The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 222 Handheld Universe (4000 chapters)

Chapter 222 Handheld Universe (4000 chapters)

Time goes back to a few minutes ago.

A majestic temple stands in the center of the small universe of the father god of the machine clan. For the convenience of contact, all the 11 universe masters of the machine clan have divine power avatars gathered here.

Suddenly, the figure of the father god of the machine race appeared on the majestic throne of the temple. The father god of the machine race had a look of shock and anger in his eyes, and he roared: "I was killed by the founder of the giant axe of the human race and the founder of the human race in the spaceship. The lord of Hunyuan is under siege, and he is about to fall! Boys, run away! The farther you run, the better!"

After the father god of the machine clan said, his figure disappeared.

The lord of string balance, the lord of light movement and the other 11 masters of the universe of the machine race all stood up, and they felt that it was not good.

All these masters of the universe are extremely anxious, not knowing what happened.

"How could this be?"

"What happened to Father God? Didn't he intercept the founder of the giant ax with several other strongest? How could he fall under such circumstances?"

"Why did you disappear as soon as you said a word?"

These masters of the universe panicked one by one, for only a few seconds.The Lord of Moyuan showed horror and said sternly: "Father God's small universe has begun to disintegrate! Father God... has fallen!!!"

"The universe is disintegrating!"

"Father God has fallen!"

The masters of the universe of the machine clan were all standing, completely taken aback by the sudden news. This is bad news, bad news for the entire machine group!
The Lord of Hengxian, the Lord of Light Movement, and the Lord of Moyuan all had anxious, angry and frightened eyes.

The only strongest man in the universe who sits in the machine clan has fallen!

The sky of the machine race really collapsed!

"Let your subordinates save the clansmen in the small universe immediately, hurry up!" As the strongest of the mechanical clan after the fall of the father god of the mechanical clan, the master of Hengxian immediately calmed down and began to give orders.

"The incident happened too suddenly, and the manpower was extremely insufficient. The only ones who can be mobilized in a short period of time are the strong ones in the small universe. I'm afraid it's a drop in the bucket!" The Lord of Moyuan was a little embarrassed.

"It's good if you can save the elite." The Master of Hengxian couldn't bear it, but his rationality as an intelligent life still made him solemnly order.

With limited time, only the elite seeds can be kept. In order for the ethnic group to re-emerge in the future, some ordinary clansmen must be given up.

"Father God's universe began to collapse, so the few people who died are just a very small loss to my entire mechanical group. However, what is really scary is the next thing. If we don't deal with it well, the future loss is afraid. It must be tens of thousands, billions of times bigger!"

One of the many mechanical universes trembled.


What to do in the future!

"There is no doubt that the fall of Father God will have a catastrophic impact on our machine race." The Lord of Hengxian said in a low voice.

"Judging from the last words of Father God, he fell under the hands of the founder of the giant axe of the human race and the master of Hunyuan. Therefore, we may have to face the siege of the human race next, and everything else has to be temporarily thrown away. Back of your head, deal with this disaster of the machine clan!" The master of Hengxian looked at the masters of the universe present.


"What matters now is the fate of the machine race!"

"There is a huge disparity in strength. We have a great chance of losing this battle. The territory of the ethnic group will definitely be lost! I suggest that we should not fight the human ethnic group head-on. We should immediately implement the Fire Plan and actively seek negotiations with the human ethnic group. The loss is minimized." All the masters of the universe nodded.

This kind of decision is almost impossible in other ethnic groups, and it is tantamount to treason.But the mechanical race is different. As intelligent life, they are much more rational than flesh and blood life.

With the current situation of the machine race, facing the powerful human race, no matter how many calculations they make with their terrifying computing power, the result is not so good, and making such a decision is also a helpless result.

They are all at the highest level of the machine clan, and the father god of the machine clan was on top of them before, sheltering them from the wind and rain, and many things are very easy.

But now that their father god has fallen, there is no one above them to support them, and they can only rely on their 11 universe masters to deal with it, so it must be considered from the perspective of the entire machine race.

"Yeah." Seeing that everyone agreed, the Lord of Hengxian breathed a sigh of relief, unity is very important at critical moments! "Then everyone, let's start to act, gather the geniuses and strong men in the clan, and prepare for the migration!"

The small universe of the father god of the machine race has evolved over a long period of time, and countless creatures and geniuses of the machine race lived in it, but now it is ushering in unprecedented changes!
The small universe collapsed, and the chaotic airflow in the cosmic sea penetrated in. Many cosmic overlords could still survive, but many cosmic lords and immortal gods could not survive in the cosmic sea environment.

