The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 101 Hongmeng City

Chapter 101 Hongmeng City

After Hongmeng's special envoy team left, Bai Yao came to the study.

Sitting at the desk, he quickly began to look up the detailed information of Hongmeng.

"Tsk tsk, there are so many." Bai Key looked at the screen and couldn't help but praise. Before joining, he couldn't get detailed information, but now it's really enjoyable.

Pictures, videos, text materials, everything that one expects to find.

Judging from the pictures and videos...

Hongmeng's base camp is in a plane space specially opened up in the virtual universe. There are countless stars in that plane space. Surrounded by the stars, there is a huge floating ancient city. This ancient city suspended in the stars the "Hongmeng City" where countless strong people live.

Hongmeng City is an alliance gathering place for humans and a large number of alien races, and the strong are like clouds.

It's peaceful here—it's a virtual universe after all, so it's naturally peaceful.

There is a strict hierarchy here - the status is determined according to the level of strength and contribution, and those with higher status will naturally enjoy more power.

The strength of the official members of the Hongmeng is always confirmed according to their record. The stronger the record, the higher the strength division. The division here is based on one star, two stars, three stars... until seven stars. It is a very simple division. There will be star marks on the arms or cuffs.

This can easily determine the opponent's strength division.

All the members who have just joined the Hongmeng are all stars. Afterwards, based on the actual record, the "Hongmeng City Subsystem" of the virtual universe system will automatically determine the record and strength, and then divide the ranks.

One star, this is the level for those who just entered the Hongmeng, and it is generally the most common level for the Immortal King.

The two stars are considered to be the strongest among the kings.

Samsung, the limit of the king.

Four stars, the initial level of the universe venerable, like King Zhenyan can also be divided into this level.


Seven stars, the most initial level of the master of the universe, the master of the eclipse palace can also be divided into this level.

"What a big city."

"Hongmeng City is divided into outer city, inner layer, and Hongmeng Palace." Bai Key watched the video and said in admiration, "The number of strong human beings is astonishing, and there are about 10 immortal kings, but those large numbers of alien races add up to over 300 [-] million crowned kings are immortal."

In the video, there is an ancient city suspended in the starry sky and surrounded by a large number of stars. The outer city is densely populated with a large number of strong people... Over 300 million Immortal Kings of various races gathered here, and their strengths are divided into one star to three stars. They all live in the outer city.In the inner city, there are almost no people on the video.

The strength is divided into four-star-six-star, living in the inner city, and almost all of them are universe lords in the inner city.

At the core of the entire Hongmeng City——

It is a bright and mysterious palace with a height of one million kilometers, like a giant sword that wants to pierce the starry sky. This is the "Hongmeng Palace".

There are "Seven Stars" living in the Hongmeng Hall, and the existence of the Seven Stars... At least they are the masters of the Celestial Eclipse Palace and Herodo, the overlords of the universe.

The hall masters of Hongmeng Hall... are existences beyond the "Seven Stars".

All of them are peerless overlords who can shake hundreds of millions of races in the universe with every movement.


"This is the hidden real strength?" Bai Key sighed secretly, like the Chaos City Lord has the ability to reverse time and space to revive other strong people. For countless years, the strong have accumulated continuously. Bai Key has already guessed... There will be many immortal kings, However, there are about 10 human beings who are immortal kings.

"The ethnic alliance is the kingly way."

"The peak group is strong, and the other groups are weak, but the other groups add up to a lot of strong people, and there are more than 300 million immortal kings."

"Even so... the entire Hongmeng is dominated by humans."

"It seems that in terms of peak force, humans have the upper hand."

Bai Key could also guess it.

Like Herodo, even the greatest existence in the history of the Golden Horn group.However, the "Eclipse Palace Lord" who is at the same level as Herodo has not yet stood at the highest level among human beings. The highest level is the existence of the founder of the giant axe, the lord of the virtual gold, the lord of the dragon's movement, and the lord of the chaotic city... It can be seen that there is a gap in strength.

"Human beings dominate, occupying a huge territory and occupying more resources. Although there are many alien races, they can only follow behind the human race." Bai Yao secretly said.

"do not know……"

"How many palace masters are there in the Hongmeng Palace?" Bai Key once checked the information, but couldn't find it at all, obviously the authority is not enough.

Bai Key carefully read the information about Hongmeng, and the more he read it, the more amazed he became.

The Hongmeng City gathered the entire human race and all the strong men of many foreign races, but who would be the one with the treasure in one race?Of course, these powerful immortal gods, and even those cosmic lords, and even the cosmic lords who stand at the pinnacle, they occupy the vast majority of the wealth of many ethnic groups in the Hongmeng.

and so--

Compared with the auctions in Hongmeng City, the auctions attended by some so-called star-rated bank customers... it's like a play.

