Chapter 14 Kirishima
After taking over the Grand Ceremony, Bai Key returned to a peaceful life.

As the new Inspector, he doesn't have a specific job right now, so he continues to stay in the elite training camp and continue his cultivation.

Quietly thinking about moving, "When I came to this world, I haven't looked around yet." Bai Yao thought to himself in his heart.

Since the memory came back to life, for more than a year, I have been working hard to improve my strength, and my nerves are tense.

Now, his strength has been firmly ranked among the top three on the earth, so he can breathe a sigh of relief for a short time. In addition, after breaking through the planetary level, he has no experience in fighting monsters.So I also wanted to go out for a walk.

After telling the idea to the museum owner Hong, he also got his approval. Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. Always working behind closed doors is a taboo for martial arts practice.

Immediately afterwards, in Honghong's treasury, he bought a Qiankun-level smart fighter. Although he can fly after breaking through the planetary level and the speed is not slow, but there are fighters, why do you have to fly by yourself!
After saying goodbye to his colleagues in the elite training camp and Luo Feng, he packed his things and returned to Jiangnan Base City, back to his villa in Mingyue Community.

As the smart fighter stopped in the parking lot of Mingyue Community, Bai Yao returned to the community after half a year, and was naturally welcomed by the neighbors in the community. In the next few days, needless to say, the high-level officials of the Xtreme Martial Arts Center, other government and military regions Representatives of all forces in the city received it once, and then they gradually became clean.

After Bai Yao calmed down, he went to visit Luo Feng's family.After Luo Feng became a martial artist, his family also moved into Mingyue Community, which was next to his house. As Luo Feng's childhood friend, he lived in his house since he was a child, so he naturally wanted to pay a visit.

"Uncle and Auntie, it's a habit to live in the community. I wasn't there when you moved here. I just came to visit now. Don't despise me!" Bai Yao handed the gift in his hand to Luo Feng's father Luo Hongguo who was welcoming him. and mother Gong Xinlan.

"Haha, don't get in the way, don't get in the way, Xiao Feng often doesn't go home after he becomes a warrior!" It's been a year since they haven't seen each other, and Luo Hongguo is quite happy to see him coming.

"That's right! I know it's not easy for you guys to be outside. Every time Xiaofeng goes out, I'm worried to death!" Gong Xinlan offered a cup of tea.

"Don't worry about Xiaofeng's strength. It's not like you don't know his personality, and he will never take risks." He comforted the couple and told them not to worry about Luo Feng.

"Where's Luo Hua? Why don't you see him!" Bai Yao asked strangely.

"He, since he recovered, he has been running outside all day, and he doesn't know what he is busy with every day. Speaking of this, I would like to thank you, Xiao Key. If it weren't for the water of life you sent, Luo Hua would still be sitting in a wheelchair What?" Gong Xinlan said.

"Luo Feng and I are brothers, and Luo Hua is also my younger brother, so it's only right to help."

Just as he was talking, Luo Hua walked in, saw Bai Yao and the other three in the living room, and ran over quickly.

"Brother Bai, you're here!"

"You can run and jump, you are recovering well! I heard from your mother that you go out every day, which girl do you like?" Bai Yao teased Luo Hua.

As soon as these words came out, Luo Hua's face turned red instantly, because he really had something to do.

After chatting for a while, Gong Xinlan cooked a table of dishes, and the meal was very enjoyable for both guests and hosts.

It was already night when I got home, and I practiced the genetic energy and spiritual power as usual. After I got good luck, my cultivation progress has been greatly improved, and the third level of the planet is not far away.

After finishing the practice, I washed up and went to bed to rest.

The next day, Bai Key was ready to go out to practice.

The first stop is the Australian mainland, where Luo Feng has the greatest opportunity to rise early, and Bai Yao also wants to try his luck, even though he knows that the inheritance of the meteorite is biased towards the direction of the spiritual teacher, he still has to try it.

The Kirishima in the original book is not difficult to find. Ape groups, lakes, and islands are all characteristics. Through the internal system of Xtreme Martial Arts, it was quickly located there.

Soon, he took the smart fighter and came to the sky above Kirishima. The hatch opened, and he flew out wearing a combat uniform with a backpack on his back and holding a white key with an alloy long stick.

Standing in the air and looking down at the fog island, there is a special view. The water vapor rises from the lake, and then gathers into fog, covering the entire island, making things on the island look hazy.

From time to time, there are ripples flashing on the water surface of the lake, and shadows flashing under the water can be seen from a high altitude. It is conceivable that they are aquatic monsters.

Compared with the inside of the lake, although the vegetation is lush on the island, there are much fewer signs of animal activity.

"Swish swish swish." With the sound of a few flying knives piercing the air, a vine plant covering the entire cliff was chopped into pieces under a cliff in the middle of Kirishima.

"Sure enough, the more beautiful the thing, the more dangerous it is." If it weren't for Bai Yao's spiritual power, he would have been deceived by this plant. The leaves of the whole plant were shaped like a peach heart, and gradually turned red from the petiole to the tip of the leaf. It is full of red and white flowers and looks quite beautiful.

However, under the dense leaves and vines, there are many white bones, and as he walked in, some vines approached him quietly, ready to restrain him.

So with the previous scene, looking at the place where the vine was cut, what flowed out was bright red juice, just like blood.

Walking towards the root of this plant, there is only one vine covering the entire cliff, and it is huge as you can imagine.But in fact, the main ones are only the four major branches, one small one and five branches. Among them, the four big branches have been cut off by Bai Yao, leaving only the small branch.

Different from the four major branches, this small branch did not continue to differentiate. It is only a short one meter long, but it is full of fruits, which are similar to apricots. You can smell a faint fragrance before you get close. Count it , about eleven or twelve.

Picking off the fruit and putting it into the already fruitful backpack, Bai Yao didn't feel satisfied. After all, the purpose of coming here was not the spirits of plants and trees.

He had already visited half of the Kirishima, and except for harvesting more than 20 spirits of vegetation, he didn't feel any traction. He had already determined that he did not meet Babata's recruitment criteria.

Although he had expected it, he was still a little disappointed. After all, if he got Huyanbo's inheritance, he would have to avoid a lot of detours.

"My luck is what I get, but my life is what I lose." With a sigh, he let it go.

Thinking of this, he didn't want to stay here any longer, and then flew to the smart fighter plane in the sky.

In fact, he was wrong. The reason why he didn't receive traction was because Babata couldn't scan the width of his brain at all, so he could only guess it based on the information on the Internet and his past performance.And his spiritual teacher was not very good at the beginning, and his natural spiritual energy could only support the advanced warrior level.

Hence the current situation.

There must be other spirits of vegetation on Wudao Island, but he doesn't want to pick them anymore, one is that it doesn't have much effect on him, and the other is that there must be some left for the people behind.

Returning to the fighter plane, put the harvested spirits of plants and trees into a special storage cabinet, and Bai Key will issue a command to the fighter plane's intelligent system to go to Jiangnan base city.

I originally came out to travel around, but when I arrived here for the first time, I harvested so many spirits of plants and trees, and some of these spirits of plants and trees must be dealt with immediately, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced, so I can only go back to the base city first .

 New book for recommendation and collection


(End of this chapter)

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