The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 447 The Immortal Emperor Appears

Chapter 447 The Immortal Emperor Appears
In the Secret Realm of Heaven, Yan Zu in black, together with the other two people, looked at Bai Yao with burning eyes.

"Senior, you have advanced cultivation and know more secrets. I hope you can tell us, can we really defeat Weirdness?"


Bai Yao nodded affirmatively, and then said: "But obviously not now, the heavens need more strong men."

The three supreme beings in the martial arts world were excited, as if they saw hope, "Will seniors also take action?"

"I don't belong to the heavens, so naturally I won't participate in your fight." Bai Yao shook his head, breaking their illusion.

Yan Zu and others were all disappointed. At this time, having an unknown strong person join could also boost their confidence a lot. But unexpectedly, Bai Yao didn't want to get involved.

"Senior, the Weird clan is the enemy of all heavens. I believe that seniors should also understand the truth of the death of lips and teeth, and senior also said that we are fully capable of defeating Weird. Seniors might as well join in." At this time, the three of them persuaded Bai Yao. .

Until now, they still have not seen clearly the strength of the person in front of them. In their hearts, Bai Yao must be a hidden Supreme Immortal Emperor.

In this state, one can definitely protect oneself from danger in the heavens and heavens, but it is obviously not possible to truly stay out of trouble.

Yanzu was afraid that he would not know the inside story, so he slowly revealed the truth of the year.

"That was not allowed by the weak back then, but it is no longer necessary now!" Bai Yao said calmly, "Even if I don't tell you, I believe you will be notified soon that the ancestor of Huafen Road is coming back."

In a short period of time, many hidden realms and secret realms were discovered, the forces hidden within them were destroyed, and countless creatures perished.

Finally, seeing that Bai Yao really didn't want to participate in this kind of fight and had no intention of continuing to protect them, the three of them gritted their teeth and asked the most important question.

"But considering that the heavens are now weak and all the forces are gathered together, the two Immortal Emperors will not be able to take care of everything. Instead, they may be caught in one fell swoop."

"I immediately contacted other forces and the cultivation system to confirm the news with them." Yan Zu couldn't help but trembled.

Gold powder, black blood, silver soul river water, gray mist, white paper money...all kinds of objects representing the origin of weirdness are constantly scattered on this land, infecting all time and space, corroding all living beings encountered, and completely killing them. Become desperate.

After these years of running away, they all felt very uneasy in their hearts, so they invited Bai Yao immediately, hoping to take refuge under his command and get the protection of a mysterious immortal emperor.

Wrong judgment led them to draw the wrong conclusion, and then they said this ridiculous thing.

Most of the problems of these people were based on the interests of their own ethnic group and the heavens, and they did not think of seeking personal gain for themselves.


Except for Wu Mu, who had just made a breakthrough, the second ancestor Yan and Meng were both surprised and happy, and were shocked by the news.

"To be honest, senior, after the destruction of God in the past, although the major forces and major cultivation systems were broken up, there were still some connections in private."

They could have asked other questions that would benefit their own cultivation, but they didn't.

But when it comes to truly destroying this continent, the former Supreme Immortal Emperor did not dare to say that he could do it easily.

"The ancestor of Pollen Road is coming back!"

"With her strength, those eternal immortal emperors will soon be reflected and return, and they will definitely be called back to reshape the heavens."

In her absence, the sky quickly declined, was soon overcome by strangeness, and was finally shattered.

A large number of strange beings, sky-reaching giant beasts infected by strangeness, and the army of fallen immortal kings from all over the heavens, continuously landed from the sea of ​​sacrifice and entered the sky.

However, Bai Yao refused without hesitation.

"You can't fight alone. Find the Huafen Road cultivation system and join them!" Bai Yao suggested.

Looking at the three people, Bai Yao seemed to see the former Chaos City Lord and the founder of the giant axe.

The realms of heaven, which had already been turned to death due to the destruction that year, once again ushered in a more grand sweep.

However, now they heard from Bai Yao that the ancestor was coming back and wanted to rebuild the heaven. How could they not be excited?
This is the best news they have heard since the destruction of heaven. It is even more shocking than Wu Mu breaking through the Dao Ancestor realm and leading his people back.

It can be said that the real trigger of God's destruction was the disappearance of this ancestor.

