The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 283 The Heart of the World

Chapter 283 The Heart of the World
"The Jiexin Universe is the real headquarters of our Jiexin Palace!" God King Shi Li introduced with some pride.

"The super strong men in our Realm Heart Palace, whether they are the Lords of Chaos, God Kings like us, or even the stronger God Emperor God Emperors, all live here! In addition, there are many talented disciples, They were also brought here for cultivation.”

"As for the headquarters of the outside world, there are usually only a few strong people guarding it to maintain the huge power of our Realm Heart Palace in the Origin Continent."

After listening to the other party's introduction, Bai Yao was a little surprised.

It's just a small universe. It shouldn't be rare in the Origin Continent, right?

Even a true god can create a small universe in the Kingdom of God, let alone the powerful and powerful God Kings.

But the headquarters universe in front of us is obviously not ordinary for it to be praised by the powerful God King.

And according to what the other party said, the super strong people at the core of the Jiexin Palace are all existences at the lowest level of the Chaos Lord. The competition will gather in this universe, which once again shows how extraordinary this place is.

Generally, chaos is called a saint, but those who cannot be called masters can at best be called saints.

Being called a master has proven that this strong man has understood his own way and can break through and become a strong god king at any time!
The reason why I don't make a breakthrough is because I want to accumulate more wealth and lay a more solid foundation so that I can go further in the future.

Just like the True God's small universe, different Chaos Sanctuaries have different levels of enlightenment. The strength of the Dao foundation will determine how far they can go in the future.

Therefore, as long as a strong person with a long-term vision will spend more time at this stage, absorbing and understanding the path followed by the predecessors, he will repeatedly polish and refine his own foundation in order to achieve a more perfect breakthrough.

The universe in front of us must have its own special characteristics if it can attract these powerful people who need to accumulate.

"Is there anything mysterious about this universe?" Bai Yao asked curiously if he didn't understand.

"Haha, there are only two types of universes that can be maintained naturally. One is born in the chaotic void, and the other is created by super powerful people!"

The universe mentioned here is naturally not a small universe that is evolved with the help of original laws.

It is a universe that even if it is separated from the strong, it can still be maintained as eternally as the Origin Continent without being destroyed by external forces.Even if it falls into great destruction, it will be reborn again and will not really die!

God King Kou Dao looked at the huge universe in front of him, with some longing on his face, "Fellow Taoist should know that the only ones who can create an eternal and naturally sustainable universe are powerful people like me and other God-Kings!"

Bai Yao nodded. It is not difficult to create a universe. The Eternal God can create a universe with just one thought. But that kind of universe, let alone its size, cannot be sustained at all.

Even if it is the existence of Chaos Saint, because it has not had the experience of deriving the universe from the beginning, it cannot do the same.

Only the strong ones of the God King level, who have the experience of evolving chaotic space into the inner universe, can replicate this feat externally.

Precisely because he was able to create a world out of chaos and evolve a universe that could sustain itself forever, the God-King of the Origin Continent was called the God of the Universe by the powerful men from different universes!
Of course, even with experience, the powerful God King still needs to pay a huge price if he wants to create a perfect universe in the outside world.

Generally speaking, no god king would do such a thankless thing. The powerful god kings themselves have two universes, one inner and one outer. An extra universe will not do them much good.

After breaking through to the realm of the God King, the expansion of the small universe can no longer be restricted by the laws of operation. As long as the Tao understood is strong enough and can withstand the pressure from the chaotic void, it is not difficult to expand.

Although as early as when he broke through the chaos and became a saint, his own divine body could transform the chaotic energy of the outside world, the efficiency was not as good as that of the small universe.

The transformation efficiency of the derived inner universe is not as good as that of the small universe in the ocean of chaos due to the limitations of the surrounding environment.

In order to ensure the supply of divine power, the small universe still plays a significant role for the powerful God King, and will continue to expand its own small universe in the chaotic ocean.

But even if it is to quickly transform divine power, there is no need to reopen a small universe!

Rather than re-opening it, it would be better to focus this energy on expanding the existing small universe, which would achieve much better results.

Now turning to look at the huge universe with violent energy fluctuations in the distance, Bai Yao was also a little surprised.

Because the universe in front of us is hundreds of times larger than the original universe where the earth is located!
Creating such a universe that is vaster than the original universe, even in the Origin Continent, is definitely an earth-shattering undertaking.

