The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 292 Longjiang 9 seals

Chapter 292 Longjiang Jiufeng
"Is this the King of Realm Beasts?" Recalling the hideous monster with two heads and ugly black skin that he suppressed in the Cosmic Sea, and comparing it with the King of Realm Beasts in front of him, Bai Yae couldn't even recognize it.

Not far from the battlefield, Master Baiyao and his apprentice walked out of the space passage. The first thing that caught their eyes was the battle scene between the two peak powerhouses.

At this time, in this area, all living vegetation on the ground had been razed to the ground by the aftermath of the battle.

Those originally majestic mountains and solid cities were as fragile as tofu in front of these two peak powerhouses, and were destroyed not long after the battle began.

"Teacher, it seems that the Lord of Longjiang is dying."

"Don't just look at the surface. These powerful men are far from being as simple as they appear. Keep looking!"

Sure enough, the subsequent battle proved that the two of them had not used their full strength before.

"You want to get rid of me so easily, Fire Claw, you think so beautifully! Big..."

In the center of the battlefield, the leader of the Longjiang Kingdom, who was in desperate situation, roared angrily. The majestic Yangtze River behind him directly merged into his body, causing his figure to continue to skyrocket, turning into his true appearance - a giant river hundreds of millions of light-years in size. dragon.

"Long Jiang", also known as Long Yijiang, can switch between two life forms. It is a special life born in the origin continent.

In the previous battles, he fought with Jiang Phase and part of Dragon Phase. The change now is that he completely transformed from Jiang Phase to Dragon Phase, which is also his strongest fighting form.

He was born as a perfect being at the level of the Lord of Laws, and his body was extremely huge. Without the limitations of the original universe, he could even expand to the extent of surpassing the Nine Nether Sea.

This kind of heaven-defying creature naturally has heaven-defying talents to match him, one of which is the clone technique.

"Longjiang" is not a single water system, but is composed of countless branches. Among them, the largest nine branches can be transformed into nine major clones under the influence of the clone technique.

Unlike the original universe where the clone technique was given to the original universe, his talent itself was innately carried.

Even after breaking through the True God and returning to the origin, all the clones returned to the original body, but this talent still exists, but it has been transformed into a hidden one, and it no longer only needs to be stimulated to be used.

The fate of the leader of Longjiang Kingdom was astonishing. During his growth, he received a bloodline development and inheritance from the aboriginal lineage.

According to this, while he was a fellow cultivator of both bloodlines, the Tao of the Universe became the God King, he also made great achievements in the development of his bloodline.At least he has redeveloped the clone technique that was originally hidden in his own genes.

He has been hiding well all this time and has not exposed the existence of other clones. Even if others have some guesses, it is difficult to know the specific number of his clones.

At this moment, facing the extremely powerful enemy Fire Claw, the King of Realm Beasts, he finally stopped hiding this trump card.

His body was completely converted into dragon form, and the blue flames seemed to condense into substance, forming armor that completely covered his whole body.

With a random swing, most of the devouring channels like maggots attached to bones were destroyed.

Swish swish!
At the same time, eight identical dragon figures appeared around.

"Fire Claw, if you can force me to use all my strength, your death will not be unjust!"

"Nine seals of Longjiang!" Nine giant dragons that were billions of light years in size flew out and formed a mysterious formation, completely sealing off everything in the void at once. Even the movement of the world beast warriors became extremely difficult.

But this time, Longjiang National Football Team obviously has a clearer goal, which is to restrict these realm beast warriors. The most important target of the suppression power is the king of realm beasts, Fire Claw.

The powerful sealing force made it difficult to move, and he watched helplessly as one of the giant dragons came to it and sprayed out endless blue flames to freeze it.

"Haha, it's useless! I won't die!" Fire Claw, the king of world beasts in the ice, was not worried at all, but instead mocked the Lord of Longjiang.

"Hmph! Knowing that you world beasts can have thousands of clones, why am I so unprepared!"

Unexpectedly, under its ridicule, the Lord of Longjiang did not become angry, but instead a blue light flashed in the dragon's eyes.

Just as the king of realm beasts, Fire Claw, was stunned, a powerful force of willpower acted on it. The powerful impact made his brain go into a trance for a moment.

Among people of the same level, it is obvious that the will of cultivators is stronger than that of these demons who only rely on devouring.

"It's now, Bing Yan!"

Seeing the bewildered King of Realm Beasts, Fire Claw, an icy blue flame flew out of Longjiang Kingdom's eyes, and instantly disappeared into the opponent's body.

The flames entered the body, and the biting coldness suddenly awakened the king of world beasts, Fire Claw, and his holy eyes suddenly ignited with flames.


