Chapter 195 Star Tower

In the Star Tower, in order to divert and abandon the pressure and pain of inheritance, Luo Feng was completely immersed in the understanding of the way of the beast god under such circumstances...

Surprisingly, under the terrifying pressure, Luo Feng's understanding of the law and his will have been greatly improved.Because of this trait of being strong when you meet the strong, Luo Feng has withstood the pressure brought by the inheritance.

While he accepted the inheritance, the outside world also caused quite a stir.Although there has been no news of Luo Feng's death, it is a fact that he has been unable to be contacted. As time passed, some rumors spread unconsciously.

Virtual universe, Jiuxingwan Community, Black Dragon Mountain Island.

As Bai Yao, Luo Feng and the others entered the universe, they bought the first real estate in the virtual universe. This place has a special status in the eyes of the earth.

In the past ten thousand years, the powerful people of the earth have purchased real estate in the surrounding area, making this place one of the important gathering places of the earth's lineage in the virtual universe!

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"...

In front of Bai Yao's villa, Xu Xin paced back and forth on the corridor, stepping on the shiny stone slabs.

Behind her, she and Luo Feng's two sons followed.Because the highest authority in the Luo family, "Patriarch Luo Feng", has been wandering outside, the eldest son Luo Ping is mainly in charge of family affairs, but Xu Xin is also handling many important matters.

Xu Xin's special status in Luo's family, coupled with being the general manager of Pinghai Company, after ten thousand years, made her sense of nobility even stronger.

Being in her position naturally raises her majesty, and now a single look from her will startle her subordinates, and ordinary people don't even dare to look up at her.

But at this moment, Xu Xin's eyebrows always had a hint of sadness.

"Mom, with Uncle Bai and the others around, my dad will be fine!" the eldest son Luo Ping comforted.

"Yeah, mom, don't worry too much!"

"How does this make me feel at ease? Your dad hasn't connected to the virtual universe for 5000 years, and sent us a message!"

At this time, two more people appeared on the passage outside the villa, it was Hong and Thunder God.

"Xu Xin, Luo Feng must have fallen into some dangerous situation and needs to deal with it with all his strength. It's just inconvenient to log into the virtual universe. When he is safe, he will definitely contact you as soon as possible!"

Seemingly seeing Xu Xin's uneasiness in her heart, Hong Wen's voice came out, like a spring breeze blowing on her face, calming her inner anxiety.Seeing the subtle knowledge, being able to influence people's mood through the virtual universe, in just a few thousand years, Hong's attainments in the field of illusion have improved a lot!

"Luo Ping, Luo Hai, take good care of your mother, and contact us immediately if there is any situation. Even if your father is not around, I am not easy to mess with!" Thunder God commanded Luo Ping and Luo Hai domineeringly.

Hong and Leishen had really seen the scene of resurrection in reverse time and space, so they were very assured of Luo Feng's safety.Taking ten thousand steps back, even if he really falls, Bai Key can bring him back to life

"Yes, Second Thunder God..."

"Come in!" At some point, Bai Key appeared at the door of the villa, beckoning several people to come in.

In the lobby, after everyone sat down on the sofa, Bai Yao smiled and said, "I know what happened to Luo Feng, so it should be a good thing. When he disappeared, he was competing with others to seal the stars in the Star Tower. Got a big chance!"

Seeing that Xu Xin was still a little worried, he continued to bring up the old matter again.

"Do you still remember the time when Luo Feng was trapped in the No. [-] ancient civilization ruins on Earth? If I remember correctly, there were no Luo Hai, Luo Ping, and you at that time!"

"??" Luo Hai or Luo Ping d(д)
This matter has been put on hold until now, but it is conceivable that Xu Xin cannot really feel at ease if Luo Feng does not return for a day.

Time, at this time, has become a terrible punishment, tormenting those who are thinking about it all the time.

100 years... 1000 years!Xu Xin didn't wait for Luo Feng's return, but instead waited for an e-mail from him that looked like a must!

"Master, it's the owner's email." Xu Xin's virtual assistant Zhizhi suddenly reminded him.

"Mail?" Xu Xin, who was busy with the family affairs and tried to numb herself with busy work, was taken aback for a moment, and then a joyful expression appeared on his face.

"Madame seems happy."

"It's been a long time since I saw my wife so happy."

"Ma'am has been worried all these years, but now, she is beaming with joy." The two women who were waiting behind her were also discussing quietly.

But the content of the email gave her a blow to the head.The beginning of the email was filled with heart-warming words, but as it got to the end, Xu Xin became more and more frightened.

"I don't want you to feel guilty! I want you to come back..." Xu Xin's body trembled slightly, and tears flowed down unconsciously.

After a while, Luo Ping and Luo Hai also ran over, both of them looked anxious, and they also received the farewell email.

"Luo Ping! Immediately send an email to notify your two uncles and Uncle Bai! Hurry up!"

Still in Baiyao's villa in Jiuxing Bay, the three of Xu Xin still had tears on their faces.

Hong and Leishen were also silent. Although they knew that Luo Fengfeng would be resurrected, they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. No matter what kind of genius you are, you still have to be in awe of this vast universe.

On the contrary, it was Bai Key, who still had the same expression thousands of years ago, and even had a faint smile.

