The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 373 Enlightenment and Transcendence

Chapter 373 Enlightenment and Transcendence
"The heavens gather together, Hunyuan Qi arises, transforms into nothingness, and ascends to Daluo!"

The sound of Miaomiao Dao came out, and the aura of Hunyuan Dao filled Bai Yao's body. The chaos in his body, which contained the energy carried by many clones, immediately produced a huge reaction.

The shadow of a Hunyuan oven appeared around him, generating endless Hunyuan Dao fire, burning and tempering the vast energy in Bai Yae's body.

Burned by the Hunyuan Dao Fire, the vast energy rapidly transformed and evolved, constantly converging and collapsing toward the center to become higher-level energy.

A single spark can start a prairie fire. Once this reaction occurs, it cannot be stopped. As if causing a chain reaction, it quickly swept through Bai Yao's body.

The agitation of energy in the body spreads rapidly, causing changes in the external environment.

Behind Bai Yao, a vision of the ups and downs of the universe appeared at some point. Infinite changes in vitality emerged in it, giving rise to a layer of halo.

This vision is like a dream, making the white key look like a god or a devil, like a heavenly emperor stepping into the earth from the vast heaven.

In the eyes of everyone, Bai Yao stepped forward, and the only true self entered into the long river of time and began the next step of enlightenment.

In the sky above the vast river of time and space, Bai Yao's gaze spanned the river and soon he had a panoramic view of the entire timeline.

The Taishi Era and the Guixu Era, which were previously incomprehensible to perception, are now able to be glimpsed because of the power that is constantly transforming in the body.

Looking back, we see the distant future, illusory yet real, with many vast figures constantly fighting to occupy the future.

The result of their fight will become the evolution pattern of heaven and earth and the future of all living beings.

"Yes, as long as there are still people who want to fight, the future will be uncontrollable. The established facts we see now are just the result of compromises between many parties."

He couldn't participate in such a fight now. After observing it for a moment, he withdrew his gaze and turned to look at the past years.

The end of the gaze is the source of everything in the world and the source of all power.

No matter how prosperous and brilliant the future evolution is, it will still be based on this source. It's like the roots of a big tree, constantly grabbing energy for the tree's growth.

The second step in achieving transcendence is for the enlightened person to go upstream, go to the source of everything, and place his original true spirit on it.

In this way, the enlightened person will not be a rootless duckweed, but will have a support for his own existence and strength.

The next moment, the figure standing on the long river of time and space began to move towards the end of the long river of time and space.

Every time he takes a step forward, the invisible power of time acts on Bai Yao, washing away his longevity, trying to make his mind and body age or even die.

Faced with this situation, Bai Yao seems to be unknown. His body and mind are not afraid of the erosion of time, as if this power does not exist, and his appearance remains youthful forever.

I saw him walking leisurely on the long river of time, his eyes firm towards the end of his gaze.

This step is just an appetizer for achieving transcendence, and is far from a formal disaster.

The body and soul exist forever, and almost all those who can embark on the road to enlightenment have it. The difficulty is to maintain the same spiritual will over a long period of time.

The decline of the physical body and soul is not terrible. What is terrible is the aging of the soul. I feel that I am old.

These strong men who have reached the peak, after living for a long time and enjoying everything in the world, have turned a blind eye to wind and rain, and their mentality will gradually age unnaturally.

Even if you don't go to enlightenment and are not killed by the enemy, you will often feel sad and heartbroken after endless years, and your will will be depressed and you will directly return to the world between heaven and earth.

This is also the reason why there are many powerful people who can easily become immortal throughout the ages, but now there are no such powerful beings.

Born towards the Tao, and transformed into the Tao, that's all.

It seems simple, but in fact it is like boiling a frog in warm water. Those with weak minds will unknowingly lose their will in this process and fail to achieve enlightenment.

"The world is so beautiful. I have been busy cultivating these years, but I haven't seen enough yet!"

"I used to be a mortal, and now I have finally become an immortal and a god. I just want to live well. If you want to annihilate my will, it doesn't exist at all!"

Those 20 years of living on earth have established Bai Yao's cognition and three views, making him the best at messing things up and self-compromising, how could he give up hope of life so easily.

With a smile on his face, Bai Yao once again crossed an era, walking towards the end of time, looking for the source of everything, and making the ultimate leap.

The erosion of time seems to be nothing to him.

Life on modern earth is too exciting and there are so many interesting things that he can't even play with it. He still thinks he doesn't have enough time.

