The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 149 The Metamorphosis of Ontology Universe

Chapter 149 The Metamorphosis of Ontology Universe

Primordial person, Primordial Qi is not divided, chaos is one, the beginning of Primordial Qi!

The name of Hunyuan is also because the primary task of Baiyao is to comprehend the complete law of chaos, and it can be regarded as named after the way of the future.

"Master of Primordial Elements."

The high-level human race present thought for a moment, then nodded.

After all, the title is just a code name, the title chosen by Bai Key himself, other powerful people will not interfere.

Unless it's really too ugly or there are taboos, generally as long as there are no taboos, no matter how weird it is, it's okay.

"Okay, then the current fifth master of the universe in the lineage of my virtual universe company, and the eighteenth master of the universe in the human race is the master of Hunyuan."

"We gathered here this time to congratulate Chaos on becoming the strongest. Unexpectedly, Bai Key also broke through to become the master of the universe. It is a rare happy day for my human race. Let's raise our glasses together and welcome Bai Key as well." Be one of us." The voice of the founder of the giant ax spread throughout the hall.

"According to my human rules."

The founder of the giant ax smiled, "Everyone who becomes the master of the universe can get a treasure of the value of a top-level treasure weapon from the ethnic group. Everyone knows that you are not short of treasures, Baiyao. What do you want? Just say it."

This is the difference between the peak ethnic group and some small forces. Even though the Northern Xinjiang Alliance is one of the nine superpowers, there are too many ethnic groups and too many powerful people. Unless some very powerful masters of the universe are invited to join, they will prepare huge gifts In addition, generally a certain cosmic venerable in the interior breaks through to become the lord of the universe, and the gifts received are very few, and it mainly depends on the individual's hard work.

"There's no need for that. I don't lack treasures. I haven't spent all the 5000 treasure points given to me by the group last time!" Bai Key said with a smile as he looked at the founder of the giant ax sitting on the main seat with the True God of Chaos.

"Master Hunyuan, you don't have to refuse. This is the rule of the ethnic group. If you don't take it, will the new Lord of the universe take it or not?" At this time, Lord Peng Gong spoke.

This is indeed the case, and the story of Zilu's redemption of people has been passed down from far and wide on the earth.

"Then I think it's okay. I've always needed biological remains for research, and this top treasure will be my reward!"

"Since you have requested something, we should agree to it. After that, the human remains will be given priority to you." The founder of the giant axe nodded. This request is already quite low. With the value of a top treasure, Definitely more than enough.

"By the way." The Lord of Chaos City looked at Bai Yao, "What are your future plans?" Afraid that he might not be clear, he continued to explain.

"The masters of the universe of the human race are usually stationed in the important places of our human territory. First, there are gathered the universe lords, immortals, and some geniuses of our race. They need to be guarded by superpowers. Second, in the race In an important place, there are usually several masters of the universe, so that in the event of a major catastrophe, they can help each other and survive the threat more easily. Of course, there are also the strongest in the universe stationed in their hometowns, but most of them just stay in their hometowns."

"At present, my focus is to improve my understanding of the fusion law. This is related to my future path. After a while, maybe I will let a clone go to the universe for a while!" Bai Key said his plan for the future.

"That's right, you just broke through, and you really need to settle for a while." I remembered that Bai Key had exchanged eight beast god inheritance tokens at that time, "How far has your beast god inheritance progressed? I remember that you exchanged eight beast god inheritance tokens. The inheritance token!" Chaos God asked curiously.

The high-level human races present here have all received the information of inheritance and guidance. Regarding the future path that Bai Key said, they generally know what it is in their hearts. It should be the legendary law of chaos!
"They have already reached the seventh level, and the only difference is that the heart of the beast god has not yet been comprehended. By the way, everyone who is interested can go to Bauhinia Island to understand the fusion law. I found the law contained in the diffused light circle, and There are not only the fusion laws represented by the ten original laws and the inheritance of the beast gods, but there are also more types of fusion laws implied."

Bai Key did not hide his progress on the way of the beast god, and told everyone about his discovery.

"That kind of opportunity is still hidden on Bauhinia Island!" Everyone was surprised.