An earth-shattering war is breaking out. The battle between the strong men has caused endless waves in the world, time, space, and the passage of time, with endless roars.

When she was there, although God was at a disadvantage in the battle, he could still protect himself.

"Senior, I would like to ask you to give me some advice as to where the future of our martial spirit world lies?" The three of them stood up and bowed deeply.

"So everyone decided to break up into pieces, and while maintaining contact in private, the major forces fled separately. In this way, even if a certain lineage is unfortunately destroyed, the heavens can still leave a fire, and will not directly lose the resistance. "

Over the past few years, the major forces and cultivation systems that have fled and hidden on this continent have gradually discovered the increasingly frequent movements of the strange clan.

These peak experts are the Dinghai Shenzhen that God can use to resist the weird clan. The strongest one, the ancestor of Huafen Road, is like a pillar supporting the sky.

"This..." Seeing that he was so confident, the three of them couldn't persuade him anymore, although some of them didn't understand where his confidence came from.

Although the once dazzling heaven has been shattered, this continent, as the source of all worlds and the supreme land, can still withstand a battle at the level of an Immortal King under the influence of its original personality.

With their level, they naturally know many secrets of God, the most core of which are these powerful men at the pinnacle of God.

They had been waiting for this good news for a long time.

The core area of ​​​​God.

Everyone knows that being able to talk to a supreme being like him is a supreme opportunity in itself.

Bai Yao laughed and said: "You should concentrate on improving your strength. As for me, the Weird Clan can't do anything about it!"

The second best thing to do was to think that since Bai Yao was very powerful, he must know more secrets and be able to make suggestions from a more strategic position, so he asked this question.

Only lives fighting at the level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Dao Ancestor can truly cause irreversible damage to this land.

After all, in the battle that shattered the sky, five Immortal Emperors died one after another, and none of them have returned yet.

Such an unscrupulous attack by the strange tribe naturally aroused fierce resistance from all the tribes in the sky.

For a time, fierce beacons were ignited everywhere in the sky, and the battles were endless and continuous.

In a secret realm in the Heavenly Cang Domain, two supreme figures were sitting in the main seats, surrounded by dozens of quasi-immortal emperor-level beings below, and surrounded by a huge number of immortal kings.

The two figures on the main throne are the only two immortal emperors left in heaven today. One is named Menghai and the other is named Luo Tianxian. "I don't know what happened on the Weird Earth side, and they have stepped up their offensive during this period. According to the information we collected, nearly ten fellow Taoists at the quasi-immortal emperor level have died in recent times!" A The Quasi-Immortal Emperor said with an ugly expression.

"Is the Weird Clan preparing for another big sacrifice with such a large-scale attack?" someone speculated.

Hearing this, everyone in the secret realm felt a chill on their faces, because this meant that the heavens were bleeding again.

The two Immortal Emperors above were also communicating about this matter.

"We can no longer retreat. Everyone is already demoralized. If this continues, everyone will suffer heavy losses. Who will dare to fight back?" Meng Hai looked solemn.

"Yes, if all sentient beings lose hope, then God will really have no future!" Luo Tianxian sighed in his life, and his beautiful face was actually a bit ferocious.

They have been fleeing for countless years, just to retain their vitality, hoping that new powerful people will rise up and restore the glorious moment of God.

It's a pity that the weird tribe will obviously not give them such a chance. They have never given up on chasing them, especially in recent times.

Even, looking at the edge of the Endless Sea of ​​Sacrifice, close to the sky, a huge altar is emerging.

This altar was made of countless blood and countless lives. There were countless strange runes flowing on the surface, and the strange aura of the Immortal Emperor emerged.

This is an extremely terrifying evil altar that can devour the flesh and blood of all living beings in the world. It appears extremely evil and filthy, making people horrified.

The huge altar is the source of the gathering of so many strange lives in a short period of time.

Only by completely destroying it can the Weird side's offensive be delayed.

Obviously, this is not something that ordinary people can do, including those Tao Ancestors. Only the Supreme Immortal Emperor can take action.

With the two Supreme Immortal Emperors taking action, the war suddenly reached its peak.

The mighty power of the Supreme Immortal Emperor overflowed, making countless monks who were fighting excited. There were also countless sleeping beings that were awakened. Great realms were awakened. Countless strong men returned against the will of heaven and killed the strange army.