Not only this clone, but its clones hidden throughout the Origin Continent also woke up at the same time, roaring angrily, as if to resist the invasion of the Lord of Longjiang.

The body cannot move, but it does not affect the power of the world beast king Fire Claw in mobilizing the power in the body. The most original destructive power rushes out crazily and pounces on the seemingly delicate ice-blue flame.


Facing the erosion of the power of destruction, although the ice blue flame is also losing power, it is still very firmly close to the core "world" in the body of the world beast.

In an instant, the flames approached the "realm" within the body of the king of realm beasts, Fire Claw.

As if encountering a flammable object, all the power of the ice-blue flame burst out, directly covering the "world" and constantly eroding inside, trying to change the original will of the world beast king, Fire Claw.

However, enslaving world beasts is not that simple!
Although the power of the God King is very strong, the destructive power of the Realm Beast King's Fire Claw cannot be compromised, and the two are completely opposite in nature. It is extremely difficult to force an invasion.

Sure enough, after a while, the ice-blue flames that invaded the body of the Realm Beast King Fire Claw showed signs of decline and were quickly annihilated by the power of destruction.

"How is it possible? For this day, I even paid a price to exchange it for this secret technique from a master of soul slavery in Tianfeng Ancient Kingdom, but it didn't succeed."

The ice blue flame was extinguished, and the Lord of Longjiang, as the caster, naturally noticed it immediately. His face was extremely ugly, and he exclaimed in shock.


On the contrary, Fire Claw, the King of Realm Beasts, broke out in a cold sweat and laughed wildly after escaping the disaster.

"Long Jiang, I admit that I underestimated you. Jing made me feel the feeling of death. Next, I will use all my strength to eat you alive!" He suppressed his smile, and a cold look appeared in the eyes of the king of world beasts, Fire Claw, and instantly Self-destructed this body.


I didn't expect that the other party would be so decisive. The clone was immediately enveloped in the light of destruction, and it only lasted for a moment before being completely annihilated.

After all, it is the most important body of the Realm Beast King Fire Claw. The destructive power in its body is astonishing. Such power is not surprising.

The light of destruction continued to expand and soon broke the missing block of the Longjiang Kingdom.

Like a supernova explosion, a shocking scene once again appeared in this area. The energy fluctuations that were more powerful than the destruction just performed by millions of world beast warriors erupted, crushing this space and time again.

Even Bai Yao and the two people in the distance were affected by this wave of attacks, but the torrent of energy that spread in front of them was no longer enough to cause harm to them, and they were easily resisted.

"Teacher, the Lord of Longjiang is so powerful that he actually forced the King of World Beasts to explode!" Ye Youyan's eyesight was still weak and he could only take a superficial look. "How could the King of Realm Beasts, who had millions of clones, die just like that?" Bai Yao looked into the distance.

Although they also withstood this destructive storm, the realm beast warriors suffered little loss. First, the realm beast king Fire Claw ordered them to stay away from this place at the moment of self-destruction. Second, as realm beasts, they have resistance to the power of destruction. Already very high.

In a corner of the battlefield, the destructive power surged from several realm beast warriors, and a realm light channel was formed instantly, responding to the arrival of other clones of the realm beast king, Fire Claw.

The experience just now made Fire Claw, the King of Realm Beasts, extremely angry and directly sent out more than 100 million of its strongest clones. Each of these clones also gave birth to a huge number of Realm Beast warriors.

The purpose of sending such a huge lineup is to kill the leader of Longjiang Kingdom here to relieve the hatred in his heart.

The clones of the King of World Beasts, Fire Claw, are constantly coming, and the number of World Beast warriors is also rising. The Lord of Longjiang is frightened by the sight. If he hadn't come to this battle with the determination to die, he might have escaped from here.

The ensuing battle was a bit lackluster. The avatar of the King of Realm Beasts, Fire Claw, carried a large number of realm beast warriors, and continuously sent out terrifying energy shocks, causing the leader of Longjiang Kingdom to retreat step by step, and his divine power was also greatly depleted.

This simple and crude attack was also difficult to deal with, and he soon fell into a desperate situation.

"Teacher!" Ye Youyan said anxiously.

"Okay, now that he's here, I won't let him perish!"

He stepped forward, each step spanning distant time and space, and he reached the edge of the battlefield in just a few steps.

His appearance naturally attracted the attention of both sides of the battle.

"Here comes another one who is not afraid of death!" Fire Claw, the king of world beasts, sneered.

With almost nine layers of power concentrated here, it is not afraid of adding a few more god kings. Wherever the army passes, everything will be destroyed.

