The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 166 The Conspiracy of the Three Clans (3 Character Chapter)

Chapter 166 The Conspiracy of the Three Clans ([-]-character chapter)

"See the Lord of Hunyuan!"

Although he has never seen the master of Hunyuan who just broke through make a move, but from the mystery of the place of inheritance, he can see the extraordinary methods.

Seeing it now, Bai Key's divine coercion is even more frightening. In this aspect alone, it is stronger than some masters of the universe they have seen, and everyone is very respectful.

"Second Senior Brother! Ninth Senior Brother! I didn't expect you to participate in this expedition to explore the secret realm!" Bai Key saw two familiar figures in the crowd at a glance.

"Haha, I've been in the original universe for so long, I'm afraid the old friends of the original universe have forgotten my name Guiyi, this time I have to get together with them and get two handy treasures to play with !" Gui Yi's face was kind, but his tone was full of domineering.

Before the endless years, after becoming the overlord of the universe, Guiyi returned to the side of the Chaos City Lord, helping him with the mundane affairs, and at the same time accepting the Chaos City Lord's earnest teachings every day, hoping to overcome the last step.

It's a pity that this last one is like a moat, insurmountable.In the primordial universe, after countless years of accumulation, the number of overlords of the universe is ten times or even a hundred times that of the masters of the universe, but most of them are trapped in this level and cannot make any progress.

It seems that there is a difference of one step, but it is the difference between heaven and earth. It is not an exaggeration to say that the master of the universe is all ants!The status of the master of the universe in the original universe can be seen from the fact that as long as there is a master of the universe, this group belongs to a powerful group!
After the Chaos City Lord broke through, the Lord Guiyi also walked out of the initial universe together.Looking back at a hundred years of life, when he was adapting to the new environment, the inheritance place of the white key was built, and he also made an appointment for the inheritance at the first time. Unfortunately, the progress in comprehension of the law was not satisfactory, but the secret method was greatly improved. promote.

After consulting his teacher Chaos City Master, he finally knew what he was lacking. It was a change in his own cognition, and to put it bluntly, it was an improvement in his spiritual realm.

This may have something to do with his rapid promotion when he was young. After becoming the Supreme Master of the Universe, he mostly just did clerical work, but lacked the sharpening of consciousness.So the Chaos City Lord suggested that he go out more often, hone his will in fierce battles, sublimate himself in life and death, and maybe he will break through at some point.

It just so happened that the secret realm of G547 was opened this time, and Bai Key was in charge, and he also needed someone who was familiar with all the venerables of the universe to help him, so the venerable Guiyi appeared here.

Compared with him, the Venerable Golden Ax is much simpler. After accepting the inheritance, his strength has greatly improved. If he wants to find someone to practice the axe, it will be even better if he can gain something!
"My ax has been thirsty for a long time!" said the Venerable Golden Axe.

"Everyone, has anyone placed a teleportation token near the destination?" Bai Key asked.

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you, but there are none, after all, it was just a barren area before.After some comparisons, I finally chose the place where an immortal servant of the Venerable placed the token.

As an insider of the virtual universe company, and under the eyes of the owner of the chaotic city, he can still carry out teleportation to the kingdom of God in the original secret realm, so the soul servant directly opened the teleportation to the kingdom of God, and when everyone took him to a distant place.

At the same time, the other three major ethnic groups and the Universe Venerables of the Hongmeng, they either formed a team in twos or threes, or prepared to act alone, and they also rushed towards the target location where Baiyao and the others were going!


The endless cosmic starry sky, a piece of starry sky more than 170 billion light-years away from the original secret realm.There are no longer formed galaxies here, and there are comets and debris floating around at a very fast speed.

On one of the comets with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers, after the light transmitted by the Kingdom of God dissipated, Bai Yao and his party appeared here.

Looking at the cosmic space outside the meteorite belt, there is a piece of black hole, not even a twinkling star, complete nothingness!
Looking further back, the sky is full of stars, and the starry sky seems to be illuminated. These stars are connected to each other to form galaxies of various shapes, and endless life thrives in them.

"This is the Yuluo universe country of my human race! The last time I came here, I was fighting for the territory here and participating in the ethnic war at that time." Someone in the team sighed.

"At that time, I was still crowned king!"

"Let's go! There are hundreds of millions of light years away from the destination."

Bai Key interrupted everyone's sighs, sacrificed the Feiyuan Shenzhou, changed it to a size of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and entered it first.

