these people are obviously very cautious and do not take action immediately.

"It's him……!"

Many powerful men narrowed their eyes slightly and looked over, their faces extremely solemn. Not long ago, they all witnessed the terrifying scene of a giant Immortal King being beheaded by him from a distance.

Xu Yu smiled slightly, her hair was crystal clear, flowing and shiny, and her skin was white. She looked harmless, and her smile was bright, but it made those people's foreheads feel cold and their spines tremble.

With a sense of exploration, I didn't dare to be presumptuous. I sensed his power. The aura was too intoxicating. Knowing that provoking him would probably not end well.

There were even some immortal kings who originally targeted Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and wanted to come to that realm, but they hesitated because of Xu Yu.

this moment. Many strong men actually stopped fighting involuntarily and stared at the direction he was heading.

" he going?" All the powerful men were surprised, looking at his back, they were all shocked.

Now, the dark storm is about to rise, and many immortal kings are returning from the depths, but this person is heading towards the depths. What is he going to do?
Xu Yu didn't pay attention to their strange looks and walked straight ahead, aiming directly at the ancient world of immortal monks!

"The Boundary Sea can be called the Burial Sea, and now it seems to be worthy of its name."

Xu Yu's eyes flashed, now the war is too shameful, countless powerful people at the level of true immortals and immortal kings died,
Before this, he had not experienced it this way, but now, there are all kinds of ferocious corpses floating in many areas, with knife and ax marks on them, criss-crossing them, and it is extremely terrifying.

"It's all Emperor Cheng's fault..." He shook his head with some emotion,
The Boundary Sea is also known as the Sea of ​​the Immortal Emperor. Throughout the ages, most people have been fighting for the Immortal Emperor.

Of course, there are also beings with great courage who cross the boundary sea to end the source of crime and chaos, and move forward in an unstoppable way. That kind of brilliance shines through the past and present!

"Break the darkness and cut off the bad luck!" This was the great wish of Kong Wenxian Monk in the Emperor's Fall era, and it still seems to be echoing in his ears.

During the Emperor's Fall, he crossed the Boundary Sea alone just to quell the chaos!

In the boundary sea, the waves rushed against the bad luck, and a wave bloomed. He saw a scarlet picture, which was the end of an era, filled with endless creatures, heading for destruction.

The boundary sea is very large, but he does not intend to go too deep. In fact, the distance between the Ancient Immortal Monk Realm is not too far.

Time flies, and a thousand years have passed.

During this period, it was not peaceful. Many creatures, whose names were unknown, also attacked him, but he was able to deal with them all and kill them all.

He found that although most people were awake, there were a few strong people who were so confused that they fell into the darkness and were almost lost.


One day, his eyes condensed and turned into immortal light, descending on the ancient world of immortal monks.

"The laws of the great road are incomplete." He sensed it just after he landed in this place.

The Ancient Immortal Monk World is still there, but it is broken. Today's Immortal Monk Ancient World does not seem to have the glory of the past. The Great Dao has declined and is almost the same as the previous Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Today, there are still creatures living in the ancient world of immortal monks, but most of them are not very strong, and there are even very few true immortals. His heart sank, and he had a bad premonition.

"What happened, that a powerful ancient world declined?"

Mount Sumeru!
He didn't hesitate and rushed to Mount Sumeru immediately.

He used to be friends with Kong Jian, the immortal monk Kong Wen's senior brother who crossed the Boundary Sea, but this suddenly made him worried.

He rushed straight to Mount Sumeru, only to find that this place had long been ruined.

Mount Sumeru, an immortal holy land for the lineage of ancient monks, now looks like it has undergone drastic changes, experienced a tragic war, and been crippled.

Today, there is only a piece of debris left here, with a huge broken mountain.

During the Emperor's Fall, he once came to this ancient world of immortal monks.

At that time, Mount Sumeru was surrounded by the sun, moon and stars. It was magnificent and immortal.

In the past, Mount Sumeru was full of incense and had many believers, but now it seems to be a thing of the past.

On the top of the mountain, there are fairy grass, Buddha trees, and ancient Bodhi trees. Unfortunately, as time goes by, all the glory has gone away, and those sacred things can never be reproduced again.

"Where is Kong Jian? Did he fall?"

