The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 396 Taishan Mercedes-Benz Pays

Chapter 396 Taishan Mercedes-Benz Pays

Most of the biggest disasters in the Boundary Sea are related to darkness and weirdness. Naturally, Shi Hao had to clean up all of these before leaving.

Therefore, he spent a lot of time traveling through the Dark Land, searching every corner of the Boundary Sea to clean up the remnants of darkness.

Another village has a bright future. In the process, he also opened many ancient temples that were left behind, and found many lives that had been imprisoned for countless years.

What made him even more delighted was that he also found many old friends, including the great elder Meng Tianzheng, the real leader.

The appearance of these people gave him great comfort.

After everything was arranged, Shi Hao held a sword and entered the sky alone, and did not return to the fairyland again nearly 80,000 years later.

After these years of fighting, he finally found a way from God that would allow him to resurrect his dead friends with half the effort.

In the following years, a large number of powerful men who were once in heaven began to be resurrected, but some of them died very completely, and it still took a long time.

Soon after, Shi Hao was on the road again, and this time, he never came back.

Because he was too curious about the source of the strangeness, he caused a big disaster when he went to check it out. He did not dare to bring the disaster back, so he could only use his supreme magic power to swing a sword to block the connection between the sea and the sky.

After that, he activated the reincarnation certificate given by the White Key and hid in the heavens and realms to practice.

Because of this, all the secret magic abilities in this world can no longer find traces of him, causing many people to think that he has fallen.

The deeds of Emperor Huang Tian gradually disappeared and became a legend just like the history of eternity ago.


Mount Tai, located in the easternmost part of the ancient Central Plains, is surrounded by the Yellow River and the Wen River. It was regarded by the ancients as the place where the sun was born and the development of all things began.

There is no mountain bigger than it, and there is no ancient mountain like it.

The ancients highly praised it, and Mount Tai is indeed mighty and majestic. It is also the first of the five mountains, so it naturally has the title of the best mountain in the world.

Since the recorded history of Chinese culture, countless emperors have enshrined Zen here, which has added a lot of cultural heritage and magical color to it.

For a place with so many imprints, there is no shortage of people coming to visit it.

Especially now that it is mid-June, high school seniors who have just been released from three years of suffering and college students who have entered their summer vacation have driven the entire tourism market into the traditional peak season.

Since the founding of the new dynasty, following the leader's saying that there is strength in numbers, the number of Han people has grown explosively.

As a result, even though the number of tourists is not at its peak yet, the entire Taishan Scenic Area is already crowded with people.

Entering the new century, with extremely rich material conditions, the previous traffic jam has turned into the current traffic jam.

Adjacent to Mount Tai Scenic Area, the land at the foot of Mount Tai is at a premium and parking spaces are hard to come by, but this still cannot stop the self-driving crowd from all over the country.

At the foot of Mount Tai, Ye Fan, who drove up, was also melancholy. Although he had already prepared in his heart, after inquiring about several large parking lots without success, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

At the class reunion a few days ago, his college classmates made an appointment to visit Mount Tai today. Perhaps because of the softness in his memory, he did not refuse.

Unexpectedly, he, a "local" who has been in this city for seven or eight years, is now in the dilemma of having nowhere to park.

At this moment, Ye Fan discovered that there was a path not far ahead that extended deep into the trees. In a conspicuous position at the intersection, there were six large characters written crookedly on a wooden sign in pre-Qin small seal script.

Ye Fan, who is very knowledgeable in this area, immediately recognized the meaning of these six words.

"Hunyuanguan Parking Lot."

Isn't this what the parking lot means? Ye Fan, who had been a little impatient for a long time, could still let this opportunity go. As soon as he turned the steering wheel, the vehicle quickly turned from the main road and drove into the depths of the small road.

When looking from a distance, Ye Fan thought the path was very narrow because of the lush trees.

When we drove in, we found that the road was surprisingly spacious.

After only a moment of driving, the vehicle drove out of the dense forest. Suddenly, the vision opened up, and unknowingly we came to the gate of a quiet Taoist temple.

The square in front of the door is extremely spacious, and there are already about ten cars parked here and there.

Finding a parking space at the side, Ye Fan easily parked his Mercedes-Benz in it.

For a moment, Ye Fan got out of the car with some doubts in his heart.

He had been to Mount Tai several times, but he had never noticed such a quiet Taoist temple at the foot of the mountain the first few times.

If he had known about it, with his obsession with ancient culture, he would definitely have visited it.

