The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 435 The Outer World Plateau

Chapter 435 The Outer World Plateau

In the void of the Immortal Realm, Bai Yao left Ye Fan and others and walked forward unhurriedly.

Of course, his lack of urgency and slowness are relative. At least now, Ye Fan and others can't catch up with him even if they try their best to catch up.

The fairy world was broken and split into many small domains. Bai Yao crossed the vast territory of the fairyland in a few steps.

The whole world seemed to be retreating, and the ancient stars passed by like meteors and disappeared behind him.

Soon, he came to the vast no man's land on the edge of the fairyland.

It's called no man's land, but it's not without traces of intelligent life.

On the contrary, it is precisely because there are too many human traces left here that it has become a no man's land.

In the endless void of no man's land, ancient corpses like ancient stars floated in chaos and disorder.

A broken weapon, even if it has passed eons ago, has a killing intent that makes people feel frightened. The aura that comes out from time to time contains the power to destroy the universe.

In another terrifying vision, a huge beast rising and falling in the sky, even though it has been countless years, the time and space around it are still distorted. The terrifying power seems to penetrate the long river of time, exaggerating in the current world, making people unable to look directly.

The Boundary Sea is not an ordinary ocean. It is made up of countless small worlds that have been disabled since ancient times.

However, none of these horrific scenes could enter Bai Yao's eyes. His eyes were now looking at the long river of sword energy above the boundary sea with great interest.

Currently, because of that sword light, no strong man from the Weird Clan has arrived in this world, but they are obviously actively preparing to invade.

Moreover, such scenes are not just one or two, but almost fill the entire no-man's land.

Even though Shi Hao had been wiped out on the spot because of Ertu's war, Ertu's side still did not give up the search.

The corpses of those giant beasts were left with lingering memories. After time, they even turned into evil spirits, devouring all tangible bodies.

This lost world is said to be accessible only to the Immortal King who can resonate with thousands of ways. True Immortals may be able to enter it, but without anyone to protect it, the chance of survival is zero.

After years of continuous deductions by the strange ethnic group, the Immortal Emperor gradually narrowed its target into this piece of heaven.

The so-called black line is actually the Immortal Realm dike. It is because of its existence that the Immortal Realm can withstand the erosion of the boundary sea.

As a result, strange forces continued to pour into this area, and various methods were used to detect news about Shi Hao.

Bai Yao could feel that on this side of the boundary sea sealed by the sword light, there were four places where strange power was constantly accumulating.

The bloody battlefield did not stop Bai Yao's footsteps. He ignored many dangers, penetrated the void, and crossed the immeasurable vast no man's land.

The history of the Immortal Realm is extremely long and can be traced back to the unknown years. However, since records were recorded, there have been continuous wars, which are countless to this day.

With his eyes, he could naturally see at a glance that the so-called long river of sword energy was the manifestation of Shi Hao's eternal sword in this time and space.

The Supreme Ancestor had a premonition that Shi Hao was not dead and might reappear in the future. In order to prevent such an accident from happening, they wanted to get rid of all the backhands that Shi Hao might have left behind.

At this time, at the end of the gentle beach, an endless black line was visible to the naked eye.

If you think about it, you will know that these places must also contain power beyond that level that can make the strange power transcend Shi Hao's arbitrary sword of eternity.

Not to mention other things, from Shi Hao's chaotic ancient times to the present, countless wars have broken out here, including many immortal kings fighting here.

Currently, this is the highest level mission for all the weird beings in this area of ​​the heavens.

These broken stars melted and mixed into the sea water. When they roared up, they contained power that could shatter the body of a true immortal. Their power was terrifying to the extreme.

The years are long, and time and space are constantly changing. It has been countless years since Shi Hao went to fight in the sky.

These horrific corpses and Jedi are the accumulation of countless years of battles, and they are also witnesses of the history of this world.

Over a long period of time, the strange ethnic groups on the Etu Plateau have never given up on searching for their origins.

In the sea of ​​​​boundaries, the secrets of heaven are not revealed, the Tao is blocked, and the laws cannot be activated. The fog in the sea swallows up all living things.

Taking another step, Bai Yao came to the black line.

These places are extremely extraordinary and have inextricable connections with strange ethnic groups, so they can attract the gathering of strange forces.

