Chapter 414 Dark Turmoil

Outside the ancient forbidden land, as the cracks in the fairyland completely turned into stable space passages, those forbidden supremes who had been waiting for a long time were eagerly born one after another.

The Immortal Tomb was the first to move. A humanoid creature soared into the sky on an ancient chariot. Judging from his clothes, he looked like an ancient deity from the mythical era.

On the other side, a powerful man wearing black armor and riding a white tiger appeared in the Immortal Mountain, with the same power.


Accompanied by a shocking roar, a majestic Qilin suddenly appeared in the sky above the Taichu Ancient Mine in the Northern Territory, with blue-purple scales all over its body as if they were made of fairy gold.

As if they had made an appointment in advance, many supreme beings who had predicted that the road to immortality would be opened in this life were born together and arrived outside the road to immortality in a few steps.

In just a moment, seven forbidden land supremes appeared and gathered in front of the road to immortality.

The aura naturally exuded by these supreme beings caused the time and space in this place to tremble, as if it was about to be shattered.

Even the Dao of Heaven and Earth, which was extremely active due to the cracks in the Immortal Realm, was replaced by the Dao of the seven supreme beings themselves. The terrifying breath of Dao filled the air and penetrated the past, present and future.

There has never been a life like this, where seven ancient emperor-level figures came together and appeared in the same life, creating a miracle that had never been seen in ancient times.

Perhaps they were afraid that their own power would affect the space passage leading to the Immortal Realm, so they restrained the fluctuations of their divine power.

But just by standing like this, the vast world was almost destroyed, and the entire universe seemed to be destroyed. This impact reached as far as the eight wastelands, and this terrible energy could be sensed in the deepest part of the universe.

For them, the opportunity in this life is rare, and it may only appear once in this life, and it can never be replicated again, so they must go all out.

The eternal waiting and endless expectations have all exploded in this life, and they will start the final and most brutal battle, rush into the immortal realm, and truly become immortals.

"The right time, the right place, we have appeared, go in!"

The Ancient Emperor Qilin, who was born from the ancient mine of Taichu, took the lead. He raised his brilliant blue staff and was the first to rush out, charging into the huge crack and hitting the majestic city gate projected from the Immortal Realm. Launched the most powerful attack.

At this moment, the real ancient emperor's fluctuation appeared, suppressing the eternal blue sky and shattering the ancient and modern future.

This power is so terrifying. At this moment, even if you are far away in the deepest part of the universe, you can feel a terrifying aura.

However, the Ancient Qilin Emperor was not destroying the world. His unparalleled destructive attack power did not sweep towards the stars outside the territory or spread to the Eastern Wilderness, but all rushed towards the immortal gate.

The most brilliant light emitted, the most dazzling light shone, the Ancient Emperor took action, and the most powerful attack power in the world finally appeared in the world again.

"Create a bright world, carve out a road to immortality!" Ancient Emperor Qilin's action led other ancient supremes to roar together.

Everyone moved and took action together. At this moment, the fluctuations of the imperial weapon shook the sky, and the immortal immortal light bloomed.

The ancient emperor once again rules the world, and the most powerful people in the world from ancient times to the present join forces to break into the fairyland from here.

Putting aside other things, as the top beings in the world, their attack on the Road to Immortality this time is a very pioneering event.

Regardless of success or failure, this is destined to be recorded in the annals of history forever and become the most glorious event in ancient history, shining brightly in the annals of history.

Throughout the ages, countless monks have explored immortality and the immortal realm. Perhaps they will get answers here and provide reference for those who come after them.


Almost instantly, the laws intertwined in the cracks in the fairyland, and various visions containing all kinds of peerless murderous intentions were blasted to pieces, and a path was penetrated by the power of the Supreme, directly under the projection fairy gate.

Seizing the opportunity, these Supremes quickly rushed in, ignoring the blazing light around them.

Perhaps sensing the approach of creatures that do not belong to this world, the laws belonging to the fairyland are intertwined, and various fairy spirits from ancient history and legends are evolved to block the invasion of the restricted area supreme.

The two sides fought in the Immortal Road, and the stars in the universe were eclipsed at this moment, making this place seem to be the center of the universe.

From time to time, due to their collision, the Immortal Road showed signs of collapse, and was filled with endless chaos energy, obscuring the scene happening inside.

By reflecting the internal situation through the peerless formation, the outsiders who understand the battle situation can also see that the process of entering the restricted area is not easy.

