The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 185 Lord of Dry Witches (4000-word chapter)

Chapter 185 Lord of Dry Witches (4000-word chapter)
After this battle, the enthusiasm of the three major ethnic groups to develop the secret realm stagnated.

The universe lords of the three major ethnic groups and their affiliated ethnic groups became more careful when they ventured into the secret realm.

But since the human race is determined to occupy the nebula world, they will naturally not give them any chance.As long as it is detected that the Venerable Universe who does not belong to the Hongmeng of the human race enters, the Venerable Universe will be sent out to siege immediately, and it is useless for them to be careful.

Under the reasonable distribution of the virtual universe, almost all alien universe lords who broke into the secret realm could not escape bad luck and fell into the secret realm.

In the following period of nearly a hundred years, Nebula World seemed to have turned into a flesh and blood mill. Under the massive siege of the human race, a large number of alien universe lords fell one after another.

The strong human beings occupy the home field advantage, even if there are strong alien races that show a strength that does not match the previous ones, with the fully armed state of the strong human races today, the strong human beings who go to besiege will not fall into a disadvantage.

What's more, after discovering this situation, other strong human beings will arrive quickly to minimize the loss.

But the battlefield is changing rapidly, even with so many guarantees, people will still fall on the battlefield due to carelessness or other reasons, there is no way to avoid it.

On the deck of Feiyuan Shenzhou, time and space are constantly rewinding, and soon returned to the scene when just entering the nebula world, the army of human race sages gathered on the deck, listening to Bai Key's lecture, and preparing to explore the scene of the secret realm.

Consciousness instantly locked on the seventy or so Universe Venerables among them, and stopped maintaining this piece of time and space that went back to the past.Just like a spring, without his maintenance, except for the locked Universe Venerable, the other scenes quickly returned to the normal timeline.

In the blink of an eye, there were only 73 Universe Venerables left on the deck that was crowded with people before.

"We were revived by time reversal!"

"Thank you, Lord of Hunyuan!"

These revived Universe Venerables quickly recovered their memories, and hurriedly saluted Bai Key respectfully to express their gratitude.

"You fell for the sake of the human race, and it is right to resurrect you. Go, the battle is not over yet!"

He waved his hand and let these Universe Venerables leave on their own.

If it is only to develop the secret realm, the human race will bear half of the resurrection cost, but after making the decision to completely occupy the nebula world, so that these universe lords will not have to worry about it, Bai Key directly promises that the universe lords who fell in this battle, He'll come out and resurrect them for free.

Even the treasures that were owned before the fall, as long as they did not fall into the hands of a foreign race, would be returned to their original owners.

Anyway, with the current size of his Nine Nether Sea avatar, he is not afraid of the backlash from the revived Universe Venerable at all.

Reviving a high-ranking venerable of the universe will seriously injure a master of the universe!Only those with extraordinary talents, such as the world tree, mountain giants and other oversized universe lords, can resurrect more.

The number of revived Universe Venerables has nothing to do with their strength, it has to do with their divine body!
The more you can resist!There will be more resurrections!
"This Hunyuan is too arrogant, resurrecting so many fallen Universe Venerables in front of us, we are not afraid that we will take advantage of his physical loss at this time to besiege him!" The roar of the Lord of Mengwan resounded in the void.

"Do you dare? They really don't take us seriously! And their divine body is not damaged." Said the Lord of Green Ridge.

In fact, it can't be said that there is no damage, but the damaged divine body quickly recovered!

"This human group is really crazy. They are determined to completely occupy this secret realm."

"By the way, how many Universe Venerables have you fallen during this time?" asked the Lord of Moyuan.

"More than 200 members of this clan have fallen, and more than 1700 members of the affiliated clan! Now the universe lords of those affiliated clans have all retreated, and will not enter this secret realm again." The Lord of Bilong looked ugly.

They are not like the human race, who have fully borne the cost of resurrection. The universe lords of those affiliated races just saw the profit, and followed the large force to explore the secret realm.

Now encountering the resolute resistance of the human race, the Venerable fell like rain, which made many Venerables of the universe who belonged to the three major races already terrified!
Therefore, except for the subordinate group of universe venerables who entered with the main force at the beginning and prepared to sweep the secret realm, after seeing such a tragic battle, no one is willing to come.

They are not like the universe lords of the three major ethnic groups, who will be resurrected by the ethnic groups after they fall.Unless there is a master of the universe in their own group, even if they are resurrected after endless years, the price they pay is unbearable!I am afraid that the next long years will have to run around to pay off the debts of these ethnic groups.

