The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 294: Knock on the door

Chapter 294: Knock on the door (4000 words long chapter)
"This fellow Taoist disciple's surname is Yeyou. Does it have anything to do with the Yeyou Kingdom back then?" The leader of the Chen Kingdom asked with some confusion at this time.

"It does have something to do with it, Yan, you can tell it yourself." Bai Yao turned to look at Ye Youyan.

"Yes, teacher." Ye Youyan respectfully replied to Bai Yao before looking at everyone again.

"Seniors, I do come from the previous Kingdom of Ye You, and I am the ninth generation grandson of the country's leader. When the country was invaded by demons, I was training in other parts of the Origin Continent, and only then did I escape the catastrophe!"

"After a long period of time, I was lucky enough to be under the disciples of my mentor and successfully break through and become a saint!"

"Haha, you are quite blessed. By chance, Jingran became the sect of Lord Hunyuan Mountain. I think your achievements in the future will be good!"

"Yes, with the guidance of Master Hunyuan Mountain and the resources of Jiexin Palace, it is not impossible for me to re-establish Yeyou Kingdom in the future!"

Who here is not a human being? There is no trace of flattery, and soon the relationship with Bai Yao and the others has become closer.

It's no wonder that they are so flattering. In fact, Ye Youyan's current status alone is already worthy of their win over.

As long as the true disciples of Jie Xin Palace accumulate for a period of time, they can rely on secret techniques and treasures that are superior to those of the outside world, and explode with power that is not inferior to the top saints of these ordinary countries.

What's more, as long as they don't die, their talents will definitely be able to go further and become the masters of chaos, or even god kings.

Even if they don't look at his future development, Bai Yao, a powerful teacher, is right in front of them, and they can't help but disrespect him.

Finally, under the arrangements of the Lord of Longjiang and others, everyone held a grand banquet in the capital of Longjiang.

The most important thing about this banquet is to thank Bai Yao for his help to the three major kingdoms, and the second thing is to celebrate overcoming this crisis.

After the banquet was over, Bai Yao did not rush into the Black Hell Yin Sea to find trouble with the Prison Slaughter Master. Instead, he continued to travel through the three major kingdoms.

The two masters and apprentices traveled in the areas where the three major kingdoms were located for hundreds of years, and saw the living environment and customs of this area that were different from the original universe.

As time passed, they entered the fallen capital of Yeyou.

In fact, most of the territory of the Yeyou Kingdom had been divided up by the other three kingdoms, except for places that had been polluted by demons and were unsuitable for practitioners to live.

This place where the royal capital is located was the main battlefield in the battle back then, and it is still affected today.

Those cosmic god-level demons and god-kings are fighting again. Under the influence of different Taoism, the cultivation environment here has been changed.

The laws are chaotic and time and space are extremely unstable. This is a true portrayal of this place now, and it has also become a new dangerous place.

The weird energy that filled the battlefield made even the Eternal True God dare not approach it. Only the Eternal True God and above could stay here permanently with the help of defensive treasures.

It's just a long-term stay. In a place where the laws are chaotic, it is extremely difficult to cultivate and grow.

For a long time, almost no one came here except some who wanted to find treasures from the ruins.

"Creak, creak..."

Ye Youyan led the way, and the master and apprentice walked among the ruins, with countless dead bones and yellow sand under their feet, and continued to move towards the center of the capital in his memory.

Looking at the vast and desolate surroundings, it is hard to imagine that this place was once the capital of a Kingdom of God.

Only those with strong powers of observation can observe those ancient buildings hidden in the yellow sand.

I don’t know how long they have been walking, but the master and apprentice have already crossed a long distance. Taking other cities as an example, they must have reached the central area of ​​the city.


As Ye Youyan waved his palm forward, the time and space in front of him suddenly became clear.

What appeared in front of them was a huge building covering dozens of light-years around.

After such a long time, there is still energy flowing in it, spontaneously hiding the space where the building is located.

If Ye Youyan hadn't been a core member of this country and knew where those important buildings were, it would have been really difficult for outsiders to find this place in such a huge area.

Slowly walking to the door of the huge building, Ye Youyan used the special secret method of Ye You to restart the ancient building.


The door in the building opened, and the master and apprentice stepped inside one after another.

Different from the desolate situation outside, the inside of the building is bright and magnificent.

"Teacher, this is the ancestral temple of our lineage. It not only serves the fallen strong men of our lineage in the past generations, but also the soul lamps of the core members!"