Moreover, the parking lot here does not have an intelligent parking system like other parking lots, and there are no people on duty here to collect fees.

After looking around, Ye Fan only saw a young Taoist priest lying on a recliner rocking at the door of the Taoist temple with the door open. There was no one else here.

"Tap, step..."

The shoes made a clear and sweet sound when they stepped on the road paved with bluestone. Ye Fan quickly walked to the door of the Taoist temple.

"Taoist Priest, I would like to ask, how much is the parking fee here?" Ye Fan asked politely to the young Taoist priest who was lying on his back in the rocking chair.

Ye Fan still has great respect for most of the Taoist priests who can still maintain their purity in today's impetuous world.

In order to trace the traces of ancient times, he has visited various Buddhist and Taoist relics over the years and met many fake monks who were greedy for money and lust.

It would be inconvenient for him, an outsider, to say anything about this situation. After all, the Shaolin Temple, the leader of Buddhism in the world and the main temple of the Zen sect, was listed on the market.

But in the affairs of the world, I am afraid there are contrasts.

Compared with Buddhism, although Taoism is also full of deceitful people, most Taoist priests stick to the Taoism's rules and precepts, quietly recite Huangting, and practice in Taoist temples in various mountains and fields.

"Crunch, crunch, crunch..." Upon hearing his inquiry, the young Taoist priest who was rocking the recliner with a leisurely expression finally opened his eyes.

Bai Yao first glanced at Ye Fan in front of him, and then traced Da Ben in the corner with his peripheral vision, and a meaningful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He didn't get up either, and performed a sloppy Taoist act on the recliner.

"The layman is so polite. My Taoist temple is in a remote place. I didn't expect the layman to come here. He is considered a destined person."

Having often dealt with these outsiders, Ye Fan was immune to his rhetoric. He didn't take it to heart and just listened patiently to his next sentence.

"Even if we are destined, if the price is too high, the layman's heart will be chilled." Bai Yao seemed to be talking to himself.

"Let's see. If the layman's car drives away today, the poor man won't get a penny. What do you think, layman?" Bai Yao looked at Ye Fan with a smile.

Ye Fan was also stunned. He thought the other party would make some changes, but he didn't expect that he would not charge his parking fee.

"Great virtue!" Ye Fan praised sincerely.

This Taoist priest looks young, but he didn't expect to have such awareness. Today he met a true cultivator of Taoism.

Bai Yao waved his hand, "Sir, don't be too busy praising me for now. I need to explain something clearly first." "She has also seen that my Taoist temple has been ruined. I am the only one here, and there is no monitor or anything."

"It's okay during the day. The sky and the earth are clear. Bandits and bandits don't dare to take action easily. I can still take care of it by myself."

"But at night, looking at cars for lay people will inevitably cost more energy, and a certain fee will definitely be charged."

"What the Taoist said is very reasonable." Ye Fan nodded. The other party was able to give him a free day, which was a big advantage. It was normal to charge for overnight stays.

"I just don't know how much the manager will charge?" He will definitely come and drive the car away today, but he might as well ask the price.

"As long as it's nighttime, it's 800 a day." Bai Yao said lightly.

"How much? Eight...eight hundred?" Ye Fan was stunned, and his eyes changed when he looked at the young Taoist priest in front of him.

How can this be true cultivation? It is simply like a profiteer in this world!

No, profiteers are far worse. This is simply robbery.

You know, even though this is a nationally famous scenic spot, parking is very difficult.

However, due to policy factors and other factors, there are not many parking lots with a daily parking fee exceeding 80, let alone 800.

"Is it expensive?" Bai Yao asked with a smile.

"Expensive!" Ye Fan nodded affirmatively.

"Expensive has its advantages. By accepting this money, I can guarantee that the car will be in perfect condition. It will be the same as it was when you drove it in, and it will be the same when you drive away!" Bai Yao was not embarrassed at all.

"It's just a mountain climb. Even if we delay it all night, can something happen if the car is parked in the parking lot?" Ye Fan muttered secretly. He wanted to say it directly but felt a little rude, so he quickly changed the topic, "I can't bother you, Taoist priest, I will Come back as soon as possible and drive the car away."

While speaking, Ye Fan looked at the current time. The appointed time was approaching, and he had to rush to the meeting place as soon as possible.

Mainly because I wasted some time looking for a parking place before, but now it seems a little urgent.

"That's not necessarily true! Crunch, crunch..." Seeing Ye Fan who was about to turn around and leave, Bai Yao closed his eyes, said something meaningful, and then continued to rock the recliner.

