The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 132 Communicating Dao Fruit (4000 words chapter)

Chapter 132 Communicating Dao Fruit (4000 words chapter)
For now, Devouring the Starry Universe is still Bai Key's main battlefield, which is related to his path to enlightenment in the future.

But this does not prevent him from going out to see more cultivation systems and civilizations.Comprehending the complete law of chaos is only the first step, completing the Dao Fruit, proving Dao Luo is his ultimate goal!
After so many years of struggling in the devouring starry sky universe, since waking up, he has been devoting himself to cultivation all the time, and now he is finally on the right track, and the next thing is nothing more than the accumulation of time.

This time, he projected back to the world before crossing. It is foreseeable that with the improvement of his cultivation base and understanding of laws, he will be more comfortable with the use of Dao fruit ability, and he will come into contact with more and more worlds by then.

Four taels to move a thousand catties, first of all you have to have four taels.

The abilities of Dao Fruit are actually very strong in every item. Since Bai Key merged with Dao Fruit, what restricts him is actually Bai Key's own ability, just like after he has collected the ten original laws, even the laws of time and space It was not consummated, but Daoguo's ability to project the myriad worlds and sense was greatly improved, which made him feel the connection with the universe before he traveled.

The universe located within the Daoguo body, after hundreds of years of accumulation, has grown to a very terrifying size, with a size of billions of light-years in length and width, which makes his ability to transform matter and energy from nothingness and analytical ability greatly improved. Great improvement, but it is only the accumulation of quantity. Compared with the accumulation of quantity, the breakthrough of quality is more important!

According to Bai Key's prediction, when he completes the law of time and space, that is, when he reaches the realm of the universe master who devours the stars and the universe, his ability will have another qualitative improvement.

At that time, maybe, he will be able to refine the main god fragments left by Lianfeng Wang Yuanbin, peek out some mysteries of the main god, and if he is lucky, he will also get the coordinates of the worlds recorded in it, and save Bai Key from having to try his luck.

Of course, this is just a guess. The specific situation will only be known at that time, and this time will not be too long. What he needs to cross the river by touching the original universe is to absorb more of the origin of the laws of space and time, and make the laws of time and space All the mysteries of the body were analyzed, and absorbed into the laws of space and time that he fully grasped.

This short period of time is only compared to other people who have mastered the laws of space and time and become the master of the universe. In conversion, it may be tens of thousands of years.

Don't think that this time is very long, those who become the masters of the universe, the time of cultivation is not counted by epoch.

City Lord Luo in the original book also broke through to become the Lord of the universe when the original universe was about 16 years old.But don't forget, he practiced through time acceleration for 8000 million years in the small universe of the ancestor of the starry sky behemoth. Hundreds of millions of years!
Therefore, Bai Key is sure to break through the Lord of the Universe within this time, which is already the result of his cheating.Possessing the characteristics of Dao Fruit, one certificate and permanent certificate, and the powerful analysis ability of ontology and universe consciousness, he is constantly exhaustive, ensuring that he has been making progress and constantly approaching perfection, which makes him have such confidence.


The white key travels to the previous universe and the earth.

Bai Yao sensed this body before time travel, and he hadn't experienced this weak feeling for a long time.Under the control of his projected consciousness, there is a feeling of frame drop between actions, that is, the brain has planned a series of actions, but the body still needs a period of time to respond, which makes him very uncomfortable.

Unresponsiveness is not enough, with his soul consciousness, he can perfectly control his body activities after a little adaptation, otherwise he would not be able to clean well.

It's just because of the limitation of the body's strength that it can't exert too much power. Forcibly using it will only damage the body, ranging from straining the muscles to severe cases, and fearing that the cells will dissolve and collapse.

Consciousness communication is located at infinite heights, the undetectable, inaudible, and invisible body of the Dao Fruit, wants to transmit some energy or treasures to transform this body through the connection with the Dao Fruit, but there is no response, and it cannot be transmitted at all .

The distance between this body and the Dao fruit body is too far. This distance is not only the distance in space, but also the time and latitude.

Now the connection between this body and the Dao fruit body is limited to the transmission of information. If you want to transmit the energy of the treasure, you must first establish a stable channel between the two points.