"Fellow Taoist, please leave here. This world beast king, Fire Claw, is too powerful and cannot be defeated by us. If you are willing, just leave some fire seeds to my Longjiang Kingdom."

Seeing that the person who came was just a combination of a god king and a saint, the Lord of Longjiang was a little disappointed, and no longer thought of making a comeback, he took the initiative to persuade Bai Yao not to interfere.

"Fellow Taoist is interested, but I am traveling this time, but I have accepted a task in the palace. The devil is right in front of me, so there is no reason not to take action!" Bai Yao smiled casually.

"In the palace? Don't you know where it comes from?" After hearing Bai Yao's answer, the Lord of Longjiang was stunned, and then asked excitedly as if he remembered something.

"Jie Xin Palace, Hunyuan!"

The communication between the two was accomplished through divine sound transmission, and they tended to become more and more engaged as they chatted.

But the King of Realm Beasts next to him, Fire Claw, obviously had no intention of letting them communicate in depth. From the moment he discovered White Key, he had already controlled an army of realm beast warriors and surrounded them.

"Destroy reincarnation!"

Tens of millions of world beast warriors joined forces to launch a terrifying energy torrent attack!



As the torrent of destructive energy approached, Bai Yao watched everything indifferently, but the Lord of Longjiang and Ye Youyan spoke out one after another.


After the energy torrent approached the White Key, there was no sound of collision. Instead, it was swallowed up into a huge black furnace like a swallow returning to its nest.

Part of this destructive energy was refined and absorbed by the Hunyuan Furnace and transformed into his own power, while part of it was transferred to the universe that had just evolved successfully in his body and transformed into the origin of the universe under a special structure.

The destructive energy spewed out by these world beast warriors was more powerful than the chaotic airflow, and contained a lot of energy, which made Bai Yao's eyes light up as he had just broken through and was lacking energy.

In the breath, all the destructive energy disappeared, as if the attack just now was not issued.

"My body also happens to lack energy. In addition, my Hunyuan oven also needs to know some ways of destruction to enhance its devouring ability. Since you have come to my door, I will not be polite!" Bai Yao muttered to himself.

Under everyone's gaze, the black oven that originally only covered a few light-years around it spread to an area covering tens of billions of light-years, directly covering the realm beast warriors and clones in this area.

Like a net being cast out, the Hunyuan oven that had expanded rapidly quickly returned to its original size.

The world beast warriors and clones that originally covered a radius of tens of billions of light years disappeared instantly, making the sky suddenly look extremely empty.

No one could react to this change in the blink of an eye.

Even the king of world beasts, Fire Claw, only felt that his world beast warriors suddenly lost contact, and only those clones still had a vague connection.

Without giving him time to react, Bai Yao used the Hunyuan Way to change the surrounding rules, increasing his speed to billions of times the speed of light, instantly crossing a long distance and arriving at the other side of the battlefield.

The old trick was repeated, and the Hunyuan oven expanded again, clearing out an area tens of billions of light-years in size.

"Who are you? How come you are so powerful?" Fire Claw, the King of Realm Beasts, went crazy. He was already confident of winning, but he reversed course at the last moment.

This powerful man who suddenly appeared, and the furnace he evolved using secret techniques, were more like a devil than he was.

At least he asked himself that he was not able to swallow so many targets in an instant. This was a very shocking thing for the King of World Beasts who was the master of the Way of Devouring.

When such a question was asked, it proved that the matter was beyond its control. All the clones put away the surrounding beast warriors and began to flee quickly in different directions.

"Can you escape?"

Seeing the clones of the Realm Beast King Fire Claw flying in different directions, Bai Yao snorted disdainfully. The light on his body flashed and dozens of clones were separated at the same time.

After becoming the True God, he returned to his origin, and all the clone techniques granted by the rules of operation disappeared.

It is extremely difficult to cultivate a clone after the true god. The value of the secret technique that can cultivate a clone is beyond the imagination of countless people.

Even many Chaos Saints find it difficult to come up with the resources to exchange for the Clone Technique.

Moreover, it is very difficult for many people to gather the resources that can satisfy their own cultivation. Having another clone consumes huge amounts of money and many people simply cannot support it.

If the clone's divine body cannot be expanded to a certain size, the combat power is difficult to guarantee. It is better to concentrate all these divine powers on the main body, so that more powerful strength can be exerted.

After joining the Jiexin Palace, there is no shortage of channels to find the clone technique. For this kind of secret technique, Bai Yao will definitely not let it go, and he exchanged a few of them at the first time.

After countless years, they have all successfully cultivated, and it is not difficult to create some clones.

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(End of this chapter)

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