Chapter 38 Battle
In the secret realm of Ganwu, the Lord of Ganwu is demonstrating the complete law of space for Ji Ning's avatar.

With the movement of the yellow earth balls, the heaven and the earth seem to disappear, only the movement of the 108 earth balls completely arouses the original law of the universe and space, and the space is completely controlled by it.

Ji Ning's avatar was completely addicted to it, and many insights emerged in his mind, but later he felt more and more incomprehensible.

I don't know how long it took...


The trajectories of these soil balls finally formed an extremely weird monster figure, which was as perfect as the origin of the universe, and every trace of scale was like the embodiment of beauty, so he couldn't pick out a single flaw.

At this time, in the Chaos City in the initial universe, in a side hall of the City Lord's Mansion, a bald man in a fiery red shirt was checking the mail he had received.

When he saw an email from Lord Ganwu, he opened it first, and after reading all the content, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"This Ganwu, I really want to see what kind of genius he recommends?" He also knew what happened to the Lord Ganwu.

He summoned a king under his command and told him about the test, for fear that it would be handed over to him.

The next day, Ji Ning's avatar received a notice from the virtual universe company, allowing him to enter the virtual universe for the highest level of assessment. Once he passes this level of assessment, he will become a core member of the original secret realm of the virtual universe company.

After logging into the virtual universe, he was teleported to a special plane, where the top, bottom, left, and right sides were covered with white mist, like chaos.

In the void ahead, a tall figure stood there, wearing armor, with a cold and handsome face.

"Ji Ning, I am King Kuimu, and I will conduct an assessment on behalf of Virtual Universe Company. The whole process of this assessment will be videotaped by Virtual Universe."

"Okay, without further ado, let's start the assessment right away. First of all, please choose the weapons and combat uniforms you need."

Through the virtual universe system, Ji Ning's avatar chose the weapons and equipment he wanted. After seeing that he had finished choosing, King Kui Mu asked him, and announced that the assessment would start immediately.

I saw that after King Kui Mu confirmed the start of the assessment, the dense fog on his left gradually gathered into a figure holding a long sword, wearing a blood-red combat uniform, with sword intent soaring into the sky, as long as he was caught by his gaze from a long distance away Wherever you see it, it's like cutting with a knife.

"This is a former core member of my virtual universe company, named Lianluo. This body simulates his strength at the universe level. If you defeat him, you can join the core original secret realm of my virtual universe company. If you can't Defeated, as long as you can persist under his command for 10 minutes, you can join the next level of the Primordial Realm."

"Of course, since you are recommended by the Lord Ganwu, even if you are killed by the simulated training, you can still join a lower-level secret realm. The rules have already told you, try your best to show your strength!" After King Kui Mu finished speaking, he flew out of the area where they were going to fight.

Lian Luo, a peerless genius from endless years ago, ranked first in the universe of geniuses, was selected into the original secret realm, within 3000 years, after analyzing the 108 essences of the law of space, he created the secret code of floating blood, which has broken through immortality, It was Fenghou, but it was a pity that he died a little early, less than [-] years old.

"Latecomers, I will use all my strength and will not hold back. I hope that no matter whether you win or lose, I can bring you some gains." The simulated figure said gently, just like the lost genius Come alive.

"Thank you senior, I won't hold back either!" Ji Ning's avatar said seriously, although he knew that the words and deeds in front of him were just simulated by the virtual universe company, but it could be seen that Lianluo was A very easy person to get along with.

However, appearance can always be deceiving. How can a person who can be named a blood-clothed marquis be so simple.

Lian Luo spoke softly, but his shot was a decisive blow. The bloody long sword in his hand seemed to be teleported, and it came to the chest of Ji Ning's avatar in a blink of an eye.

Ji Ning's avatar flipped his right hand, a long sword appeared in his hand, and the sword swung away Lian Luo's attack.

Lian Luo, who was unable to hit him with one blow, did not stop, and the attacks continued like a storm. The long sword in the hands of Ji Ning's avatar was also defended tightly, defusing Lian Luo's attacks one by one.


After another confrontation, both sides flew a certain distance, and the long sword in Ji Ning's hands was divided into tens of thousands of small golden swords, which turned into a river of golden sword energy and swept towards Lianluo.

Lian Luo did not show weakness, the blood-red sword light diffused, forming a blood-red giant sword, and slashed towards the long river of sword energy.


"Ding Ding Dang Dang..."

The blood-red giant sword collided with the river of golden sword energy, making a loud noise.

The collision was still going on, the golden river of sword energy was nowhere to be seen, while the blood-red sword shadow was already crumbling, on the verge of collapse.

Accompanied by a "boom", the blood-red sword shadow collapsed, and Lian Luo's figure appeared in the void, flashing continuously, avoiding the attack range of the sword energy river, and appearing not far away.

It can be seen that there are some holes in his protective clothing, and there is a faint light of blood underneath. Obviously, after the blood-red sword shadow collapsed, he was exposed to this attack, and he suffered a lot of injuries .

However, this kind of injury is no different from scratching an itch for them who are already at the universe level, so after avoiding the attack range, Lian Luo attacked towards Ji Ning's avatar without the slightest pause. In an instant, it turned into silhouettes all over the sky, each of which made different sword moves, and the aura of law permeated it.

On the side of Ji Ning's avatar, he also displayed his phantom body without showing any weakness, displayed a wonderful secret technique, and collided with Lianluo who was all over the sky.

In the void, Gui Yi, who was wearing a fiery red battle robe, appeared there. King Kui Mu was standing behind him, and there were many strong people around him. They were all high-level executives of the virtual universe company.After knowing that the Lord Ganwu, who had not been active outside for thousands of epochs, recommended a genius to the company, they all aroused a lot of interest and took the initiative to come to watch this assessment!

"Not bad, the law of gold is probably close to being recognized by the law of origin, and the law of origin of space is also comprehended well, and the foundation is very solid. Ganwu has taken in a good disciple!"

"And up to now, this little guy named Ji Ning hasn't used his full strength. It seems that passing the assessment will not be a problem. The Primordial Secret Realm will have another member." Said an old man with vertical eyes between his brows.

"Kandri, you haven't come out for a long time."

"After all, he is the disciple of Gan Wu. I heard him say it once recently, but he praised it to the sky. It's rare for him to pay attention once in so many years. I'm also curious about how talented he is!" Kandry said with a smile.

"Then it looks like you won't be able to see it today, that kid Lianluo is going to lose!"

In the battlefield below, most of Lianluo's phantom bodies have been destroyed, but Ji Ning's clones have not lost a few. From this, it can be seen that there is still a big gap between the two.

As the last phantom body was cut off, only Lianluo's main body was left in the field. At this time, he was even more embarrassed, and there were several huge gaps in the protective suit, and he could even see the inside through the wound on his back. bones.

But he didn't care at all, the aura of law on the blood-red long sword became more intense, and the space seemed to be frozen.

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(End of this chapter)

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