The fruit of crossing the starry sky

Chapter 476 The Dark Strike Arrives

Chapter 476 The Dark Strike Arrives (Subscription Not Recommended)

After retracting his gaze, Lei Wei returned directly to the four-dimensional space.

As soon as he entered, he frowned because he felt that the speed at which the thinking space was disappearing was accelerating.

There is no way, so many people are practicing, a lot of energy is lost, and the speed of latitude fall cannot be accelerated.

Theoretically, the trend of falling latitudes is unstoppable.

It's a pity that an anomaly like Lei Wei appears in this world.

He continued to go against the will of heaven, forcibly squeezing himself into the fourth dimension without losing the characteristics of a three-dimensional creature, creating something unprecedented in the world, and embarking on a path that ran counter to the universe.

After calling Chu Hao and others out of the four-dimensional space, the flames burning with the power of Lei Wei's black hole surged out and immediately spread to every corner of the four-dimensional space.

Countless magic formations were deeply engraved in every space between his thoughts.

In order to maintain the existence of the thinking space, Lei Wei planned to turn it into a cave.

Before they could escape far, attacks based on various rules had already arrived, giving these human warships a head-on blow.

"It's a positron cannon!" The warships at the end of the fleet only had time to study the nature of the high-energy beam before they followed in the footsteps of the warships in front.

Generally speaking, electrons are negatively charged. The so-called positrons are naturally created artificially.

So in an instant, the hit part of the Trisolaran battleship's degenerate material shell will explode.

The difficulty with light particle weapons is not to destroy stars, but to accelerate matter to the speed of light, so the civilization that masters this weapon must have broken the law of conservation of energy.

When a positron cannon hits a battleship, the positron and negative electrons will undergo an annihilation reaction, followed by strong current, energy release, and explosion.

Even if a strong interaction material was used as the outer shell of the battleship, it still could not withstand the impact of the high-energy beam. The battleship was instantly disintegrated and melted into the void.

The Earth Expedition Fleet dwelling around them didn't even have time to react. Before they could start the engine of the light-speed spacecraft, they were already submerged in the ocean of light and heat and disappeared completely.

In a void light-years away from the Trisolaran Galaxy, the Trisolaran First Fleet is still marching silently.

Moreover, through the trajectory of the Trisolaran First Fleet, this civilization has discovered the location of the Trisolaran Galaxy.

The positron cannon itself does not carry a huge energy attack. Its attack is only due to the annihilation reaction of the electrons carried in the hit material with the positrons, and then releases an extremely huge energy.

The light particle weapon is a weapon made using the theory of relativity. The principle is so simple and crude that it only needs to accelerate the object to close to the speed of light to hit the star.

Even the other half in the blind spot will be melted by the high temperature caused by the strong current.

Under the gaze of many civilizations, three light particles entered the Trisolaris Galaxy silently.

"Look, a range attack requires a positron cannon. Although light particles are easy to use, they cannot cover such a large range."

If Chu Hao died unexpectedly, he would be trapped in this world.

The destruction of the Trisolaran First Fleet would not be the pity that hit their civilization.

Suddenly, the Trisolaran First Fleet detected a large number of high-energy beams heading straight for the Trisolaran First Fleet.

This was not prepared for himself, but for Chu Hao, who had just broken through to the star level.

Rather, they are just a piece of talk that an individual in this civilization shows off to his peers.

It was only then that the detectors of the Human Expedition Corps inadvertently discovered the flight trajectory of the light particles.

Because of the refining cave, the earth's immortal civilization fell into silence.

Endless light and heat were swayed out, flooding everything around him.

A few years later, the gathered civilizations all felt the sudden energy fluctuations in space.

Alien warships hit human warships with almost perfect accuracy. Even the shields blessed by cultivating civilizations appeared to be very fragile under the absolutely powerful force.

Such a reaction will only happen in an instant.

The current solar system is surrounded by heroes and exposed to the outside world. If one is not careful, even the Lei Guard may not be able to protect him.

The light particles do not directly destroy the star, but use the evolution rules of the star to cause the star to explode as a supernova in an instant.

