The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 138 Don't Talk About State Affairs

Chapter 138 Don't Talk About State Affairs
Soon, an official document from the cabinet office was sent to province G, and the news that the cabinet leaders would go to province G for investigation immediately attracted the attention of the leadership of province G!

Several meetings were held in succession, and all the considerations were arranged.

The focus of this is naturally all the places and units that the leader will visit during the itinerary. Tiangong Group is among them, and the first time he received the notice from Province G.

Now Huang Yuanmei was a little at a loss. It's not that she has never done such things as receiving leaders. This is the first time for such a high level!
I can only pass on the news according to the previous handling methods. In fact, it is nothing more than cleaning, checking fire safety, etc.

After arranging these matters, he personally came to Bai Key's private manor and reported the matter in person.

"Boss, are you going to show up at that time?"

Looking at Bai Yao, who was dressed in a white robe and had an extraordinary temperament, Huang Yuanmei was very surprised. After only a few days of absence, the boss's temperament has undergone a huge change, and he doesn't know what caused it!
"I won't go, and you will do the reception work on behalf of the group. Except for the core secrets that I personally set, there is no need to hide the rest, and show them generously."

"This... okay!" Wang Yuanmei originally wanted to say that this was inappropriate, but every time she stood in front of the boss, she felt trembling, and she dared not have any objection to Bai Key's decision.

You know, in Tiangong Group, she, Huang Yuanmei, is also a person who speaks for herself.Because of the Lunni War, it became famous all over the world.

On the domestic Internet, she has been blown to the sky by countless netizens, such as futures queen, the most beautiful president... Various titles are given to her like money.But there is a person who can make her dare not say too much. If this is said, no one will believe it.

It stands to reason that if such a heavyweight leader came to investigate and visit, the master Bai Key should welcome him in person.But the boss didn't want to go, so there was nothing she could do. Instead of giving advice to the boss, she should go obediently and prepare for the arrival of the leader.

Looking at Huang Yuanmei who walked out, Bai Key's eyes were gloomy, he didn't know what to think of, and fell into deep thought.


May 5st, International Labor Day.

A team of police cars followed before and after, and a convoy of seven or eight Coasters came to the front of the Tiangong Group Building.

This section of the road has already been under martial law, and almost all the leaders of Tiangong Group headed by Huang Yuanmei gathered here, waiting for the arrival of the cabinet leaders who came to inspect.

Several brightly colored banners were hung at the gate of the building, with conspicuous words such as "Welcome the cabinet leaders to come to inspect".

After seeing the convoy arriving, without waiting for the people on board to get off, Huang Yuanmei immediately led the group's senior management to greet them.

When the cabinet leaders came to inspect and investigate, it was naturally impossible for one person to come, but a large team.This team includes secretaries, security teams, think tanks, doctors, reporters and other entourages, plus the accompanying personnel from the provincial government of G, there are probably nearly a hundred people in total!
"Welcome, welcome, welcome to Leader Wen!" Huang Yuanmei first shook hands with the leading cabinet leader among the group, and then exchanged pleasantries with the main personnel one after another.

"Hello, Mr. Huang, I'm here to bother you this time!" the cabinet leader said with a smile.

"What the leader said, it's too late for us to welcome you. We've been looking forward to it for a long time for the leader to come to our company and guide our work. This time the leader will come and give us your opinions!"

After the two sides introduced each other roughly, the Tiangong Group as the host led a group of people into the group building.

After entering the building, these people were diverted.The cabinet leaders and other key personnel were personally guided to visit by Huang Yuanmei and others, and the other entourages were accompanied by others. They were the ones who really understood the problem during the investigation. It was impossible for the leaders to discover the real problem.

The 72-story Tiangong Building is mostly various laboratories and research institutes. The preliminary theoretical work of several branches is almost placed in this place, which can be regarded as a kind of centralized utilization of resources, and it is also convenient for them to apply for technical and theoretical support from the headquarters. .

