Chapter 246

time flies……

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month passed, and the masters of the universe of several forces had already rushed to the boat of the tomb.

At present, the forces that know about it have chosen to keep it secret very tacitly, and they don't want to share it with others.After all, the more people know about it, the lower their chances of obtaining the Inheritance Li Zhibao.

The more people there are, the more complicated the situation is. Although the human race seems to offend people everywhere in recent years, this is also one of the normal conditions in the universe. If you want others to know your strength, the easiest way is to fight!
The rise of the human race requires such battles!Only by continuously defeating powerful enemies will everyone be fearful, or even be subdued, so that the defeated position will be the most stable.

Those big forces known as the Cosmic Sea have also gone through this process.Just like the God-eye tribe, are other powerful people naturally afraid of them?It's not killed yet!
So don't think that the human race is now the enemy of the whole world. If it is the God-eye race, the relationship with other races is actually very bad.

Just like the five forces that have arrived now, the human race is at least not hostile to the Skeletal Race and the Ancestor God Sect in the first cycle.

As for the God-eye tribe, they can be regarded as enemies of the whole world, and they are not bad with the human race, so they have already been exposed.

But with other forces, it is the real grudges that have been accumulated for a long time, especially with the Mu family who are also in the first reincarnation era, it has reached the level of life and death!
The Skeletal Clan and the God-Eye Clan are both peak groups in the first reincarnation era. Although the Skeletal Clan is weaker than the God-Eye Clan, they are also the natural enemies of the God-Eye Clan.The talent of their tribe is to restrain each other.

Since the primordial universe competed for territory, the struggle with each other has never stopped in the past three reincarnation eras.Being able to maintain such a strong strength under the suppression of the God-eye clan, the strength of the Skeletal clan can be imagined.

The boat of the tomb is constantly floating up and down, and the strong people present have their own concerns, and they are all carefully guarding against others.

Everyone is controlling the treasure of the palace, but how many experts are there in the treasure of the palace?No one knows, maybe there are several Skeletons who seem to be alone.Perhaps there are more than two God-eye tribes who estimate that there are only two strong men.

Before the battle, everything was hard to say, so they all maintained restraint.

Time flies, and with a bang, the boat of the tomb is finally completely suspended, and the bottom of the ship breaks away from the black swamp, floating faintly in the air. At the same time, the whole ship starts to vibrate, which means the hatch is about to open!


The ancient ship floating above the black swamp began to tremble slowly, and a gate was gradually exposed on the outer wall on one side of it. The gate slowly rose, and the passage became wider and wider.

All the powerhouses who had prepared for a long time started one after another, and all kinds of palace treasures immediately flew towards the towering tomb boat in the distance at high speed.

After entering the boat of the tomb, everyone tried their best to recognize the master before others, so as to control the boat of the tomb.

It's a pity that this tomb boat currently has an owner, and none of their methods have other effects.

When everyone was still puzzled, a figure that looked very human appeared on the throne in the hall, wearing simple armor with striped patterns, and looking down at the people below with cold eyes.

Broken Donghe Wu is here!
Just like in the original book, he quickly introduced his background, and made it clear that he would select the inheritor of their lineage.

With such an opportunity, all the strong men who arrived here are full of ambition, even those who have been hidden in the palace treasures have chosen to come out.

Those who can come to the sea of ​​the universe, who is not a strong man, will ignore life and death, and how can he let go of such an opportunity!

Unfortunately, God did not wish.

Just for the first screening, three of the nine powerhouses present were selected, not because they were not strong, but because they did not meet the most basic conditions—in the words of Duan Donghe Wu, they were not of our race kind!
This reason is actually the most troublesome, because it means that even other strong men in their clan will fail, and directly deny the inheritance qualifications of many ethnic groups from the root.

Due to the power of Duandonghe Wu, the special rock beings, the Lord of the Sea, the Lord of the Red Pipit, and the Lord of the Giant Rock, who lost their inheritance qualifications, had to leave unwillingly.

Ren thought about it for a while and became more and more angry, the few people who came out were full of unwillingness, even gnashing their teeth!
Especially the two powerhouses of the Skeletal Clan, thinking that there are three members of the God-Eye Clan, they feel even more unbalanced!
Holding the mentality of flipping the table that I can't get it, you can't get it, the two strong men of the Skeletal Clan directly sent the news back to the clan, and suggested that it be distributed directly, so that all major forces can know!Let a large number of strong people come!
In a word, we can't accept the inheritance of the Skeletal Clan, so we can't let the Shenyan Clan get it easily!

