The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 454 Talking about Detachment

Chapter 454 Talking about Detachment
"Kill him! Kill him!"

The will of the plateau, which contains the meaning of detachment, sent out violent fluctuations of consciousness, shaking both inside and outside the plateau, and resounded in the minds of endless strange beings.

Many strange beings, including the Immortal Emperor and the First Ancestor, were all shocked in their hearts, infected by the murderous intent, and looked at Su Yan who had climbed to the top.

The next moment, the law bodies of the ten ancestors collapsed and turned into the most original primitive matter, bursting out with the most brilliant rays of light.

Ten kinds of strange rays of light merged into a colorful light source, and the waves of great power dyed the plateau into a colorful place with the fluctuations.

The ground pulsed, a terrifying spirit emerged from the light source, and a transcendent power that vaguely surpassed the sacrifice spread out of the plateau.

Facing the existence in the light and shadow, no one can ignore it. The people who worshiped the sea were excluded. The Immortal Emperor's status has been suppressed and he can no longer explode his former great power.

The ten ancestors of the plateau were originally creatures born in all worlds.

However, I entered the plateau many years ago.

At that time, the ashes of Taoist Fuji had poured out and infected the plateau.

The legal body melted, all power was released, and at the same time it broke away from the shackles of heaven and earth, turning into a tangible and insubstantial conceptual existence, impacting the will of the plateau.

Everyone was shocked, but no one flinched. They used the power of sacrifice to sacrifice everything they had, turning it into the purest and most powerful power.

The chaotic timeline itself is also slowly going back, and the timelines of the future are slowly connecting over time.

Under the extreme light that erupted on the plateau, all the strangeness was washed away, all the darkness was cleared, and the eternal heavens turned into a clear universe.

At this moment, on the plateau, the earth was glowing with radiance, and there was a glow between the sky and the earth, completely restored to its original appearance, a scene of paradise.

"Is this the will of the plateau? The real source of the strange ethnic group?" Shi Hao looked ahead with some surprise. He did not expect that the so-called strange plateau was actually a living creature.


The light of concepts of Shi Hao, Ye Fan, Empress Pollen, Wu Shi, and Wu Ren, wrapped in the endless power obtained by sacrificing their bodies, quickly pierced through everything and penetrated into the core of light and shadow.

It wasn't until an unknown number of years passed that the light on the plateau slowly dissipated, and the plateau and the vast sea reappeared in the world.

Even if it is only a part of its power, it is a power that is completely beyond the sacrifice, and cannot be matched by Shi Hao, Ye Fan and others.

On the paradise-like plateau, Shi Hao, Ye Fan and other five people lost their traces. The original ancestors of the plateau also disappeared, losing all traces.

Looking at the empty plateau, Qingdi was stunned for a moment and said in shock.

To a certain extent, even with all the power of the multiverse, it cannot be done.

The moment they arrived here, they understood where this place was. It was exactly where the plateau was countless years ago, but the plateau did not appear now.

The Supreme Immortal Emperors, who are said to have forgotten all the heavens, are completely confused.

Compared with them, the Weird Plateau is so large and surpasses God in terms of status. It is difficult to imagine the conditions for the birth of its own consciousness.

In the world of Zhetian, there are not many so-called innate holy spirits.

"This is too outrageous. How could such a life be born?" Ye Fan was also very surprised.

"What's going on? Where are Emperor Huang Tian and Empress Ye Fan? Why have they disappeared?"

Generally speaking, the more heaven-defying a creation is, the more stringent the conditions are if it wants to give birth to spiritual intelligence and become a real life, or even so harsh that it is impossible.

But after all, they are just human beings, and they all need such harsh conditions.

Eons ago, the heaven and earth had not yet taken shape, everything had not appeared, and even the form did not exist. In the formless and insubstantial time and space of the beginning, five people with only a ray of concept existence appeared here.

The five people didn't care about anything else. The moment they appeared here, they first stared at the chaotic will in front of them.

The moment the will of the plateau revived and he used all his strength to deal with Shi Hao and others, the Weird Immortal Emperor lost the protection of the plateau and lost the ability to be resurrected.

Naturally, the emperors would not miss this opportunity, and slowly wiped out all the remaining nine strange immortal emperors, winning the victory on the Immortal Emperor battlefield.

In order to go further, the peerless figures in front of the ten ancestors successively merged these ten powers and turned into the ten ancestors of the strange ethnic group.

