The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 205 Entering the Cosmic Ocean

Chapter 205 Entering the Cosmic Ocean

"The palace lord is really too strong, this is already the second strongest person that the palace lord forced to retreat!"

After the battle, many cosmic sages showed up to guide Hunyuan Palace, and the Hunyuan Palace quickly returned to its former appearance.

But in private, many guards and reception envoys still couldn't help talking about the shocking battle just now.

Even the many cosmic venerables who gathered in front of the Beast God's Temple couldn't help talking to each other. The palace master they talked about naturally meant Bai Yao.

This kind of title is because Venerable Teng Lei and other people belonging to the Hunyuan Palace lineage, in order to distinguish from others' names for Bai Key, and to show the close relationship between themselves and others and Bai Key.

"The talent of the palace lord is the best in the entire original universe. It took thousands of years to become the master of the universe, and it took ten thousand years to rival the strongest in the universe. Sooner or later, he will go further and become the third strongest in my human race!" Zhen Yan His Holiness said.

After breaking through the Venerable Universe, Venerable Zhenyan visited Bai Yao and applied to join the Hunyuan Palace!Given the special relationship between him and Luo Feng, naturally there would be no reason for him to be rejected.

Under Bai Key's arrangement, he, along with Venerable Teng Lei and others, managed and guarded the huge Hunyuan Palace and Hunyuan Continent.The Beast Temple is where the inheritance is located, and it is also one of the cores of the entire Hunyuan Palace. There will be two of them on duty at any time, so when there is something to do, everyone will gather here.

In the main hall of Hunyuan Palace, Bai Key logged into the virtual universe and was directly teleported to the Great Axe Temple.

As soon as his figure appeared, all the high-level people of the human race focused their eyes on him, admiring, aweing, eager... and so on.

"What's the matter?" Facing everyone's strange eyes, Bai Key sat down in his seat.

"That's the Demon God of Void and Truth, the most powerful man in the universe, just like that was repelled by you!" The Lord Ganwu sighed.

"It's nothing. If it weren't for killing him in the original universe now, it would have a great impact. It would not bring any benefits to my human race. It would only make other forces in the original universe more fearful, and then they would group together to deal with my human race. I want to use it We did our best to suppress it.”

Bai Key said calmly, it is entirely possible for him to suppress the Demon God of False Truth!
In the primordial universe, although Bai Key's attack cannot cause damage to the Void and True Demon God, he can completely restrain the opponent through various means. In addition, he has high-level palace treasures such as the Feiyuan Shenzhou and the Misty Temple. It is possible to do it.

After being suppressed, the opponent's life is completely in their hands.Whether it is permanent suppression, or bringing into the small universe, using the power of the small universe to kill, or throwing the opponent into a deadly Jedi, it is a very effective way to deal with it.

But as he said, the consequences of this are very far-reaching. The human race can kill the strongest in the universe in the original universe. Now the delicate balance of the original universe will be broken. At that time, not only the mechanical race and the Zerg race will be allied , Yaozu three clans!

When everyone is in danger, the human race will become the target of public criticism and be feared by many forces, which is very detrimental to the human race.

It doesn't matter to him Bai Key, but the human race is not his alone, and he doesn't have the idea of ​​supporting the human race alone.

Therefore, Xu Xutuzhi is the kingly way. When the strength of the human race has accumulated to a certain level, it will be fine to push it out.

However, there is not much time left for the Void and True Demon God. He had better pray that he would not encounter Bai Yao in the universe sea, otherwise his death time would definitely be brought forward.

Even if he doesn't meet Bai Key, as the strength of the human race grows, one day, he will inevitably encounter a strong human race.When he chooses to be hostile to the human race, the future has already been determined!

As the lord of the universe, it sounds outrageous to say something like suppressing the most powerful person in the universe, but the upper echelons of the human race know that he is not joking.After several shots, no one doubted Bai Key's strength, and his status in the human race had also been virtually raised to a position comparable to the two strongest.

"Anyway, Xu Zhen entered the human territory to assassinate Luo Feng this time, and he has already stood on the opposite side of our human race. Everyone should pay attention to his news at any time. When the time is right, we must teach him an unforgettable lesson!" Chaos The city lord said in a deep voice, Luo Feng is his direct disciple, this kind of behavior just doesn't give him face, how can he not be angry.

"Chaos is right, there is nothing he can do in the primordial universe, but he will always enter the cosmic sea, and then he will know whether my battle ax is sharp!" The words of the giant ax were full of killing intent.