"My family is similar. More than 190 Universe Venerables have fallen in this family, including Star Lord Lei Shen, who is the top cosmic overlord. Nearly 2000 members of the subordinate group have also fallen."

"At present, among the human race, there are already seven people who have shown the strength of the top cosmic overlords, including Venerable Guiyi and Venerable Baifeng. Among them, Guiyi even killed the Demon Lord Wang Qiang one-on-one!"

"The strength of the human race has expanded rapidly during this period, and the number of fallen cosmic lords is too large. The Father God of our race has sent an order to abandon this development of the secret realm and avoid its edge." said the Lord of the mechanical clan Moyuan.

As soon as this remark came out, the Lord Mengwan and the Lord Bilong fell silent one after another, and they also received similar decisions from within the ethnic group.This time, the development of the secret realm came on the spur of the moment, but it came to such a result, which made it difficult for them to accept it for a while.

The number of fallen Universe Venerables is too large, to the point where no major ethnic group can accept it, so it is justifiable to make such a decision.

Just resurrecting the universe lords of their own clan is enough for them to drink a pot, let alone adding the universe lords of the subordinate ethnic groups.Although the development of the secret realm is self-responsible for profits and losses, such a number depends on the revival of time and space by the masters of the universe of each major ethnic group. Many of these fallen subordinate ethnic universe masters may have to be queued for a long time.

And if it is not resurrected, it will lead to the disintegration of the hearts of the alliance and the lack of cohesion.The only solution is to ask those powerful special beings to help revive them at a huge price.

It's not that the major ethnic groups haven't thought about blood for blood and revenge.But when he heard the news from the universe, the founder of the giant ax found the first Allah of the God-eye clan in the first reincarnation era, and a shocking battle broke out in Liuzhong Mountain, one of the three dangerous places.

The final result is that the founder of the giant ax relied on the powerful giant ax in his hand to defeat the first Allah of the God-eye clan and win!

This news instantly frightened the three major ethnic groups that were ready to move. Coupled with the strength exposed by Bai Key, the known four avatars have four sixth-level combat powers, so that even if they unite, they will not be able to win. If there is any benefit, the flag will die down.

"Master Hunyuan, please take back your domain. My machine race has decided to withdraw from the development of this secret realm, and will no longer compete with the human race for this secret realm." The Lord of Moyuan said to Bai Key on the Feiyuan Shenzhou from the air.

"Okay, congratulations for making the right decision!" Hearing this, Bai Key let go of the suppression of his domain.

"The machine clan made the right decision, what about you?" After finishing everything, he looked at the other two masters of the universe.

"My family is too." Although a little annoyed in their hearts, the two made their final decision.

"Okay...Okay! Then you can leave on your own, and I won't keep you, haha..."

Bai Key's voice spread far in the void.

After he took back the domain, several people drove the palace treasure one after another and disappeared in the nebula world.

When the universe masters of the three races withdrew, their cosmic masters had already withdrawn from Nebula World.

Bai Key told the news to the Venerable Universe below in the virtual universe, and at the same time told the Chaos City Lord, and notified the high-level of the human race.

"Cheerful! I've never been so happy before. The monster race, the Zerg race, the machine race, and the cosmic lords don't hold on for a while!"

"That's right! If you want me to say that the Lord of Hunyuan is generous, he resurrects for free and provides us with treasures to restore divine power. Where can we find such a good thing?"

After hearing the withdrawal of the three major ethnic groups, the universe sages of the human ethnic group Hongmeng talked a lot, and even had some regrets.

In the battle, the human race has the upper hand, but in the fierce battle, burning the divine power will still consume a lot of divine power in a short time.In order to ensure their combat effectiveness, Bai Key provided a large number of treasures to restore their divine power. Now that the battle is over, there will definitely be no such benefits.

The price for the Venerable Universe and the Lord of the Universe to restore their divine power is very high, because there are very few treasures that can affect their level in the original universe.

This problem is easily solved by Baiyao. As long as he obtains a copy of these treasures that restore divine power, he can completely replicate them in the ontology universe.

"With the retreat of the three major ethnic groups, we can rest assured to develop the secret realm, but we must not take it lightly to prevent those who are unwilling to sneak in!"

"Haha, don't worry about Gui Yi, everyone will save it."

"What else is it called the Lord of Guiyi? The first battle to kill the demon lord Wang Qiang is the top cosmic overlord in the primordial universe. It should be called the Lord of Guiyi!" A universe venerable suggested.