Bai Yao looked around and saw countless virtual images in the center, presumably those of the fallen powerful men of the Yeyou lineage.

After walking to another side hall, there are countless soul lamps stored in it.

Looking around, almost all of them have been extinguished, only a few hundred of them are still emitting their own light.

These hundreds of soul lanterns mean that there are only a few hundred core members of Ye You's lineage left, which is almost equivalent to annihilation for the number of people who numbered hundreds of millions at its peak.

With a sigh, Ye Youyan gathered all the remaining soul lanterns. As for the others that had been extinguished, he put them away.

Returning to the main hall, he waved his hand to release the extinguished soul lamps, and they fell into the virtual images according to their status in life.

The extinguished soul lamp returned to its place, and its interior seemed to be activated again, projecting the image of the owner of the soul lamp during his lifetime.

Bai Yao walked out of the building, and Ye Youyan began to pay homage to these dead strong men according to ancient rituals.

After the worship, Ye Youyan stopped in the hall for a cup of tea before walking out of his memories. He sighed helplessly before leaving.

Bai Yao had been waiting for him outside, not in a hurry, but waiting silently.

When it was all over, they started on their journey again.


On an island deep in the Hell Sea, a space vortex suddenly appeared.

Master Bai Yao and his apprentice had just come out of the space passage and arrived above the core palace on the island.

"The practitioner's aura dares to break into the dark sea of ​​​​hell."

"Whoever he is, kill him!"

The two demons in the holy realm who were responsible for managing the island were out of anger at this moment. They manipulated the magic circle in shock and anger, and attacked the master and apprentice Bai Yao with murderous intent.

While attacking, they also sent messages to contact their leaders, hoping to receive support.


No need for Bai Yao to take action, Ye Youyan flickered a few times, and the void was filled with his afterimage. When everything returned to calm, the two holy beings had turned into powder and drifted away in the wind.

This was the first island, and a few days later, the second island.

Soon, another island not far from this island also followed suit.

This unusual situation quickly attracted the attention of higher-ups and was placed in the core palace for discussion.

"The tribesmen on those islands are probably in dire straits."

"A strong man broke into the dark sea of ​​​​hell."

"It must be Lord Hunyuan Mountain of Jiexin Palace, he's here! He's really here!"

Many demons were talking about it, and the Great Prison Slaughter above suddenly stood up.He had been waiting for this day for a long time!

As soon as the spear was raised, the space in front of him was instantly distorted, and the Prison Slaughter Master stepped into it with the spear in hand.

When he appeared again, he had already appeared on the island where the accident had just occurred.

Looking at the handsome face of the Prison Slaughter, who was wearing a cloak decorated with golden patterns, Bai Yao's eyes became serious.

He made no secret of his whereabouts and finally lured the other party out!

Without any nonsense, Bai Yao stretched out his hand, and the Hunyuan Qi filled his hand, and the misty light spread in all directions.

It seemed to be slow, but in fact, he swung his palm very quickly and was about to catch the prison slaughterer who had just appeared.

The palm is so big that it seems to encompass the heaven, earth, and universe, making it impossible for even the Prison Slaughter Master to avoid it.


The Prison Slaughter Master waved his spear, the shadows of the spear were everywhere, and the heaven and earth were torn apart. It was equally powerful.


Although Bai Yao's attack was extremely powerful, the spear held by the Prison Slaughter Lord actually pierced the huge palm of Bai Yao's hand!It even pierced the evolved world, causing the world to completely collapse.

Retracting his palm and looking at the blood spot appearing in the center of his palm, Bai Yao couldn't help but sigh, "What a great Lord Hell Slaughter of the Hell Demon Tribe, but he was able to hurt me. If I hadn't broken through to the God King, wouldn't I have killed you?" ? But well, it’s too late to stay here now!”

Originally, as an outsider, Bai Yao had no subjective hatred towards these demons.

But the demon invasion and his travels over the years had allowed him to see many extremely cruel scenes.

Even if he couldn't bring in Ye Youyan's hatred, it still made Bai Yao very unhappy. It reminded him of the intruders he saw in the books when he was a student.

Being called a demon is not just because they have practiced the methods of destruction and devouring.

Many powerful people from the Origin Continent have also dabbled in this path, but they are not called demons.

These demons in the Black Hell and Yin Sea all live up to their names. Some like to eat babies, some like to eat young girls, and some specialize in sucking blood...

The various hobbies are too numerous to list, but they are all extremely cruel.

