The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 253 Prelude to War

Chapter 253 Prelude to War (Part [-])
In front of the Great Ax Temple of the virtual universe.

Hearing the word domination, all the powerful people of the human race held their breaths and became excited, and the divine bodies in the outside world seemed to be boiling.


Time to dominate!

Before the rise of Bai Key, the human race could only be regarded as the "peak race" in the primordial universe.

But in the original universe, there are as many as six such peak groups, and with the addition of the other three peak forces, the original universe has nine superpowers!

Among the nine superpowers, human beings are not yet top-notch, but only mid-level.

Placed in the vast sea of ​​universe, it looks even weaker and inconspicuous.

If it is in the first reincarnation era or the second reincarnation era, the human race, which only has one of the strongest in the universe, is not qualified to stand in the ranks of the peak race.

Not to mention the seven strongest members of the universe in the God-eye tribe, the peak groups of the first and second reincarnation eras also have an average of 3-5 strongest members of the universe.

Of course, this has something to do with the fact that their reincarnation era is still developing. If it reaches the end stage, the number of the strongest will definitely not be small.

With the rise of Baiyao, the human race has undergone different changes, and its power has been greatly developed. Whether it is the strongest fighter or the master of the universe, the number and strength are the highest in the entire primordial universe.

The previous battle against the machine clan can only be said to be a small test and the first show.With the help of this possible war, human beings will establish their dominance in the primordial universe!
An era of reincarnation is not long, if you don't hurry up, it will pass soon.Only by occupying more territories faster and earlier can the human race give birth to more powerful people before the Great Destruction.

Other times, there may be no legitimate reason to want to expand.

If it expands directly without reason, it will be cool, but it will not be good for the image of the human race, and it may arouse the common hatred of the major forces in the entire primitive universe.

Things like image and face are important even if they are not important, the main thing is whether you care or not.For example, the God-eye tribe, perhaps because the time limit is approaching, they don't care much about this aspect.

Obviously, the current human race still needs some face.

Because of Duan Donghe's inheritance, the human race will soon have a reasonable opportunity, and everyone certainly doesn't want to let it go.

As long as those alien races dare to provoke the human race, it is only natural to fight back.

"My human race has risen since the time of the original ancestor, and then declined because the original ancestor was suppressed. The giant ax is incompetent, and can only maintain the human race at the peak of the race." The voice of the founder of the giant ax is majestic.

"Giant axe!"

"Giant Axe, you've done a good job!"

The masters of the universe from that era, including the Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Darkness, and the Lord of Peng Gong, all spoke out to comfort the founder of the giant axe.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." The founder of the giant ax waved his hand, saying that he was fine, "I just feel very relieved that the human race has not declined under my hands!"

"In these years, I have been walking on thin ice, worrying about gains and losses, not daring to put myself in danger easily, not daring to show too much strength, for fear of causing suppression by other ethnic groups..."

"Fortunately, I finally waited until the rise of Hunyuan and the breakthrough of Chaos. At that moment, I really relaxed! Because I know that even if I fall, the human race will not fall, and will still pass on!"

Hearing this, everyone was silent. Even the Chaos City Lord and the others could hardly empathize with the pressure on the founder of the giant axe.

Without allowing this tragic atmosphere to spread, the giant ax became high-spirited again in a blink of an eye.

"These are all in the past. The situation of my human race is very good now. What we have to do is to look forward and push the human race to a higher level."

"The plan to dominate the original universe this time came into being!" The founder of the giant axe was full of excitement and anticipation.

"Luo Feng got Duan Donghe's inheritance, and other forces will definitely not let it go like this. The first and second reincarnation eras cannot enter the original universe, and many forces in the original universe must be entangled together to force us through ethnic wars and other methods. I want to snatch the inheritance from my human race."

"So the first stage of the plan is to deal with this possible battle! Before, everyone may have been worried, but now that you have Hunyuan in your pocket, I believe you don't have any scruples,"

Having said that, he suddenly stood up, faced the crowd, and shouted excitedly.

"All strong human beings, let's fight with all our strength! Beat them! Kill all the strong men who dare to attack! Forge my human's peerless reputation and open up a bigger territory for the younger generation!"

"For Humanity!"

"For Humanity!"

The masters of the universe let out excited roars, and their hearts were trembling.

