The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 419: Calm down the darkness

Chapter 419: Calm down the darkness

The fall of the Stone Emperor shocked the world.

He was the first imperial figure to fall since this dark turmoil, and he was killed on the spot after being extremely elevated, which made the other four supreme beings feel a little sad.

However, they had no time to mourn the Stone Emperor because they were about to follow in his footsteps.


Emperor Hengyu has unparalleled power and evolved supreme secret techniques. His pair of imperial fists followed a mysterious and unpredictable trajectory and blasted the Lord of Samsara into pieces.

"I am the Lord of Reincarnation. I have already overcome the mystery of reincarnation. I am immortal!" the Lord of Reincarnation roared.

The Great Emperor Dao Fruit belonging to the Lord of Samsara was glowing, emitting earth-shattering fluctuations, reuniting the bones of the Lord of Samsara, and reshaping the emperor's body in an instant.

"Ha! You claim to control reincarnation, so I will send you into reincarnation for a while to see if you can defy fate and come back." Emperor Hengyu snorted coldly and continued to kill the opponent.

Reincarnation seems to contain some kind of taboo.

For countless years, people have been studying this way, but they have not achieved much. They only feel that this way is mysterious and vast, and it is difficult to touch the surface.

Emperor Hengyu didn't think that the Supreme Being of the Forbidden Zone in front of him, who had cut himself off, could really understand the mystery of reincarnation, otherwise he would have become an immortal long ago.

Of course, as he said, he doesn't mind sending the other person into reincarnation.

The Lord of Reincarnation really understood the secret of reincarnation and was able to defy the odds and come back. Even Hengyu would look up to him.

The Hengyu Furnace transforms into the eternal blazing sun, illuminating the entire universe, bright and dazzling.


The Lord of Reincarnation was shattered into pieces again, but this time, he had no chance to recover.

The light disappeared from the place where the Hengyu Furnace was located, and the star that had just been shining seemed to collapse into a black hole, erupting with a strong suction force, sucking in the bones and blood thrown away by the Lord of Reincarnation.

The Godless Fire burns in the furnace, calcining and refining all materials, turning them into the purest energy.

The bones and blood of the Lord of Reincarnation are glowing, and the blood light is constantly impacting the Hengyu Furnace, but it seems to be impacting on the eternal and immortal sacred mountain, unable to shake it at all.

After a long time, all the essence of his bones and blood was refined, and the remaining material was turned into fly ash.

Immediately afterwards, the world was in turmoil, the great emperor status that stood above all the ways collapsed, and the Lord of Reincarnation fell.

The avenues were wailing, and there was even rain of blood, and the sky changed for the passing of a supreme emperor.

The remaining Supreme Lord of Light and Darkness, the Lord of Shenxu and the Supreme Lord of Abandoned Heaven naturally cannot stop the attacks of other great emperors.

The Holy Emperor of the Sun used the ancient pagoda to slay the Supreme Lord of Light and Darkness, the Lord of the Divine Ruins was split in the head by the Emperor's Sword, and the Supreme Lord of the Abandoned Sky was killed by the Subduing Demonic Pestle, and they all fell into the starry sky one after another.

The universe, which had been noisy for a long time, finally ushered in tranquility at this moment.

When everything calmed down, there were no more wars or waves, the blood gradually dispersed, the darkness was expelled, and the universe ushered in the dawn.

Not long after, as the heaven-defying powerful man crossed the void, various supreme formation patterns were opened.

The news that all the Forbidden City Supremes who initiated the dark turmoil were killed, the Overlord Ancestral Star was destroyed, and the dark turmoil was put down spread throughout all the ancient stars in the universe.

On this day, cheers erupted from all over the place. The noise reached the sky and resounded throughout the sea of ​​​​stars. They were the thoughts of all living beings, and together they were magnificent.

Countless surviving creatures shouted to those who had pacified the darkness, so that the names of these great emperors and the great saints could once again be heard throughout the universe.

Everyone was surviving the disaster, gasping for air, and then yelling at the sky.

After experiencing this life and death crisis, we can better appreciate the value of life and know that living is better than anything else.

People vented to their heart's content and roared loudly to express their feelings.

And at the end, when the cheers ended, the excitement subsided, and people gradually calmed down, the atmosphere of sadness and sadness began to permeate the air, gradually taking over, and cries started to be heard from all over the place.


Although Bai Yao resurrected many great emperors and great holy bodies and quickly quelled the dark turmoil, too many people died in this turmoil.

The entire universe, ancient places of life one after another, turned bright red.