"Don't panic. If my predictions are correct, this is just the email that Luo Feng set to send on time. He hasn't fallen yet! You are too anxious, otherwise you will check his immortal servant and you will know!"

The three of Xu Xin were taken aback. They were already going crazy after receiving the email, and they didn't have time to leave the virtual universe to check the status of Luo Feng's immortal servant.

"Uncle Bai, what is my father's situation? Why was he trapped for so many years?" Luo Hai, Luo Feng's second son, was relieved to hear that his father was fine, and then asked a little puzzled.

The rest of the people also looked over, hoping to get an answer from Bai Key.

"In order to complete the life-and-death experience mission of the virtual universe company, Luo Feng went to the seventh battlefield outside the territory this time. Before he disappeared, he entered the star tower standing on the seventh battlefield."

"As far as I know, it is a treasure specially left by a great existence in the universe for his disciples. Luo Feng should receive the inheritance in it!" Bai Yao said slowly.

"Then how long will it take for this inheritance to end?" Luo Ping frowned.

During the 5000 years when his father was away, he finally deeply felt the difficulty of supporting a family.It is hard to imagine how the uncles and uncles walked out of the earth step by step and led the earth to today!

"I don't know either, but since the email that Luo Feng set is sent out now, it proves that the time of this inheritance should also end soon!"

He really can't predict this time, after all, because of his appearance, Luo Feng's situation is already somewhat different from the original book.

Because of his existence, compared with the original work, Luo Feng's tempering was partly less than that of the original work, but his sense of law and strength were stronger than the original work.

Moreover, the time for him to go to the foreign battlefield to experience has been advanced by nearly 200 years. All these circumstances will lead to a change in the time when Luo Feng accepts the inheritance!
As for whether the inheritance will fail, Bai Key thinks it is unlikely.

There is such a saying as the butterfly effect, but there is also a saying that the general trend cannot be changed.In the infinitely long river of time, Luo Feng's growth and rise is almost an unchangeable general trend, which cannot be affected by some fluctuations.

"How about this! I will go to the Star Tower in person to see Luo Feng's current situation."

"Thank you, Uncle Bai!" The two brothers Luo Ping and Luo Hai immediately expressed their gratitude.

"Thank you for what I did. The relationship between me and your father doesn't need to be messed with! The matter is decided like this! Take good care of your mother, especially Luo Hai, and take care of your temper."

Consciousness withdraws from the virtual universe. In order to absorb the chaotic airflow, the avatar created before has left the Kingdom of God again, and is teleported to the battlefield outside the seventh domain through the Kingdom of God.

After several consecutive teleportations, Bai Yao saw the Tower of Stars suspended in the void of the universe from a distance.

The ancient star tower, the whole body is black, and it is impossible to determine what kind of material it is made of, as if covering half of the universe and floating in the starry sky.

This majestic nine-story tower has nine floors and is in the shape of a square cone, which is very similar to some towers in China on Earth.

At the same time, around this majestic nine-story tower, there are endless nebula whirlpools, and the colorful nebula whirlpools make people unable to help but indulge in them.

The Star Tower, nine light-years high, has been in this space-time since the opening of the extraterritorial battlefield hundreds of millions of years ago. For countless years, it has devoured the endless energy in the universe, devoured the surge of energy, and formed the "nine-spinning nebula", which looks like a nebula. , is actually an extremely terrifying energy vortex.

There are nine spirals in the nebula, and the further you go in, the more terrifying the tearing force of the whirlpool will be!
The bright nebula vortex is centered on the star tower, devouring endless energy crazily. This "nine-swirling nebula" looks beautiful and bright, but it is actually a nightmare for the strong.

"As expected of a God King's weapon, even in the state of no one pushing it, it has such power!" Thinking in his heart, Bai Key sensed everything around the Star Tower through time and space.

At the core of the Star Tower, there is a vast and mysterious hall. There are nine pillars on the hall that are tens of thousands of kilometers high, supporting the entire hall. Above the hall, at the ends of the front, back, left, and right sides, there are star towns, countless The suppressed stars seem to be full of stars, surrounding the entire hall.

In the distance of the main hall, there is a figure sitting cross-legged. He has a long, snake-like body lying cross-legged, but his upper body is a human body. His purple beard hangs down, and his eyelids are slightly drooping, but the endless coercion is never His body was permeated, which was a coercion that made people shudder and surrender involuntarily.

The coercion is like endless heaven and earth. Although it is not violent, it makes people have no desire to resist. It is Puti, the eldest disciple of Zuoshanke.

He was ordered here to guard Luo Feng to accept the inheritance of the Star Tower.After Bai Key arrived, he used the ability to control time and space to investigate the Star Tower, which instantly caught his attention.

Although he didn't recognize the owner of the Star Tower and couldn't motivate him to attack, but as the builder of the Star Tower, Zuo Shanke naturally had some simple ways to use the Star Tower, at least his sense of the surrounding space was not bad!
"Master of Hunyuan! Why is he here?" Then he seemed to think of something again, and looked down at Luo Feng whose body skin was completely torn in pain and blood was gurgling out.

Speaking of it, the body is in a state of collapse, which is just a reaction to the severe pain of the soul tearing. From this, it can be seen how far the soul tearing pain is?
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(End of this chapter)

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