The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 218 Fire Refining Bracelet

Chapter 218 Fire Refining Bracelet
In the space of the black-patterned stone pillar, Juehua True God broke through the spell instantly, and his speed soared to a terrifying level.

While rushing forward, a light wheel appeared behind Juehua True God, and then disintegrated into four half-moon-shaped light blades. Under its control, it cut through the endless void in the blink of an eye, and came to Bai Yao.

This light wheel is the most powerful and treasure-level thought power attack treasure-the moon-covering wheel, which is the most famous treasure of Juehua True God.

The moon-covering light blade exudes a hazy light, within which there are four strange behemoths looming, and a peerless attack is brewing at this moment, and an invisible roar acts on Bai Yao's mind.

Behind them is the Juehua True God rushing at a very fast speed. At this moment, his whole body is covered with strange scales, his huge fists are like falling meteors, and his target is Bai Yao!
"Four beasts attack!" Until then, the other party's voice came faintly.

"Heh! You think I'm sure!" Bai Yao smiled disdainfully.

A fiery red bracelet appeared on the wrist of his left hand, and wisps of flame suddenly appeared in the void, overlapping with the realm of chaos.

These wisps of flames are very inconspicuous, but their power has reached an appalling level, and the surrounding audience can feel the slight burning tingling of the divine body from a long distance away!
In an instant, the chaotic airflow seemed to be ignited, and the power of the two superimposed together in an instant, defeating the domain suppression of Juehua True God.

The masters of the universe of the Purple Moon Sacred Land, the Juehua True God rushing towards the white key, and the four half-moon-shaped light wheels all seemed to be trapped in a swamp, bound by the superimposed power of the flame field and chaotic airflow. Every step forward requires enormous strength.

"It's impossible! A small child of the universe can defeat the Bibohai that I'm pushing with all my strength in the field!" Juehua Zhenshen really broke the defense at this moment, and the eight faces were full of surprises, because the scene in front of him was He has never seen it in countless times of reincarnation!
In fact, the second-rate Primordial Spirit Treasure, the Fire Refining Bracelet, was indeed the first time it appeared in this universe.

The second-rate Hongmeng Lingbao has the power comparable to or even surpassed the treasures of this world's chaotic holy level. Even if Bai Key can only exert a part of it now, it is still crushing against the True God of Juehua!

"Ding dong! jingle! . . . "

Grasping the gap where the opponent's attack was restricted, Bai Yao swung the Hunyuan stick in his hand airtightly, and instantly knocked away the four beasts that evolved from light blades.

"Condensation!" The flames and chaotic airflow in the field intertwined, forming a series of fiery red chains.The overwhelming fiery red chains continued to extend, quickly binding all 24 arms of Juehua True God, making his fists stop in the void.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him.

The Hunyuan stick in his hand was held high, and then was smashed out by Bai Key. The heavy Hunyuan stick even shattered time and space, tearing out a passage hundreds of millions of kilometers long, and everything along the way was shattered.


The Hunyuan Stick hit Juehua True God's armor-covered face heavily, and sent it flying, tumbling and leaving a long trail in the field.

It looked like a mess, but in fact it didn't cause him any harm, it just lost some divine power.Because the violent power has been weakened and transferred by the most powerful treasure, there are very few that can act on its divine body.

Received a blow from Bai Key in the front, Juehua Zhenshen was sent flying millions of kilometers, and then slowly stabilized his figure.

"Ninth level, you can actually display the combat power of the ninth level!" The unbelievable roar of Juehua True God spread through the void.

Countless onlookers of the Cosmos Sea powerhouses were dumbfounded, and this was a polar opposite of what they expected.The human race that was expected to be at a disadvantage, not only did not suffer, but instead gained the upper hand.

"This human Hunyuan is going against the sky! I thought the strength he showed before was terrifying enough, but I didn't expect to underestimate him!"

"As far as the current situation is concerned, this human being has at least three Xeons and Supreme Treasures! The Flying Palace Xeons are already familiar to everyone, and now they have exposed the Soul Defense and Domain Xeons, even the gray one in his hand. Long sticks may be the most powerful treasure!" The Lord of the Eyes of the God Eye Clan has deep eyes, staring closely at the changes in the battlefield.

"Having so many powerful treasures, it's no wonder that this human being is so powerful! The masters of Lei Suo and the others deserve to die!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and at this time there was a huge change on the field.

After defeating Juehua True God, Bai Yao did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, instead, he drove the Feiyuan Shenzhou and quickly came to the Masters of the Universe of the Purple Moon Holy Land who were suppressed by the domain.

