Chapter 303 Xu Yuanzhu (4000 words long chapter)

A huge roar sounded in the black mist, and at the same time, violent energy fluctuations were transmitted to all directions.

The Origin Continent, a space that only holy beings can tear apart, now seems as fragile as tofu, being shattered inch by inch by the aftermath of the fight between several people in the black mist.

The energy of chaos hidden in the interlayer of space permeated the entire battlefield and was quickly assimilated by the black mist.

The earth that became dark after being infected could not avoid being devastated by the aftermath of the battle, with ravines running through the earth and extending to endless and distant places.

After meeting the Black Lord, the two hostile parties didn't say much, and the battle started without a moment's notice.

As the organizer of this battle, God Emperor Chenkui did his part and took the lead in waving his double hammers to face the Black Lord.

Bai Yao stood aside, originally planning to do something secretly, but it was obvious that the black master would not forget him, so he summoned the two slaves he had been keeping secretly without caring about hiding.

Both of these slaves have considerable strength. If Bai Yao only has the superficial strength, he may not be able to cope with it.

One of them is a dark nine-headed giant snake with a body length of more than 9 million light-years. At this moment, its nine heads are shaking continuously, and each head exudes a strange but different aura.

Under the control of the nine-headed giant snake, the nine kinds of breath were combined in a mysterious way, turning into a nine-color field covering an extremely vast area, suppressing Bai Yae and God Emperor Chenkui in the field.

Unfortunately, both men have their own methods, and their impact in this field is minimal.

The nine-headed giant snake stared at it with eager eyes. The octahedron with a diameter of about [-] million light-years and an all-metal structure next to it was equally powerful. It kept looking for the right time, either hitting it instantly at an extremely fast speed, or emitting extremely powerful energy from its corners. Strong energy attack.

Bai Yao was extremely fast. He was able to dodge and move around under the siege of the two slaves with ease. He even distractedly observed the battle between the Black Master and God Emperor Chenkui.

These two people can be regarded as equals.

The Black Lord is extremely powerful, and every strike is like a demonic shadow. Thousands of worlds emerge from it, and it has the power to destroy everything in the universe.

God Emperor Chenkui's methods are astonishing. Even though he is shrouded in the nine-color field and black mist, he seems to be unaffected and travels through space at extremely fast speeds.

The powerful attacks of the Black Lord continued to descend on the space where God Emperor Chenkui was, shattering pieces of time and space, but they seemed not to affect God Emperor Chenkui who seemed to be in another time and space.

On the contrary, God Emperor Chenkui's seemingly inferior attacks always made the black master dare not take them head-on.

This is a painful lesson learned by the black master after being attacked several times.

One relied on his strength, and the other relied on his weird methods, so the battle between them ended in a stalemate for a while.

Both of them have other hidden methods, but neither wants to be exposed in advance.

Withdrawing his gaze and no longer caring about the two old men, he prepared to deal with the two opponents in front of him first.

For Bai Yao, who has cloned himself from all realms, his strength is growing every moment. The cultivation systems and laws of heaven and earth in different worlds provide endless nourishment for his Hunyuan Way, allowing him to continue to grow and develop. It has reached the second level of existence comparable to the God of the Universe.

The Tao at this level is more perfect, has more changes, and the power it unleashes is even more amazing.

Whether you are creating your own Tao or cultivating the existing Tao in the world, these Tao are unique and include all.

Just like the way of fire, it also has thousands of changes.There is the fire of the soul that burns the soul alone; there is the fire of the polar sun whose pure temperature reaches the extreme; and there is the fire of life that brings life to all things...

The second level of the Universe God is to understand the way of one's own cultivation or create more attributes and changes, making oneself more powerful and perfect.

Generally speaking, after reaching this level, there is no such thing as conflicting attributes.

For these powerful men, it is no longer a problem to create flames that can burn in water, or to create plants and trees that are not afraid of flames, which violate the laws of nature.

What can really widen the gap between them is the strength of their strength and the depth of their understanding of the Tao.

After reaching the second level of the Hunyuan Way, all aspects of attributes have been extremely improved, and abilities such as assimilation and erosion, self-evolution, suppression and isolation, and destruction of all laws have become more powerful.

"Hahaha, just in time to practice with you!" Bai Yao laughed.

Before the laughter disappeared, his figure had already disappeared. When he reappeared, he had transformed into a sky-reaching giant billions of light-years in size.

With a brief stretch of his hand, he directly enveloped the nine-headed giant snake that vaguely possessed the peak combat power of the God Emperor.