After some attempts, Bai Key found that with his current ability, he couldn't create a stable channel at all, and it was always interrupted inexplicably.

After getting such a result, Bai Key was not discouraged, and continued to try to see if he could use other abilities.

Fortunately, although material energy cannot be transmitted, only information can be transmitted, the ability of Daoguo can still be used, and the characteristics of one certificate and eternal certificate still act on his body, and he can exercise his body by devouring the starry sky and the universe. It is not difficult to strengthen the body with the secret method.

As for the ability to analyze everything and good fortune, although it does not need to consume anything from the white key to activate it, it also depends on the size of the avatar. Compared with the body of the universe that can create a galaxy in an instant, this avatar wants to create a fist-sized The stones take a long time.

And after trying it, Bai Yao also discovered that it may be because the original law of the formation of the universe may be somewhat different, and the material structure of this universe is also somewhat different from that of the universe that devours the starry sky. That's it.

After checking his own condition, Bai Key also heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there was nothing there. He came back to pretend to be aggressive, not to suffer!
After understanding the abilities that he can use, he also has a general framework in mind for the next plan of this avatar.

First of all, although I have lived for more than 20 years, I have not found anything special about this universe. After all, the contact surface of an ordinary person is too small.

Without knowing the specific circumstances of this world, it is necessary to enhance one's own strength.

I don't know the cultivation method of this universe, and I don't know if the cultivation system of the devouring starry sky universe can be used.What he can do is to exercise and strengthen his body. As long as he is a life of flesh and blood, there is definitely nothing wrong with strengthening his body in the early stage of cultivation.

As for what to do next?Then wait until you have collected enough information before making a plan.

Except for cultivation, I definitely can't do my previous job, and I have to quit immediately.It is impossible to go to work. Although everyone in the previous unit was talented and well-spoken, working overtime is really too hard!This is one of the reasons why his ex-girlfriend left him.

In this modern big city, it is impossible to live without going to work and without money. Food, clothing and housing are all costly. In addition, if he wants to collect some secret information, it will definitely cost money.Fortunately, with Bai Key's current ability, it is not difficult to make money.

After thinking about it, Bai Key took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. It was still a while before his work time at his unit, but since his place of residence was still far away from his work unit, it was time to start.

After getting the car keys, Bai Key went out and took the elevator to the parking lot. He drove the Focus that he bought a few years ago towards the direction of his work unit, planning to resign first.

The city where Baiyao is located is Zhucheng, the capital of province G. It is located in the southwest of the motherland. Although it is the provincial capital, in terms of the degree of development, it can only be regarded as a third-rate level in the whole country.

Although it is only a third-tier city, the consumption level is not inferior to that of a super city. A bowl of ordinary breakfast noodles costs more than ten yuan!
The car is driving on the wide road. Since it is the rush hour for commuting, the speed is not very fast. Thanks to the country's western development strategy, the traffic in G Province has improved by leaps and bounds in recent years and has been greatly improved.

The company where Baiyao works belongs to Guanghui, the largest auto dealer group in China, a large group at the end of the world's top 500, and this is the grandson company of its subsidiary.

It sounds bluffing, but in fact, the benefits are not as good as some medium-sized companies, and because of the impact of the epidemic, all kinds of income data are declining, which is a sunset industry visible to the naked eye.

Even so, if it was the former Bai Key, he would not have dared to resign so readily. With the current epidemic, it would be nice to be alive, so what more bicycle?

He went straight to the general manager's office, knocked on the door and went in, seeing the general manager making tea, Bai Yao naturally said hello, and sat on the chair.

"Boss Su, I'm here to go through the resignation procedures today!" Bai Key told the other party of his decision straight to the point.

Due to the decline in the market and the sharp drop in revenue, the group had already reported the news of layoffs. As a small supervisor, Bai Yao knew that this was true. Their store had two places for layoffs.

Regarding his sudden resignation, the general manager also sincerely kept a few words. After all, we have worked together for so many years, and we have built this store together, so we still have some feelings.

After persuading him to stay, seeing Bai Key who had decided to leave, the other party asked him if he found another one, and if he needed an introduction, etc.

