The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 335 Enlightenment of Hunyuan

Chapter 335 Enlightenment of Hunyuan
Perhaps it was because he felt that the sun was setting behind him, or perhaps because he was emotionally moved by the scene, but he actually lost his mind due to his ability to see God without evil.

Normally, because of the warrior's vigilance, even if he enters a state of trance, he still maintains a trace of clarity in his heart to prevent sudden crises from the outside world.

But today, he didn't even have the slightest hint of clarity, but precisely because of this, he entered a state of sitting and forgetfulness that was deeper than the state of meditation.

This is how everything in the world is. When you long for it, most of it will not get it. On the contrary, the moment you let it go, maybe everything will be bright again!

In the chaos, Wang Chao's soul and will completely sank into his body and gathered in the very mysterious Niwan Palace of the human body.

It is recorded in Taoist classics that Niwan Palace, also known as "Huangting" and "Heavenly Brain", is the most important thing in the human body. It has the power to attract all the gods and illuminate the spiritual consciousness.The power of nurturing the human soul.

The cultivator introduces Qi into the body and tempers himself.This clay pill is the spirit above the form, the spirit of the body, the cave of life for hundreds of gods, the mountain source of body fluids, the jade chamber of soul essence, the emptiness of the garden in the brain of the husband can be filled with truth, the truth of all voids stands, and the birth of thousands of holes. Smoke has virtues in heaven and earth, and caves are generous, so it is called Niwan.

Although the human body responds to the celestial phenomena and has its own affairs, once the soul is born in the Niwan Palace, the soul and soul will become one, regardless of life and death, the yin and yang will be harmonious, the spirit is beautiful and natural, and it will dominate the whole body!
Therefore, when Wang Chao's soul and will were completely gathered in Niwan Palace, it was quickly strengthened by its mysterious power and began to transform into the soul.

Wang Chao is a master of martial arts and has honed his spiritual will to be very strong. He has also practiced meditation regularly over the years, and his spiritual strength is far superior to that of ordinary people.

These powers do not appear on ordinary days, but they only make him appear to be alert and have stronger thinking and learning abilities than others.

But in this Niwan Palace, these powers are manifested into a thin mist, permeating this seemingly boundless spiritual space.

The Niwan Palace's strengthening of the soul's will is naturally not generated out of thin air. It also requires the participation of other forces. These spiritual powers that cannot be mobilized at ordinary times are the best nutrients for strengthening the soul's will.

Out of the creature's own desire for evolution, Wang Chao's soul and will instinctively began to mobilize the power of Niwan Palace, swallowing up the scattered spiritual power around him.

As the master of this place, his will determines everything. The originally peaceful spiritual space suddenly felt like a tenth-level wind blowing, forming a huge whirlpool with his soul and will as the core.

Attracted by the vortex, the spiritual power quickly gathered in the middle like a swallow returning to its nest, and was then absorbed by Wang Chao's soul will.

As time passed, Wang Chao's nearly 300 years of accumulation and seemingly endless spiritual power were absorbed in the blink of an eye.

After absorbing these spiritual powers, Wang Chao's Soul Will Eye condensed a vague prototype.

Looking from a distance, a vaguely small Wang Chao about the size of a baby floats in the center of the whirlpool with his legs in his arms, like an embryo in the womb, unconsciously absorbing the power around him.

As his spiritual power was completely devoured, the little Wang Chao also frowned and instinctively increased the devouring power.

This devouring power quickly spread out of the Niwan Palace and affected his whole body.

The first thing to be aroused is the consciousness that resides in the major organ systems of the body and controls joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.

The power of consciousness is the same as the spiritual energy of oneself, and it is also one of the best nutrients for achieving the soul. If it were not for the fact that he was not in the Niwan Palace, he would probably be absorbed immediately.

But even if the Consciousness God is swallowed, it is still a drop in the bucket for the birth of the Yuan Shen, and even a clear outline has not been successfully condensed.

The existence of the soul never exists alone.Essence, Qi, and Shen are mutually rooted and interdependent. Accumulation of Qi produces essence, accumulation of essence produces form, spirit arises according to form, and spirit can control qi.

So when Wang Chao's soul and will needed spiritual power, his body also changed immediately.

His physical strength, which had been trained to the limit, began to be continuously transformed into spiritual strength, and then was swallowed up by the Niwan Palace, which was like a bottomless pit.

Visible to the naked eye, Wang Chao's body, which used to be white-haired and childlike, quickly became haggard.

