"The souls of all the heavens have fallen, but the river is ever prosperous!"

These words are like a magic spell, hovering and reverberating over the Soul River, making people feel dizzy!
This is an unknown language with a very ancient origin. Even Xu Yu was surprised, but as the Immortal Emperor, he analyzed that soul thought in an instant and knew its meaning.

At the same time, the Soul River is endless, the music is faint, the bloody sky is scary, the fog is expanding, and the sound of iron chains hitting the door in the upper reaches is constant.

More than a dozen creatures came from the upper reaches of the Soul River. Their appearance was breathtaking, not human-like at all, their strange state was too frightening, and their appearance was extremely terrifying.
It can be seen that they are humanoid creatures, and they still retain some residual characteristics.
However, they can hardly be called human beings now.

A creature, in addition to the lower body of human legs, there is a spider body behind the buttocks. In addition, a humanoid corpse grows diagonally from the abdomen. The connected head and face are covered with red corpse hair.

As for his upper body, it's even more complicated. It's more sinister than a ghost, and it's ugly and breathtaking.

His neck was very thick and covered with tumors, all the way up and down. Each tumor was as big as an egg, and they were all splitting apart at the moment, flowing out with horrifying and smelly pus.

The others were not much better. They were grotesque and rotten, as if they were pieced together by various creatures. They were extremely ugly.

"The demons and demons must be eliminated!" Xu Yu said coldly, speaking loudly, causing the entire Soul River to tremble, with big waves rising one after another, and the waves rolling.


"Whoever dares to offend my soul river is seeking death!"

hold head high!
Two immortal phoenixes rushed out from his eyes, raised their heads to the sky and roared, swaying with divine light, their feathers brilliant, burning up the heavens, and swooping down into the soul river!
In fact, the entire Soul River lit up in an instant, the Soul River was ignited, all kinds of fires were rising, and the power of destroying the heaven and the earth was mighty,

"Is a mere quasi-immortal emperor here to die?" Xu Yu sneered.

The entire Soul River was cut off, and the river bed dried up for hundreds of millions of miles, showing a burning state, which was extremely breathtaking.

The entire dark and gloomy Soul River is now as bright as day and transparent.


"Dirty place, disgusting!"

On the side of the Soul River camp, countless creatures knelt down and kowtowed in worship, like a lamb facing a prehistoric dragon.

Countless soul lights transpired, crossing the soul river, countless soul lights burned, turned into soul material particles, and all evaporated.

"The Supreme Being is born!"

At this time, a sound like a howling beast came from the Soul River, shaking the world.

Xu Yu said calmly, his voice was not loud, but it spread throughout the Soul River, making every living being tremble, and their souls trembled and almost burst.

In an instant, the heavens trembled, and all realms were about to fall and disintegrate.

The creatures in the Soul River trembled and were surprised at the same time. When the Supreme came out, who could compete with him? How about the Quasi-Immortal Emperor! After all, it was just a flash in the pan, how long can it still show off its power?
Xu Yu sneered, the so-called supreme is what the Weird Clan calls the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. In the heavens, most people are more accustomed to being called the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

Countless ghosts and countless soul river creatures are screaming and roaring!
This is his strength. In front of him, the Immortal King is as weak as ant dust and is completely vulnerable. Such a terrifying soul river has come to an end.

In an instant, the supreme being's murderous intention split the star
The black mist surged and the ominous atmosphere filled the air.

But Xu Yu's body glowed, and all the ominous and strange things were purified, and then there was a dense aura of spiritual energy, and a holy aura filled the air.

An inexplicable aura filled the air and was extremely penetrating, gradually making this place become unimaginably terrifying.

Xu Yu strode forward and continued to move forward. As his eyes turned, the soul river creatures exploded into pieces and turned into ashes!
Invisibly, there was a door, which he blasted open. The extremely terrifying power had already swept through it, sweeping away the place and turning it into ruins.
There were only some broken shafts, condensed star skeletons, and some messy and broken bodies left there.

Xu Yu's eyes opened and closed, the beam tore through the sky, and countless runes boiled, sweeping towards the group of creatures with a purifying aura!
With one strike, the eyes can tear apart the past and present, and cut off the long river of time. This kind of shocking power makes people tremble!
Those strange immortal kings screamed, their bodies exploded, and various fishy liquids splashed everywhere. Then they were wiped out by all the beams and evaporated completely.

The sound of opening the sky resounded throughout the world, and then his eyes turned extremely red, filled with monstrous divine fire.

He stepped slowly, with various avenue patterns intertwined under his feet. Every step he took was like a divine drum beating, causing the entire living being to explode!
Moreover, that supreme being was also affected by the impact. There was blood at the corner of his mouth and terrible old wounds on his body. Due to some inexplicable reasons, black blood was flowing out.

