The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 172 Entering the Secret Realm

Chapter 172 Entering the Secret Realm
At the end of the Juxue meeting, everyone agreed, and all members agreed to Bai Key's plan.

"Since everyone has agreed to Hunyuan's plan, in the name of the ethnic group, we will mobilize everyone to participate in this operation, expel the universe lords of the other three ethnic groups, and completely occupy the secret realm of G547!"

After the founder of the giant ax made the final summary, everyone dispersed one after another, mobilizing the universe sages under their command and forces to participate in this operation.

Three days passed quickly, and the Feiyuan Shenzhou, which had been staying for many days, restarted, and slowly flew into the barrier of the secret realm covered by the space vortex and endless thunder sea.

Compared with when he first came, the power emitted by the barrier of the secret realm has weakened a lot, and the original consciousness of the original universe has also faded a lot.

"It seems that I have to check all the nodes as soon as possible and choose the nearest passage. Once the original consciousness of the original universe fades away, I can try to use the power of Feiyuan Shenzhou to resist the barriers of the secret realm and enter the secret realm!" When Shenzhou When approaching the barrier of the secret realm again, Bai Yao clearly felt the change of the barrier of the secret realm, and secretly thought of it.

After recovering his mind, Bai Yao controlled the Feiyuan Shenzhou to shuttle through the endless sea of ​​thunder and space vortex on the surface of the barrier of the secret realm, just like the previous 60 years, to conduct a detailed investigation of these nodes.

This kind of exploration is very time-consuming, because it is necessary to pass through the powerful and terrifying barriers of the secret realm to sense the distance between the secret realm and the original universe.With the obstacles of the barriers of the secret realm, this cannot be detected by using the domain of law or the treasure of the domain class. Using these powerful means to infiltrate will even arouse the violent reaction of the barriers of the secret realm, making the detection much more difficult.

The secret barrier seems to have its own unique judgment mechanism, and it will actively intercept things that want to pass through it.However, there is no barrier to the fluctuation of the energy law and the aura of the treasure inside the secret realm, which gives Bai Key the opportunity to understand the internal situation of the secret realm.

What's more, after he got the inheritance from Zuoshanke, according to the Chaos Realm that he re-trained the secret method recorded in it, thanks to the law of chaos, the highest law of matter and energy, he had some invisible and formless characteristics, and he was able to slow down. Penetrating through the barriers of the secret realm, although there will be a lot of loss, but it can also allow him to get more information inside the secret realm!

With the help of Chaos Domain after the retraining, the exploration time for the remaining 3000 nodes has been reduced a lot compared to before, and it only took another 18 years to complete the exploration of the remaining nodes.

"Solanum nigrum, based on all the recorded node information, deduce the node where the secret realm G547 first came into contact with the primordial universe." Bai Key instructed his smart assistant.

This amount of calculation, in fact, with Bai Key's current brain calculation speed, it can be calculated with a little time, but since there is a smart assistant, why bother!

With Bai Yao's current wealth and status, it is easy to help Solanum nigrum with an evolutionary heart, but it is a pity that Solanum nigrum is not a real intelligent life yet.Although she is an intelligent assistant created with Babata's core data, she was a pseudo-intelligent life at the beginning, but it is this last step of transformation, and it will take many years before she wants to become a real intelligent life!

"Yes! Master!" Solanum nigrum's cheerful and clear voice came out, and he carried out his order meticulously.

"According to calculations, the 7005th node is the first place to communicate with the original universe! It is estimated that it will be connected to the original universe in 67 years." Solanum nigrum's calculation speed is very fast, and the result is given in a short while, and given the exact time.

After getting the result, Feiyuan Shenzhou came to the position of the 7005th node in a few blinks, and just hovered in the void near the node.

During the period of waiting for the consciousness of the original universe to disappear, the Shenzhou will hover here, and at the same time receive the human race who came later, the Universe Venerable.

This action of his was naturally noticed by the other three groups who had been paying attention to Feiyuan Shenzhou's actions, and they all guessed the reason.

In the treasure of the stone pagoda palace of the lord of the Yaozu Mengwan, after listening to the report of a Yaozu Universe Venerable below, he also had a smile on his face.

"Hmph, relying on his peak treasure palace, the Lord of Hunyuan wantonly entered the endless thunder sea and space vortex to investigate, and wanted to enter ahead of us, but in the end he didn't make a wedding dress for us! Stupid human beings !"

