The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 450 The Final Battle

Chapter 450 The Final Battle

Ye Fan and others are all supreme figures at the top of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. The distance from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain is not far. Even on foot, they quickly reached the top of the mountain.


"Emperor Huang Tian?"

The moment they stepped into the pavilion, they froze in place when they saw the faces of the people playing chess in the pavilion.

There were five people in the pavilion, all of them were extremely talented, and they all had an aura that made several people tremble with fear.

Ye Fan and the others looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes. Five immortal emperors who were rarely seen in heaven actually appeared here.

They were right. Strictly speaking, the special realm of sacrifice still belonged to the late emperor. The so-called sublimation at the end of the road had never truly transcended.

"Here he comes." Bai Yao nodded to a few people, then looked at Shi Hao and others, and said, "Nuo, the latecomer you have been waiting for is here now."

Suddenly, Empress Pollen, Meng Hai, and Luo Tianxian, who had never met Ye Fan and others, all looked at them with strange eyes.

If Empress Pollen hadn't returned with the sacrificial light that awakened him, he might have remained silent for countless years.

This is not arrogance, but absolute confidence in his own strength. His only goal now is to quickly take the last step and fight side by side with everyone.

Shi Hao, who had already seen each other in the long river of time and space, his eyes lit up, "Haha, we are old friends, but we have never been able to communicate before. This is the first time we have met. My name is Shi Hao."

Shi Hao and others alone cannot completely eliminate him. Even if they eliminate all the weirdness in the future, they can only gain short-term peace.

"Haha, with your participation, it seems that the counterattack on the plateau is not far away!" Empress Pollen looked happy, especially when she looked at Ye Fan, she was very pleased.

Unless the existence of Bai Yao, who has proved Daluo, can extend his power to the beginning of time, completely erasing the concepts and authority he placed there, and making him lose the source of his power, then he can be truly killed.

Bai Yao didn't speak. He knew the situation on the plateau best.

"Yes, if there are a few more Immortal Emperors, there will be more hope in dealing with weirdness in the future." Shi Hao sighed.

Strictly speaking, the Taoist Taoist Talisman was not dead. He just sealed his own consciousness when he was unable to solve his own problems, and took the initiative to exile himself into a state of selflessness and righteousness.

"These are still minor. Looking back now, that weird plateau may still hide unimaginable secrets! This secret may be the reason why they can be resurrected infinitely." Shi Hao looked in the direction of the plateau and expressed his guess. .

Looking at the high-spirited Ye Fan, Shi Hao seemed to see his former self.

Along the way, he accumulated too many doubts. What is the ultimate darkness? How many weird people are there, that even the heaven has been destroyed before?
When he saw that the legendary Emperor Huang Tian was so afraid of weirdness, he found that doubts seemed to be no longer important, and he could feel the seriousness of the situation.

"The Weird Clan is more terrifying than you think. Until now, we have not figured out how many Weird Immortal Emperors there are in the Weird Clan? How many are Weird Ancestors?" Empress Pollen said in a heavy tone.

When he first set foot in the sky, he also thought that he could level everything with his own strength, but it turned out that he really couldn't do it alone.

"As long as you absorb our breakthrough experience and practice in this Taoist academy for a while, maybe I will welcome a few more supreme immortal emperors to the heavens!" said Luo Tianxian.

Therefore, he chose to sublimate in silence and wait for those who come after him.

"Well, I have a very deep understanding of the Tao, and I only need the final transformation!" Meng Hai couldn't help but admire. In his eyes, Ye Fan and the others were too amazing. When they were both in the quasi-immortal emperor realm, he It is far incomparable.

"See Huangtian Emperor!" Ye Fan and others seemed very respectful to this legendary Emperor who had been arbitrary for eternity and had protected this area of ​​Boundary Sea.

In his state, it is difficult to escape, but it is also difficult to die.

But having touched the supreme authority, he has unintentionally gained the courage and confidence to look down on all the heavens and worlds, confident that he can defeat everything in the future.

"Are our enemies really so terrible? Even the Emperor of Heaven says so?" Ye Fan said.

Under the reincarnation of the five innate gods, the Taoist Taoist priest entrusted in the primordial era will continuously transform the power, and the weirdness will come back sooner or later.

Unless, as in the original work, Shi Hao, Ye Fan and others break through to the sacrificial path and touch their power to the primordial era.

In the pavilion on this nameless mountain peak, the most amazing people in the world gathered here.

No one knows what they talked about specifically, but it will definitely affect the future of the entire heaven and earth.