"what happened!"

"God, the sky is cracked!"

In one of the spaces in the small universe of the Father God of the Machine Race, a large number of elites absorbed by the Machine Race were shocked and panicked.

I saw the originally quiet and beautiful sky, but at this moment, there were huge hideous cracks, and the sky and the earth began to collapse, and the space trembled, and space cracks appeared from time to time. Some unlucky mechanical clansmen were affected by some space cracks, or their bodies were lost in half, or Simply annihilate the whole...

Rumbling... Huge cracks opened in the ground.

"Quick, quick, gather separately, don't run around alone!" A Feng Wang Immortal stood in mid-air, his face full of anxiety, and then teleported one after another, directly collecting batches of machine race creatures into his world ring.

The Immortal Kings of the Mechanical Race, who are quickly gathering the clansmen, are still very shocked. This small universe is the small universe of their father god. Now all the spaces in the entire universe are gradually collapsing. Could it be that the father is really dead? up?

They are very clear about the importance of Father God to the machine race, who is the only universe strongest in the machine race!It is the true pillar of the ethnic group!But now, this Optimus Pillar is broken and collapsed!

This made them all a little dazed. If the Lords of the universe were not still there, they would not know how to face such a situation.

The machine race is hastily gathering geniuses and the immortality accumulated in countless epochs, keeping the fire for the race to come back in the future.Immortal gods are basically useless in the war of annihilation of the ethnic group, but in the future they can give birth to the Venerable Universe, and even the Lord of the Universe!

The lord of the universe of the mechanical race is praying frantically in his heart, hoping that the human race will not invade so soon. They all have some preparation time, but the arrival speed of the strong human race is still beyond their imagination!
Other races have placed people in the human race to listen to the news, and the human race naturally has such preparations, and there are also secrets in the machine race.

Although these shadows do not have real high-level leaders, after countless years, they still have a clear understanding of the general situation of the machine clan.

The human race plus the Hongmeng's 60 or so universe masters, except for the necessary left-behind personnel, the remaining universe masters were divided into several teams, and according to the collected information, they raided the most core secret realms of the machine race.

The masters of the universe of the mechanical clan who sit in these secret realms are immediately targeted. As for the remaining immortals, the masters of the universe, and the overlords of the universe, there is no single enemy in front of the masters of the universe.

"Damn humans, how did they come so fast? Did they prepare for it?" In the small universe void, the Lord of Strings looked at the biggest crack in the sky and let out an angry roar.

Just now, the other masters of the universe of the mechanical race sent back news through their divine power avatars. The master of the universe of the human race has really come!And the first time he came, he shot with all his strength, obviously preparing to completely wipe out the machine clan!
Before he could make a decision, the Lord of Darkness led Lord Youhou and three other alien universe masters to appear in the small universe, and went straight to the core of this small universe with a clear purpose.

The position of this core area in the machine race is like that of the Chaos City in the human race. The treasury of the race and the most core place of inheritance are all set here.

"I didn't expect that the Lord of Darkness who traversed the universe sea turned out to be a human race! The human race is really a good way!" Seeing the arrival of these five masters of the universe, especially the Lord Youhou among them, the Lord Hengxian realized instantly a lot of things.

"Lord Hengxian, your machine race is over, hand over your clan's treasure house and inheritance, and recognize me as the master, and I will leave a trace of fire for your machine race!" The voice of the Lord of Darkness was extremely indifferent, more like reading aloud to the human race. The result of the group's trial of the machine group.

"Lord of Darkness, are your human races too aggressive and extinct! This will only make my mechanical race fight to the death, how about taking a step back?" The Lord of Hengxian endured the anger in his heart and made the final mediation.

"Master of Hengxian, it's time like this. Do you think your machine clan is still qualified to talk about this? In other words, will you stop in the same situation?"

"My mechanical race is willing to give up all the territory, hand over all the treasures of the tribe's treasure house to the human race, and even become a vassal of the human race. I just hope that we can give us some time to transfer our tribe and find new territories." Heng Xian The Lord spoke out his bargaining chips.

"Impossible, it is impossible for the human race to let go of such an enemy as the machine race, unless all the universe masters of the machine race recognize our human race's universe master as the master!" The Lord of Darkness shook his head.