When these words fell into Ye Fan's ears, he thought that the Taoist priest thought that he could not walk back and forth on Mount Tai in one day, and he couldn't help but smile knowingly.

Taishan will punish everyone who talks harshly!

There are indeed many people who cannot truly conquer Mount Tai, but this does not include Ye Fan.

With his physical condition, it wouldn't be a problem to get back here before dark to pick up the car.

So, he ignored Bai Yao's meaningful words and hurried to the meeting place.

"Laughing? When you see this parking fee quotation in the future, your face should be very complicated! Hahaha!"

When Ye Fan went away, Bai Yao on the recliner continued, and laughed loudly afterwards.

Back then, after parting ways with Shi Hao in the Ultimate Ancient Land, Bai Yae didn't stay any longer and went directly to the "now" time node.

At this point in time, the ancient era of chaos that Shi Hao lived in has gone far away. The nine heavens and ten earths that were shattered by the turmoil of that year have once again gathered into a broken universe.

This large universe is made up of countless fragments of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. The essence of the heaven and earth is exhausted and thin, and the laws of the great road are also incomplete.

For people living in this era, it is more difficult for people to practice cultivation than it was during the Dharma-Ending Era in the chaotic ancient years.

With the great changes in the world, the ancient immortal method is no longer suitable for this era, because it is no longer possible to find those precious treasures to assist cultivation.

Gradually, the cultivation system created by Shi Hao, which uses the body as a seed to cultivate the secret realm of the human body, became the mainstream in the world.

But due to the lack of immortality substances, even if one reaches the pinnacle of human cultivation, he can only live for more than ten thousand years in this broken universe.

That's not all. Also because the universe is broken and can only carry a limited number of powerful people, the laws of heaven and earth will instinctively limit the number of peak powerful people in the universe to prevent the universe from becoming more dilapidated due to the fights of these powerful people.

Under the restrictions of the laws of heaven and earth, only one person can become enlightened in a lifetime. The two emperors at the top of humanity do not look at each other, and each rules the universe for a period of time.

Of course, the countless geniuses born in the long years will definitely not be satisfied with the status quo and use various means to deduce the existence of the fairyland.

In addition, from the fragments of words passed down from the chaotic ancient times, we can also see that there was indeed a fairyland in the past.

Entering the immortal realm can become an immortal, and immortals can live forever. This has become the pursuit of countless people throughout the ages.

In order to become immortals and live forever, countless geniuses succeeded one after another, leaving countless legends in ancient history.

To this day, there are still many talented people who are fighting for success in various ways, dormant in order to achieve their goals in their hearts.

What they are waiting for is the best time and place to enter the Immortal Realm, and this time is slowly approaching.

"This time point is the beginning of the story of Zhe Tian. When I was reading the book, everyone wanted to collect the parking fee from Emperor Ye Tian. Now that we have the opportunity, we must collect it from everyone."


After walking out of the small road and entering the main road, Ye Fan quickly met up with his college classmates who had already arrived and started climbing Mount Tai.

Because of his recent study of the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, Ye Fan was deeply moved by climbing Mount Tai again, and seemed a little distracted along the way.

With something in mind, Ye Fan felt that he had reached the top of Mount Tai, Jade Emperor Peak, without any feeling.

At this moment, the sun was setting on the horizon, rendering hundreds of millions of rays of light, but Ye Fan was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery at all, and his heart ached.

"The trail leader guessed it right. It seems that my 800 yuan parking fee can't be lost!" Ye Fan sighed.

800 yuan is not much considering his current net worth.

It's just that if you suddenly have to pay 800 more for something that is obviously free, anyone would feel distressed.

Ye Fan was open-minded and quickly adjusted his mentality, regained his mood, and enjoyed this rare beauty.

However, as he looked at it, Ye Fan suddenly realized something was wrong.

I don't know when a few black spots appeared in the sky, carrying the force of wind and thunder, and descending towards the top of Mount Tai, the Jade Emperor Peak, at lightning speed.

Not only him, as the black spot approached, everyone around Jade Emperor Ding and Taishan also discovered this anomaly, and their expressions froze in shock.

Because everyone discovered that those black spots turned out to be nine huge dragon corpses, pulling a huge ancient bronze coffin towards the top of Mount Tai.

Dragons are legendary existences.

Even in mythology, it is a creature comparable to gods, possessing divine power that ordinary people cannot imagine.

But this supposed to be an illusory creature actually appeared in front of everyone at this moment, leaving everyone speechless.

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(End of this chapter)

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