Since there is no need to hide, it seems to be in line with the will of the axe to move forward and open up the world, making the ax technique of the giant ax more refined.With the increase in combat power, the fighting spirit in his heart has long been pervasive. Now that the Demon God of Void and True dares to tease the emotions of the human race, he directly hit his spear head.

"In the original universe, the virtual universe is completely covered, and his footprints are under surveillance at all times. As soon as he enters the cosmic sea, I will notify the master of the alien universe in Hongmeng to monitor, and everyone will also mobilize their friends to help. I think he is He won’t learn his lesson, if he doesn’t make a sound, he’ll be nothing but a blockbuster, just surround and kill him!”

Bai Yao said indifferently, as if the Void-true Demon God he said to be besieged was not the strongest, but a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Everyone was staring sideways at his plan. Even the giant axe did not have absolute confidence in killing the Demon God of Xuzhen, but Bai Key had absolute confidence in his words, which showed that he really wanted to kill the Demon God of Xuzhen.

"Okay, I've also met some friends in the cosmic sea these years. If I just provide information, I can still help!" The Lord of Darkness said rarely.

"I also know some alien universe masters, so I should be able to help..."

It was a matter of great concern to the human race, and everyone offered their opinions and suggestions.

Killing a strongest person in the universe is definitely a matter that can cause a sensation in the universe at any time. Even if a small amount of force is used in it, everyone will be tolerant.

The number of all the strongest in the universe, the two holy lands of the universe, and the three eras of reincarnation can reach hundreds!In their era of reincarnation, only a dozen of the strongest in the universe have been born now, and each of them is a big shot across the universe. No matter which one falls, it is an earth-shattering event!

The warm atmosphere lasted for a long time before everyone stopped. Seeing that everyone was quiet, Bai Key talked about another matter.

"Who of you is going to venture into the universe sea recently, help me guide the way, I have never been to the universe sea before!"

Cosmic sea?
Into the cosmic sea?

"Hunyuan, are you finally going to the universe sea?" Even someone with the personality of the Lord of Bingfeng was a little surprised.

The Chaos City Lord was also a little surprised, then shook his head again, and then sighed: "The cosmic sea is very dangerous, but some top cosmic overlords go in occasionally. It stands to reason that you can go in long ago with your strength! It's just that you break through the time It’s short, it’s time to settle, and you don’t have much interest in yourself, so we didn’t bring it up, but this time, you are obviously much stronger than everyone else, and you don’t have any scruples about entering the cosmic sea.”

"In comparison, the primordial universe is just a cradle! It's the cradle where we were born. It's very comfortable and the danger is very low."

"The cosmic sea... is the real battlefield."

"A large number of super existences before the Great Destruction, and even the strongest in the universe are all in the universe sea." The Chaos City Lord looked at Bai Key.

"There are more dangers there, especially in the deepest part of the three Jedi, which can cause the strongest in the universe to fall."

"That's where the real powerhouses gather. A large number of treasures and precious treasures are all born in the universe." Chaos City Lord sighed, "The Primordial Star is only opened once in endless years, and the most precious thing is only a peak every time it is opened." The level of domain-type treasures. But in the depths of the three great jedi... According to rumors, the deepest of the three great jedi, there are better treasures! Peak treasures are even more scary..."

"Of course, Baiyao, you are powerful and capable of avatars. The outer and inner areas will basically not harm you. You can go in and explore some core areas! But, remember, you must maintain a sense of awe. Be careful everywhere, because unpredictable dangers may come at any time." Chaos City Lord said.

"I believe that in the universe sea, you will get a real temper."

"Any one of the powerhouses before the Great Destruction Era is older than the powerhouses of our original universe! The powerhouses of our original universe were all born after the Great Destruction of the universe. It will inspire many of your ideas, and your strength will improve faster." The Chaos City Lord kept pointing out.

The so-called Great Destruction is the process of the destruction of the original universe when an era of reincarnation comes to an end.

The primordial universe was born, evolved, operated, weakened, and shattered... This is a reincarnation.A big shattering is the annihilation of everything in the original universe!When a new race is born in the primordial universe... then it will be a new reincarnation.As for some existences before the Great Destruction, there were naturally those who could escape the Great Destruction and save their lives.

"Just right, our master and apprentice have been in the primordial universe for a while, Hunyuan, you can come with us!" said the Lord of Darkness.

"Yeah, after this trip to the land of inheritance, I have comprehended the strongest secret technique, and I just need to go to the universe sea to fight and improve the treasure on my body!" The Lord Youhou looked excited.