Of course, after merging the original matter, they have actually lost themselves and become an extension of part of the will of Taoist Fuji.

His ashes were the so-called original matter, which contained the strangeness that caused his own problems, and it was exposed again.

"But where are Emperor Huangtian and the others?"


"Is there really such a life?" Queen Pollen asked in shock.

The fairy sound rising from the plateau is like the spring breeze blowing through the world, and the infinite business highlights the past, present and future.

Their bodies are all special items naturally bred by heaven and earth, such as divine gold, mother energy of all things, etc.

The rest of the emperors in the sky were also like this, staring blankly at the peaceful plateau.

Adhering to the remaining will, they instinctively gathered everything in the world to resurrect the former Talisman Sacrifice.

Even the turbid Sacrifice Sea began to gradually become clear under some kind of power. The turbid material representing the volume of ancient history in the Sacrifice Sea was settling and turning into a blue sea.

The bright light exploded in the core of the plateau and immediately spread to all directions, turning the strange plateau and the vast expanse of the boundless sacrificial sea into a vast expanse of white, making it impossible to peer into it anymore.


Now the ten ancestors have reunited and merged with the more powerful remaining will of the plateau, reviving part of the power of the Fuji Taoist Master back then.

These strange things that even the Talisman Priest Taoist cannot eliminate are ten kinds of powers that look like viruses.

The birth of these holy spirits, in addition to the constant nourishment of the great avenues of heaven and earth, also requires endless years of precipitation, and even requires some special inducements from the outside world before they can truly be born.

Because the plateau is so vast that even the Immortal Emperor cannot peek at the end, occupying nearly half of the material avenues of the entire multiverse.

However, this situation, which is impossible in common sense, happened.

Everything proves that the secret behind this is extraordinary.

"As you can see, the so-called plateau will is not born naturally."

The sound of footsteps came, and Bai Yao walked up to everyone and solved their doubts.


"Dean!" In this formless Taichu, Bai Yao, who still maintains his form, is so eye-catching that the five people who only have an idea are shocked and immediately say hello.

However, although they were shocked, they might have expected it, or it might be because they were in different realms, so they were able to deal with it calmly.

"Is the existence of the will that caused the birth of the strange plateau also someone like the senior?" Ye Fan whispered.

"Yes, only such a detached person can cause this kind of situation." Wu Shi said with certainty.

"Then in his current state, is he dead?" Looking at the chaotic will in front of her, the Pollen Empress subconsciously guessed.

Faced with everyone's inquiries, Bai Yao shook his head, "Not dead, but almost. He is not considered transcendent. At most, he has only walked a few steps further than you, otherwise he would not have ended up like this."

"Why did he become like this?" Everyone was still puzzled.

"Countless years ago, he had a problem with his cultivation, which he could not solve by himself, so he buried himself on the plateau. I don't know how much time passed, but the aftermath of my fight with another outsider overflowed from the long river of time and space and overturned the plateau. The scattering of his ashes led to everything today, and it is also the source of the turmoil you have been pursuing." Bai Yao slowly told everyone the reason.

The five people were all shocked. They did not expect that what caused everything today was just the accidental power of the three supreme figures.

At this time, Bai Yao pointed towards the chaotic will light group in front.

The next second, the light group erupted into waves of fluctuations, and all the scenes from the past and present reappeared in the fluctuations.

Drawn by the fluctuations of the chaotic will light group, the five people's wills were invested in it. As if traveling through time and space, they saw the body of the Taoist Master who was once a symbol of sacrifice.

The five of them peered into the plateau vision from an outsider's perspective.

That was still the plateau before the origin of time. The Taoist Fu Ji Taoist rose from all the worlds, defied the will of heaven and became an emperor, and then successfully created the field of Taoism Sacrifice, which was glorious forever.

After that, the glory came to an end, Taoist Fuji had a problem with his cultivation path, so he buried himself personally, and buried his ashes and coffin on the plateau with his own hands.

"He buried himself!"

"Yes! He fell into a deep sleep, his authority and will were abandoned, and everything in the world was created after the plateau collapsed."

Hearing is worse than seeing. After experiencing it personally, the five people were even more shocked.

The next second, Taoist Master Fu Ji in Ancient History seemed to feel something. He turned around and stared at the time and space behind him, and looked at everyone.