He sighed softly. He had become friends with the Immortal Monk Kong Jian at the beginning, and he had completely opened up the six paths in the body at Mount Sumeru. The two of them had a good relationship, so he naturally didn't want anything to happen to him.

He walked forward, hoping to find some relics. Even if he found his bones or fragments of his soul, he would have a way to resurrect him.

He came to this ancient place and began to explore Mount Sumeru.

Mount Sumeru is huge and boundless. Even though it is dilapidated, it is still very vast and cannot be understood in an instant.

He was very silent and walked on foot, passing through ancient places one after another. He saw many golden tiles everywhere, collapsed ancient temples, and broken Buddha statues. All of these showed that Mount Sumeru had completely become a History has been lost in the dust of history.

Mount Sumeru has become a thing of the past. Although there are still monks in this ancient world, they are no longer respected by them.

Not long after, he came to a ruins. He had been to this place before, it was the place where Kong Jian first brought him.

This is a secret place with Guimen Pass, Huangquan Road, Naihe Bridge...

These are all the products of the experiments of the Immortal Monk lineage.

Now, with his eyes focused, he made a new discovery. He saw a huge altar.

Here, there are two people sitting cross-legged on the altar, with their eyes closed tightly, but they both look extremely tall. These are two powerful immortals!
As if sensing something, they all suddenly opened their eyes at this moment,
There was a man with black hair like a waterfall, a majestic face, wearing a silver-white battle armor, and his whole body was filled with fierce fighting spirit.

Another creature, with curly muscles, a strong body, a head full of red hair, and eyes as terrifying as a wild beast, was showing a look of shock at this moment.


Xu Yu's eyes narrowed. He didn't recognize the man in the silver armor, but he recognized the red-haired Taoist.

He turned out to be a living being in the land of reincarnation in the Nine Heavens. He once won first place in a real fairyland competition. He is - Jinglong!
How did a nine-day immortal come to the ancient world of immortal monks?
Jinglong is a true immortal!

Why did the immortal from Jiutian appear in the ancient world of immortal monks!
He was a true immortal of a generation, and he was unstoppable in the great competition in the Land of Reincarnation. He even defeated Yun Mian, and was finally able to enter the Three Life Stone. After many years of experience, he became a true immortal in the middle stage.

Later, he left the world behind the Primordial Gate through the Tongtian Tower left by the lineage of ancient monks.

I thought that he had returned to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, or the Immortal Realm.

For so many years, there has been no news or trace of him. Unexpectedly, he is actually in the ancient world of immortal monks.

"It's you!" Jinglong was equally astonished. He already knew what kind of world this was, but he didn't expect that Xu Yu also appeared, which shocked him greatly.

Xu Yu stepped on the brilliant fairy light, and dao lotuses grew in the void beside him, and the flowers of the dao condensed behind him. Where he stood, the light and mist were dense, reflecting thousands of gorgeous scenery.

Where the Immortal King stands, it feels like the hometown of an Immortal, or like the divine land on the other side. This is an obvious manifestation of the powerful Dao Fruit.

Immortal King!

Later, Jing Long and the young man in silver armor sensed each other's aura, and couldn't help but their breaths froze.

"In the land of reincarnation, I became a warrior immortal, and in less than ten thousand years, I became an immortal king!" The young man in silver armor was okay, but Jinglong witnessed his rise and was greatly shocked.

"Why are you here?" Xu Yu's eyes flickered and he looked at the two of them.
"Tongtiantai, it was Tongtiantai that brought me to this place!" Jinglong introduced. Perhaps it was because he hadn't seen people from his hometown for a long time. He was originally silent by nature, but suddenly he became more talkative.

It was Tongtiantai that sent them here! It was an important treasure belonging to the lineage of the ancient monk, and it was said to be able to travel through space and the great world. The ancient monk originally invited him to climb the Tongtiantai, but Xu Yu refused. He did not expect to teleport people to the ancient world of the immortal monk.

Later, according to Jinglong's introduction, he learned from this ancient world that the land of reincarnation in the Nine Heavens, the world behind the Primordial Gate, was a place to select talents for the ancient world of immortal monks.

If you can win the first prize in one fell swoop and rank first in the Supreme Realm or True Immortal Realm, you can enter this world and practice in the Holy Land of Mount Sumeru!
"As you can see, Mount Sumeru is ruined and has been destroyed long ago. We are waiting here and have no chance, and we have no coordinates in the Nine Heavens and cannot return. We can only waste time. Now that the world sea is in turmoil, we and our strength are unable to Get involved..." Jing Long said.