After everyone got on board, Bai Key manipulated Feiyuan Shenzhou to speed up, rushed out of the meteorite belt in the blink of an eye, and then slowly disappeared into the original universe.

After traveling in the dark universe for three months, Feiyuan Shenzhou began to slow down. When it reached a limit, it returned to the original universe, maintained a speed lower than the speed of light, and continued to drive forward.

In the dark void in the distance, there is a region with a diameter of hundreds of thousands of light-years that exudes terrifying energy fluctuations. Even with a distance of several hundred light-years, everyone on Feiyuan Shenzhou can still feel the destruction of heaven and earth above. the power of the earth.

"The wonder of the primordial universe is truly immeasurable!" the Venerable Universe exclaimed on the bow of Feiyuan Shenzhou.

The closer Feiyuan Shenzhou got, the more everyone felt their own insignificance.The gap between the secret space and the original universe seems to be only a thin layer, but the power on it makes even the master of the universe terrified.

Just the energy fluctuations emitted by this diaphragm, the space vortex and lightning storms caused in the primordial universe, usually the universe lords who do not have the defense of the treasure, will be directly annihilated.

If you ignore this terrifying energy fluctuation, through the brilliant light it emits, from a distance, it looks like a window has been opened in a dark room, and light is coming in from outside the window.

"Senior brother, contact Venerable Nanzhu and the others and ask them to come to me." Bai Yao instructed Venerable Guiyi beside him.

Venerable Nanzhu is a very ancient cosmic overlord of the human race. He has been monitoring the situation of the secret realm G547 for a long time, and he also reported the previous reports to the human race.

After a while, the void outside the Feiyuan Shenzhou fluctuated, and a team composed of more than ten Universe Venerables appeared.

The leader is Venerable Nanzhu, who is dressed in jade armor. His temperament is graceful and noble, his figure is tall and stalwart, and he is as warm and jade-like as a handsome prince.

"See the Lord of Hunyuan!" On the bow deck, the team of more than ten people saluted Bai Yao respectfully.

"Has there been any changes in the secret realm recently?"

"There is no change, but the spatial fluctuations we feel are becoming more and more frequent recently, and it seems that a large number of powerful people are gathering!" Venerable Nan Zhu said.

The location of the secret realm G547 is the barren starry sky at the junction of the Zerg, Monster, and Human races.According to the consensus reached by the four major ethnic groups over the endless years, the secret realms in this area are generally developed by everyone. As for other ethnic groups, don't even think about it.

Inside the primordial universe, these secret realms hardly bred powerful treasures, and peak-level treasures were extremely rare, making it difficult to attract the attention of the most powerful in the universe. explore.

After Venerable Nan Zhu's report, as well as some of his own understanding, Bai Yao roughly figured out the current situation.At present, the power of the secret barrier is still very strong, and it is also protected by the original universe. Even if the strongest in the universe comes, because of the suppressed strength, it cannot shake this powerful secret barrier at all, and may be trapped in it. Can't move, can only come out after the power is reduced.

Moreover, making a move at this time may also arouse the resistance of the consciousness of the original universe, and the gain is not worth the loss. Only after the consciousness of the original universe completely disappears can we rely on the treasure to test whether we can enter.

The barrier of the secret realm is not a completely smooth plane, just like human skin, it also has wrinkles and bulges.When the barriers are getting thinner, these places will be connected to the original universe earlier than other places.

Because the space vortex and thunder caused by energy fluctuations outside the barrier have terrifying power, Venerable Nanzhu and his party can only observe from a distance, and roughly judged that tens of thousands of places may be the first to connect to this place. .

What Bai Key has to do now is to re-investigate with the realm of the Lord of the Universe, choose an entrance from these places that can enter the secret realm first, and find the right time to enter the secret realm after all the people are here.

There are only so many treasures in the secret realm. Naturally, they are first come, first served. Those who can enter in advance will definitely have an advantage first. Therefore, with a clear understanding of the white key, directly control the Feiyuan Shenzhou, and start to study the treasures with a radius of hundreds of thousands of light years. The area was explored.

Unlike Venerable Nanzhu and others, Bai Key's investigation was much more daring. The Feiyuan Shenzhou was almost directly attached to the barrier of the secret realm, and he checked the situation inside it.

The terrifying thunder and space vortex that could directly annihilate the Venerable Universe could not shake the Feiyuan Shenzhou at all in the collision with the Feiyuan Shenzhou. Completely relieved, they all looked in awe at Bai Key who was concentrating on investigating the barriers of the secret realm.

