Chapter 470 Dark Forest
"Haha, this problem is very disadvantageous for us!"

Lei Wei and Chu Hao immediately looked at each other and smiled after hearing Chang Weisi's question.

"However, for the sake of pleasant communication, we are still willing to answer. If you want to know anything, just ask." Chu Hao replied with a smile.

"We want to know their origins and their attitudes towards human civilization." Chang Weisi was not polite and directly asked what he was thinking.

"Haha, it seems you think we are an extraterrestrial civilization." Chu Hao laughed.

"Isn't it?" Chang Weisi's heart moved.

"No, we are also Earthlings, but we don't belong to this Earth. According to technology, we come from another parallel time and space." Chu Hao plainly told the origins of the two of them.

Of course, this origin has been modified, and it did not directly reveal their knowledge of the Three-Body plot, nor did it explain the fact that the two came from two time and space.

"Parallel time and space!" Chang Weisi was stunned, not expecting this answer.

Even the person in charge of the National Security Bureau, who was taking notes, paused and was obviously very moved.

"I understand." Chang Weisi nodded, "Since you have made your attitude clear, let me also introduce our current situation."

"I hope that Mr. Chu Hao and Mr. Lei Wei can help us because they are both human beings. Of course, we will also provide necessary help to you during this period." After saying that, he looked at him with stern eyes. Looking at Chu Hao and Chu Hao.

"That's for sure. As human beings, we can't possibly watch the Earth's humans being destroyed by the Trisolaran civilization and watch the Earth being occupied by the Trisolaran civilization." Chang Weisi said frankly, and Chu Hao and the others agreed without hesitation.

Chu Hao and Lei Wei looked at each other. Chang Weisi's description was similar to what they knew.

"To sum up the above, our world is facing the invasion of the Trisolaran civilization, and the technology is locked by the opponent's sophons. There is no hope at all."

Chu Hao looked embarrassed. He was so tall in front of him. Could it be that he hadn't started cultivating immortality yet?
"No, but Senior Lei Wei is coming soon." In the end, Chu Hao could only talk about him.

After a moment of silence, Chang Weisi, who had been shocked by the Trisolaran civilization once, suppressed the shock in his heart and said after deep thought: "It's not just as simple as parallel time and space!"

Chu Hao glanced at him, somewhat admiring the other person's big heart. Under such circumstances, he could still remain rational and discover hidden things.

"That's right, but it's far more than that. In our world, powerful practitioners can even do many things that technology can't do, such as immortality, moving the void, creating all things, etc." Chu Hao clicked. nodded.

He has the ability to teleport and can instantly land at a place millions of kilometers away. His short-term speed is far faster than that of a water droplet, but it cannot last long, not to mention that he has to bring Chu Hao with him.

In fact, since they landed on the earth, their destiny has long been connected and closely related to the earth.

"Your world is a world of pure technology. Our world has both powerful technology and a prosperous cultivation civilization."

"Isn't that like the immortals and demons in mythology?" Chang Weisi was truly moved.

"It all started a few years ago, when cutting-edge physicists around the world began committing suicide for no apparent reason..."

"They are immortals and demons, but they may be different from what you understand. For us, immortals and demons are just a level of cultivation." Chu Hao confirmed his thoughts.

"Humanity has no chance of winning against the powerful Trisolaran civilization, but your arrival has brought us hope." Chang Weisi said solemnly, looking at the two of them.

However, he still replied: "Indeed, although the two worlds are both earth, the development conditions are very different."

"Cultivation of civilization? Your Excellency Lei Wei's ability to transform into a recliner is a result of practice?" Chang Weisi immediately thought of Lei Wei's actions in the video.


"So you are immortals and demons?" Chang Weisi asked directly.

Lei Wei's cultivation is only at the Tribulation Stage. Although his strength is comparable to that of ordinary Mahayana monks due to his cultivation of star transformation, he is far from capable of traveling across the stars.

Whether it is the current enemy Trisolaran Civilization or the future Singers Civilization and Zero Returner Civilization, they also need to face it.