"Haha, that's a good title. From now on, everyone will call him Allah Guiyi!"

"My human race is really getting stronger and stronger! In addition to Guiyi Allah, Venerable Baifeng and the others have also shown the strength of the top cosmic overlords. With the addition of the old three top cosmic overlords, my human race has a full ten top cosmic overlords." Overlord!"

"This is just the beginning. There is a land of inheritance. I believe that the number of top cosmic overlords in my human race will increase dramatically in the future!"


Seeing the comments of these universe sages, Bai Yao smiled slightly, very pleased. Everyone is very confident and feels that the future of the human race is very brilliant.

He didn't pay much attention to it. At this moment, he is leading the Lord Ganwu to get to know the Lord of the Universe of the virtual universe company.

Yes, dry witch king!But it can't be called that now, it should be called the Lord of Dry Witches!

While many universe venerables were still fighting fiercely in the secret realm, Lord Ganwu had practiced in the original space of the ontology universe for more than 1000 million years.

During this long period of time, he not only fully comprehended the law of time, but also fully comprehended the strongest secret law of the master of the universe deduced by a white key.

After coming out of the universe of Baiyao's body, he returned to the Kingdom of God, aroused the ocean of the original universe law, and completed the final transformation.

The highest point of Thunder Island in the virtual universe.

Surrounded by endless air currents, there are seven huge stone chairs beside this blue-gray stone table. At the same time, there are complex carvings on the back of each stone chair. Even the blue-gray stone table There are a large number of carvings, carving pictures.

On the seat belonging to the Chaos City Lord, the Chaos City Lord has been waiting for a long time.


"City Master of Chaos!" Even though he has broken through to become the master of the universe, the Lord Ganwu is still full of respect for the controller of the virtual universe company.

Bai Key walked towards his seat, and instantly noticed several extra pictures on his stone chair.

If you take a closer look, there are scenes of him suppressing the North Prisoner, confronting the Sitting Mountain Guest... and at the end there is a scene of him fighting with the Extermination Clan.

"It's pretty fast, and it's up!"

"Haha, this must be engraved naturally. You are now the veritable master of the first universe in the original universe. After this battle, who else would dare to question your strength?"

"Gan Wu, you sit here." The Chaos City Lord pointed to the uncarved seat next to Bai Key.

The Lord Ganwu was not polite, and sat down directly. At the same time, he glanced at the stone table in front of him, full of curiosity in his heart.

"Ganwu, before this, no one would have thought that you would be the 19th master of the universe in my human race." The Chaos City Lord smiled at the Lord Ganwu.

"Ashamed! The city lord also knows that it is very difficult for me to break through to this realm. This time I can break through, thanks to the help of Bai Key." Gan Wu said with some embarrassment.

"Don't think so, everyone who has come this far, except for their extraordinary talent and acquired hard work, who has no chance against the sky! Who dares to say that they don't rely on external things! You can accept Bai Yao as a disciple , this is also your chance!" The Chaos City Lord shook his head, instead enlightening him.

"No. 19?" Suppressing the excitement in his heart, the Lord Ganwu asked a little puzzled.

As one of the oldest universe lords, he knows quite a lot of information, but it is far from reaching this amount.

"No matter which side of the force, there must be some secrets. Like the master of the universe, my human race also has undisclosed masters of the universe. If you are not included, the entire human race has 18 masters of the universe. My virtual universe company and Juxue fight There are 5 each in Wuchang, 3 in Universe First Bank and 2 in Universe Mercenary Alliance, and [-] in Universe Galaxy Bank." Bai Key explained to Lord Ganwu.

Taking advantage of the time when the other masters of the universe had not yet arrived, the two told Lord Ganwu some secrets about the human race and the original universe.

In a short while, the other four masters of the universe from the lineage of the virtual company arrived.

"The first one is the Lord of Long Xing. Long Xing is a very early veteran of my virtual universe company. You also know him who entered the universe early."

"Second, my junior brother, the master of Bingfeng."

"What a trick of good fortune! Unexpectedly, after billions of years, Gan Wu, you will catch up again!" The Lord of Bingfeng said in a rare way.

The era of the rise of the two is very close, and they even worked together at the stage of immortality and the universe lord, but the Lord of Bingfeng broke through to the realm of the master of the universe, but the Lord of Ganwu has been sinking in the realm of the universe lord.

Afterwards, the Lord of Darkness, the hidden Lord of the Universe, and finally the Lord of Youhou were introduced.

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(End of this chapter)

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