The heart trembled because the goal was too big, so big that they didn't dare to say it in the past, and they didn't have any confidence.

But now, they are not afraid of all challenges!
After a long time, everyone returned to calm, and the founder of the giant axe also talked about the subsequent arrangements.

"Killing people is secondary, and territory is the root of everything. With territory, we humans will give birth to hundreds of thousands of universe masters in the future, and dozens of the strongest in the universe! By then, the two holy places The universe is not as good as my human being!"

"After occupying the territory, it will be the second stage of the plan. At that time, the Lord of Hunyuan and the Lord of the Galaxy, your Hunyuan Palace, will lead, and all parties will cooperate! We must let our human race give birth to more immortals and more universes. Your lord, more masters of the universe, and even more powerhouses in the universe!"




The strong human beings responded very simply and loudly, and they were all full of enthusiasm under the expectation of the future.

They have all seen the inheritance contributed by Baiyao, and they are very clear about how good the systematic cultivation method of the "ancient civilization" is, and it will definitely change the strength of the human race.

In the lineage of Hunyuan Palace, Bai Yao and Luo Feng have all obtained the inheritance of ancient civilization, and they have mastered the magical place of inheritance, so they know the ancient civilization and inheritance best.

Letting them take the lead is naturally the most suitable.

If someone who doesn't understand ancient civilization comes, I'm afraid it will be self-defeating and have a counterproductive effect.

Without refusal, Bai Yao, Luo Feng, and Lord Ganwu expressed their opinions one after another, expressing that they would do this matter well with their heart!

"Okay, let's all go down and prepare well. Especially those who have acquired the most powerful treasures, familiarize yourself with the most powerful treasures, try to show your due strength, and don't let me lose the chain at the critical moment!" At the end of the meeting, the Chaos City Lord urged with everyone.

When it comes to the most powerful treasure, the six people who got it inevitably smiled.As for the master of the universe who has not been achieved because of his lack of strength, he can only envy his life.

"Don't worry, I'm in the inheritance place of Hunyuan Palace now, and I will definitely be able to perfectly display the strength of the most powerful treasure!" The Lord Peng Gong said solemnly.

"Brother, don't worry, we will fulfill our mission!" The Lord of Darkness also expressed his stern attitude.

After the meeting was over, all the strong human beings left one by one, and the place returned to calm. Only the original ancestor smiled and watched all this.


As expected by humans, the primordial universe has indeed begun to surge undercurrents.

The Zerg, Monster, Prison, Crystal, Starry Beast Alliance, Northern Border Alliance, and Ancestral God Sect all made changes, and they recalled the powerful members of their forces from the universe sea.

Not only that, frightened by the powerful strength of the human race, these forces immediately began to draw forces.

Even paying conditions to win over the vassal groups, so that the masters of the universe of the vassal groups will also join this terrible war!

Even the most powerful lone universe experts who are also powerful have returned to the original universe from the universe sea.They are all ready to wait for the opportunity, and they also want to get a share.

However, the powerful human race is also full of deterrence at the moment, and no one is ready to make the first wave of early birds.

Decades later, at the junction of the monster race and the Zerg race, there is a dark and silent desert starry sky.

"Boom..." In the endless golden light, the huge purple sphere teleported to the Kingdom of God.

Then the emerald green light lit up in another place, and a huge ship also slowly appeared.

There is also a supreme will, directly descending here across the distant starry sky.

"Monster Beast, Dream Tea, Shock Horn!"



Five strands of mind communicate in the starry sky.

Immediately, streamers of figures began to fly out of the huge purple sphere and the ancient ship, and soon, figures with powerful auras scattered throughout the starry sky.

The five most powerful men in the universe, plus the masters of the universe of the two major ethnic groups, all gathered here.


The biggest ones are the five strongest.

The fictitious demon god in armor, the ancestor of monster beasts covered in scales, the serpentine silver snake, and the strange beast with a huge sawtooth shell beside it, and another place suspended in mid-air with a thin as a cicada Beautiful Zerg Queen with Wing "Wing".

Speaking of the ancestor of the monster beast, in order to win him back, the monster clan paid a big price!The two strongest men kept their breath in low voice for a long time, and were willing to treat each other as the nominal masters of the monster clan, and paid a lot of treasures to make the other party complain, so they agreed to return.