Sensing something was wrong, the nine-headed giant snake was still struggling to escape, but as he took control of it, the layers of Hunyuan Qi seemed to have evolved into a universe, binding it within it, making it impossible to escape.

As soon as he grabbed the nine-headed giant snake, a huge black hole suddenly appeared in the center of his palm, swallowing the nine-headed giant snake that was bound in the universe.

A person who was at the peak of the divine emperor was captured alive and suppressed with just one move. Bai Yao's sudden burst of strength made the Black Lord and God Emperor Chenkui look at him with suspicion.

When their cultivation reaches their level, it becomes increasingly difficult to challenge them beyond the next level.

Even if there is a slight gap between strong men of the same level, it would be difficult to kill one of them if he wants to escape, let alone his current situation where he can kill instantly.

Easily killing a slave of the same level shows Bai Yao's strength.

"Haha, I am looking down on everyone in the world because of the Taoist friend's strength!" God Emperor Chen Kui's booming voice spread throughout the world, and there was unconcealable joy in it.

Now the two are comrades in the same trench. The stronger White Key is, the greater his chance of winning.

"Hmph!" The Black Lord just snorted coldly. The surrounding black mist became thicker and thicker, and layers of shadows began to appear behind him. After careful observation, there were eight layers in total, each of which was the same as him. appearance.

This eighth-level figure seems to be in a different time and space from the main body, which means that every attack of the Black Lord now seems to be made by him in nine spaces.

The nine attacks are superimposed, and the power burst out is not simply 9 times, but a geometric increase.

The sudden burst of powerful attack power from the Black Lord suddenly disrupted the rhythm of the battle just now, leaving God Emperor Chenkui in a hurry and exhausted to deal with it.

On Bai Yao's side, he stretched out his palm again and grabbed the black octahedron that shone with metallic luster.

The black octahedron was not waiting to be captured. It emitted powerful power, affecting the surrounding space. It also released powerful energy attacks from every corner in an attempt to disintegrate the White Key's capture.

But these methods have no effect on him now. As expected, the black octahedron followed the footsteps of the nine-headed giant snake, and was suppressed and sealed and transferred to the inner universe.

"Haha, you are dead today, Black Lord!" Seeing Bai Yao once again getting rid of the Black Lord's only remaining slave, Emperor Chenkui verbally attacked him while he was in a hurry to deal with it.

Bai Yao was helpless, but he quickly grasped the weakness exposed by the black master during his attack and slapped it.


The void collapsed, and the Black Lord was instantly slapped away with a palm, and his figure instantly disintegrated in the air.

With a swipe sound, God Emperor Chenkui came to Bai Yao's side, "Is it solved?"

Bai Yao shook his head. He could feel that the other person's aura had not disappeared.Sure enough, in the turbulent space that was destroyed, a figure wearing a huge blood-colored cloak and dark red skin regrouped.

"Haha, you didn't expect it, I am immortal! So what if you are strong?" The Black Lord asked in a cold voice.

To this, Bai Yao only replied with two words indifferently.


After saying that, he stretched out his hand and slapped the opponent's newly condensed body to death.

His power made the God Emperor Chen Kui next to him tremble with fear. This attitude of palming a child really sent shivers down his spine.

He could clearly feel that if he faced this kind of attack in a normal state, he would probably end up worse than the black master.

The Black Lord can at least recover, but he doesn't have that kind of luck. It is estimated that this body will fall instantly.

Sure enough, not long after the attack, the figure of the Black Lord emerged from the turbulence of space again and continued to taunt the two of them.

Bai Yao didn't like him either, so he slapped him in the face as well.

After several times in a row, Bai Yao and Emperor Chenkui also saw the clue.

"He was able to recover because of the eight phantoms behind him." God Emperor Chenkui sent a message.

Bai Yao nodded without saying a word. He had also seen this. After thinking about it, he replied via sound transmission: "We will attack together later. After I attack his normal time and space figure, fellow Taoist follow the shattered time and space to attack. The figure behind him."

"Understood!" God Emperor Chenkui replied, while also secretly accumulating strength.


White Key smashed the Black Lord's body into pieces again, and at the same time directly penetrated the space where his body was.

Behind him, God Emperor Chenkui, who had reduced his aura to almost nothing, waved a sledgehammer in his hand and attacked behind the broken time and space, while roaring in his mouth.

"I found you!"

The sledgehammer fell, and the Black Lord's shadow in that time and space also shattered like the previous body.