From time to time, the roars of the Great Emperor and the Ancient Emperor can be heard. It is because they are desperately trying to kill the billions of creatures that have evolved from the cracks in the Immortal Realm.

The seven supreme beings are worthy of being the masters of the human world. These superficial fairy spirits were unable to stop them at all. They were all quickly killed, allowing the seven supreme beings to come under the gate where the laws of the fairyland were intertwined.


Like the fairies, the gate to the fairyland, which was also intertwined with laws, could not stop the seven supreme beings at all. With one blow, it suddenly opened and they rushed in.

"You're in, you're really going to become an immortal!" All the powerful people who saw this scene from the projection exclaimed in surprise.

"If you really become an immortal, then today will be the beginning of a new era, and it will also open up the hope of becoming an immortal for all living beings!" An old monk trembled all over, extremely excited that he could witness this great moment.

However, before everyone could get excited, the situation inside silenced everyone.

Although the gate of the Projection Immortal Realm was shattered, there was nothing behind it, only the endless surging chaotic airflow.

Everyone immediately came to the conclusion that there was no way ahead, and the road to immortality was broken!

It has to be said that this scene disappointed many people. Some practitioners who had only a short lifespan even lost their faith because of this and transformed into Taoism in the starry sky of the universe.

What kind of people are the Seven Supremes? They are extremely determined and will naturally not lose their fighting spirit because of some difficulties.

After observing for a moment, the eyes of the Seven Supreme Beings, which seemed to be able to see through the past and present, lit up again.

They could feel that although there was no road ahead, there was a vast world, which contained power that would allow them to see it forever.

"Since there is no way ahead, we will open a way and break into the fairyland!"

The Seven Supremes took action again, and the Ji Dao Imperial Soldiers flew out one after another, following the induction in the dark, piercing the void to continue the path to immortality.

In a moment, a passage formed by the bright runes of the avenue was formed, extending like the vast world in the dark.

Stepping onto the road, the seven people quickly passed through the area enveloped by the chaotic airflow and arrived at a world ocean composed of countless world debris.

From time to time, huge waves rise in the ocean, causing the seven supreme beings to change color. It is a power that none of them can resist.

In addition, the ocean seems to contain the thoughts of all living beings. Just looking at this sea of ​​​​world, endless and complicated thoughts arise.

Fortunately, they don't need to go deep into the World Sea. They only need to cross a small area in front of them to reach the other shore.

And maybe because the two worlds meet again and the laws of the two worlds suppress them, this world sea is actually not as violent as other places, giving them hope in the past.

After crossing this area, there is a pair of strange stone doors that are almost solid.

After activating the peerless formation originally created by the body of Chaos King Bo and gathering the power of the seven supreme beings, the stone gate was declared broken.

Behind the stone gate is a cave entrance surrounded by blood mist and chaotic energy. From time to time, the breath of immortality comes out from it, nourishing the decaying bodies of these supreme beings. This cave is very mysterious. It is isolated from all the power of exploration and perception. It seems that it is not in this world, but belongs to another world.

When they came here, the seven supreme beings naturally did not stop here. They entered the cave entrance one after another and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

The disappearance of the seven supreme beings caused a sudden silence between heaven and earth. Everyone did not know what was going on inside and could only wait nervously for the results.

Time passed, but there was no movement at the entrance of the cave. Only the cracks in the immortal road continued to expand.

"Did they succeed?"

This is a question in everyone's mind, but there is no answer.

Even many restricted area supremes are hesitant now.

A moment later, four more supreme beings walked onto the road to becoming immortals. After killing everyone, they jumped into the mysterious cave entrance.

Chengxian Road fell into silence again. Eleven ancient emperors entered it in a row without causing any waves, which made many people feel a little unreal.

At the same time, after the cracks in the Immortal Realm expanded to the limit, they seemed to lose their support and began to slowly shrink and close.

At the last moment, there was a roar inside the ancient cave, and a figure rushed out, roared, and turned away.

The roar inside the cave continued, and a moment later another supreme corpse fell out, which was shocking.

As if summoned by something, the ancient bell and the list of gods left behind by Emperor Wu Shi also rushed into the cave entrance on the road to immortality.

In the Western Desert, Amitabha Buddha's dharma body rises from the ground with the entire Mount Sumeru, and with the help of the power of all living beings, he wants to forcibly open the path to immortality.