In the first small universe of the Skeletal Race, after listening to the narrative of the two, the hearts of the four high-ranking demon masters of the Scorpion Clan were also half-cooled.


"Such an opportunity, unexpectedly, there are three members of the God-Eye Clan, none of us can get in."

"Damn it!"

The four demon masters also let out angry roars, obviously very angry.

"Spread it, spread this news, spread it to the three great ages of reincarnation, and the two great holy land universes." A hoarse voice roared, "Let the entire universe know, and let the powerhouses of all parties rush away, There must be chaos, causing chaos in that tomb boat, and even destroying the inheritance of the Duandong River! In short... Only chaos can give us the Skeletal Race a chance. Even if there is no chance, it can destroy the chance of the God-Eye Race, God-Eye The hatred between the Skeletal Clan and our Skeletal Clan is endless, we cannot let them take advantage of this."


The other three demon lords also roared directly, all of them were furious, and without hesitation, they immediately began to spread the news to all the forces in the universe.

As a result, the inheritance news that was originally controlled in a small area suddenly became that the entire universe sea powerhouse only knows its existence.

When the news spread to such an extent, humans naturally had a share, and it immediately attracted the attention of the human race.

Called by the Chaos City Lord, the Great Ax Conference was held again.

Virtual universe, in front of the giant ax temple.

As soon as Bai Key appeared, he saw that on the stone table in front of the Great Axe Temple, the first Chaos City Lord and the founder of the Great Axe had already sat down, with a Master of the Universe sitting on both sides.

In the current Great Axe meeting, the location distribution is different from before. There was only one seat in the main seat, but now there are three seats.

The one in the middle is still the founder of the giant axe. To his left is the seat of the Lord of Chaos City, and the seat on the right is reserved for Bai Key!

These three seats represent the three most noble positions in the current human race, and also represent the combat power of the strongest!

Of course, while enjoying such a lofty status, it also means that they have to shoulder the responsibility of guiding the human race, otherwise it would be difficult to convince people.

When all the strong human beings arrive, the meeting will begin.

"Luo Feng." The giant ax didn't drag, and called Luo Feng straight to the point.

"Luo Feng." The Primal Chaos City Lord also spoke directly, "We just got the news about the inheritance of the Duandong River. Among the six, are you one?"

"What's the matter with Duandonghe's inheritance?" the creator of the giant ax also asked.

"Has it reached this time already?" Bai Yao was thoughtful, and the other strong human beings looked at Luo Feng obviously full of anticipation and anxiety.

"You will know when you see it."

Luo Feng pointed in the air, projecting and playing the part of his memories, from when they flew into the boat of the tomb, to seeing "Duandonghe" in the control room of the boat of the tomb... The measurement of the Rubik's Cube instrument... ...the battle of the monster Quilo...

"The situation is like this. Duandonghe Wu inheritance, a powerful inheritance of this ancient civilization... is an opportunity, but also extremely dangerous. It is destined to have only one inheritor!"

After watching the whole process, the highest-level powerhouses of the human race who were sitting were all quiet.

"Broken the East River? I know a little bit!" Bai Yao said with a smile at this moment, immediately attracting everyone's attention, even Luo Feng who was accepting the inheritance was very curious.

"Let's put it this way, this inheritance is indeed extremely powerful, and it can be considered top-notch in ancient civilizations! This 192nd generation Duan Donghe used to be at a level higher than the ancestors of the two holy land universes, and his combat power was even higher. Almost two levels higher!"

"What's more, in Duandonghe in the past, several people have reached a higher level, and that level is absolutely strong in ancient civilizations! They can open up an ancient civilization country!"

Having said that, Bai Key looked at the extremely excited crowd and couldn't help pouring some cold water on them.

"For such a tyrannical force, the standard for selecting the sole inheritor is also unusually high. It is impossible to be selected without extraordinary comprehension and combat effectiveness."

"And there are some invisible conditions that the other party didn't explicitly mention, but you should have seen just now that because Luo Feng is still the Venerable Universe, the treatment he receives is different from other people. According to my guess, the Lord of the Universe is different from Luo Feng. The required conditions are more stringent, as for the strongest, it is almost impossible!"

Everyone nodded, different levels, different requirements, everyone understands.

However, everyone was still a little puzzled by the fact that it is almost impossible for the strongest, and Juxue immediately asked: "Why is it almost impossible for us the strongest?"