From time to time, these demons wander around the Origin Continent killing creatures for these interests.

In order to be able to enjoy their so-called "delicious food" at any time, they also keep a large number of creatures and practitioners in various world treasures.

The creatures in these worlds are born for their enjoyment. For this reason, secret methods have even been developed to make these creatures "delicious" after cultivation!

Over the years, the master and apprentice have also rescued many lives in captivity. The despair of these lives deeply hurt the two of them.

It was the suppressed dissatisfaction in his heart that made Bai Yao feel angry. He directly mobilized the power of the universe in his body and blessed his left hand.

Under the influence of the power of Hunyuan, the noble and supreme aura of his left hand filled the air. Bai Yao directly waved this left hand and swept it towards the Prison Slaughter Master again.

"This is?"

The face of the Prison Slaughter Master changed. He felt the danger from this palm!
Despite this, he still had no fear in his heart. He held the spear tightly in his hand and stabbed forward.


Under the slap of the huge palm, time seemed to stop passing, and the space instantly turned into powder, leaving no place to hide within the coverage area.

The Great Lord Prison Slaughter felt the spear in his hand tremble continuously, and unimaginable force came from it. The palms of both hands were cracked by the shock, and blood of red and strange blood flowed out.

At the same time, his body was affected by a huge force, and he was blown away without any resistance, turning into a stream of light and crashing into the island.


Following the body of Lord Yu Tu, Bai Yao's palm also landed on the island.

The terrifying mysterious light was centered on the point where the palm struck, and spread out in all directions.

The demons who originally lived on the island could only stare at all this with wide eyes in despair, and then they were all turned into powder under the illumination of the mysterious light.

Not only that, all the buildings on the island were also photographed as fly ash, and eventually even the entire island collapsed!

Almost in the blink of an eye, the island completely disappeared, leaving a huge hole in the sea, and the surrounding water was pushed back into the distance by powerful forces.

The vast energy fluctuations here attracted the attention of almost all the god kings in the entire Origin Continent in the next moment, and they all looked at the situation here through time and space.

"In that direction, something happened in the Black Hell Yin Sea."

"There are peerless powerful men fighting. This is definitely not a wave that the God King can cause!"

Although we are paying attention, the distance is too far. Even if a space channel is opened, it will take a while to arrive. It is difficult to know the real situation at the scene for a while.

Only the truly top forces in the Origin Continent can clearly know the situation on site through some secret treasures.

For example, in the Jiexin Palace where Bai Yao joined, there is a secret treasure called the Sky Observing Mirror, which is currently under the control of the Mu Palace God Emperor, observing the situation here.

"Alas, this powerful man from the Hell Demon Tribe who has just appeared has already reached the level of a God-Emperor. There are very few people in the Origin Continent who can deal with him."

"Even us, the backhands left by the major forces, can't kill this person without resorting to various means! But the backhands are used less often. Once exposed, they will be easily targeted, and it will be difficult to obtain them. Wonderful effect.”

"What's even more terrifying is that this means that the front line is no longer stable. This is the second time a demon of this level appears in the Origin Continent after the demon who controlled the world-breaking teleportation technique was killed."

"However, it is not without hope. This mysterious Lord of Hunyuan Mountain really gave me a great surprise. He has recovered to this extent in a short period of time. I really don't know what kind of cultivation he had before reincarnation?"


At the battle scene, the power of Bai Yao's palm gradually disappeared, and the seawater lost its support and flowed back towards the huge pit that had just been struck.

Suddenly, a space passage quietly opened behind Bai Yao, and the Prison Slaughter Master stabbed him in the back with a spear.

"court death!"

The Hunyuan Stick appeared in Bai Yao's hand again, and he swung it back, colliding with the spear with great power.

The two attacks were both powerful and powerful, and the aftermath of the collision was even more powerful than before, not to mention the main effects on both sides.

Both sides flew away, but Bai Yao quickly stabilized his body.


Bai Yao stepped out with both feet, and his figure disappeared. He shuttled through the gaps between the layers of space at an alarming speed, and soon came to the side of the Prison Slayer who was still flying upside down.

"Hunyuan oven."

A huge furnace evolved, and Bai Yao was about to refine the opponent.

Aware of the erosion and decomposition power surging around him, the Prison Slaughter Master felt a strong life-and-death crisis. The pores all over his body were shrinking, and he did not dare to hide any more.

"The bloody hell is coming."

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(End of this chapter)

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