After reading the inheritance guidance given by Bai Key, they know that the fusion of laws is not just as simple as the fusion of time and space and the way of the eight beast gods, but that all laws can be integrated with each other, and the ultimate goal is to achieve the legendary law of chaos.

There are still some masters of the universe who are interested in the opportunity he mentioned. After all, there are very few things that are useful to them when they reach the stage of the master of the universe.

"The Tao of the Eight Great Beast Gods is about to be completed! What a comprehension ability! It is worthy of being the Lord of Hunyuan." Some people were surprised at the progress of Bai Key. In less than 4000 years, the Tao of the Eight Great Beast Gods was actually completed. I have to fully comprehend.

After hearing Bai Key's progress on the way of the Beast God, the True God of Chaos seemed to have an idea in an instant.

"Let's do this! After our research, the inheritance guide that you contributed before, Bai Key, was also bestowed on the three top cosmic overlords of my human race. My virtual universe company's Celestial Eclipse Palace Master, who sits in the Xueluo Secret Realm, may have to step forward. It’s the last step, and we’re about to conduct a deep retreat.”

"Xueluo World, as the place where the Golden Sky Beast God fell, is very important to our human race. We don't feel at ease handing it over to other cosmic overlords. After the eclipse retreat, let Bai Key take over! By the way, you have time If so, I will also guide the strong men of the beast gods in the group!" After the Chaos City Lord finished speaking, he looked towards Bai Key, as if he was asking for his opinion.

"Okay, teacher, I will send a clone to take over with Celestial Eclipse." Facing the eyes of the True God of Chaos, Bai Key did not refuse, and nodded decisively.

"Haha, is the eclipse going to this step? He has been trapped in this realm for many years!" The Lord of Qingdong sighed.

"Yes! During this period of time, there have been many good news for my human race. First, the giant axe obtained the most powerful treasure, then Chaos broke through to the strongest in the universe, and then the white key broke through to the master of the universe, and now the eclipse is about to break through! The strength visible to the naked eye has increased."

"All of this is related to the Lord of Hunyuan. The Lord of Hunyuan has made great achievements with the ethnic group. Let us all toast him." The smile on the face of the chubby Lord Peng Gong gave a high degree of praise to Bai Key. evaluate.


At the same time when the Baiyao earthling's clone went to the original secret realm, due to the perfect comprehension of the laws of time and space, drastic changes took place in the universe of the ontology.

After the law of time and space has been fulfilled this time, the entire Noumenon universe is like a shack built indiscriminately before, and has become a house made of reinforced concrete.The universe, which was originally chaotic and disorderly, now has a clear framework.

In the cosmic space of the main body universe, any creature of the domain master level in the original universe may be able to break through it with brute force. Now even if the creature of the world master level comes, it is impossible to break through, and only after reaching the immortal level can it be broken. Tear open space with brute force.

This is still the most obvious change, and the deeper change is that the ontology universe seems to be activated.Before that, the entire ontology universe was like a dead thing, and every slightest change needed to be driven by the white key consciousness.

But now it began to evolve in an unknown direction according to some rules set by Bai Key.The most prominent change is that it can finally give birth to life by itself!

All the lives that appeared in this universe before were all based on analyzing the remains of life in the original universe. After obtaining the genetic structure, they were created by Bai Yao, and then they began to multiply by themselves.

But now, the gathering of the ten original principles seems to have perfected the underlying logic of the entire Ontology universe, giving it the basis for the birth of life. Under the operation of the universe, lives other than all the life templates analyzed by the white key began to appear!

Of course, they are just some new life forms like bacteria and fungi. If it weren't for Bai Yao's consciousness controlling everything in the universe of the body, they wouldn't have been discovered.

This is because of the existence of the White Key, which gave this universe, which was born only more than 4000 years ago, a very high foundation. Otherwise, even if the law is perfect, it will take countless years to start to give birth to life, just like the small universe of the true god.

However, if it appears, it will appear. Whether life can be born naturally is definitely one of the conditions for evaluating the immaturity of a world!

The emergence of life, especially intelligent life, represents infinite possibilities.

From the moment life is born, whether it is for survival, for strength, for longer life or to explore unknown things, they will start to constantly recognize the things around them.

Know the rules, know the rules, be familiar with the rules, become the rules, surpass the rules!