They are the outposts of the strange tribe in this world, and they are respectively named Siji Futu, Tiandi Burial Pit, Ancient Underworld and Soul River.

This is the dharma body of an immortal beast, which is relatively intact and has survived to this day.

Next, he once again crossed an endless sea of ​​thunder, crossed hills and wastelands, crossed continuous stone mountains, and finally came to a beach.

I believe that soon, these strange beings will become active and begin to explore the world on this side of the world sea and collect information about Shi Hao.

Bai Yao can feel that these four places have given birth to a large number of strange creatures, including many who have reached the level of the strange fairy king.

However, this world is not static, and there is nothing eternal, including this sword light.

Because of the existence of this sword light, the side of the Boundary Sea can float outside of time and not be noticed by the side of the strange and evil land.

On the other side of the boundary sea dam, huge waves swept into the sky, and even the ancient stars above Qingming Jiuxiao were swept down and submerged in the endless boundary sea.

It was precisely because Shi Hao died and fell into transformation that the power of the former boundary sea seal began to weaken, revealing flaws and exposing the location of this world.

It can be said that this place has evolved into a minefield. Any creature that breaks in will definitely die if it triggers the various horrors inside.

Its true essence not only affects this time and space, but also spreads to the long river of time and space, reflecting in countless time and space.

Don’t think that the world is safe if you don’t find information.

"As long as there is life, fighting is inevitable. Without detachment, you are just an ant after all. You cannot control your own destiny and have to fight in the world of mortals."

With him as the center, there are a huge number of corpses of strange beasts. Although they are not as powerful as him, they should not be underestimated.

Looking carefully, there are countless remaining stars accumulated in the sea water, and every wave seems to contain a vast world.

According to the usual style of the weird tribe, even if no relevant information about Shi Hao is found, they will still harvest all life in this world as sacrifices for their tribe.

For countless years, no matter where it is, as long as there is a presence of the strange clan, that world or region will become a strange and wretched land, without exception.

Even the once glorious God has not escaped the conquests of the Weird Clan. Now there are only two Immortal Emperors left, leading the remaining creatures to flee, not to mention the others.

However, these are insignificant matters to Bai Yao, and he does not want to interfere too much in the growth of Ye Fan and others.

Looking for a random direction, he walked towards one of the places occupied by a strange group of people.

Appearing again, Bai Yao has arrived at the bottom of an ocean and walked to where the eye of the ocean is. Coincidentally, this ocean is also called the Sea of ​​Samsara, but it is much larger than the Sea of ​​Samsara, one of the seven restricted areas of life.

In the eyes of the sea, a crystalline pattern of laws shines brightly, forming a passage to an unknown area.

Standing here, as long as you listen carefully, you can hear the sound of the river flowing from inside the channel.

Inside the passage is the Soul River, one of the outposts of the strange ethnic group.

The reason why Bai Yao came here was to use the Daohun River to go to heaven.

"Tread, step, step..."

Without hesitation, Bai Yao stepped onto this passage.

Silently, beside him and behind him, strange creatures appeared one after another, all like walking zombies, heading towards the world at the end of the passage.

They all seemed to have lost their souls and became a group of unconscious creatures, but because they were powerful in life, they all exuded a dangerous aura.

All the strange creatures had their eyes closed, but two lines of bright red blood flowed from the corners of their eyes.

At the same time, they were all smiling weirdly, showing their white teeth, which looked very scary.

Their temperaments are very evil, and they have all become living dead. The most frightening thing is that they are constantly absorbing the strange power overflowing from the end of the road, and their nature is rapidly changed.

Here, there seems to be a mysterious power flowing, which can receive the lost lives and then transform them one by one.

For Bai Key, these strange creatures were completely unaware. He seemed not to be in this time and space, and he passed directly through the bodies of many strange beings while walking.

There was heavy fog at the end of the passage, but this could not hide Bai Yao's eyes, and he saw the true appearance of Soul River at a glance.

The soul river itself is really a river, looming in the fog, and its end extends into an unknown time and space.

After walking out of the passage, the first thing you came to was the beach beside the Soul River, where a large number of strange creatures had gathered.

Then, these creatures disintegrated!