The price spent in this process is probably far beyond the wealth of ordinary god-kings, and the means of expenditure are even more unavailable to many ordinary god-kings.

The most important thing is that as long as the secrets contained in it can be understood, the powerful God King will make progress because of it.

From here we can also see from the side how powerful and wealthy the Emperor Jie Xin is who created this universe!
"Now you know why our Realm Heart Palace stands among the five major forces!"

Bai Yao nodded again, not to mention other strong men, who occupied the Realm Heart Palace of this universe and were already in an invincible position.

The universe of the True God of the Void requires the attack power at the peak of the Eternal True God level to destroy it.

The Eternal True God Universe requires the level of attack power of the Chaos Lord!

By analogy, what kind of attack power is needed to destroy this vast universe, which is several levels larger than the God King's universe?

Are there such people in the Origin Continent?
Therefore, the Jiexin Palace that controls this universe has such pride and qualifications to call the shots in the Origin Continent.


Through the cosmic membrane wall, Bai Yao also observed the situation inside the universe.

Similar to the original universe, there is also a boundless starry sky and a vast continent floating in the void.

From a distance, he could feel the powerful creatures lurking inside!

This is perhaps the biggest difference from the original universe. The level of the powerful beings in this universe is infinitely higher than that in the original universe.

In the original universe where the earth was located, there were only about a dozen true gods, but in this universe, there were probably countless eternal true gods born.

Yes, there are also endless creatures in this universe. Those who can enter the Jiexin Palace are the lowest Chaos Lord or above and a small number of geniuses. These creatures he sensed were obviously born in this universe.

"Fellow Taoist, it is forbidden for strong men like us to fight in the universe. Violators will be regarded as provocative and will be severely punished." During the teleportation process, God King Shili explained some rules within the universe to Bai Yao. .

"Thank you both for informing me. Hunyuan will definitely abide by the rules here."

Listen to people's advice and eat well.

He would not refuse the kindness of the two people, and he also thanked them for the reminder.

Being able to steadily absorb the knowledge of the Realm Heart Palace and improve his own cultivation theory and enlightenment, he wished no one would disturb him.

They were afraid that Bai Yao would not know the rules and act impulsively, but they didn't know that he was also afraid of being provoked by someone who had no foresight.

With his strength, he is not afraid, but this will inevitably expose some of his strength and attract some attention.

But these are inevitable. Where there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, and it is normal for there to be fights.

No matter how rich the Jie Xin Palace is, it is impossible to provide unlimited cultivation resources to everyone, and if the strong want to improve themselves, there will definitely be some fights.

As a newcomer, he will definitely squeeze out the resources of some of the old players who have immediate interests. Conflicts have arisen, and it depends on how he resolves them.

Under the leadership of the two powerful God Kings, Bai Yao quickly arrived at the core of the universe, a vast and huge continent.

The diameter of this continent alone is no less than trillions of light-years in size, surpassing the inner universe of an ordinary god king!

On the continent, there are endless palaces, and at the core is a palace that exudes dazzling light.

Like the scorching sun, its light transcends time and space and spreads to every corner of the continent.

"Fellow Taoist, you first connect to the virtual universe of the Jiexin Universe and complete the assessment we recommend for you. Then we will take you to the assigned residence."

"Fellow Taoist, please don't misunderstand. This is the rule of Jie Xin Palace. Even with our recommendation, this must be completed." Fearing that he would misunderstand, King Kou Dao did not forget to explain. "As it should be." Bai Yao didn't think it was inappropriate.

After being reminded, Bai Yao quickly sensed an illusory world, presumably what they call the virtual universe.

Without hesitation, Bai Yao released a trace of his will and descended into this illusory world.

"Ding, plug-in Hunyuan, do you accept the assessment initiated by the two God King Mountain Masters Shi Li and Kou Dao?"

After the will came, Bai Yao came directly to an empty void, and then received such a notice.


Once here, there was no reason to back down, so Bai Yao immediately agreed.


As he nodded in agreement, the void changed in an instant. Dark clouds suddenly covered the entire sky, and the bottom was also covered by the endless black sea water, which looked very breathtaking.


Thunder exploded in the dark clouds all over the sky, and powerful lightning struck the sea surface, causing a large hole to evaporate in the sea water.


A strange sound sounded, extremely penetrating. The thunder seemed to be suppressed at this time, and only the scream spread far and wide through time and space.