According to what he said, when he came to the ancient world of immortal monks, the Tongtian Tower was one-way, and he could not help the platform return. There were no coordinates, and there was great turmoil in the boundary sea. As a true immortal, he naturally did not dare to step into the sea. Return.

"This is Zhan Yuntian, the first person to compete in our last true fairyland competition. He came a million years before me." Jing Long took the initiative to introduce the young man in silver armor next to him.

This young man has thick black hair, a straight nose and a square mouth, and is wearing a silver armor. He looks very majestic and has reached the late stage of the Immortal Realm.

"I've met my senior, Zhan Yuntian, from Three Thousand Dao Prefectures."

The man wearing silver-white armor and calling himself Wei Chan Zhan Yuntian bowed his hands in a very respectful manner.

The powerful Immortal King is respected in all realms and no one dares to disrespect him!
"The War Clan, I have some impressions..."

Xu Yu whispered, and he remembered some ethnic groups in the upper world.

This is a relatively powerful race in the Three Thousand Daozhou. It was once among the top ten races. It is also known as the War Emperor Clan. It can be compared with the Celestial Race. It is said to be glorious in battle and respected by the world!
The current leader of this clan is called Emperor Zhan, and he is a being on the same level as the Lao Tianren of the Celestial Clan.

When he learned that Xu Yuyi came from Sanqian Daozhou, Zhan Yuntian was shocked. He did not expect that such a powerful person would be born in the nine heavens and ten earths.

"Master Immortal King, how is our clan?" Zhan Yuntian was a little uneasy and worried. After all, millions of years have passed and many things may have been destroyed in the years.
"Not bad!" Xu Yu nodded. The War Territory was a large clan in the Three Thousand Provinces. It was indeed at its peak. The War Emperor of the clan had also broken through to the Escape realm.

Zhan Yuntian breathed a sigh of relief. Since the Immortal King said this, it must not be false, as long as the clan is still there.

"You came early. What is going on in Mount Xumi? Do you understand?" Xu Yu looked at Zhan Yuntian
"When I arrived, Mount Xumi had been deserted for endless years," Zhan Yuntian said with a bitter smile.

In fact, when he came, Mount Sumeru had already been destroyed for endless years.
Mount Sumeru is the place where all the top-ranked creatures in the land of reincarnation finally transcend. They may have a great chance. Unfortunately, everything has been shattered long ago, and Zhan Yuntian did not get the chance.

And those old monks in the Land of Reincarnation don't seem to know that this place has been destroyed, and they are still cultivating the most powerful "seeds" for the ancient world of immortal monks!
"It is rumored that the immortal monks in Mount Sumeru studied reincarnation and involved taboos. They were feared by God and sent down tribulations. There are also rumors that Mount Sumeru collected too many thoughts of sentient beings and was contaminated with the great power of cause and effect. In the end, they encountered Some people say that it was the returning creatures from the sea that destroyed this place, even involving darkness...

Zhan Yuntian's mother came and told all the mysteries of the ancient world of Xianxi. Obviously, he knew a lot.

"According to legend, there is a secret place on the main peak of Mount Xumi. It has not been damaged and is hidden in the chaos." Jing Long, a red-haired Taoist, added.

"The main peak of Mount Sumeru may contain great fortune!"

In fact, in these years, in addition to practicing at Tongtiantai, they also tried to find the legendary main peak of Sumeru, hoping to achieve great fortune.

"I'll go investigate, you guys just wait here!"

Xu Yu's mind was moved. Since the main peak of Mount Xumi has not been discovered, it means that Mount Xumi may not have been destroyed. There may be a back-up plan.

He explained to the two of them and promised to take them back to Jiutian when he left, which immediately made the two of them overjoyed.

"The main peak of Sumeru!"

He walked slowly around ancient mountains and cliffs, opening his divine eyes to explore.

Mount Sumeru is too vast, and there are too many broken ancient formations that can obscure the secrets of the heavens. Even the divine eye cannot detect it all at once.

Xu Yu had already come a long way into this ancient land. He slowly saw too many temple ruins and the vast underground city. Many familiar lands had long since changed and their positions had shifted.
(End of this chapter)

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