"The Immortal Emperor has appeared and personally committed suicide in the Sea of ​​Sacrifice. He wants to block the source of the strangeness. How can we just sit back and watch while I fight out!"

As soon as a great world passage emerged, a supreme Taoist ancestor rushed out. He roared and killed the supreme existence of the weird clan.

"In the long years of silence, the world may have forgotten our reputation. We will fight in the sky and sublimate or end in glory."

From all over the sky, countless strong men surged out in an instant. They roared and attacked together with the two Immortal Emperors.

Since the destruction of God, everyone has been running for their lives. Anger, frustration, and all kinds of emotions are suppressed in their hearts, making many people feel like a volcano about to erupt.

At this moment, someone was taking the lead. Naturally, these strong men did not want to endure it any longer. They all wanted to use this opportunity to release the grievances and anger they had felt over the years, so they all used their strongest combat power to fight against the weird clan.

No one was afraid, but more excited. Their blood was boiling, and they did not retreat, nor did they leave any escape route for themselves. They only wanted to kill the strange life.

All over the Heavenly Continent, all living beings responded to the will of the two Immortal Emperors, sacrificing their weapons and setting up battle flags.

This war has spread to many major realms in the world. Both sides have invested a large amount of troops. Countless branch clans have arrived, and ethnic groups that were originally about to flee have also joined the battlefield.

The martial spirit world lineage also prepared for war, and under the leadership of three quasi-immortal emperor level beings, they went out.

Bai Yao was also a little surprised when he saw the land of heaven that was suddenly fighting each other. He didn't expect it to develop like this.

However, he didn't care and watched the evolution of things with interest.

On the battlefield, countless boundary walls were penetrated in an instant, and the long river of time emerged due to the pull of powerful power. Dozens of quasi-immortal emperors fought with the strange and supreme, and the vast starry sky showed signs of collapse.

This time, although many quasi-immortal emperors came from the weird tribe, the Dao Ancestors of God were not afraid to give in. Almost all of them came out to fight against the weird tribe and gained the upper hand in a short time.

In the era of escape after the destruction of God, they finally gathered together again and killed the enemy together, which made many monks feel their blood boiling.

Although the battle on the battlefield of God was fierce, what really determined whether God was safe and sound was the battle of the Immortal Emperor that broke out in the Sea of ​​Sacrifice.

At the Sea Sacrifice Altar, the only two Immortal Emperors left in the sky came together to destroy the altar, but were blocked here.

Menghai's three imperial weapons protect his body, and their overwhelming imperial power has shocked the ages. They are isolating strange and dark forces.

His eyes were solemn, even though the weird clan had not yet had a supreme being manifested.


With a silent understanding, the two have known each other for countless years, and they immediately joined hands to launch a unique attack to destroy the altar.

The altar seemed to be connected to the strange earth, and incomparably pure dark power continuously poured out to resist the two men's attacks.

"Darkness falls, strange eternity begins, the great sacrifice begins, and all the worlds rise and fall!"

Infinite dark power emerged from the altar, and a strange plateau appeared in the sky, with many coffins appearing on it, like the source of darkness in the heavens.

Then, there was the sound of footsteps, as if a supreme being was walking out of it, about to step into the sea of ​​​​sacrifice.

Moreover, listening to the sound of footsteps, there is more than one person.


"Insolent! Who dares to destroy our clan's altar!"

From outside the endless time and space, two voices sounded, and there were actually living beings who wanted to destroy the altar prepared for the great sacrifice. This kind of provocation and weird clan could not tolerate it.

At the same time, the big bright red hand and the giant gray hand that covered the long river of time reached out, the imperial aura filled the air, and the law of sublimation of the supreme power came, directly destroying Meng Hai's peerless blow.

"Don't leave once you're here. As a sacrifice for us, complete this grand ceremony!" One of the strange immortal emperors said coldly.

His whole body was blood red, and matter was scattered in billows. His supreme body seemed to have just emerged from a pool of blood. His aloof attitude seemed to disdain the two Immortal Emperors.

"Our clan is eternal, let you linger for a while, and you actually think that you have become a spirit, and you dare to knock on the door, then don't leave." Another strange immortal emperor also sneered.

The confrontation in the Sea of ​​Sacrifice was immediately accompanied by the supreme power of both sides, which was projected to the heavens, causing countless creatures to be stunned.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the four majestic figures that changed the course of the long river of time.

(End of this chapter)

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