"Because of the structure of the small universe! In the inheritance I contributed to the ethnic group before, there should be records about this aspect. The practice after the true god has high requirements for the structure of the small universe, and the inheritance of the universe sea lacks, and there is no such aspect at all. Guidance information, so the structure of the small universe is very common, and certainly cannot meet the requirements of the other party."

When they heard the reason for this, everyone understood, especially the masters of the universe who had not yet broken through, they all kept this point in their hearts, and must pay attention to this issue when breaking through in the future.

"Crazy, your You Hai avatar will come to the Beast God Temple immediately, and I will provide you with a space where time is accelerated ten thousand times, allowing you to solve more rhinoceros games within a limited time."

"Yes, accepting the inheritance is the most important thing now! Luo Feng, you continue to accept the inheritance, don't be distracted by us." Juxue directly ordered, "If we humans have arrangements, we will notify you later."

"Yes." Luo Feng nodded slightly, and then disappeared out of thin air under the gaze of many strong men.

"The specific situation, Hunyuan has just told everyone, so this time to accept the inheritance, it all depends on everyone's voluntary. The major forces will pass on the request and select a group of Universe Venerables and Immortals who are willing to accept the inheritance. "

The Chaos City Lord glanced at the crowd, and said the decision of the human race, "Both the giant ax and the Hunyuan are in the universe sea. This time, I will lead the team to the spaceship and meet them there."

At the end of the meeting, everyone quickly went offline to prepare.

In less than a day, all the people who went there were selected and led by the Chaos City Lord to the spaceship.

In order to buy time for their own group, the battle at the hatch of the tomb boat never stopped.

First, the Shadow Bell Demon Lord blocked the door in the first reincarnation era, and then the North Star Allah of the East Emperor Holy Land Universe came and blasted it open.

The Lord of the North Star, who occupied the cabin door, also naturally started to block the latecomers. After only persisting for more than a year, the door was blasted open by the Purple Moon Holy Land and the God-Eye Clan...

The battle for the gate is still going on, and the goalkeeper has been changed several times in the past few years, and more and more strong players have entered it to accept the inheritance.


"Giant axe." Putting away the Feiyuan Shenzhou, Bai Key appeared directly next to the founder of the giant axe.

Traveling in the inner space of the cosmic boat, the founder of the giant axe was the first to arrive at the boat of the tomb, and Bai Key, who returned from Leiling Valley, was the second to arrive.

"Hunyuan! Chaos is coming soon, thanks to the cosmic boat map contributed by you and Luo Feng, otherwise it may have to wait for a while." The giant ax looked away from the hatch of the tomb boat, and said happily.

The major forces in the universe sea almost all received the inheritance information from the Mu family at the same time, but due to various reasons such as maps and distances, they arrived at different times.

It is indeed fast to be able to arrive from the original universe so quickly, as can be seen from the strong people who arrived at the scene.

The forces that have arrived now are mostly in the first reincarnation era, very few in the second reincarnation era, and there is not even a single one in the original universe.

Without keeping them waiting, the Chaos City Lord quickly arrived at the Flame and Ice Region where the Tomb Ship was located.


"Teacher." Seeing the Chaos City Lord appearing, Bai Key shouted.

"Great axe, white key."

"Let's go! Send the strong men of our clan in first!"

After a brief greeting, the three of them came to the hatch of the boat of the tomb together.

There has just been a battle here, and seven of the strongest from the first reincarnation era joined forces to break through the blockade of the strongest in the universe of the two holy places, and entered the interior of the boat of the tomb.

"God Capricorn, God Beixing, the two of you will block our human race!" The creator of the giant ax laughed.

"Haha, of course not! Three please." The Capricorn Allah is very bachelor, so he gave up his position directly.

"I have heard the name of the founder of the giant axe and the lord of Hunyuan long ago. It is a great honor to meet you this time. How can I stop a few of you? Please!" After retreating, I also felt that there was no way to support myself, so I gave up my position after thinking about it.

The East Emperor Holy Land universe also has a detailed understanding of the recently rising human race. Although there has not been a direct conflict, they will not underestimate the human race that is stepping on the top of the Ziyue Holy Land and the God-Eye Race.

The Lord of the North Star, who has not left the Holy Land universe for nearly ten reincarnation eras, has the pride of the Holy Land universe, but he will not cause trouble at this time!After all, the record of human beings is there, without absolute strength, he will not take risks alone.

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(End of this chapter)

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