"Previously, Mr. Huang was at the headquarters of Qingshan Company, and won a decisive victory thousands of miles away. He severely hit the arrogance of foreign capital, but it gave our national enterprises a lot of face! When I saw him today, Mr. Huang really did not let a man down. He will be so big. A group that is well managed."

"Haha, it's all the result of the joint efforts of the brothers and sisters in the company. I can't do this alone! It's also because we have a strong motherland, otherwise it would be difficult for us to obtain such huge benefits."

This sentence is true. If they are not Chinese, but citizens of other small countries, these Westerners will have ways to renege on their debts.Because of the reason they developed earlier, they have formulated various standards that are beneficial to themselves. If they find that this standard cannot earn benefits for them, but is used by others to earn their own benefits, they will modify it without hesitation.

As for the spirit of contract that they often tout, they never had it.The descendants of a group of robbers, now developed and controlled the right to speak, began to tell everyone about benevolence, justice and morality.This is the same as those nouveau riche who like to put some books in their study room to look like they are very cultivated. They are all empty inside and lack something to show off.

In the morning, under the leadership of the senior management of Tiangong Group, a group of people visited the headquarters of the group, and then drove to the factory in the development zone to continue to visit.

A group of people came to the outside of the production workshop of a factory of Dimension Seiko. After changing the protective clothing, they entered the production workshop.

Pointing to a huge machine being assembled on the production line, Su Zhenhong, the person in charge of Dimension Seiko, proudly introduced to everyone: "This is a machining center independently developed by Dimension Seiko. It is different from the traditional multi-axis linkage. The phased array light cage technology designed and built by ourselves can process any parts at 360 degrees without dead ends, and the precision can reach the nanometer level, which is far ahead of the international counterparts!"

Looking at the huge processing center below, the cabinet leader narrowed his eyes, and his heart was aroused with a huge wave.

What he saw was more than just a machine, which represented a breakthrough in domestic ultra-precision machining, and the meaning it represented was enormous.

Ultra-precision machining can be said to be one of the important symbols of a country's manufacturing level, and it is also the basis and key of advanced manufacturing technology. From people's livelihood to military industry, from small screws to space shuttles, the level of ultra-precision machining directly restricts these high-end manufacturing. industry development prospects.

It is true that the country's ultra-precision machining has been developing vigorously in recent years, but it has to be said that compared with Western countries, there is still a big gap, and various high-end processing equipment is still mainly imported!
But now, with the appearance of the huge processing center in front of him, if it is really as described by the other party, with the processing precision far exceeding the current world level, it can already outline a grand blueprint.

In another workshop, there is a processing center that has already been installed, and it is producing equipment similar to a shield machine for the mining company. It is the reason why the productivity of the mining company has exploded.The emergence of this kind of equipment has made mining veins a piece of cake, and the staff of Dimension Seiko showed everyone his production process.

Under the surveillance screen, after a piece of metal material was fixed by the staff, the studio was closed.

Then, according to the pre-set procedures, the invisible light blade began to carve this piece of material. With the explanation of the technicians next to it, everyone was shocked by the power of this processing center.

The phased array light knife used in this machining center is not a knife in the traditional sense, but cuts through an invisible light cage phased array.Since there is no entity, it can completely achieve the function of perspective, and directly carve and cut the inside of the object without destroying the surface of the object.

It can be said that once this machining center comes out, the traditional lathe has no meaning anymore!There is no need for various types of knives, just adjust the parameters in the system to achieve various types of cutting effects.

"My God, if this technology is released, it must be at the Nobel Prize level!" One of the team who followed the cabinet leaders sighed.

The more you visit, the more people feel that Dimension Seiko's new technology is very powerful. It can be said that it has directly subverted the manufacturing industry and raised ultra-precision machining to a new level.

"Mr. Huang, needless to say the importance of this processing center. It is very important to the country. For the time being, I hope that you will not announce it to the outside world. This level of technology should be used in the military industry first..." the cabinet leader Regardless of offending, he communicated with Huang Yuanmei and others.