The other party's kindness, Bai Key could only politely refuse, and told the other party that he would not do this business again.

Afterwards, the two talked about the handover of work. Bai Key recommended his young apprentice to take over his position. As for whether he can stay on top, it depends on his own ability.

After thinking about his recommendation, the general manager agreed.

It's just a small supervisor, and there are only a few people in the management. If the person recommended by Bai Key can't do well, he can make adjustments at any time.

After talking about the matter, Bai Key left the office, found his young apprentice, chatted with him about his resignation and let him take over the news.

"Master, why did you leave suddenly?"

"I'm separated from your teacher's wife. After so many years of class, I'm a little annoyed. I want to go out for a walk."

Looking at the apprentice in front of him who hesitated to speak and wanted to persuade him, Bai Yao didn't wait for the other party to speak, walked over and patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Brother Qiu, don't worry about me, do it well! You can’t be as playful as before.”

Although he is said to be a master and apprentice, he is actually a person of the same age with a difference of two or three years old. Bai Key often jokingly calls him Brother Qiu, and his ex-girlfriend was introduced by the other party.

Seeing the free and easy smile on Bai Key's face, the other party knew that he couldn't persuade him, so he talked with him about where to go to play instead, this is his little apprentice's strength.

As a biker, I often ride around with his fellow bikers. Some time ago, I was planning to resign and ride 318. If it wasn't for Bai Yao's dissuasion, I would have resigned!
Then, Bai Key informed the young apprentice who took over his position all the account information within his company, and the job handover was considered completed.

One morning, the whole process of resignation was considered complete, and Bai Yao walked out of this place where he had struggled for more than ten years.I rejected everyone's idea of ​​having a farewell party, not because I was reluctant to part with the money, but because it was completely unnecessary.

Now everyone still has a love affair, after a while, who will recognize whom?If we meet on the road, I'm afraid they won't say hello again.

After finishing all this, Bai Key felt as if his body was lighter. It was because the pressure of work that had been suppressed on his body for a long time disappeared.

In fact, according to the normal process, he has to inform the company one month in advance of his resignation, but in this environment, business is not very good, and the company is eager for you to resign, so it doesn't pay much attention.

After resigning, Bai Yao started his previous plan, strengthening his body, collecting information, and making money simultaneously.

Strengthening the body is not just a matter of exercising. With his current fragile body, he can't feel the energy fluctuations from the outside world at all, and even if he senses them, he doesn't dare to absorb them.

Without the supplement of external energy, one can only rely on eating to supplement one's own consumption. As for the use of good fortune ability, one is that there are still very few types of substances in this world, and the other is that there is a sense of sight that kills a chicken with a sledgehammer.

In order to supplement the consumption of his body, he bought a lot of meat in the vegetable market these days, and he had to eat several meals a day, which was barely enough to keep up with the consumption.

In direct proportion to this, his physical fitness has improved several times. Using the standard of devouring the stars, his punching strength has reached the level of more than 500 kilograms.

Compared with the improvement of physical fitness, the collection of information is much more difficult. If you want to find useful information for him on the vast Internet, it is tantamount to searching for sand in a haystack.

As for the plan to make money, it is now in his hands!
As the light in his hand dissipated, a golden metal block appeared in Bai Key's hand, and he put it in a box in the corner. Dozens of metal blocks of the same size had already accumulated in it. Despite its small size, it was quite heavy. A few hundred catties.

Gold, something that appears with human civilization, is a very valuable item no matter what era it is in, and most of the time it also assumes the nature of a general equivalent, that is, currency.

It's not that he didn't think about other things, such as emeralds, diamonds and other gems, but they all have various restrictions, either requiring an appraisal certificate or cashing in is very troublesome, so he finally chose gold.

This is the item he thought of that could be converted into cash quickly without being too eye-catching.There are gold recycling shops on almost every street, and a small number of them don’t care where you come from. As long as you don’t bother to go to a few more shops, you can easily sell them all.

In modern society, gold, an excellent conductor, not only exists as a luxury item, but also has huge industrial uses. Almost all electronic devices contain a certain amount of gold on the motherboards and chips.Bai Key had seen a popular science video on "Alchemy" on Douyin before!
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(End of this chapter)

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