The other one, the Monster Race Master of the Universe, and the beautiful and charming Zerg Race Queen surrounded them, and there were more vassal Masters of the Universe surrounding the outer void.

Because the Prison Clan, Crystal Clan, Starry Sky Giant Beast Alliance, Ancestral God Sect, and Northern Xinjiang Alliance have not moved, some strong people with ideas in their hearts naturally did not go to seek refuge, and were attracted by the Monster Race Alliance that was actively recruiting.

They originally had an alliance of sixty or seventy vassals of the Lord of the Universe, which directly expanded to about 200 during this period.

"Humans have three strongest fighters, the giant axe, the chaos, and the lord of Hunyuan. Among them, Hunyuan has a clone, and we have the upper hand in the number of lords of the universe. Do we really want to act?" asked uncertainly.

Although the inheritance beyond reincarnation is attractive, he still has some scruples about the strength of the human race.

"Haha, don't worry, Xuzhen, our goal this time is not to destroy the human race." The ancestor of the monster beast laughed, looking confident.

The corners of Zhen Yaozu and Meng Yaozu's mouths twitched, cursing each other's idiots in their hearts.

How much they were scolding in their hearts, it was hard for them to express it now, Meng Yaozu had no choice but to take over, "The monster beast is right, this is the primordial universe, the powerful strength of the giant ax and Hunyuan can't be used at all, we just need to Just hold them back."

"Holding them back, taking the opportunity to suppress the Master of the Universe of a part of the human race, and using this as a threat to make them hand over their inheritance is our plan," Zhen Yaozu added.

"Then what if the human race hides?"

"Hehe, when he is in full bloom, do you think he will hide?"

"That's right, the human race will not give up such a huge territory, and will definitely confront us!"


Soon, the five strongest men discussed and assigned combat missions.

This war has not yet started, and I am afraid that it has already booked the largest war in the history of the original universe and the most powerful war.

"For this expedition, the three of us from the Monster Race plus Xu Zhen are responsible for restraining the giant axe, Chaos, and Hunyuan who have top combat power in the human race!"

The Ancestor of the Monster Beast, the Demon God of Void and Truth, and the Ancestor of the Dream Monster all nodded.

"And the empress owns the most powerful and treasured palace, and is responsible for leading an army of 216 masters of the universe to wipe out the masters of the universe who suppress the human race with absolute advantage!"

"The human race plus the dozens of masters of the universe in the Hongmeng area are very different from us. Please hit the queen with one blow and don't give them time to escape." Zhen Yaozu's voice resounded in everyone present. People's ears and minds.

The Zerg Queen nodded slightly in the distance.

"Kill!" The powerful members of the Zerg and Monster races roared immediately.

"Kill!" Those vassal groups also roared.

"Kill!" The entire starry sky, or flesh and blood life, or rock life, or metal life, or intelligent life...all roared.

Regarding transcending reincarnation, the eyes of the demon god of virtual reality and the ancestor of the monster beast who had just returned to the monster clan also glowed red.

"Forward, Human Territory!" With a roar, everyone quickly disappeared!


Now that I have a hunch that this war is not a small fight before, but a real battle of ethnic demise.

During these decades of turbulent undercurrents, the human race has not been idle, and is making preparations in an orderly manner.

First of all, the next generation living in the territory with great potential, all the universe-level, domain masters, and world masters in the more than 1800 universe countries are quickly gathered!Then it was taken to the three small universes of human beings.

And more importantly, all the immortal gods and universe lords have returned to the small universe for the first time.

In this kind of large-scale war, the super beings fight extremely fiercely. At most, they can't control it and spread to ordinary humans, but they won't deliberately massacre!
Because if one party kills, the other party can also kill.Moreover, the most common human beings, monster races, etc., only need to release a large number of human beings from the "Kingdom of God" of immortal gods and disperse them on all living planets. It will take hundreds or thousands of years to multiply quickly.

Therefore, ordinary residents, as long as they have a large number of human beings living in the "Kingdom of God" and "World Ring" as seeds, they can multiply rapidly, and it will have little impact on the ethnic group.

 Subscriptions have been a bit bleak recently, begging for a wave of subscriptions!A double update is delivered today.

(End of this chapter)

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