Ordinary transactions are in units of "one billion mixed yuan".

Some large deals are even more exaggerated.

Even special and rare treasures are basically bartered.


auctions!Huge deal!The elite team that ventured into the secret realm of the universe!The elite team in the extraterritorial battlefield!Some special organizations formed with common interest and common purpose!In short... Don't look at the more than 300 million powerful people in Hongmeng City, but they control the wealth, survival and survival of human beings and a large number of ethnic groups.

Human beings are the rulers of Hongmeng!
Super overlords such as the Chaos City Lord and the Void Gold Lord may have the same interests in the survival of the group, and they can cultivate their own forces to seize treasures, etc., and there are also conflicts of interest!After all, even the Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Void Gold, the Lord of Dragon Movement... They also have their own desires!
There is competition among humans, and those large numbers of aliens also want to have more shares and get more resources!


Hongmeng City is the real place where fish and dragons are mixed and forces are everywhere.

"I can find so many things just from the information I collected. It is true that the greater the interests, the more ruthless the fight... Well, it seems that entering the Hongmeng City will take some time to study."

Bai Key, who was standing in his own manor in the original area of ​​Yuxiang Mountain, directly started the teleportation. As a member of Hongmeng, now the teleportation target permission has an additional target "Hongmeng City".

call out!
The white key disappeared out of thin air and was directly transported to another dimension.


The highest plane space in the entire virtual universe, and the plane space where the strongest gather the most, is the Hongmeng space.

In the boundless vast starry sky, surrounded by stars, an ancient towering city is suspended, this is Hongmeng City.


With the arrival of the white key, one of the countless stars surrounding Hongmeng City also shone slightly.

"This is Hongmeng City?" Bai Yao appeared in the living room, which is less than [-] square meters. Looking around the living room, Bai Key frowned slightly. This is obviously a very small living room. He is relatively small in height, but There are still some who are more than ten meters tall and so on, so the living room will look very small.

"Master, Master." The virtual assistant Long Kuilian on Bai Yao's shoulder shouted, "I have received a message that this is your residence. All official members of the outer city of Hongmeng City have the same residence, covering an area of 3200 square meters."

"It's so small." Bai Key shook his head, "Yuxiang Mountain's primitive area manor is thousands of square kilometers. In such a small area, it's impossible to use a little practice attack and so on."

"Bai Key, according to the message sent to my virtual assistant by the Hongmeng City management system, this Hongmeng City is not a place for you to practice attacking, it is a platform for all strong people to communicate and gather. Their bodies are all of the same physical quality, and they are all fragile bodies maintained at the apprentice level."

"I feel it." Bai Key nodded.

It was the same when Bai Key first entered the virtual universe, the island of Black Dragon Mountain. All human beings have exactly the same physical quality, which is set to prevent fighting.It is impossible to judge a person's strength just by looking at his appearance.

And Yuxiang Mountain is where geniuses are concentrated.

In the place where geniuses are cultivated, fighting and training are the mainstream, so everyone has physical fitness similar to reality.In reality, it is the ninth rank of the domain master, and in the virtual universe, it is also the ninth rank of the domain master... In this way, it is suitable for drills and fighting.

But Hongmeng City has returned to the most common situation, and the body is exactly the same fragile.

"Not only the king, but even the Venerable Universe has such a fragile body in Hongmeng City." Long Kui said, "So as long as the Venerable Universe restrains the pressure of consciousness, then even if the Venerable Universe is standing in front of you Or, you can't recognize them at all. Because everyone's body and force strength are the same, the only difference is the consciousness... and as long as the consciousness restrains the coercion, it can't judge the strength from the surface."

"Come on, go out and see."

Bai Key walked out of his residence.


This is a quiet and vast community. Each house covers an area of ​​3200 square meters including the open space, and they are all two-storey high, but the styles of the houses are different.

"The outer city of Hongmeng City is the busiest and busiest. After all, the inner city is home to the Venerable Universe, and how many points are there in total for the Venerable Universe? At least it is deserted...the outer city of Hongmeng City has more than 300 million residents. They are distributed in individual communities, and each community has a fixed maximum of [-] residents." Nightshade Consciousness and Bai Yao said.

Walk on the streets of the neighborhood.

Bai Yao actually has a feeling of being in the Mingyue Community on Earth, but he can only feel it when he looks at the houses with different styles next to him, and some strange-looking people in the distance who are even rock life energy... It is a gathering place for a large number of ethnic groups in Hongmeng.

Look up to the sky.

That is the endless starry sky, the stars are densely covered.

"According to the information I searched." Bai Key said softly, "Each star represents a strong man in Hongmeng City. I don't know which star is mine."

"Huh? There are many strong men in front." Bai Key took a look.