It can be said that because the road to immortality has opened, the arrangements of emperors and emperors throughout the ages have all appeared at this moment, just for the slightest chance of becoming an immortal.

In the end, a horrific change occurred inside. The Tianshi Bell disappeared, Mount Xumi collapsed, the entrance to the cave disappeared, and everything turned into chaos.

Everyone failed. They calculated that they were in the right time and the right place, but they were not the right person.

Some supreme beings are very free and easy, and after working hard, they give up everything, sit cross-legged in the sky and directly transform into Tao.

A supreme being like the Ancient Emperor Qilin who was still bound to the world, at the end of his life, gave up his lifelong pursuit and returned to his relatives, and soon after he also transformed into a Taoist.

Beidou is also known as the Burial Star. The origin of this name has been fully explained at this moment.

However, there are still some Supreme Beings who are very unwilling and do not want to end in this life.

Most of these people have given up all humanity and only live to become immortals. They have been the biggest initiators of dark turmoil throughout history, and have bloodbathed all the ancient stars of life.

But now, after the battle on the Immortal Road, these people have consumed a lot of energy and are in urgent need of a lot of life and energy replenishment.

As a result, these remaining supreme beings turned their attention to the realms of the universe.

"You guys haven't left yet, don't you want to become someone else's food?" Dacheng Holy Body, who had been waiting at the gate of the Immortal Road, shouted, causing the void outside the territory to burst.

After his warning, the people outside the sky finally reacted.

Immediately, I felt a panic in my heart, and my whole body was cold from head to toe. My soul was frantically warning me, and I felt that a disaster was imminent.

No one dared to say a word and immediately began to flee.

The formations glowed, the domain gates opened, various magic formations revived, and the heroes used their own methods to cross the star domain and began to escape.

In just a moment, there were not many people left outside the territory, and almost all the monks ran away.

Only the old, the weak, and those whose life flames are dying do not want to leave and want to bury themselves here.

At the same time, the Great Holy Body in the Ancient Forbidden Land, who had a grudge against the Immortal Lord, immediately approached the scarred Immortal Lord who had withdrawn from the Immortal Road, and wanted to have a final reckoning with him.

The supreme-level battle that shook the ancient world broke out instantly, releasing a terrifying aura that swept across thousands of paths and filled the entire universe.

In addition to the Immortal Heavenly Lord who was restrained by the Dacheng Holy Body, and the five Supreme Beings who had transformed into immortals and died on the road to immortality, there were also five Forbidden City Supreme Beings on the scene who managed to survive.

Several people had a tacit understanding and each chose a direction to start harvesting the life essence of all living beings and repair the extremely decayed origin of life.

The first thing to suffer was the Beidou Ancient Star, which opened the road to immortality, and was crushed to pieces by the Lord of Samsara from the Sea of ​​Samsara.

A continuous wailing sound sounded from the shattered fragments of the Big Dipper. At that moment, countless lives died tragically.


In this regard, the Lord of Reincarnation showed no mercy and laughed coldly, because no matter whether they were powerful or not, these people were just like bugs in his eyes.

The Lord of Reincarnation has launched many dark turmoils, and is already familiar with such scenes, so naturally he will not feel any guilt.

He opened his big mouth and took a sudden breath at the entire ancient star. Countless life essences gathered together and turned into a long river, which was swallowed into his body.

Billions of lives were all lost in a matter of seconds, leaving only countless corpses lying on the ground.

Throughout the ancient star, all those who were young, strong, and had sufficient life essence were lying in a pool of blood, having had their most original life essence drained from their bodies.

Only a few young children and gray-haired old people with short life span survived.

This is not because these forbidden area supremes made a mistake or had good intentions, but because they deliberately stayed.

The reason is just to leave seeds for them to harvest next time.

"All living beings suffer!"

The wailing of all living beings also fell into Bai Yao's ears, making him sigh.

To be honest, at his current state, the multiverse could come and go in a single thought. Even if all life in Zhetian World died, it would not move him.

And even if he saves everyone, these people will still die due to the passage of time and the exhaustion of life span, which is meaningless at all.

However, Bai Yao has just realized Daluo, and he deeply remembers that he has also come step by step from a weak child, and will not regard ordinary lives as trivial like these supreme beings.

A normal death is fine. Seeing so many lives being mercilessly killed, it is inevitable to feel a little sympathy in my heart.

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(End of this chapter)

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