Anyone who has studied junior high school physics knows that the movement of electrons generates electric current. This effect of the positron cannon will cause the electrons in other parts to transfer instantaneously, forming a strong electric current.

But here in the Trisolaran Galaxy, things are gradually becoming more lively.

Seconds later, three stars went supernova due to a sudden change in mass within the stars.

If a mass object could be accelerated to the speed of light, it might be possible to create a light particle weapon using just one atom.

When hit by a positron cannon, the warship will not explode directly like being attacked by a nuclear bomb.

Therefore, various detection methods were aimed in that direction.

Unfortunately, it was too late, and the three light particles crashed straight into the star.

Moreover, because the number of electrons in different parts of the material is extremely unevenly distributed, a huge potential difference will form.

Soon, many civilizations discovered that three microscopic particles were accelerated to the speed of light and collided with three stars that were operating disorderly in the Trisolaran Galaxy.

The entire war process happened extremely quickly, it could almost be said that it was discovered and eliminated without any hesitation.

The speed was so fast that they were hit before they even had time to react.

Because they were too far apart, the surviving Earth battleships immediately began to flee without caring about anything else.

Lei Wei has not forgotten his mission in this world.

"How is it possible? What is this..."

"Why? This is such a powerful interaction that even a drop of water on the three-body body cannot shake it, but now it can be broken with just one poke!"

Humans on Earth cannot figure out why the invincible shield loses its effectiveness.

Facing the alien fleet, the remaining humans, and the battleships were deeply powerless. It was a gap that could not be bridged.

The movement trajectories of water droplets in Trisolaris can still be traced on the earth, but the impact of this unknown civilization has exceeded their imagination.

Everyone had only one thought left, the Earth Expedition Fleet was finished.

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind.

While many civilizations are still watching the fun, they don't know that they have become the piece of meat on the chopping board.

Perhaps it was also aware of the gathering of too many civilizations. This time, the singer civilization did not throw a two-way foil from a distance as usual, but chose to set up a bigger game. The singer, who was driving a battleship like a hovercraft, kept flashing in the surrounding area for many light years, and kept throwing out crystal clear cards.

He directly deployed a two-way foil array in an area of ​​more than ten light years, completely blocking any possible retreat routes for civilization in this area.

And with the completion of this array, all the two-dimensional foils are activated and continue to extend around, collapsing all three-dimensional space into two dimensions, endlessly.

The two-dimensional area directly blocks the incoming background radiation from the outside and is instantly perceived by some civilizations.

Then, regardless of hiding, these civilizations began to flee, hoping to escape from the two-dimensional web that was not yet tightly woven.

If it is a two-way foil, a civilization that only needs to control the light speed ship can escape.

But now, this is an array composed of two-dimensional foils. If you want to escape from it, you must not only exceed the speed of light, but also get out of the gap when these two-dimensional spaces are not connected together.

This requires that the escaper needs faster speed.

In the corner of the void, a three-dimensional warship was pulled into a surface without thickness. A thin and luminous line appeared at the edge of the contact between the three-dimensional and two-dimensional. The light was the weak electromagnetic wave emitted into the universe where the two dimensions intertwined. Signal.

The internal details of the battleship that were originally invisible in three dimensions were flattened onto a surface without thickness.

Infinite two-dimensional space planes are stacked together to become a three-dimensional space. Now this warship that originally belonged to the three-dimensional space has undergone this process in reverse. It is like a flattened pie, like a bucket of water spilled on the ground. Just like that, it instantly becomes a painting.

When the three-dimensional space falls to the two-dimensional space, the energy released is also in the two-dimensional space, so people in the three-dimensional space do not feel the surging energy wave.

The two-dimensionalization proceeds so gently, but it is so rapid.

This is the softest hardness, so overwhelming that any existence relying on space will be assimilated by it.

This is a kind of gentle killing, because the propagation speed of various information is the same as the speed of two-dimensionalization, and some lower civilizations will not feel the arrival of the attack in advance.

For example, today's Earth civilization only knows that the expedition fleet was attacked by an unknown civilization and has lost contact.

Little did he know that a more powerful and unreasonable attack was coming.

