The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 151 Detonating the Primordial Universe

Chapter 151 Detonating the Primordial Universe
In the cosmic sea, close to the original universe.

The small universe of Chaos True God is constantly absorbing the surrounding chaotic airflow, moving in the direction of the founder of the giant axe and the original ancestor small universe, and constantly drifting away from the original universe.

Suddenly, a hole was broken in the barrier of the original universe not far away. After a wave of space fluctuations, a figure shining with thunder appeared in the chaotic airflow, and the hole left on the barrier of the original universe was quickly repaired automatically. .

The figure that appeared from the primordial universe had a human-shaped upper body, but a horse's torso in the lower body. It had four strong legs, was covered in azure blue scales, and had a pair of sharp horns shining with thunder on top of its head.

This is a master of the universe of the Nine Realms Alliance, named Lord of the Thunder Domain. This time he is going to explore the spaceship. He didn't expect to see a small universe just after leaving the original universe.

Seeing the small universe in the distance, the Lord of Thunder Domain was surprised. He has walked from this road to the universe sea many times, and he has never seen this small universe.

"Look at the direction in which this small universe is moving. It has just been conceived from the primordial universe. Which powerhouse has broken through! I have to ask."

Through the avatar of divine power, the Lord of Thunder Domain sent this news back to the original universe.

In the primordial universe, not every force is like the human race, possessing the artifact of the virtual universe. In order to facilitate contact, everyone usually leaves divine power clones in the same place to facilitate contact.

There are nine super powers in the original universe, and twelve top powers.

The top twelve strengths, in terms of the number of ethnic groups and the number of universe sages, are not necessarily inferior to the Human Alliance, the Monster Race Alliance, etc... It's just that they don't have the strongest in the universe sitting in their command!
The Nine Realms Alliance is one of the 12 top powers in the original universe. It is formed by the union of more than [-] ethnic groups. Among them, there are many powerful ethnic groups. In terms of the number and quality of the ethnic groups, they are far superior to the Human Hongmeng and the Zerg Alliance.

The Nine Realms Alliance has more than 5000 million Immortal Kings, more than 10 Universe Venerables, and more than 10 Lords of the Universe!In terms of combat power, it is no less than any other alliance, but there is no true god.

The Lord of the Universe is considered to be the peak existence in the vast universe. In the original universe, he can only display a combat power of the sixth level at most. Even the strongest in the universe, it is extremely difficult to kill the Lord of the Universe.

However, these top forces are still weaker than the nine peak forces. This is because the strongest in the universe can revive the overlord of the universe!And the master of the universe revives the cosmic overlord, and the backlash will make him fall.

If they can be resurrected, then these cosmic overlords can be sent to fight, regardless of their lives!Even if you fall, you can be resurrected again!This alliance will naturally be extremely powerful, so the cosmic overlords of these top forces dare not really fight desperately with the cosmic overlords of the nine peak forces, and the momentum is weaker first.

The Pantheon at the headquarters of the Nine-Regions Alliance is a place where the high-level officials of the Nine-Regions Alliance discuss important matters, similar to the giant ax temple of the human race.

At this moment, in this great hall, all the masters of the universe who left divine power avatars from the Nine Realms Alliance are gathering to listen to the news of the Lord of Thunder.

"A new small universe!"

"A newly born strongest person, this is definitely the most shocking news since the primordial universe in nearly [-] epochs!"

The speaker is the Lord of Absolute Beacon, a powerhouse who has reached the top level among the Lords of the universe, and has an extremely high status in the Nine Realms Alliance. He decides.

It's not that he is the strongest, there are still a few people who are comparable to him, such as the traitor Emperor Yan of the human race, but this person's actions are too arrogant, offended countless people, and cannot get everyone's support at all .

The Lord of Absolute Beacon is also recognized by everyone because he can well coordinate and balance the distribution of various interests in the alliance.

"I don't know who made the breakthrough this time. If he can be invited to join our Nine Realms Alliance, our alliance will also instantly become one of the top forces!"

"Oh, don't think about it, that area corresponds to the position of the four peak groups such as the Zerg, and most of the breakthroughs this time come from these peak groups!"

It was the extremely domineering Emperor Yan who spoke, and his face was also extremely ugly at the moment, because the most likely to break through the strongest within that range is the Chaos City Lord, and human beings are now his deadly enemies!
If it weren't for the unclear relationship between him and Zuoshanke, he would have been killed by the human race long ago, so if it was a breakthrough by a strong man in the human race, it would be the last thing he wanted to see.

"This range is huge. Within the four major ethnic groups plus the masters of the universe in their respective alliances, there are probably more than a dozen people who have a chance to break through."

"Everyone contact their friends and ask, which old friend broke through."

Afterwards, the hall fell silent, and everyone contacted the Master of the Universe they had befriended with each other, wanting to know who was behind this breakthrough.

The master of the universe of the Nine Realms Alliance said that in the area of ​​the four major ethnic group alliances, there are more than a dozen masters of the universe who may break through the strongest in the universe. In fact, this number is considered conservative.Just like the human race, there are two fifth-order universe masters, the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Penggong, and the Lord of Darkness in the dark. They all have the opportunity to break through the true god.

And the Hongmeng, headed by the human race, has more than 40 alien universe masters, and several of them have reached the fifth level.