"Who are you?" The quasi-immortal emperor was shocked and angry, with a childish look on his face. Although he had old injuries, they were not something ordinary people could trigger.

“Emperor of Heaven!
Xu Yu said calmly, his aura was very peaceful, but it made the quasi-immortal emperor tremble and he coughed up blood.


Xu Yu's big hand passed across the air, his five fingers spread out, covering the sky, sweeping across the soul river, and falling with one palm!
Like a magnificent universe emerging, the stars gradually formed, and the starlights condensed into a simple big seal.

This kind of power is extremely terrifying. Although he has not entered the realm of Immortal Emperor, he has reached the level of the ultimate Taoist ancestor!
"Arrogant! Those who falsely claim to be emperor will have their corpses piled up."
They’ve all been filled in the grave!”

The quasi-immortal emperor roared and rose into the sky, making fist seals to kill.

The world overturned, mountains and rivers collapsed, and the quasi-immortal emperor was slapped down by Xu Yu's palm. His body suddenly shook violently, blood splashed everywhere, and he rushed high.

"Damn it, he must be the ultimate Taoist ancestor, otherwise he wouldn't be so powerful!" At this moment, the other two quasi-immortal emperors in Hunhe appeared, both in human form, one with white hair and the other with black hair. They were both changing color at this moment. Unexpectedly, a Taoist ancestor, He actually hit the Soul River.

"It won't be another 'Desolate'!" The two of them thought in their hearts, remembering the fear of being dominated by an unparalleled emperor. That person almost destroyed the Soul River.
"Our world is everlasting and immortal, so what about the Dao Ancestors, but Er'er, even the Luju level creatures, I don't know how many have been destroyed!" The white-haired quasi-immortal emperor quickly calmed down and said this,
"Weird outpost, a mere quasi-immortal emperor, not even a Taoist, dares to boast!" Xu Yu said coldly, his pupils shot out a shocking beam of light, causing the place to tremble. Even several quasi-immortal emperors felt it. Feeling of oppression.

The four quasi-immortal emperors who monitor the heavens are the most bizarre and supreme. They are not even the Taoist ancestors. Are they worthy of barking in front of him?
The next moment, Xu Yu took action, and his speed was extremely fast. If the light of Feifei Immortal was filled with energy, he squeezed the sword technique and swept directly towards the first quasi-immortal emperor who appeared before!
The brilliant sword light covers the sun and moon, washing away the dryness


The light of the sword melts everything, corrodes his body, erodes his soul light, and kills everything. It can be described as extremely domineering!
The previous quasi-immortal emperor was originally injured, but he completely fell under this blow, but he was unable to survive.

"How can it be!"

The remaining two quasi-immortal emperors had their pupils shrinking violently. Even the Dao Ancestors could not kill the quasi-immortal emperors so simply and neatly. Could it be that they were at the Lujin level, or were they infinitely close to that realm?

Xu Yu said indifferently. At the same time, he was also observing whether there were strong people at the end of the road paying attention to this place. Preliminarily passing through the Soul River to explore their reality was his main purpose.

Although there is no Lu Jin level guarding the four strange forbidden areas, there are occasionally Immortal Emperor level eyes paying attention.

"First, I'll wipe out all of you. I want to see how powerful this dirty place really is."

Xu Yu's eyes were so captivating that it seemed like the creation of heaven and earth, causing space to collapse, time to be distorted, and all the heavens to be dead.

In the countless universes, it seems that only the eyes are eternal, becoming the only one in the world!
The black-haired Quasi-Immortal Emperor and the white-haired Quasi-Immortal Emperor were stared at by him, and a chill emerged from their bodies unconsciously, giving rise to a sense of fear.

"Today, we will level the Soul River!"

Xu Yu said indifferently, between opening and closing, the avenues were breaking apart, and the endless universe was coming and going in front of his eyes!
At a glance, everything is destroyed and the order of the heavens collapses. How unnatural is this!
The expressions on the faces of the two quasi-immortal emperors were extremely ugly. They had always looked down upon millions of reincarnations and shocked the heavens.

Now a Taoist ancestor looked down on them like this, like an ancestor sitting on the 33rd level of heaven looking down at the ants on the ground indifferently.

Xu Yu swung his fist, and the sun, moon and stars surged with the power of his fist, stirring up the heaven and earth. Countless patterns spread and time was chaotic.