In the open space ahead, there were many chairs and tables. Powerhouses of various races in twos and threes chatted and laughed with each other with some drinks. At a glance... there were hundreds of them, of which there were only about 5 humans, and the rest were all aliens.

"Hi new here?"

"I haven't seen you before, you just joined Hongmeng?"

"Come, let's have a drink together."

Immediately, many strong men warmly raised their glasses to say hello.

"Tsk tsk, although they come from different ethnic groups, everyone is very friendly and enthusiastic." Bai Yao secretly thought in his heart, and at the same time, his consciousness told him, "Solanum nigrum, don't reveal my identity." The key is the personal disciple of the Lord of Chaos City... It has been circulated in Hongmeng for a long time.

In addition, a world master is also very rare in Hongmeng City, Bai Yao doesn't want to be a gorilla and be watched by crowds.

"Understood." Solanum nigrum said.

Bai Yao smiled at the friendly alien powerhouses, grabbed a glass of fruit wine from the open-air bar next to him, and walked towards the five human powerhouses who were sitting together. The powerhouses of the same race would naturally attract each other and hug each other.

"You don't mind if I sit here." Bai Key was wearing a close-fitting white armor, and his face was slightly modified. In addition, there were very few people who knew the news of "Bai Key joined Hongmeng", except for the 108 members of the universe management team. Outside the venerable is the emissary team, and the envoy team has confidentiality regulations.

"Haha, why are you being polite, sit down quickly."


The other five human beings all said with a smile.

Bai Key glanced at the star imprints on the armguards of these five people, four of them were "Two Stars" and one was "Three Stars".

"Just came to Hongmeng, let me introduce myself first, I am Mihuai King." said the dark-skinned human man with hair like a crown of a tree, "These four..."


After drinking, under the leadership of Mihuai King, Bai Yao also started to wander around the Hongmeng.

In Hongmeng City, the lowest-level residents are all powerful kings. The city where countless powerful people gather is naturally very developed, but scenes that are usually rare to see can be seen everywhere here.

Big ship deals.

Plant life, metal life trade.

Strong hires business.

Special item appraisal business.

Large auction house.

New type of gambling business.

Walking on the street, King Mihuai pointed to the huge shops in the distance, "The number of shops for various businesses is limited. These least can only be built with the Venerable Universe as the backstage, so I want to be in Not everyone has the opportunity to make huge profits in Hongmeng."

"Of course there are wins and losses."

"Except for a few places such as Puya Palace which are unique, although many shops have a quota limit, they are not alone and there is still competition."

"Ha ha……"

"Although us Feng Wang can't open a store, we don't need money to live in the Hongmeng. As long as we don't take the initiative to gamble and shop, we naturally don't need to spend. But as long as the store is have to pay various taxes and fees to Hongmeng." Mihuai King pointed in front of him, "Look, that is the best store among the large number of goods... It is called 'Yubaotang', and it is said that it was opened by a human palace master among the palace masters of Hongmeng. "

"If you want to say that the hottest shop in Hongmeng is Nanxingtang!" Mihuai King said suddenly at this moment.

"What's the explanation?" Bai Key was also a little curious, and turned to look at King Mi Huai.

"This is a newly opened store. It was opened by the Lord Ganwu more than 80 years ago. It mainly deals in treasures for restoring the divine body. Because the price is reasonable, everyone likes to buy from him."

"Wu Zhan Wang, if you need to restore the treasure of the divine body, you can go here!" Then he sighed, "I don't know why this dry witch king has really turned around. He was in this Hongmeng before. It's bad luck to be famous. I thought he would have to waste endless years to pay off the debt, but I didn't expect to recover in one day!"

Hearing this, Bai Key suddenly realized that it was his teacher Ganwu Guozhu who opened the shop in Hongmeng.

While talking, their footsteps were not slow, and they came to the door after a while.

"Nanxingtang, the name is well chosen!" Bai Yao stood in front of the door, looked at the three large characters on the door plaque, and approved it very much.

After walking into the shop, one could feel the warm atmosphere inside, hundreds of Feng Wangs crowded shoulder to shoulder, as if they were rushing to the street in Bai Yao's previous life hometown!
You must know that the person who can walk in the Hongmeng is at least a king, and in any universe country outside, he is an incomparably noble personage, but at this moment, he is like an aunt who buys vegetables in the vegetable market, giving people a great feeling contrast.

The Nanxing Hall is not as large as the "Yubao Hall", and it only has one floor, about one kilometer in length and width.

Compared with other shops, the types of treasures sold inside are relatively small, so the display windows are much more spacious, and each treasure is accompanied by a blueprint. There are videos, pictures, and text materials on the blueprint, explaining in detail Some of the origins, special features, etc. of these treasures sold, as well as the selling price.

 Ask for collection, ask for monthly pass, ask for subscription!The third update, there are two more updates

(End of this chapter)

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