After accepting Hong and Thunder God, the Lord of Darkness stayed in the primordial universe for a long time to teach them how to practice.Now that their cultivation has been on the right track, he will continue to return to the universe sea, sharpen himself in the fight, in order to break through to the realm of the strongest.

As for Lord Youhou, he has spent nearly ten thousand years using the uniqueness of the place of inheritance to deduce the strongest secret technique. Now that he has succeeded, his previous accumulation has almost been exhausted, and it is not very useful to continue to practice.Whether it is to continue to accumulate insights or to find treasures, entering the cosmic sea is also the best choice.

Of course, the identity of the Lord of Darkness still needs to be kept secret. It is impossible to blatantly join Bai Key and the others, and eventually they will explore separately.


The primordial universe is the root of all life.It gave birth to hundreds of millions of ethnic groups, all kinds of life, and many powerful people.

But life will eventually grow up to the point where it no longer depends on it. This is the strongest in the universe!The strongest in the universe who was born also created small universes one after another.In comparison, those small universes cannot be compared with the original universe, and they are not at the same energy level at all.

In the blink of an eye, more than a year has passed.

In the primordial universe, the human territory of the Milky Way, the void where the Hunyuan Palace and the Hunyuan Continent are located, is completely covered by chaotic airflow, and spreads far and wide for more than ten light years.

"Youhou." Bai Key greeted the thin and tall Lord Youhou beside him.

"Ready?" Lord Youhou's ears have a curved corner facing upwards, like two sickles, and there is an eye between his brows. He is wearing a set of scale-shaped dark blue armor, and he is carrying the iconic attacking treasure Youhou on his back. prick.Even standing there, there is a monstrous power, as if the surrounding time and space may be violently broken at any time, this is a strong offensive breath.

Bai Key nodded, but did not speak.

"Then let's go!" Lord Youhou nodded, and carried out a teleportation to the kingdom of God with the white key.

The figures of the two disappeared in place.

In a remote place in the primordial universe, there is a huge black hole. The black hole has already plunged the surrounding vast star field into darkness, but two figures appeared in a flash. They are the Lord Youhou and Bai Yao.

"There are two ways to go to the cosmic sea; one is to enter the space interlayer and then teleport until reaching the end of the space interlayer, penetrating through the endless cosmic membrane wall! Although the cosmic membrane wall is strong, the Lord of the universe can It breaks through the membrane wall." Said Lord Youhou.

Bai Key nodded and listened carefully, although he already knew this.

"The second method is to leave the original universe through the Toya black hole. The Toya black hole is the strongest black hole in the entire original universe. The black hole's powerful tearing and twisting force has been destroying the membrane wall, so Once you enter the black hole, you can go out directly."

Bai Key wasn't shocked at all. Whether it was in the virtual universe or the original book, he was very clear about it!

He also knew that if it was only possible to get out easily, it wouldn't be enough for the powerful people from all sides to get out.In fact, the main reason is that there are 39 natural wormholes around the area after the Toya black hole exits.

The universe sea is vast and boundless.

Once entering the cosmic sea, it is no longer within the scope of the original universe, and it cannot be teleported by the kingdom of God, nor can it fly in the dark universe.If you want to wander in the universe, in addition to conventional flight, when you cross a long distance, you must rely on teleportation and natural wormholes.

Moreover, the universe is frighteningly vast, and the primordial universe is only a part of it.Just relying on teleportation, how long does it take to teleport?
At this time, the importance of natural wormholes is extremely important.

Fortunately, the illusion in the cosmic sea is harsh and strange, and there are many natural wormholes.

Natural wormholes may be tens of billions of light years from one end to the other.

In the cosmic sea, even the strongest in the universe rely on natural wormholes to spend most of their journeys, which is even faster than breaking the laws and restrictions!

The positions of two points connected by a large number of natural wormholes that have gone through an endless long time have also been recorded, and the fastest route to the destination can be found from them.

Of course, those areas without wormholes can only rely on teleportation!
"The cosmic sea is different from the original universe. The special structure of the original universe allows its coordinates to be confirmed anywhere. But in the cosmic sea, it is impossible to confirm the coordinates! Therefore, in the cosmic sea, the map is very important, and the reference objects on the map are also extremely important. Important. According to the map and reference objects, we will not get lost in the sea of ​​space."

Getting lost in the cosmic sea is very scary. Once you are charming... If you rely on teleportation again and again to find your way back, you will probably be farther and farther away as you teleport, and then you will be permanently lost in the cosmic sea. Maybe you are lucky, endless It will be found again after the era. "

In the end, Lord Youhou told Bai Key this question seriously.

 ask for tickets
(End of this chapter)

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