"Leader, don't worry, we naturally know what is important! We will only satisfy our own people with this kind of high-precision machining center, and we won't think about exporting it. We will manufacture a batch of machining centers with slightly higher precision than traditional lathes on the market. For civilian use, of course these will be under the supervision of the state.”

Next, a group of people visited material production factories and energy companies one after another, and saw many products that transcended the times. Although they are not well known to the outside world, it is conceivable that once they appear on the market, the impact they will bring Sure to be sensational.

Originally, the main goal of their visit was actually various materials that Tiangong Group has produced and sold for a long time. After their tests, the performance of these materials is very superior. If they are used on a large scale, the performance of various military equipment in the entire country will be improved. Great leap.

For example, problems such as the very short use time of turbofans before domestic engines can be well resolved.

But they didn't expect that Tiangong Group still had so many good things hidden, which made the whole group a little numb. Apart from surprise, there was also faint worry.

The application of so many new technologies will definitely cause severe social turmoil in the short term, and now that this group of people knows the situation, they must study how to make the transition of society as smooth as possible, and prevent good things from turning into bad things.

"The battery in our hands is a physical battery researched based on the electron flow theory proposed by our boss. Its performance is excellent, far surpassing that of the best lithium batteries on the market. condition."

Among the energy companies, Li Zhaobin introduced his products to everyone.

"What level can its energy density reach? Is it safe?" Someone in the entourage asked.

"Its energy density is more than 1.5 times the highest among current lithium batteries, and because it is a physical battery, it does not require a complicated battery management system, and it will not spontaneously ignite and explode, which is very safe."

"Our battery is not only improved in capacity, but also not only in safety, but also has a unique charging system - 5-minute fast charging! You heard it right, it can be fully charged in 5 minutes, and its unique structure allows It can withstand a larger current and voltage input, and the temperature will not be too high during the process."

Li Zhaobin strolled in front of everyone, and proudly announced: "Since the appearance of this battery, in fact, a new energy revolution has happened quietly. This electron flow battery will change the current power system. It will be a thing of the past, and the era of physical batteries will be ushered in next!"

For a while, the audience was stunned by his speech, but no one refuted it, because the performance of this battery is indeed excellent.And people of insight also know very well that the traditional lithium battery has reached the limit of the material itself, and it is difficult to continue to tap the potential. This physical battery is just the beginning, and the potential can be said to be infinite. It is only a matter of time before it replaces the traditional battery.

"Mr. Huang, I want to meet with Chairman Bai of your company. I wonder if we can arrange it." After visiting the energy company, this inspection was coming to an end, but the leader made a request to Huang Yuanmei, hoping that she would arrange it. Meet with Bai Key.

"This... I'll contact the boss." After saying that, he walked to the side and made a phone call, and came back after a while.

"Our boss agreed, so let's go there."

Then the vehicles of Tiangong Group led the way, and a group of people drove in the direction of Baiyao Private Manor.

"This Chairman Bai is really arrogant, let so many of us run to see him!" A Coaster in the convoy got on, because the entourage complained, when they went to other places for investigation and research, whoever ran up eagerly meet.

But he didn't dare to continue talking, seeing the eyes of his immediate boss looking over, he closed his mouth sincerely.

In fact, many people in the team were dissatisfied, but seeing that the cabinet leaders did not speak, others did not dare to express their opinions indiscriminately.

This line is a combination of police cars and luxury cars, which attracts the eyes of passers-by on the road, and they all speculate about who is the big man traveling.

"Did someone come to Zhucheng?"

"I don't know, it was strictly controlled a few days ago. Didn't you notice that there are a lot more police officers on duty on the street these days!"

"It is said that the cabinet leaders came to inspect, and it seems that the direction is to go to the State Guesthouse."


The Baiyao private manor is actually not far from the state guesthouse where the cabinet leaders are staying, the straight-line distance is only two or three kilometers.

But now everyone is going from the development zone where the factory is located, and the distance is much farther.

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(End of this chapter)

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