A two-dimensional attack covering a diameter of more than ten light years would take 5 or 6 years to reach the central solar system.

However, on a cosmic scale, what can this time do?

On the edge of two-dimensionalization, a star has reached its end.

The moment the star touches the two-dimensional plane, the part that fell into the two-dimensional plane spreads rapidly in a circle on the plane. Soon the two-dimensional diameter of the sun on the plane exceeds that of the three-dimensional sun. This process only takes three Ten seconds.

This process is still going on. Due to the extension of latitude collapse and space-time, the diffusion speed of the two-dimensional solar edge seems to only reach about 20,000 kilometers per second. However, this is actually the result of two-dimensional cancellation. The essence of speed is still the speed of light.

Soon, a vast sea of ​​​​fire formed on the plane, and the structure of the sun in the sea of ​​​​fire was fully exposed. The three-dimensional sun slowly sank in the center of this sea of ​​​​fire.

This is just a corner of the battlefield. The same scene can be found everywhere in the entire three-dimensional space that is more than ten light years in diameter.

The singer in the spaceship may have used the two-way foil on such a large scale for the first time, and his singing became more melodious.

The beautiful picture reveals endless wildness.

In this context, a large number of civilizations that cannot escape are wailing and roaring, but no one hears them, and no one cares.

After all, who cares about crushing ants while walking?

As this two-dimensional giant network gradually closes, the large three-dimensional space in the center is becoming a wrapped pond, and it is drying up at the speed of light.

Several years later, the light-speed spacecraft of the humans on Earth finally discovered the two-dimensional attacks coming from all directions.

Faced with this incomprehensible attack, the entire human world went crazy.

"The process of two-dimensionalization is approaching the solar system, and we have less than two years."

"Why? Is this the Dark Forest?"

At this time, someone finally remembered the ancient humans who escaped back then.

"Haha, it turns out that we are the clowns who can't accept new things!"

"I thought at the time that those old humans couldn't accept the new era and chose to escape. We were too arrogant!"

"Yeah, I regret it, we were too arrogant!"

Of course, there are also elite human scientists who want to prevent the spread of two-dimensionalization.

Soon, the dark space caused by the speed of light spacecraft came into everyone's eyes.

This is the only technology currently available to humans that can slow down the process of two-dimensionalization.

Many human elites are preparing to use the black domain to completely wrap the earth and block the process of two-dimensionalization.

Anyway, destruction was imminent, and no one objected to this method of killing 1000 enemies and damaging 800 self, and the resolution was quickly passed.

After precise calculations by scientists, humans on earth have chosen to create a black domain at a suitable distance from the earth.

A large number of spacecraft equipped with light speed engines began to follow specific trajectories, constantly traveling around the center of the earth. The trajectories gradually overlapped, and finally formed a black area that completely enveloped the earth before the arrival of two-dimensionalization.

Even so, these spacecraft continued to operate, constantly deepening the thickness of the black area.

In the black domain, no matter can fly faster than the speed of light, and two-way foil is no exception.

Therefore, after the two-way foil falls into the black zone, its speed will quickly decrease to below the third cosmic speed.

Ultimately, the two-dimensionalization speed of the two-dimensional foil in the black domain will not be very fast, and is probably a few meters per second, which is surprisingly slow for the scale of the universe.

As a result, it will take a lot of time for the dimensionality reduction strike to spread into the black area.

This time is what mankind needs today.

As long as there is enough time, humans can slowly find ways to completely solve the two-dimensional problem.

When the two-dimensionalization extends to the black domain, the speed immediately drops sharply as earth scientists expected. Humanity's black domain plan is indeed effective.

Of course, even if the speed and time in the black domain are slowed down, it still belongs to the three-dimensional space and will continue to be two-dimensional. This is an unstoppable process.

Two-dimensionalization is still like a sharp knife, hanging high on the neck of humans on earth.

"This is the bad nature of human beings. A good environment will only make people fall. On the contrary, suffering and war will urge people to keep moving forward."

In the void outside the earth, Chu Hao said with some sigh as a bright pearl hung high above his head. The light it released enveloped many cultivators.

(End of this chapter)

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