The same scene happened one after another in the camps of other two races.

It's a pity that they don't know, it's because Bai Key doesn't care about these things, of course he knows that his every move will be watched by the other three clans, and the nodes he found with great effort will be known to them without any effort, but then so what?

If you want to enter the secret realm, you will ultimately have to look at your own strength. The newly promoted masters of the universe of the other three races may not even have a high-level flying palace treasure. Don't even think about following him into the secret realm!
After the Feiyuan Shenzhou docked at the 7005th node, the universe venerables of the human race who had been waiting for a long time came here one after another. Under the arrangement of the Guiyi venerable and others, they entered the Feiyuan Shenzhou and settled down.

All these white keys did not show up, that is, added a batch of treasures to the main hall, and sat cross-legged in the control room of Feiyuan Shenzhou, sensing the original consciousness of the original universe on the barrier of the distant secret realm, waiting for it to fade away.

Compared with the first batch, the number of human universe venerables who came in the second batch has more than ten times, more than 4000 directly came, and nearly half of the universe venerables of the human race are here!

Under the orderly arrangement of Venerable Guiyi, everyone did not dare to make any troubles. They went to the hall where Baiyao stored the treasures and left the divine power avatar. After choosing the treasures they needed to borrow, they went back to their respective cabins to familiarize themselves Arcana is gone.

With the passage of time, the consciousness of the original universe gradually dissipated, and the barriers of the secret realm gradually became thinner, especially at the 7005th node where Feiyuan Shenzhou was located, the changes were more obvious.

Now, the thunder storm and space vortex here have gradually disappeared, and even the hazy scenery inside can be seen through the thick barriers of the secret realm!
"Everyone returns to the cabin, the primordial consciousness of the universe has faded, and we are ready to enter the secret realm!" After anxiously waiting, this day finally came, and the majestic voice of Bai Key resounded on Feiyuan Shenzhou. They all woke up from the practice, and the defensive treasures on their bodies began to activate, and they entered the fighting state.

The Feiyuan Shenzhou floating in the cosmic starry sky slowly accelerated and flew towards the node ahead.

"It's moving! It's moving! The treasure of the palace has moved, and the human race has moved!"

With the movement of Feiyuan Shenzhou, the spies who closely monitored the movements of the human groups immediately sent the news to the leader of the universe of their respective groups, which caused the other three groups to jump up and down.

Soon, Feiyuan Shenzhou collided with the barrier of the secret realm, and Bai Key in the control room felt the terrifying pressure from the barrier of the secret realm. In this natural environment of the universe, the power was not suppressed!The turbulent divine power poured into Feiyuan Shenzhou, and while resisting the terrifying pressure, he controlled Feiyuan Shenzhou to fly to the inside of the secret realm.

"The Lord of Hunyuan, the flying palace treasure, is so powerful. Except for the initial vibration, I didn't feel any bumps inside!" The more than 1 cosmic venerables inside only felt the Feiyuan Shenzhou vibrate. After a while, it continued to fly forward smoothly. It seemed that the terrifying power of the barrier of the secret realm had no effect on it.

Don't think it's easy just because the Feiyuan Shenzhou under the control of Bai Key moves smoothly through the barriers of the secret realm. That's because the Feiyuan Shenzhou is of a very high level, and it is a palace treasure at the level of the Eternal True God.The terrifying pressure in the barriers of the secret realm that can crush the peak treasure naturally has no effect on Feiyuan Shenzhou, but it slows down its forward speed a lot!

Among the barriers of the secret realm, the white key driver, Feiyuan Shenzhou, was constantly flying towards the interior of the secret realm.

"I've been in the barrier of the secret realm for more than two days, and I haven't reached the secret realm yet. Although there is a reason for the speed limit, the barrier of the secret realm is thick enough!" Enter divine power.

Fortunately, apart from this terrifying pressure, there is no other danger in the barrier of the secret realm. There have been some records of this in the virtual universe before, but most of them were recorded when the power was already very small.

Although I don't know if it was the first to rush into the barrier of the secret realm at the first time when the consciousness of the original universe faded, there should be very few people doing this, otherwise there would be no records.


"The pressure ahead has dropped sharply, and we are finally going to pass through the space barrier!" Bai Key's face beamed with joy.