In this case, it is better to cooperate with earth civilization, which will be beneficial to both parties.

"Great, with your joining, we have more confidence in dealing with the Trisolaran civilization." Chang Weisi said happily when he heard the two agreed.

"We are not worried about the Trisolaran civilization. Although Senior Lei Wei is not a real immortal demon, he is still more than enough to deal with the Trisolaran civilization."

"What we should really worry about is being discovered by more alien civilizations." Chu Hao poured cold water on them.

"What do you mean?" Chang Weisi immediately understood the meaning of his words.

Precisely because of this understanding, his heart was not at peace, because it meant that the void outside the earth, like its background, was full of darkness.

"Yes, it's what you think. The Earth and Trisolaran are 4.3 light-years apart. This distance seems very far to us, but in the vast universe, it is no different from meeting aliens when going out."

"There are various signs that the earth is not alone, and there is no lack of intelligent civilization in the universe. The reason why it has not been discovered before may be that the earth is too lucky!" Chu Hao directly told the truth about the universe.

"Maybe the situation between the Earth and the Trisolaran civilization is just an accident?" The person in charge of national security, who had not spoken since entering the room, couldn't help but interrupt at this time.

"Naive, even based on probability theory, there are a large number of civilizations in this vast universe." In this regard, Chu Hao could only answer like this.

"The only question is, since they exist, where are they? Why don't they communicate with us?" In comparison, the questions raised by Chang Weisi are more profound.

"You should know about the sociology of space founded by Professor Luo Ji, right?" Chu Hao did not answer directly, but asked the two of them.

The person in charge of national security didn't know why, but Chang Weisi was thoughtful.

He was very familiar with Luo Ji, because he was the only Earthling hunted by ETO so far, and he had something that made the Trisolaran civilization fearful. Now hearing that Chu Hao, a man from parallel time and space, mentioned Luo Ji and his sociology of the universe, Chang Weisi vaguely understood the reason why he was feared by the Trisolaran civilization.

"Professor Luo Ji's cosmic sociology points out two self-evident basic axioms: First, survival is the first need of civilization. Second, civilization continues to grow and expand, but the total amount of matter in the universe remains unchanged."

"This means that in order to survive, different civilizations have an innate competitive relationship." Chu Hao repeated Luo Ji's sociology of the universe.

"However, this still cannot explain why those civilizations choose to hide themselves. Among so many civilizations, there are always some who love peace and will announce their existence to the universe." The person in charge of national security is still a little puzzled.

"This will introduce two new concepts, the chain of suspicion and the explosion of technology."

"First of all, the chain of suspicion. Taking the civilization of the earth as an example, you cannot judge whether another civilization is kind or malicious to you, nor can you judge whether another civilization thinks it is kind or malicious. Conversely, the other party cannot judge whether the earth is kind or malicious to it. Malice, let alone the inability to judge whether the earth’s civilization is good or evil, will launch an attack on another civilization.”

"The Big Explosion of Technology is easier to understand. I believe that those who are familiar with the development of earth's science and technology will understand that the improvement of civilization and technology does not improve at a uniform speed, but often breaks out suddenly, and the further it goes, the more so."

"As the old saying goes, thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river. Because of the chain of suspicion, civilizations cannot trust each other. No one knows whether the delicate baby in front of you will suddenly become violent when he grows up. Start hurting people.”

"To sum up the above, the universe is a dark forest, and every civilization is a hunter with a gun. While hiding themselves, they are also always paying attention to everything around them, and beware of hunters who may be like themselves. Once they discover other existences, they can only Shoot them to eliminate the possible threat."

"To answer your question, those civilizations are all hidden. As for those who disclosed their positions with good intentions to the universe, they have been eliminated!" Chu Hao slowly said the law of the dark forest in the original work.

When he narrated the truth of the universe, even though he was as strong-minded as Chang Weisi, he was shocked speechless and felt that the future was dark.

Even Lei Wei, who had been involved in the world of cultivation, couldn't help but complain, "This universe is too dark!"