"This is a joke! I didn't expect that such a scene would be caused after death. The talisman sacrifice is really inappropriate!" As soon as he woke up, he understood everything.

"Time is also destiny. Without all of this, we might not have been born." Wu Shi, who completed the closed loop in time and space, said with some emotion.

The existence of all worlds is closely related to the person in front of them. To a certain extent, it can be said that the other person made them successful.

But looking at it now, they are also standing in this field and can easily change everything. It will not affect themselves at all, but it is completely unnecessary.

However, in the future worlds of heaven, people will definitely not be so desperate, because they don’t want to!
"Senior, what kind of existence are you?"

After all the mysteries were revealed, the five people lost interest in Fuji Taoist Master.

Maybe it's because of the different paths they take, or maybe it's because of the environment of heaven and earth. Most of them, people of later generations, rely on themselves.

I don't like the fact that Taoist Fuji relied on treasures to achieve such a state, and he also made himself a semi-invalid person.

On the contrary, they are very interested in the White Key, which has always been very mysterious and can stand in this space.

"You should have guessed that I don't belong to your world, I come from outside the world." Bai Yao didn't hide anything and directly stated his origin.

"As for my realm, there are many titles in the universe, such as Da Luo, Enlightenment, Transcendence... You can imagine the ultimate state of enlightenment."

Bai Yao spoke eloquently and taught the five people the secret of achieving transcendence without reservation.

The five people have grown up to this point and are already qualified to attain enlightenment. Bai Yao also hopes that a companion will be born from them, just like the great Luo of Yuan and Human Race expected of him back then.

"I didn't expect that there are so many splendid worlds outside the world. I really hope that one day I can travel and see those different scenery." Shi Hao said with some yearning.

The same goes for everyone else.

Most of those who have been able to get to where they are today have a very firm heart towards the Tao. I don't know how good it is. When they know that there is a wider world outside, they naturally can't help but want to go there.

In fact, as they continue to grow, they have become accustomed to continuous battles, accustomed to challenging the unknown, and accustomed to chasing the ultimate of Tao...

They long for a short-term peaceful life, but if it lasts for a long time, it will also be a kind of torture for them.

"It's not easy to go, let's continue." Bai Yao swiped with one hand, and five tokens with the name of reincarnation appeared out of thin air and shot at the five people.

"Reincarnation? This is..."

Feeling the rich power of transcendence on the token, the five people looked at Bai Yao with curious eyes.

"This is the order of reincarnation. It can communicate with the innate spiritual treasure in the hands of a friend of mine. It can cross all realms. My friend is also a seeker similar to you. I think I will have a lot in common with you."

Thinking of Luo Feng, who was also a fighting maniac, a smile appeared on Bai Yao's lips.

"Thank you, senior!" All five people bowed.

"Go, settle everything, make up for your regrets, and then travel lightly. I hope you can become a companion one day."

After the five people thanked them again, they controlled themselves to experience the innate five great reincarnations and returned to the time node after the war.

In this space and time, only Bai Yao and Taoist Talisman are left.

"It seems that you can't solve your own problems on your own. I'll give you a chance to keep your memory and try again. Do you dare?" He glanced at the other party and thought that Shi Hao and others had given him the opportunity, and he was not the only one. So said.

"Junior is willing!" The will did not hesitate and agreed immediately.

As if he thought of something again, the Taoist Talisman sacrificed the talisman that he loved and hated.

"Senior, this is a treasure I got by chance. I really have no chance to enjoy it." Thinking of his current miserable state, his remaining will gave out a bitter smile, "Senior, please accept it."

Holding the talisman in one hand, Bai Yao also had a strange expression on his face, finally understanding the reason why the other party ended up like this, "This thing has great cause and effect, and you are really not blessed to bear it."

At this point, he stopped talking, knowing too much would not be a good thing for the upcoming reincarnation of Taoist Fuji.

Bai Yao did not lie to him. Although this talisman was not considered powerful among the innate spiritual treasures and was only the lowest grade innate spiritual treasure, it did have an extraordinary origin. Those who were not blessed enough would only bring disaster.

"The past is like a passing cloud. I will send you to reincarnation and start a new life again!"

With a wave of his hand, all the weird things that Taoist Fuji was tainted with were wiped out, and his true spiritual imprint was pulled out from the endless time and space, and sent to the beautiful era after the plateau was pacified.

(End of this chapter)

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