The ancient building boat passed through the barrier of the secret realm and stopped in the vast white mist. According to the white key induction, this white mist has a terrifying corrosion ability.Even a spaceship made of F-grade metal like the Yumo Xing will be eroded away in this endless white fog sooner or later.

In the vast primordial universe, the most strange and unpredictable things are the mysteries of the universe.These cosmic secrets are all special changes that occurred at the beginning of the evolution of the original universe, resulting in one cosmic secret after another.It is impossible for all universe secret realms to be exactly the same.And the degree of danger varies!

But even the worst cosmic secret realm generally requires a world master level to break through.

Of course, the more dangerous and the higher the level of the universe secret realm, the easier it is for high-level treasures to appear, and it is not without the initiative of the universe!

At some point, Bai Key had already appeared on the bow of Feiyuan Shenzhou.

With a thought, the gray and chaotic realm spread out.Without pursuing the ability to control, as long as more places can be detected, the domain directly covers a radius of 120 light-years, and all the scenes within this range can be fully seen by Bai Key.

Through the realm of chaos, Bai Key understood the general environment around him.

Now he is in the sky above a river with a width of about 30 light-years and a depth of more than ten light-years. The surrounding white mist is formed by the water in the river.

Around and in the river, there are many ice and snow planets of different sizes. The small ones are like dust, and the big ones are as huge as stars. They are constantly moving in the direction of the river at a terrifying speed.

If you count the range of these ice and snow planets and the fog, the range of the river is astonishingly 70 light-years wide and nearly 40 light-years thick. The movement direction of the entire river and the ice and snow planet is from the right side of the white key to the left side.

At this time, more than 4000 Universe Venerables had already walked out of the cabin and came to the broad deck, waiting quietly for Bai Yao's order.

Under everyone's gaze, the large gray hands condensed in the realm of chaos withdrew from the clouds and mist, holding an ice and snow planet with a diameter of hundreds of thousands of kilometers in his hands.After the big hand held the ice and snow planet and came to the side of Feiyuan Shenzhou, I saw that the big hand squeezed it lightly, and the ice and snow planet instantly shattered into countless pieces and flew out, leaving only water droplets with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers in the core of the planet.

The water inside the water droplet with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers is extremely cold, exuding a colder air than the surrounding white mist.

"Qingling Shenshui!" A universe venerable exclaimed.

"That's right, it's Qingling Shenshui! But it's the first time I've seen such a large volume!" Someone also sighed.

Through the virtual universe network, Bai Key also found information about this kind of Shenshui.This is a treasure that has a great effect on the restoration of the immortal gods of the water system. It can also improve the clarity of life below the immortal's perception of the original law of the water system. In short, it is extremely versatile and of high value!

According to previous transaction records, each unit is one cubic kilometer of Qingling Shenshui, and the value is about 700 million Hunyuan units!

How big is this drop of water in the void?The answer is more than 100 million cubic kilometers, worth more than 70000 trillion mixed yuan units!Converted into heavy treasure points, there are 6 to 7!
When he came up with the answer, all the Venerables of the Universe present got the answer almost at the same time. Many people's eyes were wide open, and there was a very dreamy feeling!

There are 6 to 7 treasure points, and almost everyone present has more than that. What surprised them was that such a valuable treasure was so easily obtained!You must know that although their net worth is higher than this figure, it is the accumulation of their endless years of life and death, hovering on the verge of death!
"It seems that this secret treasure will not be missing!" Bai Yao thought inwardly, then turned to face the crowd, sweeping the audience with an invisible aura.

"Based on the strength of the barriers of the secret realm, if the masters of the universe of the other three races have top-level flying palace treasures, they should be able to break in after more than 60 years. Of course, it is not ruled out that there are peak palace treasures that break in ahead of time. But you don't need to worry about these , I can guarantee that their master of the universe cannot enter the secret realm!"

"As for those venerables of the alien race, it's up to you. My request is to expel and kill all the venerables of the alien race. I cannot let them bring me anything from this secret realm. If anyone It has fallen, and half of the cost of resurrection will be borne by the ethnic group."

"So then you can act freely, you can act alone, or you can form a team with each other, it's up to you to decide!"

"Human powerhouse! Scatter!" Bai Key waved.

"Yes, Lord of Hunyuan!"

More than 1 Universe Venerables showed their supernatural powers in an instant, and disappeared on the Feiyuan Shenzhou.

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(End of this chapter)

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