In the distance, Bai Yao swept across with a stick, and the time and space of the area with a radius of several light years seemed to be shattered.

The coverage of this blow was very wide, covering more than 30 universe masters completely. The universe masters of Ziyue Holy Land, who were difficult to act under the suppression of the domain, had to choose to carry it down.

Time and space trembled, and more than 30 masters of the universe flew around like flies being swatted.

The expressions of all the people who had endured Bai Key's attack changed drastically, and they roared angrily.

"No, Hunyuan..." A Tier [-] universe master who was the first to be affected was annihilated in an instant because he didn't have the peak treasure armor, and he didn't have time to say a complete sentence.

He is not the only one, as long as the master of the universe does not have the peak treasure armor, his divine body will be completely annihilated almost immediately after being attacked!
At the moment of their fall, all the divine power avatars they left behind in the holy land universe also dissipated, causing a great commotion!
Even with the peak treasure armor, the attack of the ninth level has already exceeded the upper limit it can bear. After being attacked, the armor shattered, and the divine body also suffered huge damage. Some universe masters with smaller divine bodies also fell directly. up.

Only the Lord of the Universe, who possessed armor above the peak level and hid in the treasure of the palace for the first time, escaped this catastrophe.But the rest, all of them were still greatly damaged, with serious injuries.

After this wave of attack passed, seven people from Ziyue Holy Land's team of more than 30 people fell instantly, and those who survived lost a lot of their aura.

Only seven people fell, because they are the masters of the holy land universe, and the treasures have been relatively good for a long time.If it were the master of the universe in the original universe, he would not have such a ratio of having the peak treasure armor.

Among the people in Ziyue Holy Land, there are only two sixth-order universe masters who are in the best condition.

"Yu Lan, Cheng Mu, Zi Pu, Feng Hao... and the seven of them have all fallen, and this time the Holy Land has fallen!" The deer worm master's face was extremely ugly. In this attack, he who possessed the strongest and most precious armor was injured. the smallest.

"There is nothing to talk about, invincible, save your strength! Everyone approach me immediately and hide inside the treasure of the palace!" The one who spoke was Lord Xing Huang, one of the two sixth-order universe masters, Possess the Xinghuang Palace, the most powerful and the most treasured palace.

The masters of the universe in these holy places are all very rich. Many of them have more than one piece of peak-level treasure armor. After one piece was smashed, they immediately put on a spare armor and hid in the peak-level armor. In the Supreme Treasure Palace.

Under such a defense, it is difficult for White Key's physical attack to cause harm to them. Only the soul attack can directly attack the Lord of the Universe in the Purple Moon Holy Land through the palace treasure.

Of course, he can also choose to swallow these palace treasures into the Feiyuan Shenzhou to suppress the seal.

But in this case, he can only come one by one, which is quite time-consuming. The Juehua True God who is already bursting out with all his strength and tearing apart the chaotic realm blessed by his fire-refining bracelet will not give him time to suppress each one.

Since we can't suppress all of them at once, we can get one at a time.

Maintaining the suppression of the domain, Bai Key flew towards a treasure palace that was struggling to move forward in the domain.

At the same time, his voice passed to the ears of the master Peng Gong on the Feiyuan Shenzhou, "Listen to my order, and release the soul attack into the treasure of the palace together!"

"Yes, Lord of Hunyuan!" Everyone in the Hongmeng, whether they were humans or aliens, were very excited.

Just now they all thought that they were going to perish here today, and they also complained about Bai Key who caused this situation, but they didn't expect such a reversal to happen, so they were very respectful to the powerful Bai Key.

"Haha, Hunyuan showed great power and defeated Ziyue Holy Land. After today, let me see who dares to mess with my Human Hongmeng!"

"Don't be too busy getting excited, when the battle is over, let's hold a celebration banquet for Hunyuan!"


Different from the difficult progress of the people in Ziyue Holy Land, as the master of the domain, Bai Yao moved like a duck to water, swift and fast, and soon approached the nearest palace treasure.

The people of Hongmeng, who had been prepared for a long time, launched a soul attack together with Baiyao, and the invisible virtual power passed through the treasure of the palace, and acted on the Lord of Beiji in Ziyue Holy Land.

The Lord of Beiqu's body froze, so he had to concentrate all his energy to push the peak soul defense treasure to fight against this soul, and he didn't dare to distract himself from manipulating the palace treasure.

The Feiyuan Shenzhou quickly became larger, and an abyss black hole appeared on the base, facing the treasure of the palace of the Lord of Beiqu far away.