Like moths rushing to the flame, these people's bodies turned into grains of sand on the banks of the Soul River, and their souls quickly disintegrated and fell into the Soul River.

A ray of soul light and a speck of dust, this is the fate of all those who set foot on the passage!

Looking back at the endless Soul River and riverside beaches, the origin of this place will naturally become clear.

The reason for this cannot be delved into or thought about in detail. It is really horrifying and terrifying.

The Soul River was very long, almost immeasurable, and every section was guarded by supremely powerful men, but this was not a problem for Bai Yae, so he went against the Soul River to an unknown place at its source.


This is a place outside the world, with almost no laws and material existence. Even the supreme quasi-emperor in the heavens may be lost when he comes here.

This place was called the Sea of ​​Sacrifice by the former God. It was a desolate ruin left behind after a strange group of people launched a great sacrifice.


Slight law fluctuations flashed past, and a long river appeared in the void, extending to a distant place.

Above the long river, Bai Yao's figure appeared. He glanced around and understood where he was from the surrounding space.

"This Soul River is indeed connected to a strange source. I think it's not far from that extraterrestrial plateau." Bai Yao thought to himself.

He didn't use the power of Daluo to search the heavens. He just took it step by step and didn't want to be too boring.

Without stopping any longer, Bai Yao took a step forward and continued along the end of the Soul River.

The further you go, the thinner the laws and matter become, until the latitude and longitude of the heaven and earth no longer exist, and the laws of the world are disordered. After everything returns to ruins, a plateau that seems to exist but cannot be perceived appears in Bai Yao's sight.

This plateau has indescribable magnificence and incomprehensible virtuality and reality. Maybe the existence of virtuality and reality has no meaning to this plateau, because it has the power to reverse everything.

After being infected by the ashes of the Fuji Taoist, this plateau controlled the supreme power above the Taoist priest. Its own existence could no longer be imprinted, and it had transcended all laws in the world.

It is with this supreme power that the ancestor of the Weird Clan cannot trace its origin because the two are no longer on the same level.

It is said to be a plateau, but it is so vast that even the Immortal Emperor cannot see the whole thing.

The source of the Soul River at Bai Yao's feet is on the plateau, and then flows through the heavens.

Looking from a distance, ancient coffins are appearing, and various strange substances emit nine-colored rays of light to render the world, time and space, making the plateau look very dreamy.

This place is far away from everything in the world, like a gap in time and space beyond eternity, but it is above all other worlds.

On the plateau, there are countless formations flowing, and the mysterious power spreads to the past, present and future, confusing the long river of time that extends here, making it impossible to record what happened.

Covering up all his aura, Bai Yao continued up the Soul River and set foot on the plateau.

"Hey, these pollen should be left by the former one."

Along the way, Bai Yao discovered that the plateau was not only filled with its own material, but also sprinkled with a layer of pollen that exuded an eternal atmosphere, and he instantly understood the origin of these pollen.

"You can be considered a person with great luck. You may not be able to transcend in the future. Let me help you." Bai Yao said to himself.

As he raised his hand, the golden pollen floating on the plateau was gathered together, and the remaining true spirit of the pollen empress was also gathered together.

The next moment, a breath that transcended the laws of time and space came out from the gathered pollen, overwhelmingly pressing in all directions. At the same time, a supreme will immediately revived from it.

As if feeling this power, the center of the plateau also trembled. The plateau, which was originally unordered, immediately spawned dense chains of laws and gods, interfering with the recovery of the Pollen Empress.

The divine chain of order rendered by various rays of light should not exist. This is the original power of Taoist Fuji, and it will affect everything even after his death.

Unfortunately, the resurrection of the Pollen Queen was due to Bai Yao's will. This power that can easily destroy the heavens cannot be changed.

In fact, at the level of the Pollen Empress, it is already difficult to kill. Even the strange ancestor does not have this power.

In the war that year, they only borrowed the power of the plateau to suppress the other party and prevent it from recovering, but they did not completely kill the other party.

If they were elsewhere, they wouldn't be able to suppress the Pollen Queen so easily.

Speaking of which, there is also a reason why Empress Pollen did not know the truth about the plateau and set foot on it easily.

(End of this chapter)

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