The sea water surged, and instead of being filled up by the sea water, the hole gradually began to expand.

Under Bai Yao's sight, two curved peaks poked out directly from the deep sea water. Their sharp peaks had the potential to pierce the dark clouds in the sky!
The sea water was surging violently, and the lightning seemed to be getting more powerful and dense!

As the two peaks continued to tear apart the sea water and surfaced, Bai Yao could see their true colors clearly.

What kind of mountain is this?

The two curved peaks are the two horns on the head of a strange giant beast.

The strange beast looks like a cow, with four hooves touching the sky, two horns on its head, and its body is covered with green scales.

Following his appearance, wind and rain followed, the roar was like thunder, and cyan light radiated in all directions.

At this moment, outside this virtual space, a large number of super powerful people from the Jie Xin Palace were watching.

"Kui Ling!"

After the strange beast appeared, it was quickly recognized by these super powerful people.

Kui Ling, a lineage among the indigenous people of the origin continent, was born to control the power of thunder. The strongest person in this lineage was a person who was comparable to the peak power of the God Emperor today!

"Shi Li, what is the origin of this person you brought back? You actually directly recommended him to participate in the mountain master assessment!"

"Yes, judging from its aura, it doesn't take long before you break through the chaos and become a saint, right?"

Seeing this scene, some super beings from the Jie Xin Palace directly asked God King Shi Li who recommended this assessment.

"I can't explain it at the moment, so just keep watching, it will definitely exceed your expectations!"

"Haha, I just broke through. It's good to pass the Chaos Lord's assessment. Now I'm going to take the Mountain Lord's assessment. I'm afraid..."

"Don't say that. To be valued by Shi Li and Kou Dao, there must be something special about this person. Let's take a look."


Bai Yao was unaware of the discussions outside. He was currently looking at each other with the strange beast in front of him.

"My name is Kui Ling, and the assessor is Hunyuan. Kill me to pass the assessment, otherwise it will be considered as a failure."

An emotionless voice came from the alien beast's mouth, and it stared at him with extremely cold eyes.

Nodding to show understanding, Bai Yao was not in a hurry to take action.

His reaction stunned Kui Ling, and then he seemed to be slighted, and a fierce light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Looking for death! Moo..."

The strange cry sounded again, and the two sharp horns of the alien beast flashed with explosive thunder, echoing the thunder and lightning in the sky.


The endless thunder and lightning turned into the light of swords all over the sky. Each sword seemed to be able to open up a big world, and struck Bai Yao who was standing there fiercely.

With the same wave of his hand, countless chaotic air blades flew towards the thunder and lightning.

"Boom boom boom!"

A violent collision sounded, and dark clouds, sea water, and thunder and lightning were swept away by the aftermath of the collision, and then turned into nothing.

Even the virtual space was directly broken at this moment, and endless chaotic airflow flowed out from the cracks in the space, spreading all over the entire battlefield in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the attack was not effective, Kui Ling did not delay at all, and launched the second attack instantly.

The double-horned lightning flashed, and a thunderous attack quietly cut through the chaos, turning into a sharp sword, leaving a deep ravine and striking straight towards the White Key.

"Hunyuan Realm, start!"

The energy of chaos surrounding tens of millions of light years was controlled in a matter of breaths, and the laws of chaos that comprised it were instantly reorganized and became extremely tough.


Like a hot knife cutting through butter, the power of thunder penetrated Bai Yao's Hunyuan realm, and then seemed to be stuck in a quagmire. His speed dropped sharply, and the surging energy he carried was gradually wiped out, and finally he was far away from him. The place disappears.

"Interesting, it is indeed a strange beast from the continent of origin. Such a powerful thunder is already close to the Tao, and it can destroy the universe easily!"

Recalling the power and composition of the thunder in the field just now, Bai Yao was filled with admiration.

Both attacks failed, and Kui Ling seemed to be extremely angry. At this moment, the lightning was not only flashing on his horns, but also spread throughout his body.


As if the world was shattered, the chaotic energy in the space under his feet was instantly evaporated, and his figure disappeared directly from the spot.

The speed was so fast that it even transcended this time and space.

The next moment, Jing directly crossed the Hunyuan realm of tens of millions of light years and appeared in front of Bai Yao.

Two sharp horns came close to him, and the powerful thunder path was attached to them, and the Hunyuan Domain was pierced.

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(End of this chapter)

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