At the end of the Sea of ​​Sacrifice, in the troubled land of the plateau, as time went by, the long-silent supreme will began to riot. Supreme lights of different colors emerged, many auras filled the air, and one after another the supreme body was reflected. .

This is not the most terrifying thing. In the center of the plateau, from an ancient coffin of unknown age, a faint sound like a door is being pushed. When the original material rises, it impacts everything in the world. The terrifying power suppresses the longitude and latitude of the world. There are even people in the place of exile. Signs of beginning to connect the worlds.

Many years have passed, and these ancestors will enter the world again.

Over the years, they have been silently calculating the information about the white key, but they have always found nothing.

Bai Yao is Da Luo. As long as he doesn't want to, even if the Weird Clan spends everything they have, they still won't be able to spy on him at all. Their efforts are doomed to be useless.

But these weird people don't know that the more this happens, the more panic they feel inside, because it means that there is power in the world that they cannot control.

Therefore, they lost their patience and went berserk, trying to use force to solve the hidden dangers.

Faced with this situation, Shi Hao, Ye Fan and others, who had been waiting for a long time, also manifested the supreme body and confronted the strange ancestor across the sea of ​​sacrifice.

"They finally couldn't bear it anymore." Shi Hao said with a smile.

The Pollen Empress stood side by side with him, looking at the plateau equally solemnly.

Both of them had fought with the strange ancestor and knew how terrifying the other party was.

However, seeing the creatures around them, the two of them smiled knowingly, because this time, they were no longer alone on the plateau.

In the center of the plateau, five indescribable beings were born at once, manifesting a body that reached the heavens and the earth.

The power of the sacrifice permeated the air, and even the supreme power of the Immortal Emperor was suppressed. Most of these born ancestors are covered with beautiful scales on their huge real bodies, surrounded by the light of tortoise shells with strong bone texture, and a mysterious real pattern is looming on their bodies.

This was caused by the wanton authority of the Fuji Taoist Master, which made them evolve into this indescribable state like a virus.

The evolutionary path of the strange ancestors before they were infected has been disturbed and distorted. However, they can truly control the power of the sacrificial path, which is very contradictory.

The legal bodies that exist in the sacrificial way are all real bodies that reflect the manifestations of all worlds out of disorder. They are completely different from the will of the Immortal Emperor overriding the laws of all worlds. They are the authority that is truly separated from the law. In the past, present and future, the latitude and longitude of heaven and earth will be suppressed. It must be like an eternal place.

"Let's go, just start the big sacrifice and cleanse the world. I don't believe he won't come out!" An ancestor with a dark golden luster said coldly.

"It is a prosperous time that has never happened in a long time for the five ancestors to appear together. They should feel lucky!" A statue of the ancestor surrounded by white light said, and there was a vision of paper money flying in the sky behind him.

Over the years, the great sacrifice has been held by the Immortal Emperor on the plateau. As the supreme being, this is completely sufficient. But now, five sacrificial beings have come to the world to hold sacrifices in person. This has never happened before.

Behind Shi Hao and Empress Pollen, an Immortal Emperor who respected the heavens looked at the five ancestors who were born and couldn't believe it.

Before this, the heavens and heavens had no idea how many ancestors there were on the plateau.

They had thought about it as much as possible, but now that the five ancestors were born together, they still shocked everyone.

Before they could think about it, the five ancestor bodies in the center of the plateau began to move, and the next second they stepped into the sea of ​​sacrifice.

As they stepped in, the waves of the Sea of ​​Sacrifice that had been rolling endlessly for countless thousands of years immediately came to a standstill.

Centered on the plateau, various dazzling rays of light connected into divine chains of order and erupted. The surrounding sea was exaggerated with the power of sacrifice, and the longitude and latitude of the heaven and earth were traced back. The ancient history that turned into sea water seemed to be going backwards. Outside the plateau, there was a vast sea. The land spread, and the waves of the true pattern began to swallow the sea water, re-manifesting the world that had never been destroyed before.

This is the way of sacrifice, and what you pass by is the time and space of the current world, and can be traced back to the eternal heavens.

At almost the same time, Empress Shi Hao and Pollen Queen and others also stepped into the Infinite Sacrifice Sea. The golden lotus of heaven and earth bloomed from the chaos and penetrated the light of the eternal sky, and a piece of land also began to manifest the current time and space.

"The five sacrificial beings, even if there is primitive matter on the plateau, I don't believe that they were promoted naturally." The eyes of the Emperor Wushi seemed to be able to see through time and space, but he was unable to spy any secrets from the strange ancestor.