"No wonder the Trisolaran civilization creates all kinds of illusions to make scientists commit suicide; no wonder they launch sophons to block the earth's exploration of the microscopic realm; no wonder they want to assassinate Professor Luo Ji because they are afraid that humans will understand this truth."

Chang Weisi murmured to himself, understanding everything in an instant.

Then, with his wisdom, he immediately thought of a way to counter the Trisolaran civilization, "According to this so-called dark forest law, humans only need to broadcast the location of the Trisolaran star to the universe, and then they can use the hands of hunters in the dark to eliminate Get rid of this enemy."

"That's true, but this is just a last resort. Trisolaris is too close to the earth, and this will definitely affect the earth." Chu Hao nodded. Chang Weisi's method is the future Luo Ji established deterrence system.

Chang Weisi and the person in charge of National Security were silent. Although they found a way to deal with the Trisolaran civilization, they could not be happy.

Because this means that there are countless dangers peering into the human world in the dark universe, and if you are not careful, there is a danger of overturning.

Then, they remembered the various microwaves that humans have continuously emitted into the universe over the years, as well as the various exploration satellites and traveler spacecraft...

Now think about it, these are all seeking death!
"No, we must immediately prohibit the act of sending information to the universe after we return, otherwise it will cause great disaster to the earth." Chang Weisi felt awe-inspiring and decided to propose this order to the United Nations immediately after returning.

"Did Tomoko already know the information about our conversation?" At this time, he thought of this very important question again.

"Don't worry, Lei Shanju is not only protected by formations, but also has its own space inside. Those two sophons cannot detect it." Lei Wei shook his head with a smile.

"The content of today's conversation is set as top secret. It cannot be disclosed to anyone after returning, and the recorded content should not be taken out." Chang Weisi immediately issued an order to the person in charge of the national security.

"Understood." As the leader of the most politically sensitive national security department, he understood why he had to do this.

It is a good thing to be able to establish a deterrent against the Trisolaran civilization, but just like nuclear weapons, they must be in the hands of a few people.

When there are many people, the thoughts become complicated, and it is difficult to prevent someone from acting irrationally, which will ruin the good situation that was finally achieved.

"You two, I wonder if you have any better suggestions or needs. As long as you put them forward, we will try our best to meet them." After calming down again, Chang Weisi continued to return to the topic.

"In this situation, we don't have any good suggestions. Just follow your thoughts and establish a deterrent against the Trisolaran civilization first, and then become stronger, both in terms of technology and individuals!" Regarding this situation, Chu Hao and Lei Wei didn't have any better ideas.

"As for demand, we hope that you will help establish a top-level training institute and provide necessary training resources." Finally, Chu Hao also made his own request.

No matter which world you are in, sufficient resources will make your path more effective with half the effort.

In this world, the governments of various countries control resources. Cooperating with Chang Weisi will benefit them without any harm.

Even Lei Wei, who has reached the peak of his calamity, will definitely need help from the other party in order to deduce the technique of transforming the stars into the future.

Although the improvement of individuals on the technological side is very small, the understanding of various stars, various microscopic things, and various objective laws of the universe is unique and can provide help to Lei Wei like an analogy.

"These are no problem, we will try our best to help you." Chang Weisi agreed without hesitation.

As for the final issue of profit distribution, he didn't mention it at all.

Up to this point in the conversation, both parties were very happy. They had talked about everything they needed to talk about, their doubts had been answered, and they both got what they wanted. The conversation ended quickly.

The person in charge of national security who followed Chang Weisi in, because he knew too much and could not return to his original position, was designated on the spot as the future liaison between the two parties.

"By the way, we are very interested in Professor Luo Ji. Can we send him to our research institute?"

When sending Chang Weisi out, Chu Hao thought for a while and said.

Although Chang Weisi was confused about this small request, he immediately agreed.

Humanity was not grateful to Luo Ji, but Chu Hao was very interested in this existence that had changed the destiny of mankind and was suspected to be the protagonist of the world for a period of time.

If the other person is really loved by the fate of heaven and earth, something unexpected will happen after they are guided to the path of cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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