The white hair that originally looked like silver threads quickly lost its luster and became like weeds.The skin that was originally white, rosy, moist and shiny also gradually became loose and dull.

In the end, the originally burly Wang Chao who was sitting cross-legged on the futon disappeared, leaving behind only a mummified existence.

At this moment, all his flesh and blood seemed to have disappeared, leaving only the skin and bones. His originally strong and powerful heart was now like a rotten bellows, beating feebly.

The scene before him all showed that he was close to the edge of death.

Cultivating the soul, even to the lowest level of Yin Shen realm, requires a huge amount of energy, and Wang Chao obviously does not have this kind of background.

That's why this happened, now that all the energy has been drained from the body, but there is still no breakthrough.


The way to sincerity can be known in advance.This is one of the special abilities that one can acquire after practicing martial arts to the point where they can see that God is indestructible.

Facing the approach of death, Wang Chao's mind began to give frantic warnings, and only then did his chaotic will reawaken.

The little figure in Niwan Palace opened his eyes instantly, his will controlled his soul, and he immediately understood his situation.

Not only that, he also found that his soul power was much stronger, and he could even sense everything in the quiet room.

"Am I going to die?" Feeling the weakness coming from his body, Wang Chao's much stronger soul immediately ran at full speed, trying to solve his own problems.

However, after he recalled all the knowledge he had, he still couldn't find a solution.

He is too old and too weak. Even if he is sent to the hospital immediately and given the most expensive nutritional solution, there is nothing he can do to save him.

Because his current body is simply not able to absorb energy from the nutrient solution, let alone make up for this huge deficit.

What's more, with his current body, it is difficult to move even half a step. As for the soul power he was able to release just now, he can only see it and cannot interfere with matter.

"That's it...that's it!" After realizing that he had nothing to do, Wang Chao was not angry or desperate, but felt some relief.

Having lived for so long, he is a piece of history in himself.

Nearly 300 years of life experience have made him take life and death lightly, so he will naturally not be ugly at the end of his life.

"As the old saying goes, you can hear the Tao in the morning and die in the evening! Now I can be regarded as a martyr. It's a pity that I can't pass on this insight to future generations, otherwise the martial arts will open a new chapter."

In Niwan Palace, Wang Chao's soul and will felt a little regretful, wishing he could record his current state in a book for future generations to learn from.

After a moment, the eyes of his little figure shone like two burning torches, "Now that we have reached this point, let me take a good look at the true appearance of this world!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his vague and illusory soul disappeared directly, penetrated the shackles of the body, and came to the outside world from the position between his eyebrows.

As soon as the illusory soul appeared in the outside world, Wang Chao felt a stinging pain, and invisible power came from the surrounding void, like a knife cutting his skin.His mind was clear at this moment, and he immediately understood that the source of these powers was the various radiations that filled the void of the universe.

Although he condensed his soul by accident, his soul is probably the weakest since the birth of all heavens and worlds, and cannot even reach the lowest Yin Shen level.

Naturally, a soul with such intensity cannot even resist these radiations. Fortunately, he is accomplished in martial arts, has a strong will, and has an extraordinary tolerance for pain, so he will not lose his composure.

Frowning to resist the stinging feeling, Wang Chao saw the world as a soul for the first time. This was a completely different perspective from what he saw with his eyes, which made him addicted to it for a moment.

The first thing that caught his eye was his haggard body.Having lost a lot of support from flesh and blood, the body seemed to have shrunk a lot, and its original appearance was almost gone.

"I'm afraid Ling'er and the others will be shocked when they discover my body!" Illusive Soul smiled bitterly.

Looking around again, he could clearly see the movement of everything in the world. Even the dust floating in the air could clearly be seen.

After adapting to the perspective of the soul, the illusory soul penetrated directly through the wall and came to the sky above the ancient courtyard.

I don't know how long time has passed. There are stars in the sky outside and everything is quiet. It is obviously late at night.

Standing in the void, overlooking the lights of thousands of houses below, listening to the distant barking of dogs, and then looking up at the endless starry sky, Wang Chao suddenly felt the vastness of the universe, and he was naturally immersed in it.

After practicing martial arts for many years, he had already reached the realm of unity between man and nature, but now that he had lost the shackles of his physical body and his soul directly blended with heaven and earth, it was a new feeling.

In this state, it seems as if thousands of rules in the universe are clearly laid out in front of you, and your spiritual will is spreading infinitely.

