The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 463: Lord God’s Promise

Chapter 463: Lord God’s Promise
At the top of the main sacred mountain, the air seemed to be frozen.

Finally, Hu Erlei, the master of the thunder system, couldn't bear it any longer.

"Master God Kurosawa, you placed us here and are you going to sit here like this forever?" Hurley asked directly while suppressing his anger.

"Didn't you notice that everyone is not here yet? When everyone is here, it will start naturally." Glancing at him lightly, Lord Kurosawa said slowly.

"Not everyone has arrived yet?" Huerlei looked at the space vacated by Kurosawa. "The person who hasn't arrived is the so-called Great Elder of your human race. Why don't you call him out quickly? Let so many of us wait. He Can you afford it?”

Although the other main gods did not say anything, they actually agreed very much with what Thunder Lord Huerlei said.

Although the Great Elders Council in human race legends is very special and powerful, many of the main gods have strong objections to the fact that they have so many main gods waiting for them.


However, as soon as Huerlei finished speaking, and before Lord Blackpool had time to refute, an aura like the origin of heaven and earth descended on the audience.

This aura was mysterious and powerful, as if it represented the heaven and earth itself, and contained endless power. It suppressed everyone present on their seats.

"Everyone, sit down!"

The white key is indeed a fake. How can the main godhead be such an inconvenient thing with so many restrictions?

"See the Master of Balance!"

The breath disappeared, and everyone's heart dropped, and they breathed a long sigh of relief.

Although I don't know whether what Bai Yao said is true or not, seeing that he has the laws of heaven and earth in his body, as if he is emotionless like the origin of the universe, many of the gods believe him.

"Oh, I wonder if I can bear it?"

But thinking about it carefully, Bai Yao had no signs of this before, and he was still discussing with them the distribution of the main godhead of the clan.

After everyone was stunned, they immediately reacted and shouted the name of the Master of Balance.

"Balance dominates the righteousness!" Many gods shouted again.

Faced with this change, many gods were horrified.

The main gods shouted that balance governs the righteousness, but in fact many people complained in their hearts, "Balance? I think you are the one who affects the balance between heaven and earth the most, right?"

"Since it is a meeting of the Lord Gods, the agreement we reached today is for everyone here. If you have ideas about the future order of heaven and earth, you can put them forward. If you think it is okay, we will decide it today and everyone will abide by it." After Bai Yao made his opening remarks, he looked at everyone.

Seemingly knowing what they were thinking, Bai Yao spoke again.

Seeing Bai Yao appear, the five people stood up and bowed respectfully.

"Including the human race, as long as there is no danger of annihilation, I will not take action." Bai Yao's face was calm, as if he was the origin of heaven and earth.

As for Huerlei, he was dripping with cold sweat and lost control of his body.

After listening to Bai Yao's words, the five main gods of the human race were a little stunned when they looked at his current appearance. They murmured in their hearts, is there such a restriction on the main godhead of Balance?

Just when they were about to react, the lower and middle main gods realized that they were suppressed on the seats and could not move at all.

"See the Great Elder!"

The only ones on the platform who are not restricted are the main gods of the human race.

"You don't need to call me Great Elder. This is what the human race calls me." Bai Yao's words made everyone fearful again. "My name is Bai Yao. I combine the unique balance master godhead between heaven and earth. Maybe you can call me Bai Yao." I am the master of balance!”


He did this just to reassure these gods.

Bai Yao pressed his hand to make everyone quiet down again, and then continued: "My palm is balanced. Naturally, I must comply with the meaning of balance and maintain the balance of the world."

As his words fell, the aura that occupied every inch of space between heaven and earth suddenly disappeared.

"Balance governs righteousness!"

Everyone was indifferent, looking at each other without saying anything, and they didn't know where to start.

"Thank you, Great Elder!"

The nine high-ranking gods who stood up next to the round table did not dare to make mistakes at this moment. They all bowed obediently and then sat down again.

After a long time, Viviya, the Lord of Life, spoke first, "Your Excellency, Lord of Balance, the fighting between the Lord Gods has seriously affected the balance between heaven and earth. Can you directly ban the fighting between the Lord Gods?"