Seeing his unaffected look, many transcendent people couldn't help complaining: "This guy has a good mentality!"

"Indeed, is he another stubborn person like Xing Tian?"

"Tsk, look at how strong his cultivation is. Does he look like a single-minded guy?"

"I think, on the contrary, it may be a brain-filling monster. He is suspicious all day long. He just fights with himself, and he won't find it boring at all."

While talking, some people couldn't help but take action, setting off waves on the river of time, sweeping towards Bai Yao's figure.

Since entering the long river of time and space, Bai Yao has walked out of Yuan's protection range.

These waves may seem insignificant to these detached people, and are only used as a means of testing.

However, for unenlightened beings, this is the unbearable weight of life.

The manifested time and space river now is not the kind of multiverse, but a time and space river that truly runs through all the heavens and realms.

In this long river, let alone a wave, it is just a drop of water, and it is also the projection of a multiverse.

These waves contain too many things. They represent the past years and history, the old universe, the supreme glory of the past. They also contain countless knowledge and information, which can be said to be as heavy as the universe.

"Hmph! I don't know which fellow Taoist it is, but this is a little too impatient." A cold snort came from the human race's Fire Cloud Cave.

Subsequently, an invisible force acted on the long river of time, modifying the past time and space.

The huge waves that had just been set off calmed down in an instant.

"Human Race!"

After all, it was just a test. After seeing someone stop it, the unknown existence did not take action again.

Bai Yao still moved forward unhurriedly, as if the temptation just now did not exist, but in his heart, he had already written it down in his notebook.

Now is the critical moment of enlightenment. There is no need to cause trouble. His eyes are deep and he is thinking about repaying the other person well when he has time.

The key for him now is to achieve enlightenment, to get to the end of everything, to the first node.

The route Bai Yao takes is Da Luo in the legend of enlightenment.

The so-called Great Luo exists eternally in all time and space, completely restrains itself, has been proved forever, and will never die.

They stand at the original source, overlooking the infinite time and space of the heavens, and their power runs through the ends of the universe and heaven and earth.

Close, close... I don't know when, Bai Yao's figure has entered the Taishi era.

The so-called Xiantian Wutai represent the five stages of the transition from the void to the birth of heaven and earth.

The Taiyi Era refers to the first stage before the formation of the heavens and worlds, and describes a state of boundless nothingness.

The primordial era represents the formless and qualityless state of the universe, and is the stage when Qi has just emerged.

And in the Taishi stage he is currently in, the heavens and worlds have begun to take on virtual shapes, but they do not contain any quality.

In the Taisu period, matter had begun to exist, but it was still very early and had no clear shape or texture.

The Tai Chi Age is a stage of yin and yang, marking the process of further complexity and diversification of the universe from simple elements.

Different from before, now Bai Yao has returned in countless incarnations, with infinite power added to him, and because the fire of Hunyuan has been ignited, his power is still undergoing extreme transformation, allowing him to stand intact in the Taishi era.

As Bai Yao continues to move forward in the long river of time, all the insights and experiences of hundreds of millions of incarnations have turned into historical imprints, woven into a simple Taoist garment and worn on the body, like ancient gods patrolling the eight wastelands of the universe. .

In his body, the power carried by the endless clones has been completely smelted into the power of Hunyuan Avenue.

But the transformation has not stopped. Under the influence of its own avenue and external pressure, these powers of Hunyuan Avenue are still being compressed and refined, and merged into higher-level powers of Hunyuan Avenue.

Entering the long river of time, the passage of time has no meaning.

It may be the past second, or it may be the past long years. Bai Yao seems to have just entered the Taishi Era, but the next second he has entered the Taishi Era.

The closer he got to the source of it all, the more time and space became stagnant, and the pressure on him became stronger, but it also made the power inside his body more refined.

When he reached the end of the Taiyi era, his whole body's strength had condensed to a single point visibly, and his transformation reached its peak at this moment.

The physical soul and other substances contained in Bai Yao's body, the understanding of laws accumulated over endless years, and the Hunyuan Tao created by its own integration all converge at one point.


The next moment, a new, supreme power was born!
As soon as this power was born, Bai Yao seemed to have undergone an extreme transformation. His perspective quickly spread from the corner of the river of time and space he had seen before to cover the entire river of time and space.

In this vast world, the light of wisdom of countless eras and countless outstanding people rises. In just a few moments, Bai Yao sees wars and enlightenments happening again and again.