In the blink of an eye, Jianghai City was under his influence, and then the entire China Region, Asia...

In the end, the entire Blue Star appeared in his induction, and he could even feel the trajectory of the entire planet.

Until this moment, Wang Chao finally felt the limit. He could clearly sense that if he continued to radiate out, he might directly dissipate into the void and his soul would fly away.

Moreover, even if he maintained his current state, the consumption of his soul would be extremely huge, so the next moment he returned to the sky above the courtyard.

"I don't have much time left, so I can't waste it on this." Seeing that a lot of his soul had disappeared in the blink of an eye, Wang Chao didn't dare to expand his perception range wantonly, and instead concentrated on the surrounding space.

The blessing of the realm of unity between man and nature made him enter a state of forgetfulness in the blink of an eye. The matter, energy and rules that make up the universe all appeared in his perception.

"It turns turns out that the rules of this world are so tight, even this energy has almost lost its activity..." As he continued to comprehend, Wang Chao felt the vastness of the universe, and at the same time felt deep despair.

Blended with heaven and earth, he can feel the incomparably solid material laws of the entire void, and can even faintly feel God's will, which is rejecting the appearance of all extraordinary powers!

Before this, Wang Chao thought that he could not cultivate "Qi" because there was a lack of energy in the world and he had entered the so-called Age of Ending Dharma.

But now, he can clearly feel that there is no lack of energy in this universe.

But what makes him uncomfortable is that these energies lack the activity they should have, are extremely difficult to integrate with the body and soul, and are almost impossible to use by the human body.

The laws are so dense that they almost form a cage, and energy cannot be drawn from the world. This is the main reason why extraordinary power cannot appear in this world.

Just because he figured out the reason, he felt desperate, because he knew deeply that human power could not fight against the entire universe. Faced with such heavy blockades, the prosperous martial arts era he expected would never come.

Just when he felt that his future was bleak and his soul was greatly consumed, a sudden change occurred - he suddenly felt an extraordinary fluctuation of laws.

At this moment, he seemed to have grasped the last straw and directly concentrated all his soul and will to understand the fluctuation of the law he had just discovered.


With all his will concentrated, Wang Chao lost all perception of the outside world, and his soul seemed to have crossed endless space and arrived at a huge multiverse.

Here, he saw the environment of heaven and earth that was different from the universe where he was. The energy between heaven and earth was extremely active, and the entire universe developed a brilliant cultivation civilization.

He saw the evolution of the universe. Countless higher energies unknown to him evolved into everything in the universe, and then returned to their original state as those practitioners advanced.

He also saw a terrifying figure standing in the origin of the universe. The opening and closing of his eyes was the opening of the universe, and all the ways of heaven and earth were trampled under his feet...

Suddenly, the figure seemed to have discovered something, and two eyes as big as stars looked at where he was.

Wang Chao's heart trembled, and the shadow of death immediately enveloped him, as if he would fall here the next moment.

He wanted to speak, but felt that he could not make a sound and could only watch the other party's movements.

"The will is good, and the desire to seek the truth is also very strong!" A majestic voice sounded in his ears, and at the same time, a supreme pressure suddenly appeared around him.

"Since you can feel the way of Hunyuan, you are someone who has a chance. So what if I give you a chance!"

Before Wang Chao could be happy after receiving praise from this majestic figure, he felt a dark gray light traveling through the endless starry sky and falling on him. Then his eyesight went dark and he completely lost consciousness.

"I never expected that the first person outside the main universe to sense the way of Hunyuan would be a little guy from such a unique universe!" Deep in the origin of the universe that Wang Chao couldn't see clearly, Bai Yao's incarnation smiled. Look at the direction of the starry sky and the universe.

After retracting his gaze, he looked at the ontological universe that had expanded to an extremely huge size in front of him. Inside the universe, there were more and more powerful people practicing the Way of Hunyuan...


By the time Wang Chao regained consciousness, his soul had returned to his own body.

The soul that had been tending to dissipate seemed to be tempered at this moment, directly condensed into substance.

With a thought, the power of the soul, which was countless times stronger, instantly took control of the body. He immediately checked his own status, and then frowned.

The state of the body is even worse than before. Obviously, the recovery of the soul state has not led to the improvement of the body.

"It seems that if you want to recover, you need to understand the opportunity you just got!" Although his physical condition is very bad, Wang Chao is no longer worried at this moment.

His intuition told him that as long as he consumed this harvest, he would definitely recover.

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(End of this chapter)

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