Corpses were everywhere on the ground, piled up in piles that were higher than mountains. The blood flowing from countless corpses was even wider than the sea.

"Alas, there is darkness and turmoil. These Forbidden City Supremes are really causing harm to people!" The Sun Holy Emperor lamented in the starry sky with some sadness.

"Compared to the Forbidden City Supreme, ordinary life is too fragile. Even if we recover from the beginning, there is no way to avoid casualties." Emperor Hengyu no longer looked as high as he did during the battle, but now seemed a little depressed.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Lord." The Moral Heavenly Lord bowed his head and recited the Sutra of Saving People to save the souls of the deceased.

"Amitabha." Amitabha also shouted the Buddha's name, and his body was filled with Buddha light.

"Damn it, if you ask me, take advantage of now to level down a few restricted areas and completely eliminate these scourges." Dacheng Holy Body Yu Zhou cursed angrily.

As soon as this statement came out, many great saints responded one after another.

"The restricted area should indeed be leveled. If it is not cleared away, all sentient beings in the universe will continue to suffer from the risk of darkness and turmoil." Dacheng Holy Body Yuxiu said with a cold face.

"I have had this idea for a long time, but I was really unable to do it at the time. Now with all of my comrades, we will be able to eliminate the source of these dark turmoils in one fell swoop." The Void Emperor looked towards the direction of Beidou, filled with fighting spirit.

"The formation of the restricted area has been around for a long time. It has existed since the age of mythology. The foundation must be extremely profound. At the same time, the results may be difficult to predict." As the oldest being present, the Moral Goddess spoke.

"However, our current strength cannot be underestimated. If we first use one or two restricted areas as a breakthrough, it won't be a problem." The old man put forward pertinent suggestions.

"In the restricted area, the Immortal Mountain and the Sea of ​​Reincarnation have been weakened by successive emperors, and their strength is no longer what it used to be. The losses in this battle were huge. It seems that they don't have much strength anymore, so it is the most suitable breakthrough point." Emperor Hengyu immediately added.

"Okay, let's first find the Immortal Mountain and the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, and use these two places to test how deep the water in the restricted area is."

As a result, a simple battle plan was formed after everyone discussed it.

Everyone present was full of fighting spirit and responded positively to the decision to pacify the restricted area.


Seeing that everyone was about to set foot in Beidou and start to clear out the restricted area, the light on everyone's body flickered.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then stopped, as if they understood something.

"It seems that this matter will be left to future generations!" Emperor Hengyu sighed.

"They are lucky, they don't have much time to meet us, otherwise they will have to pay a heavy price." A Dacheng Holy Body was a little indignant.

"Forget it, it's already a big profit for everyone to have this opportunity to come back and take a good look at this universe, isn't it?" Dacheng Holy Physique Yuxiu has avenged his great revenge, and now he has a lot of hope.

After he said this, everyone had a smile on their faces.

Indeed, for those who were completely dead, every minute and every second after their recovery was earned.

"I don't know what the intentions of the being who is waiting for us to revive behind the scenes are?"

The only female enlightened person, the Queen Mother of the West, spoke up at this time, expressing the doubts that everyone had hidden in their hearts.

"Reverse life and death, reshape life. With the strength of that being, there is no need to plot against us." The Moral Heavenly Lord, who was very calm when facing the Forbidden City Supreme, had fluctuations when he talked about the being behind him.

"Even the legendary immortals may not be able to achieve such great power!" The Emperor's eyes burst out with bright light.

"Perhaps, in the eyes of those beings, resurrecting us is just random and wants to teach these restricted area supremes a lesson." Qingdi said leisurely.

Among the people present, perhaps he knew the most, because he and Bai Yao had communicated for a period of time. Qingdi was not resurrected, but has always been alive in the world.

He sensed the dark turmoil in the desolate tower, so he came to the world to quell the chaos, and finally bumped into everyone.

Others did not doubt him, thinking that Qing Emperor was in the same situation as them and was resurrected by mysterious power.

Only he knew that he was just lucky enough.

However, he also had his own conjectures about the reasons for all the changes.

Apart from Bai Yao, he couldn't think of anyone else in the world who could accomplish such a feat, so he said this to everyone.


Everyone was silent, wanting to refute but having no confidence.

Facing an existence that can make them live and die at will, even if they were once the rulers of this world, they have no confidence.


The brilliant light flooded everything and disappeared with everyone present, making the void suddenly feel empty.

No, it's not completely empty, there are at least four figures left behind.