The human race has hidden powerhouses, will other races have them?The answer is yes. Those who can become the peak group, which one is not amazing, and it is normal to have some hidden strong people.

Even if it is not hidden, there are more than 20 masters of the universe on the surface of the Yaozu, including four fifth-order universe masters, namely the Lord of Changjiu, the Lord of Banning, the Lord of Blood Chisel, The Lord of Catfish Coke, counting more members of the Monster Race Alliance!
The territory of the Four Great Alliances is one of the most fertile areas in the original universe, and more than a dozen fifth-order universe masters can be counted casually.

Regarding the news of Chaos City Lord's breakthrough to the strongest, the human race did not think about hiding it. After all, such a large and small universe is placed there, and it cannot be hidden even if it wants to.

After a small celebration within the human race, the alien universe master of the Hongmeng has been notified.

Even the news that Bai Key broke through the Lord of the Universe was not prepared to be hidden by the human race.The founder of the giant ax obtained the most powerful treasure contributed by the white key, and the chaos city master broke through to the strongest level. The human race has passed the weak period after the original ancestor was suppressed.

In the case of a group war that cannot break out, actively showing some strength can also dispel some bad thoughts of other groups.

The virtual universe, the top of Thunder Island.

At this moment, it is extremely lively here, the human race and all the masters of the universe of the Hongmeng are gathered here, and there are various noisy voices.

What a big deal it is to become the strongest in the universe!Naturally, there was much celebration.In today's primitive universe, as long as a group can produce the strongest person in the universe, it means that this group can become a "peak group"!
Telling the news of the Chaos City Lord's breakthrough to all the masters of the universe in the entire Hongmeng, let everyone celebrate together, and also make the Hongmeng more cohesive.

"Master and apprentice, one of them stepped into the strongest, and the other broke through to the master of the universe. It's a good story!" said a foreign master of the universe with dozens of tentacles.

"Yeah! Thousands of years are just a nap for us."

"The growing strength of the human race shows that our choices are correct, doesn't it!" said the Lord of Eagle Eagles.

"The small universe of the Lord of Chaos was discovered by the people of the Nine Realms Alliance. Just now, the people of the Nine Realms Alliance contacted me to ask if someone from the human race had made a breakthrough?" A foreign universe master suddenly said loudly.

"Haha, since someone asks, tell him the truth, and tell him about the Hunyuan Lord. I want to see the expression of Emperor Yan now!"

"I think it must be wonderful!"


This noisy celebration lasted for more than half a day, and those alien races left one by one, leaving only the human race, the masters of the universe.

Just as they thought, Emperor Yan's expression is very exciting now. He wanted to pretend to be indifferent, but unfortunately he couldn't pretend because of his character, he looked quite ugly.

Fortunately, the masters of the universe of the Nine Realms Alliance in the hall have worked with Emperor Yan for many years, and most of them know his temper, and they didn't try to tease him at this moment.

"Sure enough, he is the Lord of Chaos City. He is indeed recognized as the most promising to break through to the strongest. I didn't expect to break through! Even the newly recruited disciples have also broken through to the Lord of the Universe." The Lord of Absolute Flame sighed.

"The human race has risen again. The original universe has two races that are the strongest in the universe, and there are only the monster race and the human race."

"Yeah! After the original ancestor's accident, I thought that the human race would be so depressed. At that time, the monster race, Zerg race and the machine race gang did not suppress the human race. Now that the feng shui is taking turns, they should feel the pressure, right?"

In fact, not only the three peak groups they mentioned, but other forces in the original universe, such as the Crystal Clan, the Prison Clan, the Northern Border Alliance, the Star Behemoth Alliance... and so on, all got news not long after.

Other forces that are not connected to the human race are okay, because the human race does not have any major conflicts of interest, they are either indifferent or surprised, but they do not move, and some even come to congratulate them specially.

However, the three major ethnic groups adjacent to the human race cannot ignore this news. For countless years, they have accumulated endless hatred with the human race, and it is impossible to resolve it.

What's more, in order to compete for territory and living space, it is doomed that they will never live in peace.

The three peak groups are in a hurry!

The vast universe, a piece of starry sky.

The three thoughts directly penetrated the endless space distance, descended on this piece of starry sky, and faintly appeared three majestic figures.

One is beautiful, with a faint and slim figure, surrounded by endless light, just looking at his figure is enough to make a universe venerable be intoxicated.

A huge elliptical black sphere phantom is suspended in another place.

The last figure was surrounded by tens of thousands of snake shadows. A huge silver-white snake head looked around, and the starry sky around it was completely distorted into a whirlpool.

"Mengcha, where's the shock horn?" The huge black sphere made a sound.

"We monster race, I'll do it." The silver-white snake head also made a sound, and their voices were transmitted to the other two parties in an instant. It seems that the rule that the limit speed of the original universe is the speed of light does not apply to them at all." Mech, you are the one who summoned me, the monster race and the Zerg race, and the Zerg race queen and I are here, it's time to talk."

"Mechanical, tell me." The vaguely slim figure also spoke.

No one knew that in this starry sky, there were three supreme beings who communicated for a long time before retreating.

 Ask for collection, ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass!Thanks to @make up Tianyuan for the role name

(End of this chapter)

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