Every word Bai Yao just said resounded in his mind like a thunderclap, and even the lightning element master godhead he had fused was so shaken that it threatened to fly out at any time.

At some point, a figure appeared behind Huer Lei, and the aura that seemed to be the origin of heaven and earth was released from this figure.

He showed too much strength and was afraid that these main gods would be afraid of him and isolate the human race.

No one wants to have a sharp sword hanging above their head at any time. Now that the sharp sword is wrapped in a scabbard, everyone is relieved.

Therefore, he chose this compromise, which was both a deterrent and a restriction. As time went by, it became clear that what he said was not true.

"Here today, in the name of the balance of heaven and earth, I will discuss with you the order of heaven and earth in the future. I think this is what everyone wants to see." As he said this, Bai Yao looked at the gods.

Bai Yao walked slowly to Lord Kurosawa and sat directly on the only empty seat at the round table.

"I have integrated the Godhead of Balance, so I am naturally bound by the way of balance and must act in accordance with the balance of heaven and earth. As long as no one in heaven and earth breaks the balance of heaven and earth, I will not take action."

The five of them were all smart people. Looking around, they suddenly understood Bai Yao's intention, and a serious expression appeared on their faces.

If he doesn't reveal some of his strength, these main gods will always covet his balance main godhead.

On the central round table in the middle, many high-ranking gods except Huer Lei could only control their bodies and stand up tremblingly.

As soon as these words were said, many of the main gods present changed their minds and directly banned the fighting between them, which would have directly abolished most of their freedom.

Even for lower-level lords, what they fear is actually the sniper kills from high-level lords. If it were to be cut across the board, they would consider it extremely unreasonable.

After all, as long as they still live between heaven and earth, there will definitely be friction and fights between them. If they are not allowed to fight among themselves, wouldn't they be suffocated to death?
"I also think it should be like this. Fighting between the gods is prohibited!" How could there be a shortage of Auf pretending to be a good guy in this kind of situation?
After hearing his echo, several people immediately became unable to sit still.

"I think this is very unreasonable. All fighting between gods is prohibited. So what's the difference between waiting for me and going to jail?" Augusta objected.

Everyone nodded, feeling that what he said was very reasonable. Only the corner of Bai Yao's mouth twitched. He didn't expect that the old boy Aof was so good at acting, allowing Augusta, who was one and the same with him, to refute him.

"Augusta, Viviya's proposal can effectively reduce the killings among the Lord Gods like us. This is a very good suggestion. Why do you object?" Auf seemed to be addicted to acting, pretending to be very angry, and retorted Another side of myself, Augusta.

Augusta was very interested in confronting him tit for tat, looking very arrogant and disdainful to argue.

Influenced by them, others immediately joined the discussion.

"I don't think we can ban it completely. After all, fighting is inevitable and we can't suppress it all the time." Uhtred was also on the side of the rebuttal.

"Struggle is an eternal theme. If it is suppressed all the time, it will only breed greater turmoil." Huerlei, who was frightened, also made his own voice.


Bai Yao did not stop everyone's discussion and allowed them to speak freely.

Among the main gods, most of them opposed a blanket ban on fighting among the main gods. Only some weak lower-level gods voted in favor.

"Balance is not a pool of stagnant water. A total ban is not feasible." After everyone expressed their opinions, Bai Yao also rejected it.

Seeing so many people objecting, especially even Bai Yao, Weiweiya knew that her thinking was too simple.

"Then prohibit high-ranking gods from taking action against low-ranking gods." Weiweiya took a step back and suggested again.

Who knew that as soon as she finished speaking, Uhtred immediately retorted, "In this case, wouldn't the lower lord gods be able to provoke us? How can we, the upper lord gods, have any majesty left?"

"Yes, in that case, will these low-level gods still fear us?" The Lord of Darkness also objected.

Many main gods immediately created a stir. This time, many middle main gods and upper main gods were opposed to it.

After spending so much effort and disregarding life and death, he finally became one of the few middle-level gods and upper-level gods in the sky. Now he is asked to be equal to all living beings and perform self-castration. No one will agree to this suggestion.

In the end, most of the middle gods and high-level gods refuted this decision. Especially among the high-level gods, only Viviya and Drama Spirit Auf agreed with this decision. Many other high-level gods opposed it. Viviya's proposal once again Denied.