The four figures left behind were none other than Li Er, Sakyamuni, Shennong and Huangdi.

At that moment, the light needed to take away the Void Emperor and others, so it peeled them off and recast them with new bodies.

After regaining consciousness, the four of them felt the reshaped body.

For the first time, they felt that it was extremely transparent. It not only perfectly matched their own realm and spirit, but also seemed to be integrated with all the ways, without the sense of restraint brought by the former emperor's body.

Winning or losing does not matter.

The emperor's body not only made them successful, but also gave them the most powerful restraint in the world when they reached the pinnacle of quasi-emperor.

The way of the predecessors has firmly bound the four of them, which makes it exponentially more difficult for them to achieve enlightenment, which is not much inferior to the attainment of the Holy Body.

This is all secondary. Restraint is not necessarily a bad thing, it can also provide them with more training.

However, the interference of the Great Emperor's Dao Fruit in the Emperor's body made them very painful, which made it very difficult for them to re-enlighten the Dao.

But now, this new body has no worries like before, and it also gives them the possibility to hit a higher realm.


Deep in the closed Immortal Road, a golden avenue continues to extend, eventually connecting to the strange world.

The people brought by the light appeared on the Golden Avenue.

"This... this is the road to becoming an immortal!" The Wild Lord exclaimed.

He has been staying in the ancient forbidden land, witnessed the entire process of opening the road to immortality, and is very familiar with the surrounding environment.

"The Road to Immortality?"

"That light actually brought us here. What does that mean?"

Everyone looked puzzled.

"You're here now, don't you know the reason if you go on?" Emperor Hengyu was open-minded and walked forward along the golden avenue.

"I have a feeling that we are not far from the truth." Dacheng Holy Body Yu Zhou also said.

This avenue paved with golden light ignores the many obstacles on the road to immortality and spans between the two realms.

The solid fairy city, the turbulent waves of the boundary sea, and the weird chaotic cave entrance cannot stop it.

Soon, everyone reached the end of the avenue. In front of them was the thick cosmic membrane of the strange world. Bai Yao had been waiting here for a long time.

"See you, senior!" Seeing the familiar figure, Qingdi understood clearly and immediately stepped forward to say hello.

Seeing Emperor Qing behaving like this, the others immediately understood that the person in front of them was the rightful master, and they immediately paid homage to him.

"We're all here. If you have any questions, ask." Bai Yao turned around and looked at everyone with a smile.

Seeing real people, these once supreme beings in the universe, all looked shocked.

From Bai Yao, they felt the infinite aura of the origin of the avenue, and their originally stubborn state felt greatly improved in just a moment.

Each of them saw Bai Yao's appearance differently.

This is because Tao Xing is too shallow and cannot see Bai Yao's true appearance at all. He can only see the side that he can see.

It took a long time before someone asked.

"Senior, is he an immortal?" Amitabha looked solemn and asked the same question as Qingdi.

"That's right!" Bai Yao replied, as long as he wanted to, it could be everything in the world, or it could be nothing.

Daluo is such a unified and contradictory creature.

There are immortals in the world!

Bai Yao's affirmative reply made everyone extremely happy.

This seemingly ordinary question has actually troubled the universe for countless years, and today it finally received a positive answer.

With this answer, it undoubtedly affirms their path of cultivation and their pursuit for countless years.

Only at this moment can everyone be extremely sure that immortals are not illusory existences.

"Since the senior is an immortal, then he must be the legendary immortal realm." Emperor Hengyu stepped forward and stared at the membrane wall of the universe.

Everyone also looked at Bai Yao, waiting for his answer.

"No." To everyone's regret, Bai Yao actually shook his head, "This is just a strange world between the fairyland and the universe where you live."

Although it was a pity that this was not the legendary fairyland, they still learned a lot of information from Bai Yao's words.

At least, it is confirmed that the fairyland does exist.

"Senior, since this world has a strange name, it must have its own uniqueness, don't you know?" Qing Emperor also became interested at this time.

He wants to evolve into the Immortal Realm, and he really wants to know the difference between the universes.

"This world is just as vast as the human world. The difference is that its laws of heaven and earth are more complete than those of the human world. It is relatively easy to achieve breakthroughs in cultivation. Moreover, it can also derive some immortal substances that make people live longer."

"That is to say, in the same realm, the lifespan of a life in this world may be hundreds of times longer than yours!"

Everyone stopped talking, and kept repeating words such as "longevity", "immortal matter", and "hundreds of times" in their minds.

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(End of this chapter)

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