The Master of Hengxian was also silent for a moment, it was impossible to recognize the master, that would only make the entire machine race remain slaves and handmaidens, and it would be difficult to have a chance to stand up again.Having lived for endless years, he has seen the disappearance of many ethnic groups, and he has even personally destroyed many ethnic groups.

He is very clear about the fate of the defeat of the ethnic group, and he also understands that the Lord of Darkness' handling is very correct, and he should kill all the enemies without leaving any future troubles.

The only thing he didn't expect was that now this failed group was replaced by their machine group!
"Master, what else is there to say? After killing him, everything in the machine clan is still ours!" The Lord Youhou didn't care about so much, and wanted to do it right away.

"Lord of the Darkness, if the previous conditions remain the same, I can recognize you as the master. I have three masters of the universe under my command, which means that four masters of the universe are already in the hands of the human race. I wonder if this can be given to you. Leave a little fire in the mechanical group?" Although he was already desperate, the Master of Strings made a final struggle.

But this time, the Lord of Darkness didn't speak, but shook his head slowly. This is a group war, and there is no room for maneuver. He has no brain problems, so how could he do something like let the tiger go back to the mountain.

Seeing this scene, the Lord of Hengxian didn't say anything more, swept away the previous decadent state, and exuded a strong aura from his body again.

The Lord of Hengxian is an existence whose combat power is not inferior to that of the Chaos City Lord before the breakthrough. He is a veritable fifth-order universe master!

"Then fight!"

After there was no possibility of further discussion, the Master of Hengxian brazenly took the lead, and an endless army of mechanical puppets appeared in the surrounding void, connected together through a mysterious formation, blocking this collapsing time and space.

The fierce battle kicked off. As the fifth-order universe lord, it is not easy for the lord of darkness to defeat the lord of balance strings in a short time.

But he didn't come alone this time, and he didn't plan to fight with Lord Hengxian one-on-one. He directly called Lord Youhou and several others to fight together. He wanted to keep the other party here today and remove a serious worry for the human race .

In the palm of the right hand of the Lord of Darkness, something similar to a "sculpture" suddenly appeared, with a rockery, a lake, and a wooden house!Mountains, water, houses...

"This treasure is called 'Handheld Universe'. It was created by my teacher, the original ancestor, after exhausting countless efforts. It has always been the treasure of my human race! The mountains, land, lakes, and wooden houses here are all treasures. The three major systems are actually composed of 36200 parts, each of which is made of excellent materials, and when they function as a whole, they look like a small universe!"

"Times have changed, and now my human race has several powerful treasures, and I no longer need this treasure as a heritage of the race. This time, it was the first time this treasure was given to me by Brother Chaos. It couldn't be more appropriate to come to rectify his name!"

As he said that, the divine power of the Lord of Darkness poured into the handheld universe, and the handheld universe was immediately suspended and rapidly expanded.

Then, a continuous undulating mountain range with a height of tens of thousands of kilometers appeared in the void. At the foot of the mountain was a wooden house with a height of about a hundred kilometers. In front of the wooden house was a lake with a diameter of thousands of kilometers.

The divine body of the Lord of Darkness shrank rapidly, becoming ten kilometers high, and directly blending into the lake.

The Lord of Youhou also came up at this time, and the whole body merged into the mountain range.


Suddenly the mountains in the distance began to surge with incomparably powerful fluctuations, and a faintly visible secret pattern flashed in the surrounding space, and then a scene of blue stretched from the mountains to the sky, covering the entire area in an instant. above.It seems to form a "blue sky".


The lake trembled, the earth trembled.

At the same time, the looming secret pattern flows and then disappears, and the endless earth extends, forming a "gray earth".

When the blue sky and the gray earth touch each other, the first meeting point is the wooden house.

"hold head high……"

The wooden house suddenly shone brightly.


Endless rays of light enveloped every inch of space in the entire world.On the other hand, the blue sky and the gray earth continue to meet each other to generate power, and the convergence transforms into this endless light.

In the area controlled by the palm universe, you can instantly use the power of the palm universe to perform two sixth-order peak attacks at the same time.Moreover, the range it can affect can reach a maximum of 1 light-year!

Before the human race had the most powerful treasure, the palm universe could be used as the treasure of the clan, which had already proved its strength.

So when the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Youhou jointly urged it, the outcome of this battle was already doomed!

With a loud noise, the master of Hengxian detonated his last divine body, and a fifth-order universe master fell!
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(End of this chapter)

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