Then, time began to flow backwards, and countless rules and orders were like waves, burning and extinguished in the sea-like atmosphere, and finally returned to nothingness!
The entire Soul River was in a state of mourning! Everything in the world seemed to be withering at this moment, as if all their vitality was extinct!
The white-haired Quasi-Immortal Emperor and the black-haired Quasi-Immortal Emperor moved, the heavens and the earth rumbled, and all the worlds were about to explode. There seemed to be countless creatures lying dead at their feet, reflecting the sky!
They came to kill at a speed that was beyond common sense. However, in Xu Yu's eyes, their speed was all in slow motion, analyzed and differentiated by the divine eye!
Xu Yu's pupils shone brightly, and the radiance emitted dimmed the sun, moon, and stars. He shot out suddenly and hit them. The two quasi-immortal emperors both screamed. Before they could get close, they took a terrible blow. beam!
Their flesh and blood was on fire, and it was about to spread to their soul light. This kind of gaze was not only aimed at the tangible body, but also the soul.

Supreme blood spattered everywhere, and the bodies of the two quasi-immortal emperors were peeled apart, cut into two halves by the beam, and the blood shot into the sky.

With just one blow, the two quasi-immortal emperors were chopped to pieces!
This is still the combat power of his Dao Ancestor. If he really reaches the level of combat power, the two of them will probably die in an instant!
The two quasi-immortal emperors roared, their bodies emitting blazing light, trying to recover and regroup their bodies.

But soon, they were shocked and could not recover at all. Half of their bodies collapsed, their origins were also lost, and their soul light gradually disintegrated.

It stands to reason that even if there is only a drop of blood or a ray of spiritual energy left in Wushang, he can be reborn quickly. But now, his body is in tatters, no different from ordinary creatures, which makes them horrified.

"Give me all the rats living in the gutter

Xu Yu swung his fists one after another, shaking the world. The majestic light of his fists illuminated the past and present, and suddenly penetrated the head of the white-haired quasi-immortal emperor.

He suddenly shook, and with a sudden chisel, his head exploded like a watermelon, blood splashed 30,000 feet, and he died!
Another black-haired quasi-immortal emperor was horrified, his face changed drastically, and he turned around as if to run away. This man was too powerful, they were no match!

Xu Yu pointed a finger in the air with his big hand, and activated the Rebirth Sword Technique. The endless sword energy was like a waterfall, and like the sea bursting its embankment, sweeping down from the void.

The black-haired quasi-immortal emperor could not escape, and was firmly locked by the magnificent Rebirth Sword Technique. His whole body seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, even if he used all his methods, he was unable to defy the sky.

In an instant, dense sword marks appeared all over his body. They were crisscrossed and there was no complete place. It was so miserable!

The black-haired quasi-immortal emperor screamed, and the next moment he exploded, his soul light also disintegrated, and he was considered completely dead.

The three quasi-immortal emperors died like this, and all life in the Soul River was almost extinct!
"Is he just a minion after all? There is no Lujin level powerhouse to pay attention to!" Xu Yu's expression was cold. During the battle, he always paid attention to his surroundings, and there was no Lujin level strange Immortal Emperor appearing.

"Could it be that Shi Hao is blocking the spring water now?"

He thought silently in his heart that it would make sense if Shi Hao restrained those strange immortal emperors so that they had no time to care about him.

Logically speaking, Shi Hao should be much more relaxed in this life. Not only him, Di Yuan is also the Immortal Emperor, but Liu Shen seems to be making a breakthrough before he leaves, and he will not be as stretched as in the past history.

"It's better to go to heaven and have a look, and you should be able to find out." He thought silently, when the Soul River thing happened, he would go to heaven for a visit?
In any case, it is a good thing for the heavens to clear out a strange and troubled land.

After all, too many heroes have yet to grow up

At that time, it withered prematurely, but now it can be considered as giving hope to the future of the world. If future generations are brave and diligent, the future will not be limited!
He remembered that in the original trajectory, the trio had entered the Soul River and had a classic Battle of the Soul River.

It's a pity that at that time, there were also creatures coming to the ancient underworld, the burial pit of the Heavenly Emperor, and the fourth-level floating soil. There were a dozen quasi-immortal emperors in total, and the most important thing was that there was a real Lujin-level powerhouse who took action.

So in that battle, the trio suffered heavy casualties, and even Emperor Wushi died in the battle to protect them!
He suppressed many thoughts in his mind and looked at the soul river. The soul river that had stopped flowing before reappeared. Because the source had not disappeared, his energy source continued to emerge.
It was they who fell, intertwined in the void, gathered together, and finally formed a river - the Soul River
In the abyss, planets rotate, star bodies float, and soul matter flows on the cliffs. This is a strange world!
His face was dull, and he appeared quietly on the stone cliff, looking down into the abyss and staring at the world below. There was a strange aura emerging from below, as if it wanted to pollute his soul.

The Soul River is not aimed at the body, but at the soul. Those are dark substances, but how could he be affected? After all, his real strength is the Immortal Emperor!
After sensing many unknown substances, he suddenly slapped the stone cliff with his palm! (End of this chapter)

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