"Ji Dao, what a terrifying existence!" Luo Tianxian's face turned pale.

"It's just a battle in the sky, and everything will be resolved." Empress Pollen looked back at the plateau. This battle cannot be settled, so she will settle old and new scores together. "It's just a pity that we haven't waited for the latecomers."

"It will come!" Shi Hao was full of confidence.

The disorderly and helpless Sea of ​​Sacrifice manifested the latitude and longitude of heaven and earth at this moment. The spread of the eternal realm brought the two sides into constant contact with each other as the world reappeared. The divine chain of order in the sky began to connect and then disappeared into the latitude and longitude of heaven and earth.

In just an instant, the Sea of ​​Sacrifice transformed the world, ancient history was reopened, and many sacrificial creatures gathered in all worlds. This was something that had never happened before in ancient and modern times. This scene was extremely shocking.

"I didn't expect that when we meet again, it will be like this!" An indescribable ancestor spoke first. He participated in suppressing the Pollen Empress back then and was now born again.

"Yes, we meet again." Empress Pollen's eyes were full of murderous intent, and she turned around and said: "This time, I won't give you another chance!"

"He is indeed a good junior." Looking at Shi Hao next to the empress, although as an opponent, the strange ancestor is still a bit amazing, "But it is useless. For us, it is just a little more trouble."

"I wonder if the Empress can answer my question. Why hasn't the person who rescued you from the plateau shown up yet? Are we not qualified enough?" Another ancestor spoke up, directing the topic to Bai Yao.

The powerful men in the heavens were stunned for a moment, and then looked strange.

"Haha, I think you don't want to see that senior!" Shi Hao shook his head and laughed.

They really want Bai Yao to take action, so that they won't have much pressure. But there is no way, Bai Yao has no intention of intervening in their dispute.

"You guys really know each other!" One of the ancestors snorted coldly, "Since you don't want to say it, then let's fight. We'll take care of you first, and then go find that one."

"Hmph! I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Shi Hao remained fearless as always, even when facing the five ancestors.

At that time, he alone dared to venture into the strange plateau, let alone now that he had the Pollen Empress as a traveler with him.

The next second, Emperor Shi Hao's sword slashed out, and the past and present were silent. The longitude and latitude of the heaven and earth were scattered, and the sacrificial sea that turned into the world melted again, with endless power seeping into the years.

Facing his earth-shattering blow, the three strange ancestors did not dare to underestimate it and responded with all their strength. This sword had already made them feel the pressure.

The remaining two ancestors also rushed towards the Pollen Empress, continuing the battle from eons ago, and the bloody battle of many sacrifices began like this.

Far away from the area where they fought, the former two emperors of heaven and the trio of Zhetian also fought with the five strange immortal emperors who accompanied the ancestors into the sea of ​​sacrifice.

Both sides put a lot of energy into this war, and both wanted to solve the other side in one battle, so it was very intense from the beginning, and they reached the past and future of the long river of time and space.

The blood of the Immortal Emperor continues to flow, and is constantly gathered by the mighty power in the dark.

It is too difficult to kill the Immortal Emperor who holds the supreme power. Both sides are like immortal Xiaoqiang. Even if their bodies are shattered and their blood spreads in the long river of time and space, they can still reunite with their true bodies.

This war, which only the Immortal Emperor can participate in, is destined to last for countless years.

On one side of the sacrificial sea, Shi Hao and the three strange ancestors fought until the world collapsed, penetrated the long river of time, and turned this place into nothingness, as if entering the inside of a black hole.

This is a battle that cannot be traced and cannot be reflected in the heavens. No law can engrave these traces.

In the battlefield, only four divine suns with blazing rays of light collided in this chaotic time and space. The true patterns melted, the order collapsed, the longitude and latitude were shattered, and time and ancient history were stagnated here.

Strictly speaking, the battle between priests cannot be described. It is the collision and impact of essential bodies.

Shi Hao's whole body seemed to be covered with a pair of bright wings, which were reflected by the laws sublimated by the endless power of the sacrifice.

The world has been unable to catch its traces, but its supreme magical power manifested itself in this realm of nothingness, powerfully impacting the different origins of the other three rays of light again and again.

Shi Hao, who has entered the realm of sacrifice with great force, is extremely tyrannical. He seems to have the eternal heavens behind him, competing with the strange ancestor who is also connected to the strange plateau behind his back.

(End of this chapter)

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