Bai Yao and Emperor Chenkui also remembered at the same time that there was an eighth-level shadow behind the opponent. Does this mean that they had to kill both the main body and the eighth-level shadow at the same time to kill the opponent.

Just as the two were about to continue the attack, they felt that time and space had been distorted. It was obvious that the other party had switched spaces.

If they break in from the same place, they may not be able to find each other.

"It's troublesome!" Chen Kui was a little troubled.

At the same time, the two of them looked in the other direction in the black mist, where the figure of the Black Lord appeared again.

When he appeared this time, he did not speak, but stared at the two of them. If eyes could kill, the two of them would be dead by now.

However, Bai Yao and the others obviously didn't care about his gaze, but looked at the figure behind him.

"Sure enough, there are only seven. My guess is right!" Bai Yao looked at this scene with a smile.

"Having said that, if you want to penetrate the seventh level of space continuously... No, now that the eighth level of space has been restored, it will not be easy to kill all the opponents." God Emperor Chen Kui narrowed his eyes slightly, because when he spoke, the other party was behind him. The seventh-level figure has returned to the eighth-level figure.

After thinking about it for a while, God Emperor Chenkui felt a sudden change in his heart and took out an orb that exuded a faint blue light.

Bai Yao looked over and felt that the orb was vaguely there, as if it did not exist in reality.

If you delve into it with your spiritual will, you will find that it contains an extremely huge world in which thousands of creatures thrive, no different from the real universe.

Seeing this orb, Bai Yao couldn't help but think of the virtual universe of the human race.But the universe in this orb is obviously much more advanced than the virtual universe.

Real life cannot be born inside the virtual universe.

Some virtual characters have gained their own consciousness and grown into intelligent beings after long years of baptism, but they are also incomplete.

First of all, these intelligent beings cannot reproduce, and they need to use the heart of evolution to possess a body in order to practice and improve.

But the orb is different. Strictly speaking, the life inside the orb is no different from the outside world. It can also reproduce and even cultivate and grow.

Once you grow to a certain level, it may not be impossible to break free from the shackles of the orb and appear in the outside world.

"This is the Void Yuan Bead, the secret treasure of our Taoist Alliance. Fellow Taoists should have guessed that it was precisely because of the existence of the orb that I was able to make myself virtual, making it difficult for the Black Lord's attacks to hurt me."

"At the same time, it blurs its own attack, bypassing all the opponent's defensive secrets and treasures, and directly attacks his body."

"With the attack power of fellow Taoist and the use of the Xu Yuan Pearl, we will be able to completely kill the Black Lord!" After saying that, God Emperor Chenkui handed the orb to Bai Yao.

Looking at the other party, Bai Yao was still a little surprised. God Emperor Chenkui was willing to lend him such a secret treasure. This was too reassuring for him.

You must know that without the assistance of this treasure, the strength of God Emperor Chenkui will be greatly reduced. In this environment, he is almost seeking death.

Such a move is tantamount to putting your life in the hands of the white key.

"Fellow Taoist is so generous. You can trust me with such a treasure, and you are not afraid that I will be greedy and not return it to you when the time comes!"

"Fellow Taoist Hunyuan is joking. I ask myself that I still have some discernment, but Taoist Taoist is not that kind of person." God Emperor Chenkui smiled awkwardly.

The real situation is that he also has this worry, but the powerful people of the Taoist Alliance have set restrictions on the orb. If the situation is not right, they can use the secret method to recall it, so he can lend it with confidence.

To his surprise, Bai Yao finally refused.

"No need for the orb!" Bai Yao shook his head at him, and at the same time a black spear exuding a terrifying aura appeared in his hand, "The boundary-breaking gun in my hand is more suitable for this attack."

God Emperor Chenkui was shocked at this time. Feeling the terrifying aura of the dark spear in the opponent's hand, he had a strong intuition that even with the virtualization ability of the Xu Yuan Pearl, he could not avoid even one shot from the opponent!
"Haha, fellow Taoist, I am very envious of this opportunity!" Being frightened by the power of the boundary-breaking spear, God Emperor Chenkui had no choice but to stabilize his soul and will that was about to fly out, and complimented with a smile.

He ignored the trembling God Emperor Chen Kui in front of him. As the master, he knew the power of the boundary-breaking spear best.

With their ability to perceive danger at this level, fear is very normal.

Bai Yao held the black boundary-breaking gun and turned to look at the black master.

He wanted to see if the other party could still survive after killing all nine of the other party's bodies at the same time!
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(End of this chapter)

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