Even if it is to release the domain-like treasures to explore forward at the speed of light, if you want to carefully explore an area with a diameter of hundreds of thousands of light years, it will still take an astronomical amount of time.

Moreover, the G547 secret realm will be fully connected to the original universe in 200 years at the latest, and there is simply not enough time to complete the investigation.But fortunately, Venerable Nan Zhu and others have already found preliminary results, and Bai Key only needs to confirm them one by one.

So in the following days, the powerhouses of the other three major ethnic groups who were also concerned about the situation of the after all barriers suddenly discovered an ancient building ship treasure shuttling in the endless terrifying thunder and space vortex. It will teleport to the next place to continue to investigate, and so on.

In the void more than [-] light-years away from the Feiyuan Shenzhou, a huge stone tower stands here, overwhelming all directions with a strong momentum. This is the gathering place for the Yaozu's exploration of the secret realm.

"Lord of Mengwan!" Inside the treasure of the stone pagoda, a Mohu beast of the venerable level is reporting to the Jiumeng beast, which is also one of the 18 royal families, on the throne. The content of the report is the ongoing action of Feiyuan Shenzhou and action images.

"This human group is really willing to spend their blood! They actually equipped a new master of the universe with a peak-level palace treasure." Looking at the Mofluoren beast below, the master of Mengwan waved his hand and let him retreat.

"No, I have to report to the demon ancestor! So as not to delay the major events of the ethnic group."

After finishing speaking, the Lord Mengwan on the throne of God closed his eyes and communicated with his divine power avatar in a small universe in the distant universe sea.

In a palace at the center of the miniature universe, a huge saw-toothed shell alien beast sat cross-legged at the top.

"Zhenyaozu! I have something important to report!" The divine power avatar of Lord Mengwan said respectfully to the huge jagged shell alien beast.

"It's Meng Wan, tell me." The huge saw-toothed shell beast opened two star-sized eyes.

The Lord of Mengwan told the Zhenyao ancestor in his mouth about everything he had detected at the entrance of the secret realm.

The hall fell into silence. After thinking for a long time, the huge sawtooth shell beast spoke again: "I already know, I will deal with the matter of the human race." After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes again.

Consciousness has crossed the infinite distance, and came to the small universe of another demon ancestor of the demon clan.

"If it is elsewhere in the original universe, even if he is the newly promoted master of the universe and possesses the treasures of the peak palace, even if we personally take action, we will not be able to do anything to him for a while. But he is now exploring the barrier of the secret realm, as long as he pushes him away Entering it, that kind of power peak treasure will also be shattered, and people will surely die!" Zhen Yaozu told Meng Yaozu about the situation.

"I immediately notified the old machine, and asked him to urge the North Prisoner to take action immediately, lest the power of the barrier of the secret realm fade away and destroy his peak treasure palace!"

At the same time that the Lord Mengwan received the information, the Lord Bilong of the Zerg Race and the Lord Moyuan of the Machine Race also collected the information and reported it to the strongest of the two races.

In the same barren starry sky, the thoughts of the strongest of the three races directly penetrated the endless space distance, descending on this starry sky, faintly showing their majestic figures.

"You should know the news. I suggest that the Prisoner of the North Prisoner should act immediately and use the power of the barriers of the secret realm to kill Baiyao, the master of the human race." The silver-white snake-headed Dream Demon Ancestor said. .

"But in the data, the human Baiyao has the ability to clone!" The slender figure of the Zerg Queen spoke, her voice filled with endless charm.

"Hmph! Even if you can't kill him, you want to make him lose a clone and the treasure on his body!" Meng Yaozu continued to speak.

"I agree with what the Demon Ancestor said! And the reward has already been paid, and the North Prison Master must be allowed to contribute!" The ancestor of the machine clan, which looked like a huge black sphere, made a voice.

"Even if Bai Key can't be completely killed this time, the two of you should keep an eye on his whereabouts. As long as he dares to enter the universe, he will be killed immediately by me or find other strongest souls in the universe. If he is not eradicated as soon as possible, I'm afraid it will be the next chaos!" The Zerg Queen's voice was pleasant, but her words were full of killing intent.

"Okay, our three clans exchange information on this matter! Then Bai Key is such a genius, he will definitely not be able to resist going to the universe sea."

"Very good." The huge elliptical black sphere disappeared instantly, followed by the looming slim figure, and the silver snake head surrounded by countless snake shadows also disappeared out of thin air.

The starry sky has also restored its previous tranquility.

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(End of this chapter)

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