Chapter 53 Reaching the PY Deal
The giant dragon has a huge body, and its various resistances are very strong, both internally and externally.

So although Su Yang has this potion, he must be prepared.Although I bought several bottles myself, the chances are definitely not many.

As long as the medicine is injected into the body, he can drink tea with peace of mind and wait for the medicine to take effect.

It doesn't matter if it's ten years, 20 years, or 30 years.

But the dragon is not a game boss, he can really run.But at this time, Su Yang didn't agree immediately, but pretended to think.

In fact, he didn't necessarily want to find this person, although Earl Lucas' chassis was not small and powerful.But it is not the only choice for Su Yang. You must know that this is Europe in the Middle Ages, and there is no such thing as a great unification.

Since this is the case, Su Yang will only say that I have the advantage.

But it was obvious that Earl Lucas was a little anxious, and the future of the person in front of him was unclear.But now he is definitely a strong man of the ninth rank, and the deterrent of this kind of person is better than ten thousand soldiers.

It is impossible for them to kill tens of thousands of soldiers on the battlefield, but it is not a big problem to single-handedly rush to the center of the position to take the head of the item.

You must know that because of the painting style of this world, the gap between the first and eighth ranks is limited.But the upper and lower limits of the ninth-level powerhouse are too big. After all, single attribute 5.5, all the way to single attribute 10. This period is considered to be ninth-level, and the gap can be imagined.

"So anxious, something happened to your territory."

Seeing Earl Lucas' uneasy expression, Su Yang also knew that he could make a condition.But what he doesn't know is what this guy wants to do by himself.

Knowing that those ogres have been slaughtered by him, it stands to reason that the threat has disappeared.

Although Su Yang doesn't think he is a good person, he will still abide by using people's money to eliminate disasters for others.

"Oh, I don't know. The ogre you killed migrated from the dark mountain range. Being able to make those guys migrate only shows that the capacity of the monsters in the mountain range has reached its limit."

"Beast tide?"

Hearing this, Su Yang's eyebrows twitched, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"That's right, sir. If you can help me resist this beast horde, then as a price, I can help you issue an order to fight the dragon. The dark dragon is a disaster after all, and someone will respond."

"That's it"

Hearing this Su Yang narrowed his eyes, he really needs some manpower.It's not that they expect them to kill the dark dragon, but to support themselves.For example, archers with long-range attacks, magicians who can restrict the flight of dragons, etc.
It is impossible to directly kill the dragon Su Yang, but it is enough to buy himself time to prescribe the medicine.

This broken system is the same as the Soul series games. You are given a goal and the rest is triggered by yourself.

Obviously, the key to breaking the game this time lies in the earl.To know the novice dungeon, I had to contact the Wu family to live so well.Otherwise, the soldiers are in chaos, I'm afraid I'm not really going to eat people.

Since I just want to do the task and have no other ambitions, this is undoubtedly the best choice.


Hearing this, Su Yang also nodded, which made Earl Lucas feel relieved and happy at the same time.

You must know that their territory is located near the Demon Dragon Mountain Range.Although the land here is fertile and rich in resources.But it is not safe, so most people are not likely to come here.

And even though he had already issued a call for help, he also asked the Adventurer's Guild to place a commission.

But without a strong enough man in charge, it would still be disturbing.And Su Yang is obviously the strong man he needs, although he doesn't know what the latter's real strength is.

But judging from the current performance, it is completely his ideal goal.And come back and tell my daughters and granddaughters, it would be even better if this man can be married into his family.

Young, powerful, mysterious, and handsome, with an exotic demeanor, he will definitely be popular.

Although I don't know what the other party's family background is, but that is not important anymore.After letting him marry, he can pass the title directly to his children.Just let one of the sons follow his own surname.

Of course, Su Yang didn't say much about these things, and he didn't bother to understand Earl Lucas's thoughts, but he could generally guess some of them.

Those big families kept sending women to him one by one, but he refused them all.

After all, I am a player, and I may never return to that world after completing the mission.

"Come here, tidy up the best room in the manor. By the way, call the tailor and change the gentleman's clothes."


Now that the negotiation has been concluded, Earl Lucas also directly issued an order to his old butler.

By the way, these can be regarded as two benefits that come with Myriad Worlds.Firstly, it will give you a suit of your identity in this world, and secondly, you can understand and understand these words, and talk to people.

As for the clothes Su Yang was wearing at this time, it was a ranger's attire.Wearing black clothes and robes, he looked extremely simple from top to bottom, without any valuables.

Although there are some protective items for the joints, these are basically useless for today's cars.

"No, I have my own clothes. And it's nice. I don't like jewels much."

Su Yang, the tailor, also refused, because there are special clothes for sale in the world.The price of one piece is not expensive, just a dozen or so will do.

Novices may not be able to afford it, but at this time, there is nothing wrong with me.There are dozens of sets of underwear, coats and trousers.

And he really doesn't like the clothes of these people. What kind of high-heeled shoes and white silk do men wear? In his eyes, they are almost like sissies.

"Okay, I'll issue a decree right now. Generally, the beast tide breaks out in winter, and there are still one or two months left. All the servants in this manor are at your disposal, and you just need to tell the chef what you want to eat."

"Thank you very much then."

Hearing this, Su Yang also nodded, actually talking about food.This time, he bought a special item, the seasoning package.

There is no other reason, it is simply that he was trapped by the world in front of him.

Just like his own space ring, Thousands of Worlds also sells many daily life items.The price is cheap, but the practicality is super strong, one hundred and ten points.

By the way, when it came to the last world, he didn't miss Chen Yulin's food.I used all the money to improve my strength, and kept a little as a backup for recovery. This time, I don't have to be so hard when I have more money this time.

(End of this chapter)

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