In this process, they will learn to use tools, understand the composition of matter and the laws of the operation of all things, and create a splendid technological civilization!It is also possible to learn to use the power of the outside world to strengthen oneself, and embark on the road of imposing great power on oneself, all things perish and one's own immortality.

In short, no matter how these beings choose, they will bring many unknown things to this icy universe, and walk out of a different path.

These new things created by them will exist in the universe, enhance the power of the universe, and make the universe more prosperous.

As the master of the ontology universe, White Key will also gain endless inspiration and knowledge from it, which will become the nourishment to push him to evolve to a higher level.

These are the prospects for the future. At present, after these years of development, the number of life in the ontology universe is already very large, but compared to the ontology universe, which is already a reduced version of the original universe, it can only be described as rare.

It will take a very long time for the ontology universe to prosper like the original universe.

Even if Bai Yao continues to use his ability to create a large number of lives, the time required will not be short.

What's more, he will not do this, he will only create a sufficient number of analyzed life templates in the ontology universe, and use them as seeds to allow them to reproduce on their own.

The reason for this is that he has discovered that those lives that he intervenes too much will instead restrict their future paths, greatly reduce their creativity, follow the rules, and be sympathetic to everyone.

Fortunately, after this change, Bai Key can adjust the time flow rate of the entire Noumenon universe!

Before that, even he could only control the time flow locally.But now, one is that he has become more powerful, and the other is that the ontology universe has been perfected, so that the ontology universe can withstand a certain range of time flow rate changes.

Just like a car traveling at 100 kilometers per hour on the road, if it is not strong enough, it will be damaged if it accelerates to 1000 kilometers per hour or brakes suddenly.

Without damaging the ontological universe, White Key can now accelerate the ontological universe to about [-] times, which will not consume the power of the ontological universe, because even if the life in the ontological universe absorbs energy, it will still It will return to the energy ocean of the ontology universe.

As for accelerating to a higher level, in order to prevent the body universe from being harmed, the origin of the body universe will be consumed to a certain extent, and even the ability of creation will allocate a large part of its power to repair the body universe.

Therefore, it is optimal to adjust the time flow rate of the body universe relative to the original universe to 10000 times, which will not damage the body universe, and you will not consume your own energy.

In order to speed up the prosperity of the Ontology universe, after discovering that the flow rate of time can be adjusted, White Key has adjusted it to the optimal 10000 times!
Standing on the top of the highest peak of the founding God Realm, one can have a panoramic view of the entire Noumenon universe.After a while, Bai Key withdrew his gaze and looked down the mountain.

"Ants, dare to go against the sky! No, this is not like the words of a villain!" Bai Key smiled in his heart.

Over the years, the lives created by Baiyao at the beginning were all placed in the founding God Realm. In addition, the conditions here are very favorable compared with the starry sky universe. These lives have gradually become stronger and developed a large number of ethnic groups.

Because it is impossible to obtain inheritance from the outside world, only some special ethnic groups can inherit a little inheritance information from the genes, so most of these beings can only continuously accumulate energy, and the strongest batch of energy is equivalent to the world master level!
However, because the law of time and space was not perfect before, and the space was too weak, these beings whose energy level reached the domain master and world master level can break through the space and make space jumps. Teleportation works the same way!

All of a sudden, the communication in the entire Founding God Realm became closer, and a rare scene of prosperity appeared instead.

Where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, and inevitably, there will be fights and hatred!The accumulation of these personal hatreds eventually led to a great battle among the ethnic groups, and then with the continuous standing in line, it finally spread to the entire founding God Realm.

Generally speaking, Bai Key would not pay attention to the struggles of these beings and let them develop freely.

However, he doesn't pay attention to these lives, these lives are very curious about him!
Not long ago, the strongest group of behemoths in the Founding God Realm gathered hundreds of the so-called Ten Thousand Clans to form a large army, preparing to attack the Founding God Mountain, which was the central mountain range where Bai Yao lived.

Such a big move naturally attracted the attention of most creatures in the founding God Realm.There will be no shortage of melon-eating crowds, and they gather at the foot of the Founding God Mountain, wanting to see the final result, as for whether they want to get a piece of the action?That only they themselves know.

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(End of this chapter)

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