In just one breath, Bai Yao absorbed a large amount of unknown Tao and Dharma, using it to perfect his own Hunyuan Dao and take his strength a step further.

There are too many talented people in endless time and space. Even White Key will benefit a lot from communicating with these endless talented people.

What's even more terrifying is that in the uncertain future, there are transcendent beings competing at every moment, and countless new knowledge and insights are born there.

Feeling the realization he had at this moment, Bai Yao couldn't help but be horrified.

I have just condensed the Hunyuan Ancestral Qi, and with the power of Daluo, I have achieved such a harvest. So, what kind of power should those real Daluo detached people have accumulated!
From this, Bai Yao came to a conclusion: the real Da Luo transcendental person is making progress every moment.

The perspective of the Daluo Transcendents radiates across the entire length of time and space. As long as it is not covered by the power of their fellow travelers, any new knowledge and insights will be absorbed instantly.

They are one and infinite at the same time. Endless incarnations are constantly learning and communicating in the same infinite time and space. It is difficult not to make progress.

At the same time, he also understood why he rarely saw these Da Luo transcendent figures in all the heavens and worlds.

First, this realm is too powerful and can easily destroy the infinite universe, so it will not be easy to fight.

Secondly, their battles rarely take place in the real universe, but on the long river of time and space, in the past and the future.

Every Da Luo transcendental person is a well-deserved King of Volume. Everyone is making progress every moment and learning new Tao and Dharma. No one dares to stop.

If you are one step slower and one step behind, it means that your strength will be weaker than other detached people, which is intolerable to everyone.

These transcendent people are like chess players on a giant Go game. They are using their own strength to encircle as much of their territory as possible so that they can control more future possibilities.

In this huge chess game, the first comers have already demarcated a large amount of territory. Although the late comers can capture some pieces, the energy required is huge after all.

Instead of this, many of the later Daluo transcendants simply settled in new places. This is one of the reasons why everyone is fiercely competing for the future.


Passing through the Five Innate Ages, one can come to the ultimate of everything, the beginning of all things.

Here, there are many names in the heavens and the world, some call him Wuji, and some call him nothingness.

When Bai Yao set foot on this supreme place, the invisible power here began to work.

In the face of this invisible force, any defensive spells are useless. Even if you have refined the White Key of Hunyuan Ancestral Qi, you can only rely on your own origin to resist.

This power is invisibly weakening Bai Yao's existence, weakening his origin, and trying to assimilate him into nothingness.

This is the calamity of nothingness, a major calamity on the road to enlightenment. Only by not being assimilated by the power of nothingness can we pin our original will on the infinite heights here, drop the only anchor point, and truly never die.

At this moment, Bai Yao has concentrated all his energy to resist the invasion from the power of nothingness, and his mind is full of thoughts, thinking about the solution.

The eyes of all the transcendent beings in the heavens and worlds are also gathered here, waiting for the final result.

Because once you complete this step, you will already have the basic qualities of a Da Luo transcendent.

"Throughout the ages, countless enlighteners have fallen at this step. I hope you can get through it!" On the small island in the infinite Chaotic Source Space, Yuan Ye restrained his usual unruly expression and looked at the light and shadow wrapped in the power of nothingness from a distance. .

"From something to nothing, and from nothing to something, this step is so difficult. I almost died at this step back then!" Someone sighed leisurely.

"If you are open to communication, you will be successful. If you are not connected, you will perish. I hope you can persevere." Sui Zu looked forward to the fire cloud cave sky.

Under the gaze of everyone, the light and shadow of the Hunyuan Ancestral Qi transformed into all the concepts of Bai Yao's own power are constantly being chipped away by the power of nothingness.

As time goes by, Hunyuan's ancestral energy gradually weakens, and the traces of Bai Yao's existence in the world are constantly being erased.

Even the figures that exist in other people's memories are gradually blurring.

Soon, some people simply forgot about the existence of Bai Yao.

In Star City, the Origin Continent, Luo Feng shook his head with a look of shock. Just now, he found that he could no longer remember Bai Yao's appearance.

At this level of cultivation, it would be difficult to forget him, let alone the appearance of his best friend.

"Luo Hai, do you still remember your Uncle Bai's appearance?" Luo Feng asked immediately, looking at Luo Hai who was practicing his sword at the side.

Luo Hai: "Which Uncle Bai?"


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(End of this chapter)

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