"Master of Hunyuan, Lord of Hunyuan!!! I, Ziyue Holy Land, will not let you go, absolutely not." The soul of the Lord of Beiqu kept roaring.

"No!" The Lord of Beiqu struggled, but was still sucked in. As he got closer to the base of the Feiyuan Shenzhou, the palace automatically became smaller, and then he was sucked in.

The black hole at the base of the Feiyuan Shenzhou disappeared, and turned towards the next Master of the Universe of the Purple Moon Holy Land.

"Human beings, you are looking for death! The Purple Moon Holy Land will never end with you!" Juehua True God's eyes were red, and he held the light blade transformed from the most powerful treasure to cover the moon, and kept waving forward, breaking the void and protruding out fiery red chains.

"Never die? Isn't that what happened a long time ago?" Bai Key sneered, ignored the other party, and drove the Feiyuan Shenzhou to continue devouring the next Purple Moon Sacred Land universe master.

With the cooperation of Lord Peng Gong and others, Bai Yao successively sealed off the four Lords of the universe in the Holy Land of Ziyue.

When he was about to sense the next person, he found that they and Juehua True God had gathered together, and the masters of the universe all entered the palace-like Xinghuang Palace.

True God Juehua put away the Xinghuang Palace, and he was also relieved. If all these masters of the universe fall, especially the treasures on them, it will be a big loss to Ziyue Holy Land.

Even if there are many quasi-cosmic masters in the Holy Land who can break through at any time, how can these masters of the universe after breaking through be compared with those who have been tempered for many times of reincarnation.

"Human, you completely pissed me off!"

In the eight pairs of eyes of True God Juehua, there was infinite anger rising, staring closely at Bai Yao, with only one thought in his heart, that is to kill this person!
Each of the 24 arms holds a light blade, releasing infinite light, evolving an infinite world, forcibly opening a path in the domain, and coming straight to the white key.

"Exactly, I want to kill you today too!" Bai Key sneered and went up to him with a long stick in his hand.

The fierce collision resounded in the void, and the aftermath of every move caused chaos in time and space, and even caused a huge vibration of the chaotic air flow, stirring up a huge wave of chaotic air flow, which continued to spread towards the surroundings.

The battle has reached the current point, both of them are really angry, they both want to kill each other in the battle, and they will not stop until they achieve their goals!

Both of them are at the top of the ninth level, and the treasures are also very well equipped, and the scene seems to be back and forth.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that Bai Key, who has a domain advantage, is much more comfortable in battle.It can be seen from the fact that Juehua True God is constantly knocked back by him!

With the passage of time, the location where the two were fighting continued to move towards the direction of the black-striped stone pillar. At this moment, the time flow speed of the place where they were located had exceeded 3000 times, which was a place that many masters of the universe could not reach.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Bai Key didn't show any expression on his face, as if he was completely immersed in the battle, but he was silently calculating the distance in his heart.

It has to be said that even if Juehua True God loses the small universe and does not have the blessing of the universe, but equipped with a full set of Xeon and Supreme Treasures, he is still an existence that is difficult to defeat, let alone killed.

In the case of equal strength, other factors have become important conditions for determining victory. Among these conditions, environmental factors account for a large proportion!

Unfortunately, Bai Key now has the home court advantage!
The space of the black-striped stone pillars, that is, the mind world, has now been recognized by him. Although he has not been able to fully use the ability of the mind world because of the short time and the difficulty of divine power, it is very easy to adjust it as a controller.

The Hunyuan stick and the light blade kept colliding, and each blow made Juehua Zhenshen fly back a long distance, and the distance to the black-patterned stone pillar was getting closer and closer.

Finally, after another collision, the other party was driven to the area where the flow of time was 5000 times faster.

At this moment, the corners of Bai Key's mouth curled up uncontrollably.

"everything is over!"

"Huh?" Seeing Bai Yao with a sudden smile on the corner of his mouth, he felt that something was wrong instinctively, and the heart of the True God suddenly beat violently at this moment.

This feeling of heart palpitations made him suddenly recall the age of incomparably long ago, when he had not yet grown up, this feeling saved his life many times, and every time something that threatened his life happened .

The True God Juehua believed in his intuition very much, he didn't care about anything anymore, and instantly ignited his divine power, urging the domain to be the most powerful and precious, trying to break free from the shackles of the White Key Domain.

"Oh, did you guess something? But, it's too late!" Seeing the other party's violent reaction, Bai Key had a triumphant smile on his face!
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(End of this chapter)

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