"Okay, I understand everyone's demands." After Bai Yao saw that everyone had reached the conclusion of their discussion, he stood up and concluded, "First of all, it is necessary to limit the fighting between the Lord Gods, but it cannot be one-size-fits-all."

"My idea is that unless the low-level gods offend or provoke the high-level gods, the high-level gods are prohibited from taking action against the low-level gods. Similarly, unless those ordinary gods offend and provoke you, you main gods cannot kill ordinary gods."

After hearing Bai Yao's suggestion, everyone started discussing again.

This time, no one protested.

Part of the reason is because Bai Yao's strong strength has convinced some people, and it is also because the suggestions he made are indeed very practical and can be truly implemented.

Viviya, the master of life, had been frowning and slowly relaxed at this time.

Call her naive or ignorant, this master of life has indeed been pursuing his own way, hoping that there will be less killing in the world.

"High-ranking gods are prohibited from attacking lower-ranking gods, but if the lower-ranking gods offend or provoke the higher-ranking gods, the higher-ranking gods can kill them. On behalf of the Life God Realm, I agree to the proposal of the Balance Master!" Viviya stood up directly and said On behalf of the Life God Realm behind him, he voted in favor.

Seeing her express her position, others also expressed their own attitudes one after another.

"I agree with this proposal!" said Augusta.

"Agreed." Auf also nodded in agreement.

"Agreed." Lord of Destruction Uhtred and others also expressed their support one after another.

"Okay, since everyone agrees, I declare that this proposal is passed and will serve as a binding clause between the Lord Gods from now on. No one can violate it!"

"In the future, if someone violates this clause and attacks lower gods or ordinary gods for no reason, after confirmation by the Lord God meeting, everyone here or me will personally kill him!" Bai Yao announced to the Lord Gods again.

"Agree!" The Lord Gods nodded solemnly again.

When this clause is passed, it also means that the Lord God Conference has finally reached unity and determined the first binding clause between the Lord Gods.

The birth of the first article is not the end. The Lord God Meeting will continue to discuss other issues and confirm them one by one.

With the approval of the first clause, everyone seemed to have a feeling, so the subsequent negotiations went much smoother.

First of all, the location for the meeting of the main gods was determined to be the main sacred mountain of the human race's holy world, and everyone's seats were also fixed.

For everyone's suggestions, White Key will only give final confirmation after everyone has reached a conclusion through discussion.

But watching them discuss it, an idea came to his mind.

"Currently, the currencies of all the major planes are not unified. How about you use the power of the Lord God to create a unified currency to facilitate communication with the outside world." Bai Yao suggested.

None of the Lord Gods had any reason to refute his proposal. After all, it didn't take much effort for them to create this kind of currency.

The power of the Lord God is almost free to the Lord God. Using this kind of thing to create currency and promote one's status and majesty among the endless ordinary gods will help them spread their faith, and naturally no one will refuse it.

As for whether someone will really extract the main god power from this main god currency, the main gods present will not care, because as long as they want, they can grant more main god power.

Speaking of the main divine power, the main gods present started talking again.

Everyone's unified understanding is that the main divine power or even the main artifact cannot be given personally, but everyone has different opinions on how much to give specifically, and whether relatives can give more.

"If the power of the Lord God overflows, and those ordinary gods start fighting and use the power of the Lord God from the beginning, wouldn't it appear that the power of the Lord God is worthless?" Hathaway, the Lord of Death, said with a frown.

When she said this, everyone had a picture in their minds.

In order to travel faster, an ordinary god uses the power of the Lord God to accelerate himself.

The battles between ordinary gods all use the power of the main god.

Just thinking about it, the picture irritated their nerves.

"Anyone of any rank who dares to use the power of the Lord God like us must be strictly controlled and cannot allow the power of the Lord God to overflow." Augusta said seriously.

"It should indeed be strictly controlled!" Viviya, the master of life, also nodded in agreement.

It’s not that she has the same idea as Augusta, that ordinary gods cannot squander the power of the Lord God like them.

The reason she agreed was because a large amount of the power of the main god would intensify the level of the battle between gods and make it easier to cause chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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